• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.


With the Helping Hooves Concert in their rearview, Applejack and Coloratura decide to catch up a bit before she has to leave. Before either can move on, though, some feelings need to be put out in the open.

Thanks to Steel Resolve, ZOMG, and Timaeus for prereading!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 110 )

Rara needs to be on the tags list!

Author Interviewer

Oh, there we go, there it is, the first RaraJack fic! :V


And certainly not the last (I hope)~ :raritywink:

This was an adorable story, I kinda saw this ship coming after seeing the episode, but I still like this anyway. Have a like

Great story. Hands down.

Just a matter of time after the episode aired.


Ditto. Rara is adorable and shipped with AJ just increases the adorableness.

Wow. That... was actually pretty adorable. I'm not into f/f fics, but this was actually pretty good. This serves as a pretty good follow up to the episode, and even going as far as creating memories of the camp. Seeing reciprocating feelings like this in a story is pretty great to be honest.

I wish I could write good romances like that.

I saw this ship coming from a mile away.

Wanderer D

I'm Wanderer D and I approve of this ship. Good job!

Cute, though I personally don't ship it

Haha this was cute. Loved the ending!

I'll be honest, this story moves way too fast for my liking. What's there is decent, but the whole thing is delivered at pretty much breakneck speed.

Is it your favorite ship in the Citadel?

I love that ending with the CMCs :rainbowlaugh:

Yep, it's happening, just like MarbleMac

Wanderer D

6658991 It's my favorite ship in Sweet Apple Acres.

6658628 Just wait and see, there will be more Rarajack than Rarijack :moustache:

6659031 It may sound odd for me to this, but... I certainly hope so.

6659054 I'm totally in love and okay with both ships! While my apple horse is happy then I'm happy too :ajsmug::heart:

Yea! A Rarajack story, I have been waiting for one for like, over a day now.

6659031 Oh, that would be sad. Five years of potential shipping fuel overtaken by a one-episode side character. And it's distressingly plausible too.

yay this is the first story I've read featuring the new ship for AJ. and I love it

Well crap, I think we broke Applebloom

I was waiting so long for this that I almost started writing one myself. 24 hours is way too long to wait. :rainbowlaugh: Very happy with this, though. :heart:

My only complaint is that it's a one-shot. We need multi-chapter Rarajack! In the meantime, liking and faving this. :ajsmug:

+1 for a Rara tag and more fics. :yay:

And then the gossip started.

The End

6659206 Someone's upset they never get featured.

Buckle up folks the shipping for Rara has started and natch AJ gets the first dibs and yeas I'm sure Rara is here to stay...

6659206 Wow. You know, I thought you were perhaps a little overcritical, but I am beginning to think you might just be out of meds. Did you wish to add something about your lawn? Mind you, the piece is not perfect, but mechanical? Hardly. I've seen mechanical, sir, and this is not it.

Also, lesbianism thrown in? I'm... I'm not entirely certain we even watched the same episode, now. The undertones in this episode were so strong AJ may as well have called Rara her first love, for goodness sake. And this is coming from a guy who normally sees shipping fuel in very mundane scenes, this episode was like being struck by a fuel truck by comparison. AJ gave her a cute nickname. She called her a fillyfriend, which is a word I have not heard being used to describe anyone else, not even the cmc to describe their fellow cmc. Even the name of the episode says attraction.

Again, it's your opinion, you are allowed to have it, but... I'm fairly certain you're completely off base, and you seem a little cranky. That is my opinion.

Oh, and I've been around a little longer than you, and no, they really weren't better. The editing was worse, the stories were even more cliche, and we had less characterization to work with.

yay im the 100th upvote :D

I love it.
I'm wondering... are you planning on writing more stories in this same alt. universe?

Nice, been waiting for ship fic to come from these two. :ajsmug:


I like the idea of RaraJack but wtf? :facehoof: Childhood friends doing childhood friend things means they must be in love? The word attraction in the title must mean shipping intended instead of, you know, she's Equestria's top pop starlet there to headline a charity event? Really?

Ship what you want, but please don't force your shipping goggles on others. :twilightsmile:

Yes, I finally saw the episode, and then got a perfect fic for it...YESSSSS.


6659741 There is a difference between fuel and proof. The implication was not that they'd had a relationship of a sexual nature, but of a possible attraction. Summer camps are one of those cliched locations for kids to feel the first flush of attraction for a reason, after all. They wouldn't know what to do with those feelings, but it doesn't make them not real. And sure, their foalhood friendship could have been entirely innocent, but the episode seems to go out of its way to imply more. You're free to interpret differently, but to a shipper, this single episode is a goldmine.

6659622 Wait... you think this is some sort of template story? Now it makes more sense.

No, Twinkle literally knocked this out in an afternoon after reading a blog I put out stating that the line "Rara, when you’re simply yourself, you’re the brightest star I ever seen shine." was an incredibly romantic line for a show that wasn't about romance.

Again, Twinkle's writing is not perfect. He resorts to dialog driven plot quite a bit, by his own admission, and a lot of his character action amounts to 'x said'. It's a flaw that we all work to overcome, I catch myself doing it as well. But writing the whole story off as mechanical with little actually happening is overly harsh. This is a single scene, as many shipfics tend to be. A quite literal slice of somepony's life. What happened was a confrontation of two ponies based on rekindled feelings of two friends who were a little confused by each other in camp. That is not nothing. In a shipfic, that's some fluffy cake.

Ooh, nice sweet story. Was wondering how long until a Rarajack fic came along, and good job on finishing one so fast. Fits well with the episode itself, ponies in character, though with the romance turned up of course. A few cliches, but those cliches are still sappy and fit in well with MLP in general so I don't mind. I prefer happy couples to too much angst. And nice bit of humor at the end too.

6658957 While I'm not a Lez-Pony shipper, the ending was awesome.

"AppleBloom.exe has shut down."


Ship what you want, but please don't force your shipping goggles on others.

Dude, they're not forcing you to read this fic. YOU chose to disregrad the shipping description, the romance tag, and still read the whole thing through. And then of course you chose to just complain about it. Just because you don't like the shipping doesn't mean it was forced. If anything, you shouldn't even complain! No one was forced into anything.


No, the episode wasn't implying more. The implication was they were childhood friends, nothing more. You wanting them to be each others first crush or whatever doesn't change that. You keep trying to rationalize your desire to say that they were written to obviously want to be together but that is just you wanting to see shipping fuel.

You're free to ship them, I like the idea of this ship, but look at that post I replied to. You listed things that don't really support your view and acted like anyone who didn't see it your way was blind. Shipping in fandoms is fine, it's fun, but people need to stop twisting things into shipping fuel and insisting that was what the writers meant. Seriously, I can't remember a fandom where people didn't do this and it gets old.


Thank you for not reading my post, I'll quote the whole thing here so hopefully you'll read it.

I like the idea of RaraJack but wtf? :facehoof: Childhood friends doing childhood friend things means they must be in love? The word attraction in the title must mean shipping intended instead of, you know, she's Equestria's top pop starlet there to headline a charity event? Really?

Ship what you want, but please don't force your shipping goggles on others. :twilightsmile:

6660101 I had read it, and that does bring up a point. What did you mean by "word attraction" ? Is it just the way it was written that made it feel forced to you? Or just the way the ship is portrayed?


What did you mean by "word attraction" ?

From the post I was replying to…

Even the name of the episode says attraction.

From my reply…

The word attraction in the title must mean shipping intended instead of, you know, she's Equestria's top pop starlet there to headline a charity event?

Having the word attraction in the episode's title doesn't mean "omg, this ship is practically canon!!1!11!". Please read my posts and pay attention to what I've been saying.

6660172 okay, I now understand. I thought you said "word attraction" not the word "attraction" (stupid grammar!) And yeah, I thought it was a standalone comment, not a reply. Whatever.:moustache:

i so love it! Rarajack is my OTP now, and this fic so nice and comfortable, and ending just kill me XD

That was just the perfect amount of adorableness. A worthy first RaraJack fic, indeed!

I think AppleBloom loves her sister now :rainbowlaugh:

Thank Celestia, for a moment I was afraid these two wouldn't get shipped.

6660090 :facehoof: Wow. For someone who complains about others not reading their posts you have the same problem.
Of course it's not directly implying that. I am well aware that the show cannot do that. And yet, this episode is full of high quality shipping fuel. Do you understand?

Congratulations on publishing the first (of MANY to come, I'm sure :raritywink:) RaraJack fic on this site, and congrats for its well-earned success as well. This was just a really sweet fic all around, and a cute read. I will say the one thing I wasn't a fan of was your having Applejack's crush on Rara date back to Friendship Camp; I know you described it as a crush that developed into something more later on, and that children do have crushes that sometimes turn into something more, but at the same time any crush that a kid has before going through puberty 99.9% of the time is going to be very, very different in its nature than a crush post-puberty. Not a huge complaint of mine, just a minor pet peeve is all. I just thought it would've been fine if Applejack had just realized that her friendship with Rara had evolved into deeper feelings with the passage of time, without any sort of foundational crush from when she was a filly that she never knew was there before.

Other than that, though, this was just very sweet all around. Definitely worth a like and a favorite, so there ya go. :twilightsmile:

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