• Published 3rd Feb 2017
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Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

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Chapter 3: Where's Spike?

Originally published on June 1st, 2017

"You sure you haven't seen Spike?" Twilight asked.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday, sorry Twilight." said Starlight.

Twilight looked a bit down.

"Well um, how about I make some pancakes?" Starlight suggested. And like that, Starlight began making some delicious pancakes. Cooking gave Starlight time to think. Obviously what she saw last night had something to do with Spike's disappearance, but she didn't know what, and didn't want to say anything until she knew for sure. She didn't want Twilight to think Spike was in danger, even though he very well could be.

Finally, the pancakes were finished, and they looked great.

"Well, breakfast is served. I hope you like it." Starlight said with some hesitation.

"Thank you." Twilight said, albeit a bit quiet. Twilight grew worried.

It wasn't like Spike to just leave unbeknownst. Spike was Twilight's number 1 assistant after all, he'd do anything for Twilight, this was very unusual for him. Twilight didn't eat too much of her pancakes. They tasted great, but she had butterflies in her stomach thinking about Spike. Even though Twilight hadn't said a word since being handed her pancakes, her expression spoke volume to Starlight, she could tell Twilight was unwell.

Starlight couldn't just let Twilight sit and mope all day, she had to do something.

"You know what Twilight? How about a walk around Ponyville to help clear the mind?" Starlight suggested.

"Yeah... that sounds like a nice idea." Twilight said. She was slightly in higher spirits, but not by much.

"You wanna finish your pancakes before we go?" Starlight asked. "I hear from your friends that you really like pancakes."

"Oh, of course. hehe." Twilight giggled. She forgot about the pancakes right in front of her.

After Twilight ate Starlight's wonderful pancakes, the two left the castle for a walk around Ponyville. Starlight hoped the calm atmosphere of the walk would take Twilight's mind off of Spike's mysterious absence, and that hopefully he'd return by day's end.

"Any idea on where he is?" Twilight suddenly asked.

"I honestly have no clue." Starlight answered.

"Is that so..." Twilight said looking down.

"But that doesn't mean that other ponies haven't seen him either! In fact, if any pony other than us has seen Spike, it's definitely Rarity. Why don't we drop on by?" Starlight suggested.

"I suppose." Twilight said with a slump.

On that note, Twilight and Starlight paid Rarity a visit at her boutique.

"Why hello Twilight, oh and greetings Starlight." Rarity greeted the two.

"Hi..." Twilight said.

"What's the matter Twilight? You seem under the weather." Rarity said concerned.

"Neither of have seen Spike all morning, and we're really worried." Starlight explained.

"Oh dear, I hope the little guy's okay wherever he is." Rarity said.

"So I take it you haven't seen him either?" Twilight asked.

"I wish I could say otherwise, but I'm afraid not darling." Rarity said. "Would you like to lay down on my fainting couch and have some ice cream? It always cheers me up when I'm feeling down."

"Ice cream? Spiked loved to gorge himself with ice cream." Twilight said, reminiscing about Spike.

"Err um, how about-" Rarity said trying to correct herself, but she was interrupted by Twilight.

"No thanks, I'm good, but thanks for the offer." Twilight declined. "In fact, Starlight and I best continue our walk I feel. Thanks anyway."

"You sure you two don't wanna check out some new dresses? Or commission new designs I could make for you, or-" Rarity tried to help, but Twilight interjected yet again.

"Nah, not today, I'm just not feeling it." said Twilight.

And with that Twilight and Starlight left the boutique.

"Best of luck darling, and my heart goes out to Spike on behalf of his well-being."

Starlight looked back, but turned back and walked forward with Twilight who did not turn her head.

Twilight and Starlight next headed to Sugarcube Corner for some sweets to treat themselves. Spike loved to bake, maybe he was there looking for new cake recipes for his gem cakes.

They trotted into sugar cube corner. Inside they saw the usual, Mr. and Mrs. Cake busy with plenty of orders, and the pumpkin cakes on the floor playing. And of course can't forget Pinkie who was at the register. The two trotted up to Pinkie to ask her if she'd seen Spike. Although they already sort of knew the answer.

"Morning Pinkie Pie." Twilight said.

"Morning Twilight, here for some of more delicious if not nutritious cupcakes?" asked Pinkie.

"Not really, have you seen Spike today?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie replied. "I'm afraid I haven't seen him since yesterday when burnt down the whole-" Starlight gestured Pinkie to stop what she was saying, and she actually did. Twilight was not amused anyway.

"Not helping Pinkie Pie." Twilight said mildly mad.

"I'm uh... sorry Twilight. I didn't mean-" Pinkie said.

"No, sure you didn't. You're Pinkie Pie, you always know what to say." said Twilight with mild sarcasm.

"Are you trying to say something Twilight?" asked Pinkie.

"Never mind, don't mind me, if I get mad or anything, it's cause I'm worried." said Twilight.

"Understood, and will quote you on that if need be." said Pinkie. "Any-hoo, did you check every corner of your castle? It is a pretty big castle, I've always worried that eventually I'd get lost in there. Maybe Spike is lost in the castle.

"Hmm, did we check every corridor of the castle Starlight?" Twilight asked.

"Come to think of it no." answered Starlight. "But I doubt he'd get lost, he didn't exactly move in yesterday."

"We'll look, but after we say hi to a few more towns folk. Thanks for you time Pinkie." Twilight said.

"No problemo, see you Twilight, good luck on the search." said Pinkie Pie.

With that, Twilight and Starlight trotted out of Sugarcube Corner.

The two bumped into Applejack who was delivering apples. She was busy, but they had a talk anyway.

"Have you seen Spike today Applejack? We can't seem to find him." Twilight asked.

"Sorry to say no Twilight. You think Spike could be in any sort'a trouble?" Applejack suggested.

"Spike's a capable dragon, he can fend for himself... I hope." Twilight said. "But the mystery is just eating me up right now."

"Well shucks, wish I do somethin' to help, but, I'm in kind of a hurry." said Applejack.

"That's fine, we all got things to do apparently." Twilight said.

The two ran into Rainbow Dash a bit after that.

"Rainbow Dash, you're a pegasus, and you've been flying around all morning, have you seen Spike?" asked Starlight, who was doing most of the talking for Twilight.

Rainbow nodded her head in disappointment. "Sorry guys, but I haven't seen him since yesterday." Rainbow admitted.

"That's okay, no other pony has seen him either, thanks anyway." Twilight said, and slumped away.

"Want me to look or something?" asked Rainbow.

"Sure, just keep an eye out, and let us know if you see any sign of him." Twilight said.

"You can count on me Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said, and then flew off.

"Sigh. This is really killing me. It isn't just his absence, but the mystery of it to." Twilight said. "If he just left a note, or said to me 'Twilight, I have important dragon business to attend to don't follow me bye' or whatever, then that's one thing, but nothing."

"I'm with you Twilight, I miss the little guy too." Starlight said.

The two sat besides the Ponyville statue in silence for a few moments. Neither one knew what to do next. No pony had seen Spike, it was apparent that he was not in Ponyville.

Starlight, thinking of ways to help Twilight, came up with an idea.

"Let's go see Fluttershy!" Starlight suggested. "Maybe she needs help with animals or something we could help out with."

"I suppose, alright then..." Twilight said.

And with that they headed for Flutters' cottage.

End of Chapter.

The suspense must be eating you up too. Where in the heck is Spike? Well, find out (sorta) in the very next chapter actually. Answering one question, will only bring up two dozen more questions.