• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 1,867 Views, 60 Comments

Her Sister - femikol

Rainbow has to take care of her little sister for a while.

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Introductions (Part Two)

Skyla, Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow all tread the familiar path to Sugarcube Corner. Rainbow let Skyla and Sweetie Belle talk the whole way, until they turned a bend, and Sugarcube Corner came into view.

"We're here, girls." Rainbow spoke, just loud enough to cut into Skyla's and Sweetie Belle's conversation. Sweetie Belle looked up in excitement, followed shortly by Skyla. The three headed into Sugarcbe corner, and took a seat in the corner of the restaurant. "What do you want from the menu?" Rainbow asked the fillies, snagging a menu of food options from the centre of the table.

"I'll have some tea." Sweetie Belle replied happily. Skyla took a minute to look over the menu, before responding,

"Could I have an egg sandwich, sis?" Skyla asked ploitely.

"Of course." Rainbow said softly, with a smile on her face. "Now wait here. I'll be back in a minute." She got up from her seat, and trotted over to the counter, where Pinkie Pie stood, lost in her thoughts.

"Hey, Pinkie." Rainbow greeted her friend.

"Hi, Dashie!" Pinkie happily exclaimed, beginning to bounce up and down repeatedly. "Whatcha here for?"

"I'm here with my sister, and Swee-" Rainbow began, but was quickly cut off by Pinkie.

"WHAT?!" Pinkie screamed, at an unreal level, causing Rainbow to clasp her hooves over her ears, and close her eyes, the rest of the ponies in Sugarcube Corner following her actions. When Rainbow opened her eyes again, she was met with Pinkie's face in front of her own, the rest of her body suspended impossibly in the air. "You have a sister... And you never TOLD ME?!" Pinkie growled. "How long has she been in Ponyville?"

"Err... Two days." Rainbow squeaked, fearing that Pinkie was going to pull the obvious. To add to Rainbow's nervousness, Pinkie slowly descended, her hooves lightly contacting the floor of the building, her head slowly tilted so her mane obscured her eyes.

"That's..." Pinkie began slowly. "UNNACEPTABLE!!!" She screeched, jumping into the air, and throwing her head back. Then, as she landed, she gave Rainbow her usual friendly smile, just as big as ever.

"Come back here at sunset!" She chirped happily.

"Wait, but-" Rainbow began, but Pinkie cut her off.

"No buts! Come back here at sunset!" Pinkie yelled. Rainbow sighed, and looked away.

"Fine." Rainbow muttered. She walked over to the table where Skyla, and Sweetie Belle sat. "Come on you two. Pinkie says to 'come back at sunset'." Skyla looked at Rainbow in confusion, but Sweetie Belle gasped in delight, earning her a confused glance from Skyla.

"What is it, Sweetie Belle?" Skyla asked, following Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow out of Sugarcube Corner.

"Pinkie's gonna throw you a party!" Sweetie Belle explained in excitement, turning her head to face Skyla. Skyla cocked her head in confusion.

"Why?" She inquired.

"It's sort of a tradition." Rainbow explained, turning around to face Skyla. She ran a hoof through Skyla's mane, as she began to explain how Pinkie worked. "When a new pony arrives in Ponyville, as soon as Pinkie knows of this new pony, she tells them to arrive at Sugarcube Corner at sunset. When they go back, they find a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' as Pinkie calls it, waiting for them." Rainbow gave Skyla a reassuring smile as she continued. "It's just her way of saying 'welcome'." She explained.

"I think I understand." Skyla muttered. Clearing her head, she looked at Rainbow. "Where are we going to go now?" She inquired.

"To Sweet Apple Acres!" Rainbow explained. "That's where another one of my friends are. She has a sister, like I said before. I think you'll like her." Rainbow nuzzled her sister, once again, and turned towards the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. She looked back towards Skyla. "This way." She said happily. While Skyla, and Sweetie Belle engaged in conversation, Rainbow thought of Scootaloo. She had never told Scootaloo that she had a sister, and, according to Scootaloo, she didn't have one, so Rainbow was hoping that Scootaloo wouldn't be angry with Rainbow for never telling her.

. . .

"Howdy, Miss Rainbow! Howdy, Sweetie Belle!" A filly's voice broke into her thoughts. Rainbow looked around for the source of the noise, and her eyes came to rest on Apple Bloom, and, to her horror, Scootaloo was standing right next to Apple Bloom. An expression of confusion upon her face.

While Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle engaged in conversation, Scootaloo continued to stare at Skyla. "Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo began, pointing a hoof at Skyla. "Who's that? Is she your sister?" Rainbow closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, attempting to regain control of her heart rate. After a few seconds of this, she opened her eyes, and looked towards Scootaloo.

"Yes, she is." Rainbow said, her voice trembling. "I'm sorry for never telling you about her before, Scoots. It just that you never asked, and-" She was cut off, by Scootaloo, holding up a hoof.

"It's okay, Rainbow," She began, her usual energetic voice gone. Rainbow's ears dropped in shame. Had she told Scootaloo about Skyla before, then they wouldn't be having this conversation right now. "I just wish that you would have told me before this, but anyway," she continued, her voice regaining some of it's usual excitement. "I think that it's really cool that you have a sister!" Rainbow's ears came back up.

"Really, Scoots? You aren't mad?" Rainbow inquired hopefully.

Scootaloo shook her head. "Nope!" She said happily. Before Rainbow could react, Scootaloo had rushed into Skyla's face, causing Skyla to jump back in shock.

"Hi! My name's Scootaloo!" She began enthusiastically. "What's yours?"

"Err, Skyla." Skyla began, nervously. Scootaloo opened her mouth once again, but, before more words could come out, Rainbow stepped in between them.

"Whoa there, Scoots." Rainbow said quickly. "Now, I know you want to get to know Skyla better, but don't be getting in her face, okay?" She whispered to Scootaloo. Scootaloo nodded her head slowly.

"Alright. Sorry, Rainbow." She whispered. Rainbow ruffled Scootaloo's mane playfully.

"Hey, it's okay, Scootaloo." She whispered. "Just, tone it down a bit. Skyla isn't used to that kind of energy coming from other ponies."

"Alright." Scootaloo replied. She walked back over to Skyla. "Sorry about that." Scootaloo began. "I was just excited to meet you." Skyla smiled warmly at her.

"It's alright." Skyla said. She turned towards Apple Bloom. "I don't think I caught your name." Skyla said. "What is it?" She asked politely.

"It's Apple Bloom!" Apple Bloom stated happily.

Rainbow smiled as the four fillies began to talk amongst themselves. Silently, she turned, and walked towards the house of the Apple family, hoping Applejack was going to be there.



Applejack smiled in satisfaction, as the tree she had struck, willingly dropped its apples into the baskets she had placed around it. She picked up one of the baskets, and proceeded to place it inside a cart. She turned back to grab another basket, but her eyes caught sight of her rainbow maned friend.

"Howdy, Rainbow!" She called out, grabbing Rainbow's attention. Rainbow looked round for a few seconds, before her eyes fell on Applejack. She began to run towards her friend, a smile on her face.

"Hey, Applejack!" She chirped. Applejack looked at her friend in confusion. Rainbow was usually never this happy, unless she had pranked somepony, but usually, her smile was a bit more evil. This smile seemed completely genuine, with no air of trickery, or triumph. It was so unlike Rainbow to wear a smile like that, but she brushed it off, and, instead, attempted to strike up a conversation.

"What brings you here, Rainbow?" She inquired, still nervous of her friend's smile. Rainbow glanced off in the direction she had come, before replying.

"I'm introducing my sister to Apple Bloom." She stated matter-of-factly.

Applejack, who had picked up another basket, promptly dropped it in shock. She turned around to face Rainbow, not bothering with the apples that had spilled from the basket.

"Did... did you just say 'sister'?" Applejack asked slowly, eyeing Rainbow in shock. Rainbow nodded happily.

"Yup!" She stated happily. Applejack felt her heart rate increase. She was quite startled by this new revelation, part of her brain told her that it was a prank, but she couldn't help but be interested.

"Would you like to meet her?" Applejack shook her head, as Rainbow's voice broke into her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, err... Sure." Applejack muttered, putting on a fake smile. Rainbow's smile grew.

"Okay, then!" Rainbow exclaimed. She turned around, and began to walk, Applejack following her. She felt guilty for feeling this way, but, she felt sorry for Rainbow's sister, if she even existed. She guessed that the filly would have to endure ten minute speeches of 'how to be awesome' from Rainbow, and would pick up on them, like Scootaloo.

"Skyla!" Applejack looked up, as Rainbow's voice derailed her train of thought. Looking to where Rainbow was looking, she caught sight of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and a purple filly with a rainbow mane, much like Rainbow herself. The filly looked up from a conversation with Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, and came running over towards Rainbow.

"Yes, Rainbow?" the filly asked.

"Skyla, I'd like you to meet Applejack." Rainbow said happily. The filly's eyes flew towards Applejack. She came up to Applejack, and looked up at her, with a happy expression.

"Hello, Miss Applejack, my name's Skyla!" Skyla exclaimed happily. Applejack was taken aback by her. She had expected the Skyla to be almost exactly like Rainbow, but Rainbow seemed to be her opposite. Skyla possessed manners, and, although it was quite quick to judge, Skyla seemed to be non-egotistical, much unlike her sister. Applejack reorganized her thoughts.

"Just Applejack." She began, smiling down at Skyla. "But you have good manners." She shot a glance at Rainbow, a smirk on her face. She was a little shocked, however, to see Rainbow simply roll her eyes, not stick her tongue out or anything.

"Apple Bloom told me what you do here!" Skyla exclaimed happily. "I think it's pretty neat!" Applejack was caught off guard by this sudden compliment, but maintained a pleased face.

"Why, thank you kindly." Applejack said, unsure of what else to say.

"Hey, Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked her sister.

"Yes, Apple Bloom?" Applejack replied cautiously.

"Can we go crusadin' with Skyla?" She inquired.

"No." Applejack said, almost immediately. "I thought I told you before. No crusadin' for two weeks." Apple Bloom lowered her head, sadly. "However, you can show her the club house." Applejack continued. She looked over to Rainbow. "That alright?" She asked her friend. Rainbow thought about her answer for a few seconds. Eventually, she looked at the fillies, with an expression that seemed, almost like worry.

"Sure, but only the clubhouse. It's getting late, and we do need to go soon, Skyla." Rainbow stated. Instead of looking dejected, Skyla still looked quite happy.

"Alright!" She agreed, and she, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, all set off for the club house, leaving Applejack, and Rainbow with each other. Neither said a word. Applejack thought about Rainbow's and Skyla's sisterly relationship, and, from what she had seen so far, it was closer than her own relationship with her family. Skyla seemed to just click with Rainbow. Rainbow had managed to get Skyla to agree to leave after the club house tour, with no extra explanation necessary. If it had been her, and Apple Bloom, however, she would have had to explain so much more, and maybe even argue with her, before Apple Bloom would even begin to agree with her.

"They're coming back." Rainbow muttered, just loudly enough for Applejack to hear. Applejack snapped herself out of her train of thought. Sure enough, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Skyla were all coming back towards them, all looking quite happy, and chatting amongst themselves

"Sounds like you all had a great time." Rainbow said, smiling. Skyla ran forwards towards Rainbow, and wrapped her in a hug.

"We did!" Skyla exclaimed happily.

"Well, then you'll have to tell me on the road, seeing as we have to get to Sugarcube Corner at eight!" Rainbow said happily, returning the hug.

Applejack stared in shock. She had never seen Rainbow hug anypony before, not even Fluttershy. She understood that Rainbow and Skyla were sisters, but, that they were this close? It was like the Rainbow she knew was a mask, to hide this more caring side of herself. Shaking her head, Applejack looked towards the ground, only to catch sight of all of the apples she didn't pick up when she dropped the basket earlier.

"Horseapples." She muttered to herself.


"Thank you, dear, for returning Sweetie Belle, even if you're a tad late." Rarity said politely, ushering Sweetie Belle into the boutique.

"Heh, heh. Yeah, sorry, Rarity." Rainbow apologized. Rarity seemed taken aback by the apology, but accepted it all the same.

"It's alright, dear." Rarity said kindly. "Now, I'm sorry, but I do feel, that I simply must go to bed, now. I have a ghastly number of orders to fill in the morning."

"I understand." Rainbow said. "Good night, Rarity."

"Good night, Rainbow."

Skyla, and Rainbow turned to walk towards Sugarcube corner, Rainbow's wing, draped over Skyla, like usual. Every once in a while, Rainbow would nuzzle Skyla, earning a giggle, but neither said a word, until they reached Sugarcube Corner.

"Sky." Rainbow said, stopping right in front of the doors. Skyla, who's hoof was about to open the doors, stopped. She turned to face her sister.

"Yes, sis?" She inquired.

"When you open those doors, Pinkie's gonna say 'surprise' in a loud voice. Alright?"

"Okay, but, sis, how do you know?" Skyla asked again. Rainbow gave her sister a smile, and nuzzled her once more.

"Because," Rainbow began, "that's what happened when I first arrived in Ponyville." Skyla nodded, a smile on her face. Slowly, Skyla opened the doors to Sugarcube Corner.

"SURPRISE!!!" Pinkie's voice boomed out into the night.

Author's Note:

And now... With great embarrassment, I give you a new chapter of Her Sister, that was not worth the wait. I charged into this chapter blindfolded, and I had no idea where I wanted it to go. Please bear with me, though. The next two chapters I have planned, I hope, will be good enough to merit a compensation.

5/27/15 Minor changes.