• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 1,866 Views, 60 Comments

Her Sister - femikol

Rainbow has to take care of her little sister for a while.

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Rainbow groaned, as Celestia's sun hit her eyelids. She hated that, wherever she seemed to fall asleep, the sun would, at some point, wake her up, because of one of her many windows. She attempted to get up, but felt something move on her outstretched wing. Turning, her eyes fell on the small, purple bundle that was her sister. Skyla had begun to stir, probably due to the fact that Rainbow had tried to get up, and had almost pulled her wing out, effectively disturbing her sister's slumber.

Great. She inwardly chided. Now you might have woken her up, because you forgot she was sleeping on your wing! She watched as Skyla gave a yawn so cute, Rainbow could feel her heart melt. I suppose she's woken up now. Rainbow noted. She was about to get up to go make breakfast for Skyla, and herself, before remembering that her wing was trapped under her sister. Rainbow thought for a minute. If she got up to make breakfast now, she'd disturb Skyla, or she could wait until Skyla had woken up, then she could make some food for the both of them.

Eh, I don't want to disturb her. Rainbow decided. Skyla's stirring started to become more and more frequent, so Rainbow knew she was going to wake up soon. Once she saw Skyla open her eyes, Rainbow spoke.

"Good morning, Sky." Rainbow whispered. She nuzzled her sister affectionately, earning a giggle from her tired sister.

"Good morning, sis." Skyla muttered. She then proceeded to bury her muzzle in Rainbow's chest.

Rainbow giggled at this display of affection. Sometimes it came as a shocker to her just how cute her sister could be at times, whether she was aware of it, or not. The two of them sat silently for a few minutes, Rainbow patiently waiting for Skyla to get up. When Skyla made no attempt to get up, Rainbow started to slowly slide her wing out from under Skyla.

"Hey, Sky?" Rainbow inquired.

"Hmm?" Came Skyla's muffled response.

"Sorry to say this, but I have to get up. I need to make breakfast for us, and you're kind of on my wing." Rainbow explained kindly.

"Oh..." Skyla muttered into Rainbow's coat. Skyla then proceeded to get up, off of Rainbow, and hopped onto the floor. "Sorry, Rainbow." She aplogized, her eyes on the floor.

"It's okay." Rainbow hastily spoke. She knew how Skyla could sometimes take things so seriously. Almost like Twilight.

"You know, Sky," Rainbow began. Skyla looked up at her, curiosity etched in her face. "You are sort of like Twilight, in a way."

Skyla's face lit up, at Rainbow's comment. "Really?" Skyla inquired, the familiar sparkle in her eyes coming back to her.

"Yes." Rainbow giggled. "Maybe one day, you'll be a princess too."

Skyla gasped in delight. "Yes!" She exclaimed, causing Rainbow to giggle some more.

"Now I'm going to get some breakfast ready, okay?" Rainbow said, a smile on her face. "And in the meantime, you can wander around the house, maybe even set up your room. I'll call you down when breakfast is ready, alright?"

"Alright!" Skyla happily said.

Rainbow watched Skyla run up the stairs of her house, towards her room. She began to head over to to a winter cloud, where she kept her eggs. She pried the top of the cloud open, and carefully removed two eggs. One for her, one for Skyla. She closed the top of the cloud, and took a frying pan off her wall, setting it on a thunder cloud. She cracked the eggs, letting their contents fall into the frying pan, letting her trouts run wild, while the eggs heated up. Much to her dissapointment, she hadn't even planned out anything to do while Skyla was staying over. The most she did in preparation was file for three weeks of leave, so she could spend all of her time with her sister, but she never even thought these three weeks through at all!

I could just introduce her to the rest of the girls. Rainbow thought, flipping over the eggs, frying the other side. It wasn't a perfect idea, but it was better than nothing, seeing as she hadn't told her friends about Skyla yet, save for Twilight, but she was sure that her friends would like her. She walked over to another cloud and opened up the side of it, and took out two plates. She set them on a table, and deposited one egg on each plate. She then set the pan in a rain cloud, and walked over to the stairs.

"Sky! It's time for breakfast!" Rainbow called.

"Okay!" Came a faint reply. Rainbow waited until Skyla had came down the stairs, before walking with her over to the table where she had set out the eggs.

"Thanks, sis!" Skyla said, taking a bite out of her egg.

"You're welcome." Rainbow said, smiling. She proceeded to take a bite out of her egg. After a few moments of silence, Rainbow spoke again.

"Oh, so, Sky?" Rainbow began.

Skyla looked up from her egg. "Yeah, sis?" She asked.

"You know how you wanted to visit Twilight again?" Rainbow continued. Skyla nodded in response, a look of curiosity upon her face. "Well, I was thinking about introducing you to some of my other friends." Rainbow said with a smile. "They're really cool, and two of them have sisters that are your age!" A look of excitement appeared on Skyla's face at the last bit of Rainbow's explanation.

"They do?" She asked, excitement in every part of her voice.

"Yeah, and after a bit, we can have lunch at a place called Sugarcube Corner. It's a nice place, and another one of my friends works there, actually." Rainbow explained.

"Cool!" Skyla exclaimed happily. She then proceeded to wolf down her eggs, while Rainbow calmly finished hers.

"Are we gonna go now, Rainbow?" Skyla asked eagerly, already standing at the door to the outside.

"One second, Sky. I just have to put our plates away." Rainbow said, tossing her and Skyla's plates into the rain cloud. Rainbow walked over to Skyla, and ruffled her mane.

"So, my friends with sisters. One's a fashionita, and the other one's a farmer. Who do you want to see first?" Rainbow inquired, giving Skyla a smile.

"Hmmm..." Skyla looked down at Ponyville, as if it were a map on a table. "Which friend is closer?" Skyla finally asked.

"The fashonita." Rainbow replied.

"Then let's go see her!" Skyla replied excitedly. Rainbow nodded, and, just because she wanted to, she quickly nuzzled her sister, who giggled at the touch, causing Rainbow's smile to grow bigger.

"So, shall we go?" Rainbow asked, spreading her wings. Skyla nodded, and the two of them took off towards Carousel Botique.


Rarity was busy adding the final touch to her new dress, when somepony started knocking at her door.

"One moment!" Rarity called out, putting down her tools. She decsended the stairs, and opened the door, only to find Rainbow Dash.

"Hello, Rainbow." Rarity greeted politely. "What brings you here?" She was curious as to why Rainbow Fash, of all ponies, would be stopping by her place. Rainbow hated dresses, and everything about fashion.

"I came here to introduce you to somepony." Rainbow said with a cheery smile on her face.

"Really?" Rarity inquired. She was intruiged now. She knew everypony in Ponyville. Who could she not know? "Not to be blunt, darling, but who are you introducing me to?"

Rarity's confused expression grew as Rainbow's smile widened. If Rainbow was this happy, it could only mean Rarity was just pranked, however Rainbow's smile bertayed no sneaky look, so it looked like she was genuinely happy.

"Rarity, I'd like you to meet my sister, Skyla!" Rainbow said happily. A small purple filly with a rainbow mane, whom Rarity could only assume was Skyla, appeared from behind Rainbow. Skyla had a sparkle in her eye, which seemed to signal that she quite excited to meet Rarity.

"What?!" Rarity gasped. She stared at the purple filly in shock. She turned back to face Rainbow with a nigh accusitory expression. "You have a sister, and you never told us, Rainbow?"

"You girls never asked me about my family, so I never brought it up." Rainbow defended.

Rarity mulled Rainbow's statement over in her head for a few seconds. "Point taken." Rarity responded. She gestured indoors. "Would you two like to come inside?"

"Sure." Rainbow said. She turned to Skyla. "Let's go." She said softly, with a smile on her face. Rarity was surprised to see Rainbow act this way. She had never seen Rainbow act so caring to anypony.

But then again... Skyla is Rainbow's sister, so I can see where she would act a bit kinder. Rarity considered. Rainbow and Skyla walked over to one of the couches that was positioned to face a table, and took a seat, Rainbow extending a wing for Skyla to lay back on. Rarity felt her mouth pull itself into a smile. To see her brash friend act so caring towards another pony, even if it was her little sister, was a nice thing to see, as it proved that there was more to Rainbow than the tough, egotistical exterior that was always shown around other ponies.

"Shall I put the kettle on, Rainbow?" Rarity offered.

Rainbow turned to Skyla. "You want any tea?" She asked. Skyla shook her head, her eyes darting from left to right, taking in all of Carousel Botique. Rainbow turned back to Rarity. "We're good, Rarity." Rainbow said kindly. Rarity nodded, and took a seat opposite them.

"So, Rainbow," Rarity began. "I take it you came here to introduce Sweetie Belle and myself to your sister?"

"Yes." Rainbow said, her smile not once leaving her face. "Also, I want you, and the rest of the girls to get to know her, too."

"I see." Rarity said. "Would you like me to fetch Sweetie Belle?" She offered.

Once again, Rainbow turned to Skyla. "Would you like to meet Rarity's little sister?" She asked her sister.

Skyla turned to look at Rarity, her eyes gleaming in excitement. "Yes!" She happily said.

Rarity couldn't help but giggle at Skyla's reaction. "Well, I will go get her then. She's probably in her room." Rarity explained. She started towards the stairs, but then turned back to look at the sisters. "I'll be only a moment." She said. She began to climb the stairs towards her sisters room, but stole one last glance at Rainbow and her sister. Rainbow was nuzzling Skyla, who was giggling at her sisters loving touch. She turned her head back, as she began to climb the stairs, but as she did so, Rarity couldn't help but feel jealous. She envied how well Rainbow and her sister got along. Rarity had to reprimand Sweetie Belle twice a day, and they weren't as close as Rainbow and Skyla were. Rarity arrived at Sweetie Belle's room, and raised her hoof. She knocked three times.

"Yes?" Came Sweetie Belle's voice.

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity began, "Rainbow Dash is over here, and she brought her sister. Would you like to meet her?" Rarity heard the doorknob open, and watched the door reveal Sweetie Belle, who wore a confused expression.

"Rainbow Dash has a sister?" Sweetie Belle asked in confusion.

"Yes she does." Rarity explained. "Her name is Skyla, and she's the same age as you. Would you like to meet her?" Rarity repeated. Rarity saw Sweetie Belle's face light up. She smiled, but she couldn't blame her sister. Rarity had banned her from going out crusading for a week, because their last attempt to get their cutiemarks had almost gotten them arrested, so Sweetie Belle really didn't have anything to do. "Let's go, then. They're waiting for us." Rarity said, turning back towards the stairs.


Sweetie Belle followed Rarity down the stairs, a million questions running through her head. What was this filly like? Does she have a cutiemark? Does she act like Rainbow Dash? Her eyes caught sight of a purple filly with a rainbow mane and no cutiemark. Sweetie Belle guessed that the filly was Rainbow's sister. She followed Rarity to a couch opposite Rainbow and her sister, and sat down.

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity began. "This is Skyla, Rainbow's little sister. She's staying with Rainbow for..." Rarity turned to Rainbow, "How long exactly?" She inquired.

"Three weeks." Rainbow and Skyla replied in synch.

"I see." Rarity replied. She turned back to Sweetie Belle. "Well, you heard Rainbow. Three weeks." She continued. "And, while she's staying here, She would like to get to know us." Rarity turned to Skyla. "I design clothes." Rarity bluntly stated. "Would you like to see some of them?"

Always about her and her business. Sweetie Belle grumbled in her head. She had grown accustomed to Rarity and her awkward social skills, but could she please just try to be a little more filly friendly? Not everypony enjoyed hearing about her business.

"Sure!" Skyla exclaimed happily. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Skyla all got up, and headed for Rarity's 'inspiration room'. Sweetie Belle heaved a great sigh, and followed them. She tried to avoid Rarity's 'room' as much as possible, but it was better to go there than be bored.

When Rarity opened the door, and revealed the contents of the room, Skyla ran in with a smile on her face. She ran to each individual dress, and inspected each one carefully. Rarity seemed to be quite happy that somepony was actually looking at her work, and launched into detail about each dress, as she followed Skyla wherever she went. Sweetie Belle walked up to Rainbow, who was watching the scene with a deadpan stare.

"I see we have the same amount of interest when it comes to Rarity's dresses." Sweetie Belle said flatly. Rainbow merely nodded, her eyes following Rarity and Skyla.

After Skyla had finished examining the last dress, and Rarity had finished her final explanation, Skyla turned to Rarity.

"Thanks for the tour, Miss Rarity." Skyla said happily.

"Just Rarity, dear." Rarity hastily said. "But you have exquisite manners, I must say." Rarity continued, shooting Rainbow a glance, who simply rolled her eyes in response. "Now, would you like to visit Sweetie Belle's room?" Rarity continued, turning her head back to Skyla.

"Sure!" Skyla said happily. She followed Rarity to her room, with Rainbow, and Sweetie Belle bringing up the rear. Rarity extended a hoof to open the door, but Sweetie Belle stopped her.

"Wait!" She quickly yelled. Rarity's hoof stopped in her tracks, and she Skyla, and Rainbow all turned to face Sweetie Belle.

"I need to quickly clean up my room." Sweetie Belle explained. "I have a tiny mess in there."

"Okay, then." Rarity said, lowering her hoof. "But make it quick." She warned. "We don't have all day." Sweetie Belle nodded, and darted into her moderately clean room.

Sweetie Belle's room was actually quite a clean one. Most ponies thought her and Rarity to be opposites, all the way down to tidiness, but in actuality, Sweetie had the same standards as Rarity did when it came down to rooms, it was just that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn't care for tidiness, so Sweetie Belle had given up when it came down to cleaning up their messes. Sweetie quickly snatched some crusading blueprints she had made, and stuffed them into a drawer. The last thing she needed was for Rarity to see them. Sweetie Belle walked over to the door, and opened it.

"Finished." She stated. She stepped aside, allowing the others to walk in to her room. As Skyla looked around her room, Sweetie Belle had to admit that her room wasn't anything special. Sure, her four poster bed, with red curtains, and gold linings were a minor eye catcher, her mahogany desk, and closet weren't anything special. Skyla, however, seemed to take a fascination in the bed. She looked up at the curtains that were on all sides of the bed, and turned to Sweetie Belle.

"Cool curtains!" She happily exclaimed. Sweetie Belle's face turned up in a smile.

"Thanks." She said. "They were made by my sister."

"They're really nice." Skyla said, walking over to Sweetie Belle with a smile. "My bed at my house doesn't have any of those."

"Wait..." Sweetie Belle spoke up. "Are you talking about Rainbow's house, or your actual house?"

"My actual house." Skyla replied, her smile never leaving her face. "Sis' house doesn't have any either, but hers is a cloud house." Sweetie Belle was about to point out that somepony could just enchant the curtains with cloud enchantments, but Rarity cut her off.

"Sweetie Belle," She began. Sweetie Belle turned to face her sister.

"Yes, Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Rainbow and I were just talking, and we agreed that Rainbow and Skyla should leave now. It's high noon, and I was just explaining to her that I have orders to fill. This unexpected visit has already taken a large chunk out of my day, and if I'm distracted any longer, I won't be able to finish my orders." Rarity explained.

"Oh." Sweetie Belle and Skyla said together.

"I see." Sweetie Belle muttered, looking dejected.

"However..." Rarity continued. "Rainbow did offer to take you along with Skyla, so you two could continue talking. They're headed to Sugarcube Corner to meet up with Pinkie Pie. Would you like to go with them?"

Sweetie Belle and Skyla both brightened up at the offer.

"Sure!" Sweetie Belle said happily making Rarity smile.

"Okay, then." Rarity said.

"Sorry to pull you like this, Sky." Rainbow said, making room for Skyla to walk through the door, and down the stairs.

"It's okay." Skyla said happily. "Sweetie Belle's coming along, so I can still talk with her."

Rainbow let a smile cross her features. "True." She said. She turned to Sweetie Belle, who was still standing in her room. "Coming?" Rainbow asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, what? Yeah!" Sweetie Belle muttered, before walking out of her room. "Bye, Rarity!" She said, giving her sister a quick hug.

"Goodbye, Sweetie Belle." Rarity said, returning the quick hug. "Be sure to be back in time for dinner." She reminded her sister.

"I will!" Sweetie Belle said, walking down the stairs. She waved goodbye to her sister, as Rainbow closed the door behind her, also giving a short wave to her friend.

"So." Rainbow began, looking at Skyla and Sweetie Belle with a smile on her face. "To Sugarcube Corner?" She asked.

"Yes!" Skyla and Sweetie Belle said happily, Skyla sounding a bit more unsure. Rainbow seemed to detect her sisters unsure tone behind her enthusiasm, and walked over to her. She nuzzled Skyla affectionately, not caring who saw them.

"Trust me, Sky." Rainbow began. "It's a fun place."

Skyla seemed to be reassured by her sister's embrace, and happily returned it.

"Okay." She said. With that, they all headed to Sugarcube Corner, and began to engage in idle chatter. Rainbow's wing draped affectionately over Skyla.

Author's Note:

The third chapter. I can't believe how long it turned out to be. I apologize for the lack of affection, but, the plot must go on! But do not fear! I intend for a heartwarming moment at either the end of the next chapter, or the beginning of the chapter after that. This chapter also would have also probably turned out better if I had taken my ADD medication. :facehoof: Sorry. I know it's no excuse.

5/27/15 Minor changes.