• Published 3rd Feb 2017
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Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

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Chapter 13: End of the Beginning

Originally published on February 2, 2018

Last time we saw Twilight and friends, they were paid a visit by Mr. and Mrs. Beam. Pinkie had thrown a party for their daughter Baby Moon Beam way back in Chapter 1, where the elder Beams were rather rude to Spike. Here we are now, and they have admitted that their son is the pony who took Spike. This information shocked everypony in the room. How could it be? Their daughter was a little filly, how could theirs on have taken Spike? Well there's a lot to explain so let's just jump into it.

"Your dragon took my son?! Er- I mean your son took my dragon?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Yes. I mean, we don't technically know for sure, but there's a very strong chance." Mr. Beam said.
"What gives? Why are you just telling us now and not earlier?" Twilight asked. She was getting a bit short tempered.

"Well we weren't sure, but based on new revelations, it's clear Spike was taken, and if any pony would steal a dragon, it's our son." Mrs. Beam said.

"How could little Moon Beam's brother possibly steal Spike?" Pinkie asked.
"What exactly makes your son a prime suspect anyway?" Twilight asked.

"We thought you didn't like dragons. What's your son doing meddling with dragons anyhow?" Applejack asked.

"Well, it's a long story, but we wouldn't want to bore you with the details." Mrs. Beam said.

"No no, go ahead. Tell us. What happened to your son that would possess somepony to do such a thing?" Twilight gave them the okay to explain.

"Well, okay. Here's what happened." Mr. Beam said.

Mr. and Mrs. Beam began telling their woe filled story about their son.

"Our son's real name is Shine Bright Beam, he was always fascinated by dragons as a filly. He wanted to grow up and study dragons. He was always so disappointed that there were almost no books written about dragons, so he took liberties into his own hooves." they explained.

"He would sit outside for hours, sometimes days on end, observing the sky with his binoculars, hoping to catch a glimpse of a dragon flying on by. He mapped out their migration patterns, and learned about their yearly migration gathering."

"One day, he set out dragon food on our porch to try to catch a close of look of a dragon, and it worked. One showed up, and he was able to study it up close. He discovered that dragons also spoke our language, and they became friends. It took a while to get used to, but we didn't mind at first."

"And then came that fateful day. It was show and tell day at his school, and he wanted to share all the knowledge he had learned about dragons with the school fillies. He was so excited. We'd never seen so much joy on his face. He had brought the dragon to show and tell."

"And then what happened?" Twilight asked.

The show and tell went horribly wrong. A huge inferno had engulfed the schoolhouse. The fire burned the entire schoolhouse to the ground, leaving a smoldering pile of ash where it one stood.

"We don't know if it were an accident, or deliberate, but the schoolhouse burnt to the ground."

"All the fillies made it out of the schoolhouse safely, but we never saw our son again after that day."
"We weren't sure if he had run away, or perished. We had no way of knowing, he simply vanished after that day."

"From that day forward, we wanted nothing to do with dragons, they'd brought us nothing but pain and suffering. We vowed that if we were to ever have another filly, that we'd keep them as far away from dragons as possible, hence our poor behavior towards your dragon earlier. And for that, we sincerely apologize." they apologized.

"I accept your apology." Twilight said. "That sounds like a terrifying situation for sure, I give you my fullest condolences.
But... if you haven't seen your son for years, what makes you think he's the one behind this?"

Mr. Beam walked forward, pulled a folder out of his coat, and placed it on the cutie map table.

"Where'd you get this folder?" Twilight asked.

"We can't tell you, but it has some information you might want to see." Mr. Beam said.

Twilight looked through the folder, and read the first sheet of paper out loud.

"Property of *****; Updated report written by Agent S****** *****." (the * represent letters that were blacked out with marker)

"Day LXIV, strange tire marks once again found running parallel of the Celestial Sea, and pointed in the direction of the dragon lands. The markings do not appear natural, most likely made by ponies."

"Day LXV, it was becoming clear based on other prior evidence, that whoever these mystery ponies were, they were mapping out some sort of plan, and we had to intercept."

"Day LXVII, we came the closest we'd ever come face to face with the perpetrator. Our evidence concluded they'd be north west of dragon peninsula, and lo and behold, there they were. We approached with caution, but our cover was compromised. I managed to escape, but the other agents were not so fortunate. I still haven't been able to locate them since."

"Day LXIX I returned to the dragon lands, this time under cover, but it was too late. I didn't see a single other dragon roaming the area, unlike the weeks prior. Not even the leader of the dragons was present, and the bloodstone scepter was also missing. I was too late, he had captured all the dragons and had vanished into the unknown. Weeks of careful planning, wasted. We had failed."

Twilight took a step back after reading the report.

"So... what exactly does this all mean?" Starlight asked.

"The dragons are in trouble. Spike's just one of many dragons who have been captured." Mr. Beam said.

"Our son is part of a group of rogue ponies. They've invaded the dragon lands and captured most of the dragons." Mrs. Beam said.

"How do you know your son's a part of this group?" Twilight asked.
"Technically we don't know for absolute certain, but it makes too much sense. Our son, a pony who wanted to study dragons, vanishes. Years later, mystery ponies start kidnapping dragons. It seems too likely to be a coincidence." Mrs. Beam said.

"These rogues are almost certainly using code names, but we're not sure what those names are." Mr. Beam said.
"They've been capturing dragons and taking them to some unknown location." Mrs. beam said.

"Unknown until now!" Pinkie smirked and pointed at her board of evidence.
"Yes indeed. Your Pink friend here may have just figured out the location of their operations. Your dragon and many others could be hidden in the snow of frozen north." Mr. B said.

"It makes sense. Some sort of structure most be there, to keep dragons warm inside. With an icy cold environment, outside, they wouldn't be able to escape, and make the complete journey." Twilight said.

"So where does this so called "metal horseless carriage" fit into all of this?" Rarity asked. "That's where I get lost."

"That's a great question. And a great reminder that we must issue a great warning." Mrs. Beam said.
"Twilight, you're up against a foe like none you've faced before." Mr. B said.

"You know how Nightmare Moon used her magic to shatter the Elements of Harmony? Or how Queen Chrysalis used her changing powers to plan a sneak attack on Canterlot? Well our son has his own tactics. He uses advanced technology and weapons, and clever strategies to accomplish his goals." Mrs. Beam said.

"What kind of advance technology are we talking about?" Twilight asked.
"Picture in your mind the horseless carriage Pinkie described in her notes. Imagine a giant nightmare machine on wheels, racing fast as a pegasus, but on land, made from almost three thousand pounds of metal. And that's just scratching the surface of the dangerous technology in our son's disposal." Mr. Beam said. "Imagine strong enough weapons to be able to tame and capture an army of dragons. Imagine what kind of harm he could do to any of you fillies with the same technology."

"So then what are you saying? Are you saying it's too dangerous to proceed?" Twilight asked.
"We're saying... be careful if you choose to go." they said.

"Well I appreciate the word of warning, and what you describe, and what this report describes sound intimidating, but I've survived a number of dangerous situations just fine. Besides, if all this evidence means Spike could be there, I have take the chance, no matter the risk." Twilight said.

"We understand. We'd do anything for our little one back, and we're sure you'd do the same." Mrs. Beam said.

"So was that a yes or was that a yes?!" an eager Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes, I'm going, and getting Spike back." Twilight said.
"Awesome! So what are we waiting for? Spike's right there, let's just do it!" Rainbow Dash said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah! Let's do this thang!" Pinkie said.
"So what's the plan darling?" Rarity asked.

"The plan is, you ponies stay here while I retrieve Spike myself." Twilight said sternly.
"WHAT!?" all of her friends were surprised.

"Now hold on there sugar cube. You can't be serious right? You're not just seriously going to fly to this cold and dangerous place all alone are ya?" Applejack asked.

"I have no choice." Twilight said.
"You do have a choice. You can choose to bring us along." Pinkie said.

"I have to do this alone." Twilight said.
"Why? We're your friends. Together we always pull through and do all kinds of awesome things." Rainbow Dash said.

"This is different. In the past we've saved Equestria from villains bent on world domination. But this is personal. That pony took Spike from me. This is between us. I'm going to settle this by myself." Twilight said.

"But Twilight, Spike's our friend too." Fluttershy said.
"My decision is final." Twilight said with a cold look.

Twilight grabbed a map of Equestria from her shelf. She scribbled some notes and copied Pinkie's map, circling the area in the North where Spike was.

"I've made up my mind. I'm going alone." Twilight said.

"Think about everything we've worked for as friends. All the hardships we've been through. All the challenges we've overcome. You're just going to ignore all that?" Pinkie asked.

"I've already said it. This is personal." Twilight was growing short tempered.
"But Twilight, you have to put away your own personal vendetta and do what you feel is right." Rarity said.

"Like Fluttershy said, Spike's our friend too. We miss him just as much as you. We want to help." Rainbow Dash said.
"I said I'm going alone!" Twilight raised her voice.

"Have you neglected that fact that we all love Spike just as much as you?!" Pinkie asked.
"None of you loved Spike as much as I did! I hatched him! I raised him from birth! He's my dragon! And I'm getting him back myself!" Twilight snapped.

Twilight's words shocked everypony. Everypony went quiet.

"Oh you guys, I didn't mean..." Twilight started.

"We just wanted to help Twilight..." Fluttershy said, feeling down.

"You guys... I-I meant..." Twilight wasn't sure what to say.

"We understand how much Spike means to you. That's why we want to help. It's not that we don't believe in you. It's because we care about both of your safeties." Starlight said.

Tears poured down Twilight's face.
"I understand. But... I can't allow myself to put you all in danger over my problem." Twilight said.

"It's our problem too. Somepony messes with Spike they mess with all of us. We're in this together." Applejack said.

*sniff* "Very well then, if you girls want to come along, then by all means." Twilight said.

This temporarily lifted some spirits.

"WOOHOO!" Pinkie cheered.

"However..." there was a catch to Twilight's plan.

"However... what?" Rainbow asked.
"Here's the plan. I'll fly to the Crystal Empire to meet with Cadence and Shining Armor." Twilight explained her plan while she packed her saddlebag for the journey. "Once I explain to them the situation and prepare myself, I'll embark through the icy chill of Frozen North to the area marked on Pinkie's map. There, hopefully, Spike will be waiting." she explained.

"So then how are we participating?" Pinkie asked.
"You guys are free to tag along, but I'm going to fly ahead and not wait for you." Twilight said blunt. "If you make it to this location, neat, but if I settle things before you even get to the Crystal Empire, even neater."

Her friends thought about her plan.

"..Seriously?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I mean, whatever works for you Twilight, I guess..." Starlight said.
"So you're just gonna leave us in the dust while you do all the work?" Fluttershy asked.

"Think of it as, I do all the hard work, and hopefully I finish before any of you have to lift a hoof." Twilight said with a phony grin.

"Yeah... sure... wouldn't want us to lift and hoof in the name of helping our friend." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.
"And how do you suppose we keep up with you?" Rarity asked.

"You can take the Friendship Express. Trains go remarkably fast for their huge size." Twilight answered.
"Hello? The train kind of derailed." Rainbow Dash said.

"That was weeks ago. The train's probably fixed by now. Is it?" Twilight asked.
"I believe so. I saw it running this morning." Mr. Beam said.

"Well there you go. Anyway girls, I'll see you later-" Twilight was about to fly off.
"So is that it darling?" Rarity asked.

"This is some lousy good bye." Fluttershy said.
*sigh* "Well, alright. I'll meet you at the train station, and leave when you do. That way we have an even start." Twilight said.

"Sure I guess that works..." Rainbow Dash said unsure.
Honestly you're making this more complicated than it needs to be darling. Either bring us along, or abandon us, instead of this phony middle ground you're trying to pull. Rarity thought in her head.

At the train station, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Starlight waited for the now working Friendship Express. Twilight was courteous enough to wait until they got on the train before she just left them behind. Mr. and Mrs. Beam were also there at the train station.

"Ugh, trains take forever to show up." Twilight said.

"Um, you can leave Twilight. If you don't want us holding you back, you can just go." Rainbow Dash said.
"No no, I owe it to myself to be courteous to my friends and leave at the same time they do." Twilight said.

If she was really courteous, then we'd be doing this together, as a team. Fluttershy thought.
"Look the train's here!" Pinkie pointed at the incoming train.

The newly repaired Friendship Express had arrived, and was ready to take the mane 5 + Starlight to the Crystal Empire.
There wasn't much else left to do, it was time.

"Well, here we go. It's the beginning of the end isn't it?" Twilight said.

"Are you still sure you want to go alone?" Starlight asked.

"I have to. Spike's in trouble, and I have to save him myself. Can't afford anything slowing me down." Twilight said.
"Are you saying we would slow you down?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm not saying that but..." Twilight started.
"But you're saying it." Applejack said.

"You would slow me down... in a technical sense. Nothing personal." Twilight said.
"Mmm hmm." Applejack said.

*sigh* "I just want to get this over with. The longer I wait, the more trouble Spike could be in. I just want Spike back." Twilight said teary eyed.

"Don't worry, we have your back. Even if it physically takes us longer to get there than you, we're with you in spirit." Starlight said.

"You got this Twilight." Fluttershy said.
"There's no challenge you can't overcome Twilight!" Pinkie said.

"Whether you do this alone, or with us, bring Spike home where he belongs." Rarity said.
"Give those no good dragon thieves what's comin' to 'em." Applejack said.

"There isn't any villain too big or too bad for you to defeat. You got this!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Good luck Twilight, I know you can do this." Starlight said.

*sniff* "Thank you girls, I wouldn't be able to do this without your moral support. Even though I have to go alone, that doesn't mean you aren't supporting me." Twilight said.

"That's exactly what it means actually." Applejack said.
"Don't ruin the mood." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight got ready to fly, by stretching her wings. She tried to be confident, but she was very nervous.

"And Twilight, what are you going to do to our son when you meet him? How exactly do you plan on... you know." Mr. Beam dared not finish his sentence.

"You're not going to, you know..." Mrs. Beam alluded to.
"...I mean I don't want it to come to that, but we'll see." Twilight wasn't sure how to answer.

Twilight took a deep breath. "Well, here I go. I'll see you girls later, and hopefully with Spike by my side."

"We will Twilight. We will." Starlight said.

"...good bye." With that, Twilight flapped wings, and took off into the sky, and headed north, to look for Spike. Her friends watched as Twilight flew further and further away until she vanished due to foreshortening.

"So... now what?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well I guess that just leaves us then." Rarity said.
"I still think we should have gone as a team." Pinkie said. "Sure Twilight can do it alone, but we could have done it together."

"Well, Twilight is the Princess, and she knows best... I hope." Starlight said feeling unsure.
"Enough chit chat, let's just board this train already." Rainbow Dash said.

The mane 5 were feeling... bipolar. One the one hand, sure they were all on a journey to save Spike, but on the other, Twilight had basically abandoned them. She flew ahead of them, and had every intention of settling things herself. None of her friends were thrilled with the idea, but they couldn't convince her otherwise.

The mane 5 plus Starlight boarded the train.

"Y'all coming along Mr. and Mrs. B?" Applejack asked.

"Nah. Not right now. But we'll catch you later for sure, to see what's become of our son." Mr. B answered.
"Well alright then." AJ boarded the train.

The Friendship Express departed for the Crystal Empire, where Twilight's friends would have to figure out what to do next.

"Are they gone?" asked a mysterious voice.

"They just left. You can come out Ms. Sweetie Drops." Mr. Beam said.
"Good, it's getting tiresome hiding in the shadows." Bon Bon stepped out of a bush.

"Thanks for your invaluable information Ms. Sweetie Drops, you helped us a good deal, but more importantly, gave Twilight an idea on what to expect." Mr. Beam said.

"It was nothing. Besides, Pinkie Pie deserves a lot more credit. She did what all of our agents failed to do, she found villain's secret hideout location. I guess it took a mind as silly and creative as hers to do it." Bon Bon said.

Bon Bon (Codemaned; Agent Sweetie Drops), was the one who wrote the report that Twilight read. She works for secret agent society S.M.I.L.E. She and her team had been investigating the attacks on the dragon lands. She was the anonymous pony who gave Pinkie the tip in chapter 9. She can't let the mane 6 know about S.M.I.L.E., but she and her agents worked in the shadows, guiding the mane 6 in the right direction from time to time.

"Are you going to follow them?" Mr. Beam asked.

"Nah. I had my chance. I've done all I could. I did the field work, now it's time that Twilight and her friends to do the dirty work..." she said.

Twilight was flying through the sky, through the clouds and past the wind.

"Hang on Spike, I'm coming." she said to herself. This should have been a big, heroic moment, soaring through Equestria on her way to save Spike, but Twilight couldn't help but have this sinking feeling that had mistreated her friends.

"Am I wrong for leaving behind my friends?" she asked herself. "No way. You're fine. I'm saving them the trouble of having to fight my battles. You'll be fine without them. This'll be a quick and easy task... I hope..." she said under her breath.

On that note, here is where the story stands right now. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Starlight all sat in a train heading for the Crystal Empire. As for Twilight herself, she flew through the skies of Equestria where she was heading for the Crystal Empire, where she would prepare herself, before she embarked on her toughest mission yet. Will Twilight succeed in rescuing Spike? Or will she finally met her match? Will the evil Henry and his gang of dragon hunters have their way and use Spike to cause mass destruction? Or can he be stopped? Can Twilight do this alone? Or does she need her friends more than she realizes?

To be continued...