• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 11,002 Views, 228 Comments

A Love Bug's Life - Autum Breeze

First I'm sick with a horrible cold, then I wake up in pain, in the body of a Changeling in the Everfree Forest. Great

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


“How much longer is this going to take?” Rainbow Dash groans, folding her forehooves and frowning as she hovers above the rest of the Mane 6.

I watch from behind a wall. Getting to Canterlot had been the easy part. The little ones were interested in looking around at all the new sights and smells on the way, but had quickly fallen asleep.

Keeping myself hidden from the rest of the Mane 6, however, was both not so easy and easier.

At first, I’d been doing my best to hide, but when Fluttershy’s voice had come from around the corner, I’d panicked and tried to take on a new disguise on instinct… and somehow found myself having turned into a letterbox.

Yeah, apparently we Changelings can turn into inanimate objects. That’s a useful little titbit the show has never informed us about and would’ve been more helpful to know back in Ponyville.

“Twilight! Applejack’s voice pulls me from my inner thoughts and I notice Twilight and Spike have joined the group.

Okay, good. That means we’ll be heading for the Crystal Empire soon.

I listen as they talk, until Twilight reveals they’re going to the Crystal Empire, leaving the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike confused.

A few hours later, the girls are back, Rarity with a large amount of luggage that she’s making Spike carry around with her. Man, guy really needs to get over his crush… and Rarity needs to stop abusing it.

They get on the train and I quickly follow. When the tickets pony asks me where I’m going, I tell him I’m going with Twilight and the others. He gives me an odd look but shrugs and lets me on.

I make sure, however, to stay in a cart far away from the Mane 6 and Spike. Last thing I need is them finding me before I can get into the Empire.

After a few hours, the train arrives in the frozen tundra that is the Empire, but without the Crystal Heart protecting it properly, the station is stuck outside in the snow instead of within the barrier.

I wait for them all to disembark, before covertly sneaking out myself, not made easy with Spike running around chasing the scarves that have flown out of one of Rarity’s bags, meaning it’s harder to avoid his eyesight when he keeps moving around and hiding behind the train.

If I didn’t have to remain unnoticed, I would help the poor guy.


“Shining Armor?”

I watch from my hiding place as Shining Armor gathers them all and leads them away.

Glancing around, I use my magic to cover us in snow and stay low to the ground, following for a bit as Shining explains how Sombra keeps trying to get back into the Empire.

A howling noise cuts him off and the shadowy form of Sombra starts chasing the others, myself being sure to not be noticed by the smoke monster.

After it attacks Shining and said stallion falls through the barrier Cadance has created, I try to keep as quiet as possible so Sombra doesn’t notice me.

He keeps slamming his smoky form against Cadance’s shield, snarling every time it doesn’t do anything.

Okay. I’m just a few inches from the barrier. All I have to do is get through there and we’ll be fine. I can take on a new form as a Crystal Pony and blend in and…

Loud whining from my back causes me to freeze in place.

Looking back over my shoulder, the nymph has had enough of being under the snow and is waving its forelegs around in protest, its horn glowing with a green aura.

A roar makes me snap my head in the direction of the large smoke monster. He’s looking right at me, a sinister smile spreading across his maw.

The nymph seems to notice Sombra and starting wailing, which causes Medley to start wailing too.

Deciding to throw caution to the wind in favour of saving our lives, I drop my disguise and fly into the air, aiming a laser blast from my horn at the smoky tyrant.

It passes through him, but I notice him flinching slightly. Guess that was because my magic is charged by love.

Taking advantage of his being distracted, I charge towards the barrier, passing through it and land, skidding on the ground until I come to a stop.

Looking behind me, I see the barrier hiding the view of what’s beyond, but can sense Sombra’s rage and hatred at being foiled by a Changeling, especially a drone.

Sighing with relief, I lean my head back and nuzzle the two little ones. It takes a few moments, but they eventually calm down.

Once they’re no longer upset, they look around with awe at our surroundings.

Gotta say, I’m pretty impressed myself. The Empire looks way more impressive in person than it did in the show.

Taking in a deep breathe, I close my eyes and concentrate, before feeling a cooling sensation passing over me. Once it’s over, I look at my reflection in a nearby crystal.

I am now a cyan-grey Crystal Pony unicorn mare, with a two-toned yellow and brown mane and tail and a smiling sun with a rainbow coming from behind it for a Cutie Mark.

I look over my shoulder at the little ones and smile. “What do you think? Do you like my new look?”

The two smile and babble in foal talk, which I’ll take as a yes.

I turn to head into the Empire proper, before I remember something important. Every other Crystal Pony is dull right now, due to their unhappiness.

If Twilight and the others go around the Empire to talk to all the residents and notice a single Crystal Pony who isn’t dull, they’ll get suspicious and want to know why I’m not like all the others.

Sighing, I transform again, making my colours duller and my mane and tail droopier.

The little ones feel concerned and make worried sounds.

I look back at them, knowing my smile looks sad thanks to this new disguise. “It’s okay. It’s only for a little while.”

We head into the Empire, passing many depressed Crystal Ponies, none of whom really pay me any mind.

My little ones are getting concerned, both being able to tell something is wrong, the nymph more so due to actually being able to sense the emotions of the ponies around us.

After some searching, during which I notice Twilight and the others moving around the Empire and do my best to remain off their radars, I finally find a building that looks like a real estate agency.

Going in, I see a very depressed looking Crystal Pony stallion with a deep blue coat and grey mane and tail slumped atop the front desk.

“Hello?” I ask and he moves his eyes to look at me.

I cough. “Um, I don’t remember if I have a house or not, so… could I look into getting one?”

He slowly lifts his head, before looking around as if he’s expecting somepony else to show up. “Why are you asking me?”

I cock an eyebrow. “You work here, don’t you?”

He blinks lazily, before cocking his head to the side. “Do I?”

I deadpan.

Okay. This isn’t going to be as easy as I’d have hoped, and I already knew it would be difficult.

Going around the desk, which, due to his current mood, the guy doesn’t protest, despite the fact I’m pretty sure this is against regulations, I open one of the cabinets and pull out a folder labelled “Vacant Residences” and put it on the desk, opening it.

We both look over the files, myself being way more energetic than my comrade, until I find a small house not too far from the Crystal Heart… before wilting.

This house was vacant for months before Sombra took over the Empire, let alone the thousand years since.

Still, it’s better than nothing and I can at least afford it for the time being with what’s left of the money Rarity gave me.

I still feel guilty that she gave me so much, but I am grateful to her. I’ll have to find a way to make it up to her at some point.

The only good thing about the agent’s depressed mood is he pretty much skips most of the stuff that would’ve taken hours and lazily stamps the file, officially making it my home.

I thank him and we head out just as the announcement that the Crystal Fair is being held rings out across the Empire.

I smile, knowing soon things can settle down and I can actually start trying to make a life for myself and my two little ones.

I frown though, looking back at the nymph.

“I never actually gave you a name, did I?” I ask.

She looks at me, before smiling at babbles.

I put a hoof to my chin in thought. “Well, I guess I’ll have to think of something before the fair ends. I should probably also go ahead and officially adopt the both of you. I guess I could always make up a story that you were two foals that I found, which is technically true. I’ll just have to change the details a little to imply you were here in the Empire. Sound good?”

The two babble, before looking over towards where Crystal Ponies are heading off in groups, likely the fair.

I smile. “Okay. Let’s go enjoy the fair then.”

Author's Note:

Okay, here we go. we're back in the game.

i'll try a least 2 to 3 more chapters of this before trying for another of the ones i mentioned i'd be getting back to work on in the Author's Notes of my last chapter of The Human Lifestyle... with Magic.

whether or not they'll come out this weekend will depend on whether or not my local libray will be open or not on Saturday, as it'll be closed for Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

Now, before the story continues, i'm opening up the gates to ask for ideas for the nymph's name. it has to have a theme somewhat connected to the empire, but says unicorn, as her public form will be a unicorn until Thorax comes to the Empire, making it okay for Prism and the little queen to go around undisguised.

So, comment your ideas before and i'll choose whichever one i like the best, as well as credit you in the Author's not of the next chapter.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this, have a happy Easter and, til next time, later everybody