• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 11,002 Views, 228 Comments

A Love Bug's Life - Autum Breeze

First I'm sick with a horrible cold, then I wake up in pain, in the body of a Changeling in the Everfree Forest. Great

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


I lean my head, dodging to the right, avoiding the rattle and blowing a raspberry, to which the group of foals laughs at me.

I’m sitting in the park with Verity. Everypony else is currently at Rainbow Falls, cheering on family trying out for the games.

Things have been mostly peaceful, here in the Empire over the last couple months.

Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six don’t really come here very often, so I haven’t had to worry too much, most times only learning they were here after the fact, by which point they’d already left.

Thanks to the newspapers, I’ve been able to keep up with current events outside of the Empire. Rarity won her fashion contest in Manehattan, a brief mention about odd bat behaviour being the reason for a slight apple shortage in Ponyville letting me know the events with Flutterbat have been and gone without any hassle.

And, while they haven’t been mentioned in any way, the former events being mentioned has also clued me in that the Mane Six and Spike have already been through their Power Ponies adventure and that Pinkie Pie is now aware she’s a, if distant, member of the Apple family,

As for here in the Empire itself, like I said, it’s been quiet.

Medley and Rose have well-adjusted to our home. On days off, I take them on walks throughout the Empire, helping myself get more familiar with its layout and so my little ones can enjoy all the sights, sounds and smells.

Verity has been a wonderful friend and help. I couldn’t be happier that she’s the first friend I made after coming here.

That’s not to say a few worries haven’t arisen every once in a while.

Rose has left her disguise drop every once in a while and I’ve quickly had to make sure to redo it before anypony sees, especially Cadance, for multiple reason.

The obvious the reasons are the Canterlot Invasion, but others now include the fact she’s interacted with my foals several times.

She’s even invited us to dinner a few times up at the castle.

Boy, if that wasn’t that nerve wracking.

Thankfully, Rose seems to now understand that, around others, she’s not allowed to drop her disguise. Only at home is it really okay.

Though… what’s not okay is how neither of us has felt a need to consume even a drop of love since we got here.

I’ve had to make sure we both eat love, because we’re not doing it instinctually.

Not helping is how bloated I feel every time I eat love, either. I’ll start and almost instantly feel like I’ve been eating for over an hour. I only push myself and Rose to keep going because I know Changelings are supposed to eat love, which is in abundance here in the Empire, so we don’t have to make it obvious… but the fact it’s something I’m essentially having to force the two of us to do is concerning me.

I am genuinely starting to worry that there’s something wrong, with both of us, but, it’s not like I can ask anypony for help on this.

Changelings are the enemy and I don’t think that’s ever going to change.

Even if it means we’re living half a lie, the only pony I can let know we’re Changelings is Medley herself.

She’s going to grow up without seeing a difference, but, that isn’t something I can bank on the ponies of Equestria agreeing to.

As such, I have to hope that, whatever’s wrong with myself and Rose, it’s something I can fix on my own in due time.

Thankfully, as long as I make sure we’re at least eating some love every day, we should be fine.

Loss of appetite for love is worrying, but, as long as I keep reminding myself and Rose to eat it, we should be fine.

After all, our general appetite is still there, just not strongly for love anymore.

Although, a couple days ago I did notice something… odd. Not worrying, but odd.

Our wings have changed.

It’s nothing fancy or anything, but, a few nights ago I’d dropped our disguises so I could give both Rose and Medley a bath before bed and I’d noticed our wings have these strange sparkles on them now, almost like tiny gems have become embedded into our wings.

I was worried at first, but, it doesn’t seem to be causing any harm, so I let it slide and just assumed it’s because we’re constantly surrounded by love.

The fandom did theorize that the Changelings look the way they do from a lack of love and, the more regularly they feed, the more their appearance would improve.

Plus, there was always that theory that the Changelings are just a mutated form of Flutter Ponies, so, again, maybe being surrounded by love is changing us back from Changelings to Flutter Ponies.

Either way, unless I start seeing some genuinely negative effects start, I think we’re good.

“A bit for your thoughts?”

I shake my head and look to Verity, who glances to her left, then winks. “Checking out that stallion over there?”

I turn in the direction she’s indicating to see a blue Crystal Pony stallion with a two-toned blue main and tail, with a bow and arrow for a Cutie Mark.

I blush as I process exactly what Verity is implying and shaking my head, before huffing.

“Not a chance. This mother is staying single, thank you very much.”

I’m unsure if they understand or not, but Rose and Medley folds their hooves and shake their heads, making “uh uh” sounds, the rest of the foals mimicking them.

Verity holds up a hoof, laughing. “Okay, okay. I can tell when I’m out voted.”

“Relationships are the farthest thing from my mind,” I say, pulling my foals close with a foreleg and nuzzling them. “These two little rascals are all the family I need.”

They both giggle, hugging me.

“I do hope friendship is still something you want.”

We all turn as Cadance walks into the park, myself noticing some guards standing off to the side.

“Cadance,” I wave, before cocking an eyebrow. “You’re not at Rainbow Falls for the selection?”

I know she wasn’t in the episode, but asking isn’t too odd, I’d think.

She settles down next to me and Medley and Rose immediately crawl over my legs to hug her, followed by all the other foals joining in, crawling all over her.

She smiles, shaking her head. “I didn’t feel it needed my being there. Besides, I’m much happier playing with these little ones.”

She finishes by levitating a red Crystal Pony foal and blowing a raspberry into his belly, making him squeal with laughter.

Glancing around, I see other ponies in the park watching us, most with warm smiles.

“So, Prism?” Cadance asks as she lowers the foal back into the throng of baby ponies.

“Hmm?” I look to her.

She gives a devilish smirk. “Are you sure you’re not interested in finding a special somepony? I’m certain there’s one out there somewhere for you. I’d be more than happy to help you look.”

I blush, before closing my eyes, frowning and cough into a hoof. “I’m quite sure, thank you, Cadance.”

The smirk doesn’t leave her face. “Such brash talk towards your princess? How rude.”

I roll my eyes, but can’t hold back the small smile.

After a few minutes, Cadance has to leave, returning to her duties.

Verity and myself take the foals and head for a café for lunch.

We feed all the foals first, before getting our own food and chat while we eat.

As the day turns to late afternoon, the competitors for the games return to the Empire and word quickly gets around as to who won places in the games and what they’ll be competing in.

By the time even comes, I’m already back home.

I spent the later afternoon cleaning the house a bit. It’s very easy when you can shapeshift, myself even using hands where I don’t necessarily need magic to reach.

As I put my little ones to sleep, I look out the window at the night sky.

Times are peaceful, but I know it won’t always stay that way.

I thankfully know Tirek won’t reach the Empire before he’s defeated, but even then, that’s a ways off from now.

Life has been so peaceful here in the Empire that… I’m actually starting to understand why Cadance was jumping at any chance to leave the Empire and do something in later seasons.

It is peaceful… but it’s also kinda dull, after a while.

Maybe I should plan a trip for a small vacation somewhere, give the girls some new horizons.

With that thought it mind, I turn out the lights and head for bed.

Author's Note:

I admit, i've been putting off publishing this chapter because... honestly, i wanted to put more in it, but couldn't without messing up the story, a lot.

The biggest problem with writing a story set in the Empire while still in season 4? There's not a lot you can really do without getting REALLY creative, especially when your MC is caring for infants.

it's especially frustrating because there's things i want to establish that Prism has misunderstood about Changelings, but the only one who can logically explain these to her is Thorax and, obviously, he isn't showing up til after Flurry Heat is born and not only is there still the rest of season 4 to get through, there's all of season 5.

I had to struggle just to stop myself from making this chapter nothing but a recap of season 4 episodes, because i couldn't come up with anything due to trying so hard to keep Prism in the Empire.

Maybe next chapter i'll actually have her venturing out, so there's at least something going on. maybe actually work in stuff from later seasons that could work out.

Plus, IRL has kinda been hitting me hard the last couple weeks, so that certainly didn't help my mood.

I really hope this chapter doesn't suck as much as the negative part of my brain is telling me it does, which is just another reason i put off posting it til now.

Anyway, hope you at least enjoyed this chapter a little and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you later everybody