• Published 12th Jul 2017
  • 1,643 Views, 15 Comments

Pony Treasure Island - QuirkyGallade

The tale of a young cabin boy, Jim Hawkins and his friends Spike and Thorax, as they are asailed by cut throat pirates, survive mutanies and sing so many songs as they search for the greatest pirate treasure in Pony history.

  • ...

Meetings, fears and Thorax is nuts

The shrill sound of Iron Wills' signal whistle caught everybody's attention.

“ROLL CALL!” He yelled, making the crew quickly gather on the main deck of the ship. Iron Will and Captain Pipsqueak looked over the railing to make sure everybody was ready. With a nod of his head, The captain signaled Iron will to begin

“Celestia Solaris,” He called,

“Aye-Aye Sir!” She called back, showing a great deal of discipline.

“Short Stack Stevens,”

“Aye!” shouted a human male that was barely 4 feet tall.

“One eared Jack,”

“Yeah!” yelled the aptly named stallion since he only had one ear

“Black-eyed Pea,”

“Here!” The guy had two black rings around his eyes.

“Wall eyed Pike,”

“Aye!” He was an ugly earth pony stallion with misshapen teeth, one eye stuck out farther than the other and his whole face was lopsided.

“Trixie Lulamoon,”

“Trixie is here!” She called out while jumping up and down like an excited school filly.


“Aye,” The unicorn stallion said, his eyes shifting back and forth.

“Sweetums,” Iron Will squinted trying to make sure he got the name right.

“YEAH!” The giant pegasus stallion with tiny wings roared behind the Iron will and the Captain making them jump in surprise. The stallion gave a sheepish smile before saying.

“My name is actually Bulk, that’s a nickname of mine. I was busy with loading the cargo and one of my friends signed me up.” He explained and Iron Will nodded in understanding before going back to roll call.

“Old Tom,”

“Aye-Aye!” Called an old man. He looked to be in his 70’s

“Real Tom,”

“Aye!” The raspy voice of a stallion standing next to Thorax. He looked over at “Real Tom” and he noticed the guy looked like a walking, talking piece of beef jerky. He was a bit disturbed but kept it to himself.

“Dead Tom,” Iron Will called out and sighed internally. There was always one crewman who fancied himself a joker.

“Clackity-clack clack!” A loud noise could be heard by the crew and Iron will looked toward the back and his jaw dropped. Standing there was the skeleton of a pegasus Pony clacking its jawbones together like it was trying to talk.

Iron Will rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things but when he looked again the Skeleton was still there. He shivered slightly but forced his mind back to the list. He may have not been the only one creeped out but others were curious.

“So cool!” Thorax whispered in awe as he looked back and forth between Real Tom and Dead Tom with a massive grin on his face. Spike was watching him and face clawed hard.

“Snails,” Iron Will called out.

“Aye.” came the somewhat slow response from the unicorn stallion. Iron Will sighed in relief, at least this one was normal.

As his eye read the next name he felt his stomach twist.

“Headless Bill,” He called out. There was no reply, giving a small spark of hope to both the Captain and Iron Will.

“Headless Bill!” Iron Will called out again and was going to assume it was a joke before a bit of movement caught his eye. He leaned to the left a bit to peer around the mainmast and his heart stopped for a second.

There stood the headless body of a earth pony stallion. It gave them a salute making both the men cringe hard.

What the hell kind of crew am I commanding?! Thought Pipsqueak as he tried to get the image of a headless corpse out of his mind.

Thorax seemed to be having the time of his life. Spike looked like he was going to be sick from the shade of green his scales were turning.

Iron Will read the next name on the list and his blood ran cold.

“Big-fat-butt-ugly-bug-faced-baby-eating-O'Brien,” He saw the captain peer at the list as well trying to wrap his head around the name. Iron Will braced himself for the worst and… was completely confused.

The Pony that raised their hand was a drop-dead gorgeous unicorn mare. She already had many of the males drooling just at the sight of her. Then she opened her mouth and all their fantasies shattered like glass under a hammer.

“Aye,!” Her deep, rumbling, bass like masculine voice answered his call. Iron Will resisted the extremely strong urge to smack his head against the railing… multiple times and continued on to the next name.

“Angel Marie,” seemed normal enough… till the deformed shape of a diamond dog male jumped up and down and yelled with a voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

“AYE! AYE!” Captain PipSqueak slowly reached over and took the list from Iron Wills' hands, who gave it up gladly as his brain tried to process what the hell was going on. Slowly turning to look at his first mate he said,

“Iron Will will you please gather the benefactors of this voyage and meet me in my cabin please,” His voice was even and calm, but the underlying steel in his voice snapped Iron Will out of his daze.

“Immediately.” Pipsqueak added as he slowly walked toward his cabin. Iron Will swallowed hard.

This is going to be bad He thought to himself as he went about gathering up Miss Pie, her attendants, the cabin boys, and the lieutenant.

Very bad indeed

“WHO HIRED THIS CREW!!?? THIS IS UNDOUBTEDLY THE SEEDIEST BUNCH OF CUTTHROATS, VILLAINS AND SCOUNDRELS I HAVE EVER SEEN! SO WHO HIRED ‘EM!!” Captain Pip bellowed at the top of his lungs, panting hard as his rant finished with slamming a fist onto the table. The white patches on his face turning a shade of scarlet as his anger boiled over.

Everyone gathered there all cringed slightly in fear of the diminutive captains' rage. Nobody wanted to be the target of his wrath so, as if they had all read each other's mind they all pointed at Pinkie. Pinkie wilted slightly as Captain Pips' eyes narrowed on her and she could have sworn she heard the words ‘Target Locked’ being spoken but she ignored it.

Pinkie pointed at Gummy who was sitting on her left shoulder making Pip blink in confusion.

“Your lizard hired the crew?” He asked, clearly not believing what Pinkie was showing him. Pinkie scoffed.

“Of course, I leave all the important stuff up to him.” Pinkie leaned her head down closer to gummy as if to hear better and gummy clamped his jaws on a tuff of her mane. Her eyes widened.

“He said he relied heavily on the advice of our amazing cook, Celestia Solaris.” She said with a happy smile. Captain Pip just gaped at her for a few moments before sinking into his chair and started to rub his temples. Iron Will, who stood next to his captain, looked about ready to have a conniption fit if his rapid eye twitch was any indication.

“A cook? And a lizard who organized it?” He asked wishing praying it wasn’t true.

“Exactly!” Pinkie exclaimed happily. Captain Pip just let his head fall onto the table with a bang and Iron will started grumbling about ‘insane ponies’. After a few short moments and a few deep breaths for Captain Pip, he continued the meeting.

“I’m starting to worry about this expedition.” He said with a sigh, getting a few nods from Applejack, Iron will and Spike. The Captain turned and faced Jim.

“Mr. Hawkins, I know from what you’ve told me that Billy Bones gave you the map, but I’m hoping you’ll hand it over to me for safekeeping.” He said. Jim was definitely not happy with the request.

“I’ll be careful with it, sir.” He said defensively, his hand moving to grip the inner pocket of his vest. Captain Pip just shook his head.

“That’s not the point Mr. Hawkins,” he said but before he could continue a knock on the door drew all their attention. Jim quickly got up and opened the door, letting in Celestia as she hopped forward, pushing a small cart.

“Begging your pardons gentlemen, gentlecolts and mares, But I thought a bit of a treat was in order.” She said as she came to a stop and they could all see a glass decanter with multiple glasses on the cart.

“Tis my very own best brandy, Laid down by the brothers of Buckfast Abbey, Vintage 1643, to toast to our prosperous voyage.” She stated and uncorking the decanter started pouring some brandy into the glasses. Pinkie and a few others quickly came over to the cart and picked up a glass, clearly liking the idea. But it was not to be.

“I’m sorry Ms. Solaris, but I’m not going to allow any drinking of alcohol on this voyage.” Captain Pip stated firmly. Celestia looked slightly shocked and Pinkie shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh well, rules are rules.” She said and jerked her glass toward an open window sending the brandy inside it out the window. Celestia looked slightly upset and tried to convince the captain to change his mind.

“But sir, it’s a tradition for the officers to toast to the success of the voyage.” She said. Pinkie nodded in agreement.

“Very true.” and she filled her glass again. But before she could take a sip The captain spoke up.

“No, Ms. Solaris, we must set an example for this questionable crew.” He locked his gaze with hers making sure she got his message. Celestia flinched like she’d been slapped.

“There will be no consumption of alcohol of any kind.” He said firmly. Celestia nodded her head in understanding but spoke up in defense of the crew.

“Sir, I can vouch for this crew myself, while they may be a bit rough around the edges I’d stake my life on them, they’re admirable. You could sail to Heaven and back with these men.” She said passionately. Jim actually found it quite admirable that she was defending the crews' honor.

“Well, I’m afraid I must disagree with you.” Captain Pip said calmly, propping his chin upon his laced fingers. They stared at each other for a few moments, both in a battle of wills.

Pinkie who still had a full glass in her hand sighed and tossed the liquid out the window again, only to get a yell of indignation in response drawing everybody's attention. She turned to look out the window and saw three breezies on the window sill. The male crossed his arms in annoyance before he spoke.

“You wanna knock it off with the booze? It’s peeling the paint of the shuffleboard court.” He announced making pinkie scratch the back of her head sheepishly.

“Sorry.” She mumbled to which the breezes just huffed and floated away. Celestia turned back to the captain and he raised a single eyebrow. Celestia sighed and nodded her head in defeat.

“And that’s that. This conversation is finished.” Captain Pip said as he leaned back in his chair. Celestia was obviously not happy with it but she relented and nodded her head.

“I, understand sir. I shall tend to my duty and see to it that every drop of alcohol is thrown overboard.” She said glumly and started to hop out of the cabin but paused and made a ‘follow me’ gesture to Jim.

“Come along Jim, no need to be bothering the captain.” She said and continued hopping out the door. Captain Pip sighed and nodded his permission to Jim who quickly followed after Celestia. Spike and Thorax started getting up to follow when the door closed behind them with a loud bang. Spike huffed and crossed his arms giving the door a light glare.

“Oh, well. I guess those two rain clouds wanted to hang out together.” He grumbled angrily to Thorax who looked slightly saddened at being left behind.

“They don’t want to spend time with a dragon and a… a…” Spike stumbled again much to Thoraxs' chagrin.

“A whatever?” He supplemented and Spike nodded his head


Nothing else of note happened for the remainder of the day. The legacy made a good time, the wind was strong and didn’t slack in the slightest. The sunset was a brilliant symphony of reds, golds, oranges, and pinks as it dipped below the horizons of endless water. As the moon lifted its silver gaze over the sea Celestia, who was relaxing after cleaning up from supper, was leaning against the rail on the aft port side of the ship. Jim was on her left and they were simply gazing at the stars.

While usually, it would have been a fun thing for Jim to do he wasn’t feeling very happy about earlier today. Tilting his head so he could look up at Celestia he spoke.

“I’m sorry that your present didn’t work.” He said. Celestia gave him a soft smile. She could tell he was genuine with his words. She chuckled softly and shook her head.

“Oh Jim, Captain Pip sails by rules and laws. That’s what being a captains all about. Me… I sail by the stars.” She said looking up into the sky wistfully. Jim didn’t understand.

“Stars?” He asked, curious about what she was talking about. Celestia smiled indulgently and gestured out toward the horizon and the sparkling diamonds in the sky.

“North, Jim, Find me north out there among them stars.” She said. Jim smirked and pulled out his dad's old compass.

“Well, that’s easy.” He said but before he could open it it was snatched away from him. Celestia smirked playfully as she held the compass out of his reach.

“Ah, yeah, but what if you don’t have a compass?” She snarked as Jim tried to get it back. She laughed in amusement till her arm went over the railing and she saw his face pale in fear.

“Please Celestia, don’t drop it! It’s all I have left of my father. Please give it back. Please!.” His voice was desperate. Celestia flinched slightly and carefully held it out to him and he snatched it back.

“I’m sorry lad, I were only fooling.” She apologized, her ears fell down low. Jim nodded his head in understanding even though he still held the compass tightly. She looked back toward the sky, her eyes had a faraway look to them.

“How old were you when he died, then?” She asked solemnly. Jim held the compass close to his heart and paused before he answered.

“Seven.” he said, his voice soft, full of longing. Celestia nodded her head, deciding whether to say something or not.

“I was eight when my father died at sea.” She said. Jim looked at her in surprise and found a pair of eyes he’d seen reflected back at him in mirrors ever since his dad died. Eyes that wished they’d just had more time. Giving him a sad smile she closed her eyes and lean her back against the rail.

“First mate he was, on a merchant frigate.” She said making Jim’s eyes widen in shock.

“My father was the first mate too,” Jim said, slightly amazed they both had somethings in common. Celestia looked at him with shock until she let out a few barks of laughter.

“Really? By the powers, what a coincidence.” She slapped Jim on the shoulder and gently turned him around so he was facing out to see. Leaning down a bit so she was on his eye level she pointed out into the sky.

“Now Jim, that there, is Polaris, the North star.” She pointed to a single bright star in the sky. Jim followed her finger and kept his gaze on it.

“Even in the Neighpon sea, that’s north.” She explained. Jim made sure to memorize its placement.

“She’s always there every night, never moves, never changes. Always there to guide and help you. If you can find her, she’ll never steer you wrong.” Celestia said wistfully, her mind turning to someone who fits that description and it made her heart twist in pain. She quickly locked away those feelings before they showed. Jim pointed toward the star.

“North, Polaris,” he said out loud looking to her to make sure he got it right. Celestia nodded her head and smiled. Jim looked at the start again, his brain working out a problem quickly.

“Than we must be heading southwest.” He said. Celestia beamed at him actually surprised he figured it out so quickly.

“Smart as paint you are lad, smart as paint.” She praised. Jim smiled widely looked back out to sea and missed the look of dark triumph that flashed in Celestias' eyes. She leaned her back against the rail again and looked into the rigging as she spoke.

“Now, that got this old mare thinking. Why would we be sailing southwest?” She ponders out loud. Jim stiffened slightly at her words and did his best to make no outward sign that he was on edge. Celestia continued her ponderings out loud as Jim tries to keep calm.

“There’s nothing out that way and if we keep this heading will miss the new world by a long shot.” Celestia glances down at Jim and locks eyes with him for a split second before his dart away. A small predatory smirk grows across her face but she quickly schools it back to neutral.

“The scuttlebutt among the crew is, get this, we’re sailing for buried treasure, but that can’t be true, right?” She looks at him with a smile and a laugh like it was a good joke. Jim gives an awkward laugh and smiles back at her while trying with all his might not to panic.

“And it gets even better lad, they’re saying someone on board the ship has the map to the said treasure.” She gestured to the rest of the ship with a lazy wave of her hand, but her eyes watched Jim like a hawk. Jim swallowed nervously and hastily agreed with her.

“Yeah, crazy, right.” He said, starting to feel the sweat form on his brow. Celestia smiled at him, but this time it felt too sweet, to put on and it set Jims' teeth on edge. He didn’t like where this conversation was going and the silence between Celestia and him was growing extremely uncomfortable. Luckily it was broken by Celestia sighing and stretching a bit before she started talking again.

“ ‘course, even if such a thing was true, it’s none of my concern. I'm just the ships' cook after all. Such things are best suited for Captain Pipsqueak. He runs the ship, not I.” She said, shifting her leg a bit to a more comfortable position. Jim saw that she looked slightly sad and wanted to cheer her up.

“Oh come on, Celestia.” He said patting her back lightly.

“You could captain a ship.” He said with a smile before looking back out to see. Celestia looked at Jim before a dark glint in her eye sparkled.

“That I could, lad and maybe someday I will.” She said hiding the dark pleasure she felt at the thought. She wrapped an arm around Jims' shoulder and started pointing out different constellations to him. Plans forming in her head, personal plans, dark plans. Jim said she could captain a ship, he didn’t know how right he was.

Back in the captain’s cabin

Pipsqueak heaved a heavy sigh. It had been a crazy first day, what with the sudden creation and hiring of the crew, his near last-minute summons as its captain and now the one who carried the most important item, Jim, was being unreasonable. Pip leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his brown mane as he went back over today's events looking for where he could do better next time.

As another sigh escaped his lips his eyes switched focus to a framed picture on his desk. Reaching over he picked it up and gently caressed the glass. A single tear fell from his eyes.

“Why did I have to be born such a coward?” he asks to an empty room. Raising from his chair still holding onto the frame he walked over to the large windows and his eyes find a star like they have countless times he’s been at sea. Staring up into the brilliant night sky, his heart ached with loss and longing.

He could still hear her voice as if it was just yesterday. The way she laughed at his bad jokes like they were the best one she’d ever heard. How she’d always cock an eyebrow at him when he was learning to chart a course by just the stars and he’d get the names wrong. He chuckled at the memory at how annoyed she’d been as she was an avid astronomer he’d started doing it on purpose to tease her and it worked without fail.

His eyes misted heavily as he gazed up into the sky and caught a brilliant shooting star blaze into sight for a brief moment before fading in the inky black between the stars.

“Oh Starlight, where did you go?” He asked the sky softly wishing he had an answer to that question. When none came he hung his head and sighed. Walking back to his desk he set the picture back in its place and started to get ready for bed. He had a crew to oversee and a voyage to command. As he blew out the candle he vowed to make sure not to make the same mistakes a second time.

Days turned into weeks and started to blur together. There was always something to do on the ship so there were not many down days as it were. It wasn’t until nearly a month into the voyage that such a day came. Spike and Thorax both were taking the day and enjoying while they could.

They both had been working hard with whatever they were shown and given to do. Both had been shown the ropes of how things worked and they had the sore muscles and slightly bloody palms to prove it. So it was to nobodies surprise that they could be seen lounging on the main deck near the stairs to below deck just sitting and eating a few apples.

Both of them were startled by a loud shout.

“JAMES HAWKINS! You give that back right this instant!” They heard Celestia yell and they saw a mischievous smiling and laughing Jim running up on deck, carrying a crutch, followed closely by a, surprisingly swift, hopping and scowling Celestia. Thorax and Spike tried to greet them both but it didn’t turn out well.

“Hey, Jim! Morning Celest…” Was all he got out before the two had disappeared below deck again. They both just stared as the stairs before Spike huffed in annoyance and plopped back down to the deck.

“Well, at least one of us is having a good time,” he commented glumly. Thorax patted his shoulder trying to comfort him and his eyes lit up as he remembered something

“It’s not so bad Spike, Angel Marie said that later on, he’d throw a line out the back and let me drag along the bottom.” Thorax laughed in excitement while Spike could only stare at his friend like he’d grown a second head. Shaking his head to clear the confusion Spike continued his rant. Neither he nor Thorax noticed the three pairs of eyes gleaming at them from the darkness just inside the hold.

“Yeah, but I don't know what to think about this crew though. I feel like they're always watching us, just waiting to pounce,” he said and bit into his apple, munching on the sweet fruit and completely oblivious to the two pairs of hands reaching for hips and Thorax’s necks.

“Ah, that’s just a figment of your imagination Spike.” Thorax waved off the comment. A few seconds later they both felt hands clamp over their mouth and they were dragged back into the hold. No one on deck had seen them vanish.

Half an hour later

“This is just a figment of my imagination?” Spike asked Thorax his voice dripping with sarcasm. Spike was tied tightly to one of the deck support posts. He’d tried breaking free but even his strong arms could break the bonds. Thorax was lying flat on a table with his arms tied over his head and his ankles tied as and the ropes connected to some kind of pulley system.

They’d already tried yelling for help but no one seemed to be able to hear them mush to Spikes growing panic. They hadn’t seen their attackers yet, but a door banging open drew both their attention.

Into the room, they were in marched the unicorns Trixie, Snips, and Snails. Spike growled slightly at the smug smirk on Trixies' face and hoped the bluff he planned would work.

“Let us out of here or I’ll torch you to crisps!” He yelled letting out two small jets of green fire from his nose with a snort as a threat. It didn’t have the effect he wanted, the opposite in fact. Trixies' smirk only grew.

“You’d really kill everyone on this ship just to stop us? Finally showing that cold blood you're known for aren’t you, dragon.” Trixie said as if she was paying a compliment. The comment stung, making him wince. Most dragons tended to be arrogant in their supposed invulnerability and strength and were aggressive toward other races. Many well-known criminals were of the Draconic race, painting them as killers, murders, and monsters too many peoples.

Spike looked away from her and Trixie smiled in triumph. casually walking over to thorax she leaning over him slightly.

“Now if you would be so kind, please tell Trixie where the map is…” She paused for a split second before her right arm blurred and a knife found itself embedded into the table right next to Thoraxs' eyeball. Thorax froze in pure fear and Spike stared wide-eyed. Trixie just smiles sweetly making her all the more intimidating.

“Or Trixie will have to hurt you, naughty boys... badly.” She said in a slightly chiding tone while standing over Thorax, like she was explaining things to a child. Thorax swallowed hard before his eyes took on a steely gleam.

“Never! My friend and I will never tell you anything!” He said defiantly and spat right into Trixies' face. Trixie didn’t even flinch as the spittle hit her upper lip. She just giggled happily before she gave Thorax a half-lidded gaze and lick the spit into her mouth with a soft moan. Thorax and Spike both were freaking out and scared beyond belief.

“I was hoping you’d say that.” She said sweetly as she dug the knife out of the table and started bringing it toward Thorax’s face. Spike just started babbling trying to stop Trixie from hurting Thorax.

“Hey, hey, there could be extenuating circumstances you know!” He yelled out, gaining Trixie’s attention, which he wasn’t happy about, it only made him babble more as his brain went into a panic over time.

“I mean, you know uh… If,... ah... uh… maybe they’ll ask real nice?” He said hoping beyond hope that someone would save them. Trixie cocked her head to the side as she just stared at him with a blank look. Spike gulped loudly as he held her gaze. Than that terrifying smile was back.

“Nah, Trixie doesn’t think so.” She said making Spikes' heart flutter in fear. She turned to snips.

“Turn the wheel snips.” She told him He grinned evilly. Spike watched in horror as Snips gripped the wheel with a happy smile and he suddenly realized what was about to happen.

“STOP!” He screamed but Snips was already yanking the wheel. Spike clamped his eyes shut waiting to hear the pained screams of his friend. And waited. And waited some more. Spike cracked his eyes to peak and they snapped open on complete shock, amazement, and relief.

Snips was still turning the wheel in dumb shock as Thoraxs' limbs stretched beyond what was normal or even abnormal. Thorax’s face was crumpled and pinch as if he was trying to hold something back. He obviously counted hold it and he burst out laughing like an idiot.

“HAHAHAHA! STOOOP! HAHA! IT TICKLES! HAHA!” Thorax wheezed as tears of mirth pooled from his eyes and ran down his cheeks in streams. His arms and legs were now reaching the six-foot lengths. Trixie looked completely shocked but regained her composure and stopped Snips from turning the wheel.

“This won’t work, he actually likes this.” She pouted angrily. Thorax gasped for breath as he got his laughter under control. She nodded her head.

“Let’s torture the dragon.” Spike panicked.

“What?! NO! No, no, no!” Spike yelled and thrashed against his bonds but they still held firm.

“Yes.” Snails said as he appears with a brilliant red hot tipped metal rod.

“Did you know that while dragons are fireproof on the outside…” Trixie said slowly running her hand up and down his scally chest. He shivered at the touch as she slowly peeled back one of his longer chest scales and he felt his blood run cold. She smiled sweetly but it never reached her eyes.

“That all stops once you get past the first layer though.” She finished her sentence. Spike glanced fearfully at red hot iron slowly closing in on his now flammable spot on his body.

“And I’ve got a lovely recipe for blackened drake.” Snails said as he brought the iron closer and closer. Spike screamed in fear praying to whatever deity would listen that this would end! As if his prayers were answered The door slammed open drawing all their attention.

Trixie, Snips, and Snails all pale fearfully as the bodies and furious faces of Iron Will and Applejack quickly entered the room with weapons drawn and at the ready.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?” Iron will bellowed out as he pointed his cutlass at the trio while Applejack aimed a pistol at Trixies' face. Snails, in his panic to hide any evidence as he was ordered to do if they were found out, grabbed the red hot end of the rod with his left hand. It took him four full seconds before the pain hit him and he let it go screaming bloody murder.

Trixie still in shock about the two officers showing up acted on instinct as she’d had to ask this hundreds of times before.

"What happened this time?” She yelled at the bawling Snails. Tears pouring from his eyes and cradling his left hand he answered.

“I burned my hand! Kiss it make it better! please! Kiss it!” He begged. He didn’t get an answer as Trixie was clubbed over the head and knocked out by Applejack while Iron Will did the same to Snips with the butt of his cutlass. They both just looked down at the crying snails in anger and annoyance.

Spike felt such relief that he just started to laugh even as tears flowed from his eyes. They were safe.

An hour later

"Are you sure this will work miss Twilight?” Captain Pip asked her. He wasn’t certain this plan if one would call it that, would actually work.

“Of course sir, I wouldn’t suggest it if I wasn’t certain,” Twilight answered with a confident voice. Captain Pip wasn’t completely convinced but he had nothing else that could work so he nodded his head in agreement.

“Than make preparations to begin.” He said. Twilight eyes sparkled with an intensity that made Pip shiver.

“At once captain… oh, this will be so interesting! I better take notes.” She said before she rushed off to set things up. Putting his uncertainty out of mind for a moment he turned and glared daggers at the trio of Unicorns tied up in front of him. He shook his head in disgust.

“First mate Iron Will.” He said not breaking his eye contact with the trio in the slightest.

“Yes sir?” Iron will waited for his orders.

“Lock these three in the brig for the remainder of the voyage. When we return home they’ll stand trial for their crimes.” he ordered.

“Aye sir!” Iron Will snapped a salute and grabbed the struggling trio and dragged them off to the brig followed closely by an armed and glaring Applejack. Captain Pip sighed, sometimes he hated being a captain. With that aggravation out of the way he turned his attention to the main deck where Twilight and her assistant Derpy were prepping Thorax for the operation. A bit of movement caught his eye and he turned.

He saw Jim watching the preparation with a worried expression on his face. Captain pip took a deep breath before he approached him and getting Jim's attention before he spoke.

“Mister Hawkins, I’d like to speak to you in my cabin please.” he said. Jim glanced back toward his friends but gave a hesitant nod.

“Yes sir,” he said sadly and made his way to the captain cabin. Pip watched him go for a few moments before turning back to the main deck again. He couldn’t help the smirk that made its way onto his lips as Thorax kept chasing Derpy around the deck trying to tickle her with his long arms. He sighed before he followed Jim into his quarters

At least Thorax is enjoying himself Pip thought as he went inside his cabin after Jim.

Thorax waited anxiously for it to start. After a few more moments and a scolding from Twilight, he was hooked up to whatever Twilight had created using the rigging, ropes and a few pulleys. a few more moments and he was hoisted up till he was completely stretched out. She giggled slightly and held up a pair of scissors.

“Ready mister Thorax?” She called up to him. Thoraxs' eyes shined with excitement.

“Ready!” he yelled down. Spike stood by nervously chewing on his claws. Twilight nodded and called to her assistant.

“Tie off the rope Derpy!” She yelled and Derpy saluted and tied it off. Twilight leaned closer to Spike and said.

“I call this the 'Window Shade' cure.” She said, an excited smile on her face as she snipped the scissors in the air quickly. Giving it a name didn’t make Spike feel any better about this.

“Alright, here we go and… a snip, snip, snip.” She said and sniped one of the ropes in her contraption. As soon as the rope was cut Thorax shot into the air like a bullet out of a gun, his arms and leg retracting back into his body, flinging him upward.

“YEOW! WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!” He yelled as he was spun around the spreader for one of the sails. He stopped with a jerk and hung in the air by the rope he held onto with his arms back to their original length.

AH! Great! Wow!” He exclaimed in relief but in said relief, he let go of the rope.

"AHH!” he screamed and feel down toward the deck. His fall was broken somewhat as he landed on top of Twilights assistant Derpy and the two became a tangle of limbs as they tried to get up. They soon untangled themselves and got to their hooves.

“That was so cool!" He yelled thrusting his hand in the air. He looked at Derpy only to see that both of her golden eyes were staring straight at him and they didn’t look happy.

“What?” he asked her and she pointed harshly at her eyes making him wrack his brain in thought before he ‘oh’ in understanding.

“Ah, I can fix that.” He said and brought his fist up and than down on top of Derpys' head like a mallet hitting a gong. She rubbed her head where Thorax struck in pain before she glared at him again and her eyes were back to looking in two different directions

“You're welcome,” Thorax said smiling unperturbed by her glare, that is until she slapped him across the face and stormed off. Thorax held his stinging cheek in awe as he watched her stomp away. Spike quickly made is way over to him.

“You okay Thorax?” He asked, wanting to make sure his friend was okay.

“I think she likes me!” Thorax squealed like a filly and hopped up and down on the spot in happiness. Spike just blinked and stared at his hopping, squealing friend before slamming his claw into his face for what seemed like the millionth time.

Author's Note:

It's been awhile. Figured this deserved an update. :pinkiecrazy: 'bout time too. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments if you feel like you want to. I'm always up for talking ideas and getting helpful tips for improving stuff. I'll see you guys later. ALLONS Y! :trollestia:

Comments ( 3 )

Looking forward to hearing these songs!

I came here only to tell you one wisdom. My wisdom is that the word "Rum" and the word "Death" mean the same thing to you. hahahaha

Jim, my boy, you have posted a cringe! But don't worry, we'll show them! We still have time! *sneezes*

Billy Bones died from cringe


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