• Published 12th Jul 2017
  • 1,642 Views, 15 Comments

Pony Treasure Island - QuirkyGallade

The tale of a young cabin boy, Jim Hawkins and his friends Spike and Thorax, as they are asailed by cut throat pirates, survive mutanies and sing so many songs as they search for the greatest pirate treasure in Pony history.

  • ...

They run for it.

The waves of the ocean roared as they slammed into the cliffside, like a giant beast crashing into the walls of its cage. Atop the cliff sat a welcoming sight to any traveler. An inn stood a couple of hundred yards away from the cliff edge. It's brick and wooden walls worn down by years of weather, stood strong and stubborn. The comforting smell of wood smoke and good food wafted from the inn. Bright lights shown from the windows along with loud cheers and boisterous laughs. A single sign swung above he door, welcoming travelers with its name. The Carousel inn.

Inside it was a madhouse of activity. Men, Women, Minotaurs, Griffins, and Ponies of all kinds were clustered around tables, conversing, eating food and drinking. The owner of the Carousel inn, a White furred, purple mane, and tail colored unicorn Pony by the name of Rarity, was directing her staff like a general directs his troops,

"Honey Dew, make sure to keep an eye on the beverage stock, we don't want to run out again like last year." She called to the pony bartender above the din.

"Gustav! Applejack! We need the meals for tables 3,16 and 20 quickly! The customers seem to be getting a bit upset that their food hasn't arrived yet." Rarity poked her head into the kitchen looking left and right for her two cooks.

"Ve just vinnished ze their meals mademoiselle Rarity." The prench accent of her Griffin cook greeted her as he turned around, balancing the steaming plate of food on his wings.

"Yeah, the food's done, but those three boys ain't here to pick'em up." Said her other cook, an Earth Pony with a blonde mane and tail and orange fur. Rarity huffed in annoyance.

"Those three..." She took a deep breath and Applejack quickly stuffed some rags into her and Gustav's ears.

"JIM HAWKINS! SPIKE! THORAX! FRONT AND CENTER NOW!!" She bellowed at the top of her lungs, causing most of the customers to startle and all talk to cease. The regulars just grinned widely. A griffin turned to an old human sailor near the fire.

"Looks like the boys have riled the beast again, eh Billy?" The sailor chuckled at the Griffin,

"Aye, they have. They'll be paying for it too. extra chores for the lot of 'em." Billy laughed. Brown, wild hair fell to his shoulders and an unkempt beard covered his chin. He wore a long,black canvas jacket and had a cutlass belted on his left hip. His ice-blue eyes shone with cunning and intelligence. Billys' face quickly turned dark.

"The punishment they get is nothing. Captain Flint would've strung'em up by their toes and lit a fire under them." Some onlookers shivered at the thought, most just groan because they knew where this would lead.

"Oh aye! Flint was a terrible man, a great sailor and a better captain, but you would never find a more black-hearted, scum-sucking bilge rat than Captain Flint... Probably why no one's gone looking for his treasure hoard, they fear his spirit will curse them." Billy said, sitting over his shoulder to war off evil spirits. several others did the same. A Pegasus stallion spoke up?

"What do you mean treasure hoard." The regulars groaned inwardly at the new guys' question. Billy grinned and leaned forward. looking the stallion in the eyes he began his tale.

"I was flint's first mate that voyage." He said, causing the Pegasus to gasp slightly.

"Three days east off Tortola in the carabi... Flint knew an Island, that's where we buried the treasure, gold, and blood, those were Flint's trademarks." He looked around and he had the attention of the crowd. Even the regulars listened in, to them it was still a good story. Billy looked back to the stallion,

"He'd leave both behind him that day."

(Replace most of the Muppets with Caribou)

Billy got up and spit into the fire causing it to hiss and sputter.

OH AYE! Fifteen men went ashore that day, and only Flint, his own self, returned." He let his gaze drift around the room. He gestured to the stallion.

"OH aye and then old Flinty, up and died a'fore he could get back to that accursed island and dig up the treasure." Billy walked back to his set and sat down. Looking at the faces in the Inn.

"No one knows to this day who has old Flints' map." He took a breath to finish but was cut off by all the regulars there.

"Now isn't that a story worth the hearing." They all said in unison. Billy just blinked in shock.

"It was the first dozen time we heard it." A Minotaur joked, a Griffin raised his mug.

"I'll drink to that." The crowd laughed. Billy just smirked, the teasing was all good fun.

"But who has the map now?" He asked getting most of their attention back.

"Some black-hearted, squid sucking buccaneer?" He noticed three bodies entering the dining room from the kitchens and his smirk grew.

"Or maybe it's our very own Jim Hawkins! Eh, Jimmy!?" Billy smiled at the boy and his two companions as they rushed around the room delivering the food and drinks that had been ordered and picking up the dirty dishes. Jim Hawkins was 15 years old, standing at 5'5" with a light brown hair down to the middle of his neck and pulled into a ponytail. He a white cotton shirt and a red vest with brown pants and simple shoes. He laughed slightly.

"If my friends and I had it, we wouldn't be here serving you rum Mister Bones." He set the mug of rum on mister Bones's table.

"Jim's right. We'd be out searching for that treasure. Sailing the seven years on a five-year mission, boldly going where no one has gone before!" Thorax proclaimed loudly, then leaning toward his friend Spike he said,

"I tell you that's catchy." He said. Thorax was the oddball of the three, a complete mystery as to what race he was or his age. Not even he knew. A black chitin shell covered his whole body, from the tips of his fingers to the bottom of his hooves. His eyes, a bright blue, sparkled with barely suppressed enthusiasm and excitement. He was the tallest of the trio at 5' 9", he wore brown pants and a grey shirt. A mouth full of sharp teeth grinned widely at his friend.

"Heh, not me, if I had that treasure map I'd be trading it for decent gems," Spike replied. He was a young 16-year-old Drake with purple scales on his back, arms, and legs. His eyes', belly scales and spines were all bright green. He was just a few inches shorter than Jim, a bit of a sore spot for Spike. He only wore a pair of black cotton pants. Spike picked up an empty mug,

"Hey Thorax you think you can eat this?" he asked seriously. Thorax just shook his head. Billy Bones knocked back the entire mug of rum he had been given. Jim could tell he was getting tipsy and Billy Bones being tipsy, meant loud outbursts.

"AYE! BEWARE THE ONE LEGGED MARE! SHE'S THE ONE TO FEAR!" He yelled flailing his arms wildly. Jim tried his best to calm him down.

"Don't worry Captain Bones, we'll watch for her." He said quickly, not wanting to git mister Bones angry, but Spike had to open his big mouth.

"Yeah, we'll watch for her, if she's delivering a pizza." He and Thorax laugh while Jim slapped his face with his palm. In a Blur, Billy Bones Grabbed Spike and shoved him headfirst into a barrel next to the fireplace.
"Even old Flinty feared her! If she comes poking round here you come running for me! Better be quick!" Meanwhile, Spike's legs flailed and a muffled shout could be heard.

"Get me out a here!" He yelled struggling. Jim walked over and pulled Spike out of the barrel. Trying to keep Mister Bones calm he said,

"Don't worry. If we see her we'll tell you." Now it was Thorax's turn to learn his lesson.

"Yeah, one leg, two heads , a couple of dozen noses, anything weird w..." Billy Bones reached over the table, grabbing Thorax by the neck and dragging him to his face.

"This ain't no joking matter Bug breath!" He said his voice dangerously low.

"The one-legged Mare brings death!" He shoved the severely scared Thorax back and onto the floor. Luckily for the boys' Rarity walked out just at the right time.

"Alright Gentlemen, It's closing time! Finish your meals and if you don't have a room, I must ask you to please leave." Her sharp blue eyes swept the room. She wasn't pleased with what she saw. Jim, Spike, and Thorax saw her change in mood and double-timed it with their cleaning.

"Boys look at the state of this place, why do you let it become such a pigsty in here?" She yelled at them. Billy just laughed as he stood, wobbling slightly. He tossed a few coins on the table to pay for the drinks he ordered. grabbing the last mug he downed it.

"Here's to you boys! I'm away to my room!" he said and stumbled out of the dining room. Rarity was at the door giving her farewells to her customers.

"Thank you for coming, don't forget to come back tomorrow for our lunchtime special, Roast chicken..." All griffin heads turned and looked at her. She started to sweat a little.

"Potatoes." she corrected with a sheepish smile. The griffins shook their heads and left the inn. The last of the guest's left and Rarity shut the door with a heavy sigh.

"Boys," she said, getting their attention, she walked toward the stairs to go to her room for the night.

"When you've finished in here you can go to the kitchen, Applejack and Gustav left your supper's there." They nodded that they understood. She made it to the landing when she remembered something.

"Oh yes, and Boys!" Rarity yelled down to them, they looked up and shivered at her stern face.

"Last night you forgot to put out the lantern! If you forget it again, you'll have triple chores for a week!" The three paled. Raritys' shoulders slumped from stress and she closed the door to her room behind her.

(Outside the Carousel Inn)

"Why do they have to build these things so high?!" Spike complained nervously and she swayed on the shoulders of Thorax. Spike had the snuffer on the end of a short stick and was trying to reach the lamp to put out the light. Jim was behind them trying to make sure they didn't fall.

"Ow spike, your standing on my ear!" Thorax yelled,

"Sorry. whoa steady, whoa, whoa!" Spike yelled as Thorax lost his balance for a second. Jim caught him and kept them straight. Jim sighed heavily.

"I hate my life," Jim said,

"I hate your life too," Thorax replied, ever the wise guy.

"If I had a life I'd hate it." Spike said, sticking his tongue out in concentration. Jim had a thoughtful look on his face.

"I should just run off to sea as my father did, He was my age when he sailed to China as a cabin boy and he wound up at first mate." Thorax twisted his head slightly to look at Jim, causing Spike to wiggle a bit.

"Wait, just run off to sea and leave everybody?" He asked, Jim just gave him a deadpan stare.

"Whose everybody, I'm an orphan I've got no family." Jim's eye's saddened slightly as the words left his lips. Thorax looked shocked.

"Hey, you got us." He said smiling, Spike spoke up as well.

"Yeah, we're family." He had just put out the light when the stone under Thorax's foot gave and they both tumbled back onto Jim with startled yelps. Groaning in slight pain they sat up. Spike grabbed his head and twisted it to get the kink out of his neck. Jim just sighed.

"Some family we are, be serious Spike I mean we don't actually look alike." Spike just shrugged.

"Okay, okay, so I'm a dragon and your a human being and Thorax is...a....a..." Thorax just gave an exasperated sigh.

"A whatever?" He offered the usual description to Spike. Spike chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, I mean we're still..." Jim had gotten to his feet.

"We're still family." Spike tried to cheer his friend up following him. They walked to a boulder near the cliff edge, Jim smiled at his friends.

"Yeah, but I wish my life was more like one of Captain Bone's adventures. Sailing the high sea and searching for buried treasure!" He hopped up onto the rock and struck a pose pointing out to sea. Jims' eyes sparkled with youthful excitement, and Thorax wasn't far behind his human friend.

"Yeah discovering lost Islands and weird Civilizations." He said. Jim smiled at him and pulled something out of his pocket.

"We'll be navigating my father's old compass to where ever the wind may take us!" Jim smiled excitedly at his companions. Thorax was just as pumped.

"Off to Zanzibar, to meet the Zanzabarbarians!" He proclaimed, hopping up and down. Spike just shook his head at his two friends.

"Oh boy, here they go again." He sighed, but couldn't keep a smirk from gracing his face.

"To the southwest, pirate galleons!" Jim proclaimed pointing in that direction.

"To the southeast, multi-armed Neighponian shark women and their exploding waves of death!" Thorax shouted. Jim and Spike just gave him deadpan looks till their ears were assaulted by a loud voice.

"TO THE NORTHWEST DIRTY DISHES!!" Raritys' voice boomed and made the boys flinch. Thorax just looked at the inn in amazement.

"How does she do that?" He asked to no one in particular. Jim just sighed.

"It's my turn this week, I'll wash." He put the compass away and turned to the inn.

"I'll dry," Spike said as he followed Jim.

"I'll break." Thorax joked, earning him a light punch in the arm by a smirking Spike.

Having finished with the dishes, Jim was sweeping the floor, Spike was wiping down the bar and Thorax was moping behind Spike. Music started to play from thin air, as it often did so they just went with it.

(Start at 1:24 in)

As the final notes of their song together faded, they were startled by loud yelling.

"ENOUGH WITH THIS SINGING!" Captain Bones yelled at the three boys who scattered like leaves in a stiff breeze Bone's drew his cutlass and slashed at some empty bottles on a table, smashing them to pieces.
"Rum! I need rum lads! I'm sick of the horrors! GIVE ME RUM! Rum till I float!" She stumbled about till Jim caught him and propped him up.

"Alright, alright! Just one small one." Jim offered. A happy smile spread across Bone's face and he sheathed his cutlass. Before Jim could go get the rum Rarity's voice echo throughout the building.

"DON'T BE GIVING HIM ANY MORE RUM!" She yelled. All their head turned and looked up to were her door on the second floor.

"How does she bloody do that?" Bones slurred. Then a sound reached his ears that made him skip hangover and jump straight to sober.

"Shh, shhh." He told the boys and he crouch slightly. They followed suit and kept low. A steady tapping of wood on stone could be heard coming closer. The small crack of moonlight under the door was slowly covered by the shadow of someone. It stayed there for a few tense seconds when three loud knocks broke the tense silence and made the captain and the boys jump.

Jim cautiously made his way to the door. Something about this set him on edge, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Slowly he reached out his hand and gripped the door handle. He turned it and started to open the door when it was shoved open and he was pressed into the small space between the door and the wall.

"Aha! Billy Bones! It's me! blind Pierre." Said the clocked diamond dog in the doorway with a slight french accent. All the blood drained from Bill's face as he stared at Pierre. Both of Pierre's eyes had patches covering them. not much of his body could be seen because of the heavy cloak he wore, but his fur was a dark grey.

Pierre tapped his way inside.

"I know your here Bill-aaahh!" He yelled as he tripped and stumbled across the threshold. Righting himself his ears twitched as he tried to pick up any sounds.

"AH, You sniveling, chow head!" He bellowed in frustration.

"I think it's some kind of a blind fiend," Spike whispered to Thorax, unaware of Pierres' ears snapping to attention. Billy waved his arms frantically trying to get them to shut up, but they didn't see him.

"I think they prefer visually challenged fiend," Thorax whispered back and Billy could only grimace. Pierre turned and started walking toward the now scared Spike and Thorax.

"I heard that! There's someone HERE!" He lunged forward only to be hit in the stomach by a table. getting to his feet Pierre tried again.

"No? Over here!" He jumped to his right, tripping on the mop handle and tumbling to the floor. Jim was struggling not to laugh at him. He glanced at mister bones and Billy put a finger to his lips telling him to keep quiet. Jim had never seen such a deadly serious look on his face before, It made Jim worry. Pierre had picked himself up yet again. and was tapping around trying to find Billy.

"Over here maybe?" He was walking straight at the wall. Jim thought if he told the guy the inn was closed he would leave and they'd be okay. He stepped out from behind the door, ignoring the panicked look and gestures of Billy and slowly made his way toward the Diamond dog.

"I'm sorry sir but the inn is clo-OOH!" Jim yelped as Pierre shot at in a blur, grabbing one of Jim's arms and twisting it behind his back. Jim grunted from the pain as Pierre talked in his ear.

OH! Ah! Yea, a pretty little girl is it!" Jim looked quite put off at that remark.

"Yes, take me to Billy Bone my pet!" He twisted Jim's arm harder making him hiss. Billy slowly reached for the flintlock pistol in his belt. pulling it out carefully so as not to make a sound. Jim was not very happy about the situation he was in.

"You've...ah... Come to the wrong place. There's no Billy Bones here." Jim struggled a bit but Pierres' grip was like steel.

"And I'm not a girl," Jim growled trying all the harder to break free from his assailants' grip. Pierre chuckled lightly.

"OH, I may be visually challenged, but I can 'see' your lying." Billy carefully aimed his pistol at Pierres' head and pulled back the hammer which made a loud click. Pirre's ears snapped to attention and with a loud battle cry, he twisted away from Jim and spun his way straight at Billy.

Pierre's stick slapped the pistol to the side just as Billy pulled the trigger, sending the bullet into the floor. Pierre's right hand shot forward and grabbed Billies' neck, kicking his legs out from under him and slamming him into the floor.

"Good evening Bill," Pierre said, in a sickly sweet voice, a mirthless grin plastered on his face.

"I know it's you. yes, you thought you could get away with it didn't you?" He asked stroking the shaking Bill's cheek like gently like one would a pet.

"Just take it all for your self, and leave your shipmates with nothing." Pierre sighed and reached into his cloak.

"We're not pleased with that bill, not at all." He pulled something out of his cloak.

"We want you to have..." he raised his fist high

"THIS!" He slapped something into Billies' open palm. Jumping off of him Pierre ran across the room and out the door laughing insanely.

Jim rushed to close the door, but not before he heard a cat yowl.

"Watch where you're going you stupid cat!" Pierre's distant voice bellowed. Jim quickly shut and locked the door. He turned and found a pale, shivering Billy Bones starring at a small piece of paper. The boys were so freaked out by what had just happened they couldn't bring themselves to speak. Billy whimpered slightly, his breathing came in ragged gasps.

I-i-it's the B-Black Spot!" He yelled. dropping the paper like it was a lump of red hot coal, He screamed in fear and ran upstairs like the all of Hell was biting at his heels. His scream startled the boys to their senses and they followed. Jim picked up the piece of paper Billy had dropped.

They found him in his room, frantically stuffing his belongings and clothes into his sea chest. Jim was more terrified then he'd ever been

"I don't understand, what is the black spot?!" Billy rounded on him, fear showing in his eyes.

"The black spot is a pirates death sentence!" He said, grabbing all the clothes from the top dresser drawer. Spike and Jim paled, Thorax's eyes sparkled.

"Fabulous." He murmured, they all looked at him like he had grown a second head.

"They'll be coming to kill me, tonight!" Billy bolted around trying to find all his things.

"We better help," Spike said, not sure what else to do. Thorax knocked out of his daydream, agreed.

"Yeah, let's get his stuff." They hurried over to the second dresser.

"It's me old sea chest them lubbers are after!" Billy said tossing in a bag of coins.

"Here's some spare underwear," Thorax said throwing them into the chest.

"But I'll take'm! I'll shake on a reef and scuttle them again!" Billy proclaimed as he slammed the lid shut. Spike was confused.

"Uh, You want to run that by us again in English this time Mister Bones?" He asked. Billy turned and glared at the young drake. Pointing at Spike he yelled,

"It's mine! I'm going after that treasure meself! and no one-legged, bitch of a bilge rat will GGRRUUH!" He cried out in pain, clutching his chest and falling back onto his bed.

"Captain Bones!" Jim cried and rushed to the bedside but Billy lay there, unmoving. The boys were completely stunned.

"He swore and died? And this is supposed to be a kids' story!" Spike complained as he slapped his claw to his head. Jim and Thorax glared at Spike. Suddenly Billy's hand shot out and grabbed Thorax by the horn.

"JIMMY! Jim, Jimmy, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim! you've always been a decent sort... to old Billy Bones." He rasped. Thorax managed to squeak out a response with a heavy blush on his face.

"I'm not jimmy Jim Jimmy Jim Jim Jim Jim, He's Jimmy Jim Jimmy Jim Jim Jim Jim!" Thorax said while pointing at Jim. Billy huffed in annoyance and shoved the flustered Thorax away and grabbed Jim's shirt.

"Jim?" He asked

"Yes, captain." Said a worried Jim Hawkins.

"Jim Jimmy Jim Jim Jim Jim?!" Billy asked again. now Jim was getting a bit annoyed.

"Yes captain what is it?"

"Take the map!"

"What map?" Jim asked. Billy's face erupted in anger.

THE MAP TO OLD FLINT'S TREASURE! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU!" He yelled at them. Gasping for air he continued.

"I was Flintys', first mate and my old mates, are coming to kill me." He moaned.

"Me old shipmates! They'll gully me for sure and anyone else to get their mitts on that map!" He said.

"A-And gulling hurt's right?" Spike asked shaking slightly in fear. Billy's eyes drilled into his.

OOOH AYE! a lot!" he said, Spike look thoroughly spooked.

"So quick go to my sea chest! Get the map!" Billy roared and the boys scrambled to the chest, flinging the lid open.
they started yanking things out trying to find it. An oar, clothes, Spike found a weird pair of glasses.

"Hey guys, look!" He said as he put them on.

"I got a mustache!" he proclaimed proudly.

"Spike!" Thorax and Jim yelled at him making him huff in disappointment, they dove back in and continued looking. Thorax pulled out a strange book titled 'how to serve humans.' but threw it away. After what seemed like hours, Jim slowly stood up with a rolled piece of weathered parchment in his hands.

"Spike look." Thorax got Spike to stop searching and turned stood next to there friend. Jim untied the string holding it closed and unrolled it to reveal an incredibly detailed map of a lone island. They stared at it, each feeling something different.

"It is a treasure map!" Jim exclaimed.

"We're going to be rich!" Thorax's eye's spun like a slot machine and became dollar signs.

"We're gonna be dead." Spike whimpered his eye's showing skull and crossbones.

"BEWARE HER, ME LADS! Beware her!" Billy said startling them. Jim rushed over to the captains' side.

"What? The one-legged mare?" He asked Billy nodded.

"AYE! but also beware, running with scissors, or any other pointy object!" The boys exchanged glances of confusion while Billy ranted on.

"It's all in good fun before someone looses an ey-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Billy screamed in pain and collapsed on the bed.

"Captain!" Jim yelled in panic but was unable to rouse him. The captain's eyes stared at the ceiling but were seeing nothing. Thorax made an audible swallow. Spike started to shake violently.

"We're standing in the room with A DEAD GUY!" He screamed clutching at and shaking Thorax. Jim and Thorax followed suit screaming in fright as they rushed out of the room and down the stairs. The made it to the ground floor when the windows shatter as torches and rocks flew through them. They froze. Jim, holding the map tightly to his chest and stared at the door as a heavy, steady pounding was heard. The door was smashed from its hinges and in stepped Blind Pierre followed by a large mass of humans, a few Griffins, Diamond Dogs and a Minotaur. All were heavily armed.

"OH BILLY BONES! TRICK OR TREAT! HAHAHA!" Pierre screamed out. The boys didn't need any more encouragement, they screamed in terror and fled in different directions. Jim ran back upstairs and Thorax and Spike ran towards the storeroom. Thorax and spike Slammed the door shut began throwing things in front of it trying to blockade it from the intruders.

Jim made it passed the window just as a pirate tumbled through and down the stairs. He rushed forward as fast as his leg would carry him. Jim could hear the Pirates' breaking things as they searched. Jim made it to the end of the hall and started pounding for all his worth on Rarity's door.

"MISS RARITY!" He yelled startling Rarity awake. She lifted the night mask off her face and grabbed her night robe off the nightstand.

"Can't a lady get any beauty sleep anymore!" She yelled and opened her door. Jim rushed in and slammed the door shut locking it behind him.

"Jim! What are you doing!?" Rarity asked, she was startled by his sudden entrance. He ran to the window and looked out.

"We've got company Miss Rarity." Jim said and began quickly explaining what was happening.

(Back with Thorax and Spike)

"Okay, I found the gun!" Spike hauled the heavy blunderbuss over to the table.

"Alright, now we gotta load it," Thorax said and started pouring Gunpowder into the barrel, making some dust and causing Spike to feel like he'd sneeze. Spike jumped back and turned around, sneezing a plume of green fire out of his mouth.

"DON'T MAKE ME SNEEZE AROUND GUNPOWDER THORAX!" Spike yelled at his friend. Thorax ignored him as he then turned and started looking for something.

"Okay, now where does Miss Applejack keep the bullets?!" He rushed around looking through the shelves, unknowingly trailing a line of gun powder behind him. The two could hear shouting outside the storeroom door.

"Billy's dead and he hasn't got the Bloody map!" A female voice was heard shouting in anger. Then Pierre's voice was heard.

"Those little girls must have it! GET THEM!" He roared and cheers that followed made Spike and Thorax panic. Spike climbed up the shelves in a last-ditch attempt to hide and found a welcome sight.

"Thorax! I found the bullets!" Spike yelled as he grabbed the bag, not being as careful as he should have, his claws tore a hole in the cloth.

"You did! where!?" Thorax ran over to Spike who was climbing down. Spike held the bag out to Thorax.

"Here they are, see! They were..." They froze as all the bullets fell out of the hole in the bag, tumbled to the floor and rolled down into the grate that led to the plumbing pipes. Spike and Thorax just stared in absolute horror.

"Oops." was all Spike could say.

Jim had just finished explaining what was happening when someone pounded on Rarity's door.

"Open up in there!" The person yelled,

"We want to map and we'll skewer anybody who gets it away!" Rarity rushed Jim to a door on the far side of her room.

"Quick Jim, the back stairs, we need to run." She pulled a key from around her neck and unlocked the back door. She pushed Jim inside before following.

"Run Run!" She yelled. The door handle to her bedroom was blown off and sail past her head, missing it by mere inches. She took one fearful look back and saw Pirates pouring into her room before she slammed the door shut and locked it behind her. Jim and Rarity ran down the stairs as fast as their feet and hooves would carry them.

(The pirates in Rarity's room)

A black feather griffin cursed as he watched the door close.

"After them! They know where the map is!" He turned to head back downstairs and cut around the inn to catch them, but was stopped by a large, iron frying pan to the beak knocking him out cold. His men instantly froze and turned their eyes to the attacker.

"Now ya'll just go and made me mad." The voice of Applejack was calm and cold. She wore only a shirt and shorts and held a frying pan in each hand. Her blond mane fell over her eyes, shadowing them from view. One of the pirates lunged at her, sword thrust forward trying to stab her in the chest.

Using the concave side of the frying pan, Applejack deflected the blade away from her, making the pirate off balance and letting the rim of the second pan come up and hit the pirate's jaw. Another knock out. as He's crumpled to the floor a smirk spread over her lips.

"Who's next?" Applejack asked. The pirates enraged by the fall of their comrades and the cool attitude of the mare in front of them charged her with a battle cry. They should've run while they had the chance.

Applejack dodged, ducked, sidestepped and struck the pirates with the speed and cunning of a snake. Slamming kicks into stomachs, knocking out teeth with the pans blows, jumping and leaping like an acrobat around the pirates making them dizzy. in mere moments there was only one, shivering, young griffin pirate left. Applejack slowly made her way toward him as he scrambled to get away from her.

The griffin tripped and dropped his weapon as he fell. he crawled backward as fast as he could to get away from the steadily advancing mare. Applejack stopped a foot away from the cowering pirate. She leaned down and got her face close to his. Her emerald eyes seemed to glow with anger though it didn't show on her face. The griffin was about to shit his pants.

"Boo." Was all Applejack needed to say. The Griffin screamed like a hatchling, jumping up he crashed through the third-story window to escape Applejack. His scream turned to one of panic and then silence. Applejack's face was set in an unreadable mask. She dropped the frying pans and quickly made her way to her room. Opening a trunk at the foot of her bed she pulled out a large backpack and slung it onto her back. also grabbing a belt with two pistols and a powder horn as well.

The last things she grabbed were two pan like objects. the disks were made of rare tempered, Damascus steel and the handles wrapped in brown leather. They were so well kept she could see her face in them. She looked at her reflection for a second and shivered. Old memories and nightmares started to surface, but she pushed them back and stood up. She turned and left her room jogging down the stairs and beating through the pirates on her way out the door.

(Back with Thorax and Spike)

"The gun is useless! you've lost all the bullets!" Thorax yelled as he looked around the floor trying to find any ammo. Spike scoffed.

"Well, you're losing the powder!" he retorted. The door smashed open to reveal the large Minotaur. Thorax twisted violently to face the door flinging gun powder in Spikes' face.

"The map! Tell us where it is or die!" the Minotaur bellowed. Thorax tossed the barrel into the air, made an about-face turn and ran. Spike couldn't hold his sneeze back any longer.

"GET THEM!" The Minotaur yelled as Spike sneezed a large gout of green flames at the floor, igniting the gun powder trail. Spike screamed and ran after Thorax with the pirates in hot pursuit. it took a few seconds for them all to see the blazing trail of powder following them, Thorax, Spike and the pirates screamed and ran around the room as the sparking, and the blazing trail of powder followed them.
Spike and Thorax soon made a beeline for the open door started to zoom across the dining hall toward the front door. The Minotaur stopped to issue orders when he glanced at his hooves and saw the trail of powder leading to the barrel between his legs.

"Oh, Crapbaskets." He said as the fire reached the barrel and it exploded into a raging inferno that engulfed half the inn. Outside a few hundred feet away stood the small group of Rarity, Applejack, and Jim as they watched the Carousel inn go up in flames. two sets of screams could be heard getting closer very fast.


"GERONIMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Where what Spike and Thorax yelled as they flew through the air, leaving a trail of smoke before landing hard next to their friends.

"Guys!" Jim cried with excitement and worry. Thorax jumped up as if nothing had happened

"WOW! What an exit! right though a brick wall! HA!" He pumped his fist into the air. Spike was jumping to but that was because he was trying to put out his pants.

"I am in such pain!" Spike groaned as he finally put out his trousers. Another explosion made them all duck. They gazed back at the building. Rarity noticed there was one missing from their group.

"Where's Gustav?!" She asked. Rarity turned to Applejack, only to see her with a sad frown and shake her head.

"He didn't make it." Applejack said quietly and locked her eyes on the burning inn.

They all stood there in silent mourning. Spike was the first to break that silence.

"What are we going to do?" He asked looking at the faces around him. Jim gestured to the inn.

"Well, we can't go home so..." He held up the map. A smile started to spread across Thorax's face.

"OOOOOO," he said, Spike, looked at his friend like he just lost his mind.

"OH NO! Nuh-uh! NO way, you are not taking me on some crazy treasure hunt! I am staying right here." He stopped his foot and crossed his arms. Applejack turned to look at Spike with a stern face.

"That's a good idea, Spike, ya stay here so ya can see what half-burned, vicious pirates look like." She said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. As if to solidify her point, something in the inn exploded.
Spike looked around nervously.

"What are we waiting for, let's go." He said and started walking toward the road that leads to the nearest town. they rest followed him, leaving the glowing fires of their old home behind.

(Back at the Carousel inn)

"I think I smell something burning, no?" Pierre asked. He was standing outside the burning building. The tall figure next to him grunted in annoyance, drew a pistol and shot him in the head. They figure tucked the pistol back in their belt as Pierre crumpled to the ground like a sack of rags.

"I was finally able to shut him up." The figure said with a sigh. The voice was female. Her eyes turned toward the road and just caught a glimpse of a small group making their escape from the area. A growl of frustration came from deep in her throat.

"If you want it done right you have to do it yourself." She said as her Magenta eyes glowed with fury and cunning in the firelight.