• Published 25th May 2012
  • 27,118 Views, 2,387 Comments

Of Challenges and Kisses - RavensDagger

Featherweight tries to kiss Scootaloo, stuff happens.

  • ...


Red Heart tightened the straps a few more notches, the thin cord biting into his coat as it pulled him into the bed. “This isn’t really necessary, Miss Red Heart. Really... please?” Featherweight begged as the air was crushed out of his lungs.

Scootaloo was lying in the bed beside his, guiltily staring at him and the angry nurse. She wasn’t restrained, nor was she being punished in any way. He had, as any gentlecolt would have done, taken the entire blame for the small incident with the brand new X-ray machine that had yet to be completely installed

The nurse finished tightening the straps with a contented huff before she hopped off the edge of his bed. “No, I will not loosen it, I will not remove it, and I will certainly not tuck you into bed tonight.”

She’ll what? He shook his head, concentrating. “Look Miss Red Heart, I’m really sorry. I already apologized. Please tell me what I can do...” He looked at her, eyes wide and tearing at the edges.

Red Heart huffed again and pranced out of the room. “I’ve already done enough for you, young colt.” She stomped to a halt in front of Scootaloo’s bed. “And you, little Miss, I know you are a bad influence on that little sweetheart. You don’t deserve him.” Staring daggers at both of them, she trotted out of the room and slammed the door.

It creaked open a few seconds later. “Visiting hours will start in five minutes,” she said before slamming it once more.

Both foals let out a long sigh of relief when she finally left. “Wow, that was harsh,” Scootaloo said first. “All we did was destroy a priceless machine...”

“Yeah,” Featherweight replied as he smirked in her general direction, admiring the way she smiled back. “That was sorta fun, wasn’t it?”

“Best crusading in a while!”

They shared a laugh that slowly dwindled to a mournful sigh. “I guess we’re stuck in here,” Scootaloo said remorsefully.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure some of our friends will come later to chat. We can, um, talk while we wait?” He fought valiantly to hide the sheepish smile that crossed his features. I get to spend time with Scootaloo! All alone! Strapped to a bed!

“Heh, yeah I guess...” The filly leaned over her bed and out of his line of sight; all he could see was her violet tail sticking out above the crumpled covers. He blushed and looked away until she climbed back up.

“I got some letters yesterday,” she announced, holding up a small stack of colourful notes

and get-well-soon-cards.

“Oh, I sent you one too.” She looked at him, one eyebrow raised. “W-well, not really. I... I, um, wrote a little note when I visited you yesterday,” he stuttered under her inspection.

“Aw, you visited me? That’s nice. I didn’t notice though.”

“Oh, you were asleep. Actually, your cord thingy was detached; I thought you were dead.” He laughed nervously.

Scootaloo giggled a little before dropping the pile on her lap. She bent forwards and picked one at random. “Should I read it aloud?”

He shrugged as best he could under the bindings. “Sure, why not?”

Opening the first gaudy billet, Scootaloo shuffled around on her bed, cleared her throat,and read: “Dear Scootaloo, I hope you get better so we can continue crusading. Oh, and I broke your scooter. Sorry. Apple Bloom.” She blinked at the hoof-made note twice before frowning at it. “Hey, what does she mean, ‘broke my scooter’!?” She tossed the letter aside and pouted at it while crossing her hooves.

Ah, she’s even cute when she’s mad!

The pegasus sighed and picked up another letter. This one was artfully decorated with bright sprinkles and pieces of fabric. “Scootaloo, we all miss you and the fun you bring to our group. Please get better soon. With lots of love, your friend, Sweetie.” Scootaloo’s pout left, replaced by a gentle smile as she deposited Sweetie Belle’s letter over Apple Bloom’s. “Next, oh, how about yours?”

Featherweight could feel a nervous heat spread across his back. “Sure.” I didn’t write anything stupid, did I? He furiously searched his mind, trying to remember exactly what he had written.

Scootaloo coughed and lifted his slightly tattered note up to her face, squinting as she read: “To my dearest Scootaloo, I count the minutes until I am graced with your presence once more. I see the welts adorning your soft, beautiful face, and the scratches marring your shapely, toned flanks, and I curse Celestia for ever allowing harm to befall you.” The filly pushed the letter away and gave him a quick stare. She read on: “I simply cannot wait until you regain consciousness to profess my undying love for you.”

I-I didn’t write that! Featherweight fought in vain against the cords that held him to the bed.

Scootaloo read even further, her voice breaking with both confusion and embarrassment. “My passion for you burns with the intensity of a thousand suns. Not even Discord riding an enraged Nightmare Moon could keep me from your company. I love you with all my heart and soul, with every fiber of my being, and I hope that you will return my sentiments. Yours until time ceases, Featherweight.” She dropped the letter, letting it flutter onto her covers before she faced him.

“I, uh, I can explain?”

“Look, Featherweight, I like you and all...” she began before pausing in thought.

I’m doomed, so doomed. She knows about me... Maybe... maybe if I pony up...? “I-I love you, Scootaloo,” he blurted out.

They stared. Eyes unblinking, his brown ones looked into the depth of her purple irises. They didn’t speak. The shallow whispering of the quiet midday wind seeping through an open window made the only noise in their room.

“I’m sorry, Featherweight; I don’t feel the same way. Maybe we could be frien--”

“No! I don’t want to be your friend. I don’t want to be an acquaintance. I love you Scootaloo!”

Scootaloo looked away, face reaching the deepest shades of red he’d ever seen. “I-I can’t, Featherweight.”

“Why not?” he asked, both desperate and devastated. “I love you. Can’t you love me back?”

“You-you’re not... I love Rainbow Dash, and nopony else. I don’t want to love you, Featherweight.” She turned around, showing him her back in a gesture that somehow evoked a finality to the situation. “You’re not her,” she mumbled over her shoulder.

I-I... What? No, please no... Featherweight took in a racking breath, feeling the sheer weight of his disappointment tightening and crushing his fragile chest. His heart constricted painfully in him and he let out a single, imperceptible sob.

The door clicked open and, for a split second, Featherweight was distracted as Pipsqueak rushed into the room. The white and brown colt charged towards Featherweight’s bed and hopped onto the side.

“Hey, mate! We’re here to comfort you!” He snickered a little, not noticing the tears that were trying to jerk out of the pegasus’ eyes.

Oh, visiting time. I hope they leave soon. His eyes wandered back to Scootaloo whom waved towards the doorway and at the three forms gathered there.

Three more ponies marched in. Miss Cheerilee, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The two fillies trotted over to Scootaloo’s bedside, their smiles fading into looks of concern the moment they caught sight of her face.

“Oi, you’d never guess what happened!” Pipsqueak said as he placed himself between Featherweight and the fillies across the room. “Chowder asked Twist out to the Spring Fling, and she said yes!”

Featherweight looked at him with empty, soulless eyes. “Uh-huh.”

Pipsqueak’s smile became strained before finally disappearing. “Are you alright, mate?”

The beige pegasus looked away and out of the window. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Why are you strapped to the bed?”

“No reason,” Featherweight said with finality. Pipsqueak shrugged, dropping the subject.

Behind Pipsqueak, the three girls were talking excitedly together, smiling and laughing, before Sweetie Belle suddenly detached herself from the group and walked over to Featherweight, a beaming, yet timid smile adorning her face.

“Um, hi Featherweight,” the unicorn said, her hooves drawing circles on the impeccably clean floor. “I, um, brought you something... to say sorry.” She levitated a small box from her back and gently placed it as the foot of his bed. “I’ll see you around?” Without waiting for an answer, the unicorn twisted around and rejoined Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“What was that about?” Apple Bloom asked.

The demure unicorn just blushed and pointedly ignored her friend.

Featherweight stared at them, eyes still blank, as he curiously watched them clear the side of Scootaloo's bed. He frowned. “Hey, Pip? What are they doing with Scootaloo?”

The colt shrugged nonchalantly. “She’s not sick anymore. I guess she can go home.”


The two colts remained silent for a while, Pipsqueak slumping into a sitting position beside the bed while Featherweight glanced around inconspicuously.

Nurse Red Heart had walked in and was chatting with Miss Cheerilee. The teacher was blushing modestly while the nurse went on and on about ‘the mare’s wrestling tournament of eighty-nine’. Occasionally, the nurse would cast her watchful gaze over the excited children.

Scootaloo hopped off her bed, wings fluttering and sending little gusts of wind across the room as she landed beside her friends. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle led her towards the doorway, one on each side, almost as if the pegasus needed guarding. Before disappearing around the bend, both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo glanced his way.

Scootaloo left first, shortly followed by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Only Pipsqueak and Miss Cheerilee remained in the room. The colt tapped his friend on the shoulder. “Well, I'll see you tomorrow mate,” he said before abandoning Featherweight.

Seconds after Pipsqueak walked out, Miss Cheerilee followed, still yapping away with Nurse Red Heart. The nurse clicked the door shut, locking him in the room, alone.

Outside his window, birds sang as they flew about freely. The sun shone, warming the room with its cheerful glow, while the wind carried the sweet scent of spring as it ruffled his mane.

Featherweight couldn't give a damn.

The colt cried. Tears dampened his coat and dribbled onto his bed as sob after sob escaped him.

The door clicked, and through his tear-stained vision, Featherweight watched a white shape timidly move into the room. Another sob escaped him, almost disguising the soft click of hooves approaching.

Featherweight wiped his eyes clear on his shoulder and stared into nurse Red Heart’s solemn eyes. The nurse looked down in shame as her hooves reached out and undid his straps with unnerving precision. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

She’s sorry? Sorry? That’s it? It’s all her fault!

“It’s your fault! You messed it up!” he barked at her. Red Heart stared back wide-eyed, her shoulders slumping as she did so. “It was going along perfectly; she was starting to like me! Actually like me. But no, you and your little friends had to mess it up! Why? B-because it was cute?” Featherweight choked on his own sobs, his vision once more filling with tears. “She was perfect.”

“I’m sorry. Nothing ever works with me around...”

“You don’t say!?” Featherweight exclaimed, voice thick with sarcasm. “I’ve heard all about your relationships, or rather, lack thereof. Why couldn’t you just leave my love life alone?”

The nurse cringed. “I-I just wanted to help,” she squeaked.

“Help!? You ruined everything!”

Red Heart covered her face with a hoof and bowed down, her tiny nurse’s cap falling to the floor with a plop. “I’m sorry. So, so sorry.” Her head bowed until it touched his bed, wrinkling and wetting the sheets as she sobbed beside him. “Every time there’s love involved, I mess up. I tried so hard, so many times. I’m sorry. I thought that, maybe if I helped a little relationship, I could break the curse...”

Oh, she’s just like me, isn’t she?

Slowly, he placed a hoof on her mane and rubbed it back. “I’m sorry too, Miss Red Heart.” He leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling, the last of his tears drying up on his face. “We’re the same, I guess: two failures.” He sighed, then barked a laugh.

Red Heart laughed too as she got up and wiped her face off with the edge of his sheets. “Yup, two big fat failures.” She sat down with a sigh of her own, a tiny smile poking at the edges of her lips. Reaching out, she undid the last of his straps. “There, you can go. We were just keeping you to give you time to heal up... If you want I, can get you a note...”

Featherweight slid off the bed, hooves clacking as he landed on all fours. He bent his legs, working out the kinks. “I-I think I’m going to go home.”

Red Heart watched him walk towards the doorway with his head bowed. “Wait!” she called out.

Featherweight stopped mid-stride and turned around, puffy red eyes glancing at her. “You forgot the box your little friend gave you.” The nurse picked up Sweetie Belle’s box and carried it over to Featherweight, gently placing it on his back. “I, um, I’m sorry, and I hope things work out better for you, then they did for me.”

He shifted, balancing the box with his wings, before turning back towards the entrance. With a voice empty of all emotion, Featherweight said, “Thanks for patching me up. Good day, Red Heart.”

Oooh, you were expecting comedy! My bad!

Edited and Proofread by:
-Cpl Hooves
-Fred the Saiyan
and eventually, Your Antagonist.

Oh, and a flying walrus load of credit to Cpl Hooves, he came up with a good chunk (see: all) of the confession note.