• Published 15th Feb 2018
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Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 23: The Calm After The Storm

“Anon! What’s going on?! I feel…” Tempest had to stop mid-sentence as she could feel Twilight’s magic sourcing through her new form. It made her feel stronger, happier, more friendly. One would say that perhaps Twilight’s essence had somewhat fused with her own. “AMAZING! Why, I feel like I can make the world better, through friendship! And math too! And don’t forget about Daring Do! I don’t even know what that is!”

The hell was she prattling on about?! You both were still falling! “Cool, that’s great! But do you mind FLYING SO WE DON’T GO SPLAT!” You yell at her as the raging storm threatened to zap the both of you before you could even get out through the bottom.

“Huh? Ugh…” Tempest puts her hoof to her forehead, feeling an odd dizziness “Sorry, didn’t feel like myself…Wait…” She then feels it, the horn. “What the? Is that your…” But then she feels new appendages on both sides of her body. She looks to them with great surprise “Wings? W-what the?”


Thank god Tempest was the headstrong warrior type, because she looked down with a determined nod and opened her wings….Which caused her to spiral out of control.

“AGHHH! WHAT HAPPENED?!” You scream as you hold on to dear life to the air tumbling alicorn. “NGH...Oh...I’m gonna be sick.”

“Anon! Wait...I’m thinking.” Tempest had no idea how to actually fly, especially in the winds of the storm clouds, but she was capable of coming up with an alternative in cases like these.

“THINKING?! TEMPEST WE’RE GONNA-” But she cuts you off with her words.

“I said quiet! I get it! We’re spiraling out of control! But I can’t control these wings in this storm and I was never a pegasus to begin with! The only way we’d be able to get out of this in one piece now is if…” Tempest suddenly stopped as memories of her having a horn hit her. She was a unicorn, she had magic. Sure, she hadn’t cast any spells in awhile, but every unicorn knows the basics. “I got it!”

“You do?! What do you got?!” You yell as you hold on to her for dear life.

“Easy!” Or she hoped anyway. If she couldn’t fly with the wings she had, she’d float using the power of a telekinesis spell. It didn’t take her much to actually cast it, but the magic provided through Twilight’s essence packed enough power to give her easy enough control to get the both of you to slow your descent as you both come out from under the storm. “Ha, I still got it.”

“W-woah...What’s going on?” You had floated a few inches away from Tempest, but you hadn’t gone splat, it was like you were hovering. And then you noticed it, her horn was glowing. “You’re...using magic?”

Tempest nodded “Well, I am a unicorn first and foremost. And you never forget such an easy spell as telekinesis. Are you alright, Anon? You were panicking back up there, maybe I should try a spell to calm your nerves while I still got this thing on my head.”

“U-uhh...Do you even know a spell like that?” You ask her as you both descend towards the castle balcony

Tempest shrugged “No…” Suddenly, there’s a near evil glint in her eye “But I do have this urge to help you, my friend, feel better.”

Ok then. Suddenly she was scarier than the Storm King. “U-uhhhh erm…”

She let out a gentle laugh. “Relax, it was a joke. Huh...hmmm” She looked up as her hooves landed gently onto the balcony, the storm was starting to dissipate now that the Storm King’s magic was gone completely. “I can’t believe it, he’s finally gone. Just like that.” Tears started to fill her eyes as the situation started to settle in her mind “It’s like waking up from a nightmare.”

“Yeah, that was...Pretty scary. But we did it, everypony survived, and man...That guy? Wow, I could see why nopony liked him. He was an asshole.” You take a moment to relax and take a breath “I’m just glad nopony got hurt, really, I am. I felt so angry, I just...wanted to kill him dead right there. He had no soul. And knowing he was willing to off anypony in his way for nothing? Yeah, I hope he shattered to a million pieces.”

“I’m with you on that. In fact, why don’t you take a...wait” Tempest noticed the Storm King’s statue had fallen into the balcony, going through some of the floor and shattering to pieces. But what scared her was a fallen Twilight that wasn’t too far from impact. “Is that? Oh no!” Tempest rushed over to her

“What? Oh...WHAT?! TWILIGHT!” You rushed over to her as well, panicking when you noticed the same thing Tempest saw. Did it crush her?! Was she dead?! “Tempest?! I-is she?” You noticed Tempest putting an ear to her chest to make sure she’s alright.

“Her heart is beating fine” She takes a breath of relief “And there’s no injury that would suggest she got hit. So then, what’s wrong with her?” Tempest points to her horn “Is it because I have her magic?”

Was it? You moved in closer for a better look. You could see Twilight twitching, her hind legs giving twitch kicks. But her face is what caught your attention the most, it was somewhat green.

Wait….OH MAN! “Holy crap! HAHAHA! I know what’s wrong with her!” You start giggling like a madman.

“What? Why are you laughing then? This is serious!” Tempest could not figure out what would cause you to act like this, but she didn’t like it.

“She’s just knocked out. Ahehe..oy” This then felt increasingly embarrassing now that you were about to explain it. “My rocket fuel may have been...Well...of a rather...erm...more natural gas than others.”

“You mean you farted all the way up there?” Tempest asked.

Ugh, did she have to be so direct? “Yes...If you want to be blunt. Ugh, why did you have to say it like that? You have no idea, Tempest. In my world, saying something like that would make guys on the internet just, y’know...They’d be enticed. Like, you’re just posting normally...And then THEY show up at the mere mention of it. WHY?! WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THREADS!? WHY MUST DEVIANTART BE FILLED WITH CRAP LIKE THIS?! YOU!” You pointed up to the sky “YOUUUUUU! HOW COULD YOU MAKE A WORLD OF CUTE PONIES AND STILL ALLOW SHIT LIKE THAT TO EXIST?!”

Tempest just looked left and right awkwardly, she felt so uncomfortable by your outburst that she couldn’t even bring herself why such a thing even exists. “Uhhh...Anon? I think I might be serious about that spell now. Because…”

Wut? Ah shit, you were talking to yourself again. How could you let something like that set you off? “Erm, I’m fine...s-sorry. Forget you heard anything. Erm, so yeah...Twilight. Erm, she um...Well, first, maybe we should get her magic back to her.”

“Yeah…” Tempest had no idea what came over you just then. She thought it may have been some sort of trauma from being beaten so badly by the Storm King, but she had never seen anything like it. She then looked to Twilight, and tried taking off her horn, but it wouldn’t come off. “I can’t get the horn off.”

“Yeah, I figured, the horn is kind of like that. Can’t you just transfer her magic back to her?”

“I would, if I knew how.Do you have any idea how to make that happen? It is your horn after all.”

Well, you did know one way. “Just put the horn to her heart and believe in her and stuff, that should work.”

Tempest raised an eyebrow at you, she was in a state of disbelief from your words. “Are you serious? I may not be a master of magic or anything, but even I know that’s pretty stupid. That’s the kind of thing that only happens in fairy tales, Anon. Didn’t you know that?”

Ouch, harsh. She didn’t have to say it like that. “I mean, I don’t know. You don’t know. It could work, it’s not like we have any other ideas.”

Tempest just looks at you with a silent stare as she gives a quick slap to Twilight’s face, making her wake up in a state of shock.

“Who?! What?! Where?! What happened?! Ogh…” Twilight put a hoof to her forehead “I feel like I was in a dark place. I saw tall buildings, taller than even the ones in Manehatten. Weird carts zooming past a black road, and the scariest and weirdest bipedal monster walking towards me. He was bushy and crazy eyed, shaking a can at me and asking for a ‘fiver’, then...That smell, ohhhh huh?” Twilight looked around, and noticed you and Tempest. “Oh...erm, Nopony heard that right?”

You hadn’t paid too much attention to what Twilight said, you were more shaking your head in your own shame as you realized you could have just asked Twilight for help. “Ok, or we could wake her up…And ask…”

“Ask? Ask me….Tempest?” Twilight’s senses fully return to her when she saw and realized Tempest was alright. “TEMPEST! YOUR OK!” She got up and gave Tempest a huge hug, catching her by surprise “What happened?! Is everypony else ok?! What happened to the Storm King?!”

Tempest was surprised. She was only really close to you and Grubber as a friend at this point, so she was caught off guard that the pony she had been chasing when she was under the Storm King was showing her such great affection for the smallest time she actually knew her. “Umm…” She gently broke off the hug, and stepped back. “Everyone is ok, and well, the Storm King? Take a look for yourself.” She points behind Twilight, to the shattered Storm King statue.

“Hmm?” Twilight looked over, and gasped when she saw the broken king. “O-oh, he’s er…” She didn’t know how to react. She wasn’t one for death or killing, and yet she didn’t seem to be too broken up about it. “He’s uh...he turned to stone and broke. I don’t...Ugh, I..Am I bad for not feeling so bad about this? I mean, maybe we could have still helped him? Maybe?”

Ugh, Twilight… “Twilight, take it from me. That guy? There was no way of making him see the Magic of Friendship. He’s worse than Tirek. He would have sold his own mother’s soul for immortality if he could.”

“Really?” Twilight then looks to Tempest “Really?” She couldn’t believe it. “That bad?”

Tempest nodded “Yeah, Anon is right. There was no redeeming that...Y’know, I don’t think our world has a word strong enough to describe the kind of guy the Storm King was. Anon, what about you?”

You smirk at that. This is the first time you could think of that a pony wanted to hear the kind of foul language you could come up with. “He was a gigantic fucktard, a real son of a bitch. I’m talking like, he literally came out of a dog’s anus over here. Not the puss-”

“Ok, OK! I get it! I don’t know what it is, but some of those words just sound...ugh” Twilight couldn’t stomach such vulgar language, even though she didn’t understand most of it.

Tempest giggled “I dunno, it kind of clicks with me. When I told the Storm King off before I stoned him, I felt like, heh, like all that hatred I had was just thrown into him. It was a huge load off actually.”

“Of course it clicks. When you say stuff like that to someone like that Storm King? It’s just a real load off, y’know? Speaking of which, Twilight, we kinda need to unload your magic from Tempest and...You wouldn’t know how to do that, would you?”

“What? Oh because...Wait” Twilight then noticed Tempest’s transformation. It both shocked and intrigued her “Tempest! You’re an Alicorn! How did that happen?!”

“Anon says his horn is filled with your magic. So I can only guess the horn’s own self transformative abilities may have been enhanced in a way. Also, it’s making me feel things that are a little too much for me. Is there any way to get it back to you? Your magic, I mean.” Tempest asks.

“OH, that’s actually very simple. You simply use a magic transference spell. Which, erm, actually isn’t too simple for the average Unicorn. But! When it comes to transferring owner’s magic back, there is a simpler solution. Simply put the horn on my chest and put your trust and care in me. It sounds silly, but putting one’s hope on another like that seems to cause certain kinds of magic to activate. Or in a case like this, return the magic back to its original owner.”

“Oh…Erm.” Tempest looked over to you, you had the smuggest look on you right now. It was rare you manage to get a victory like this one, and you just put on the smuggiest smug you ever smugged. She sighed, and let you have an apology. “I’m sorry, Anon. I-I guess it wasn’t that stupid. Really, I didn’t mean to sound that harsh or anything.”

“It’s fine, really. If you want to make it up to me though, do you think you could say ‘What is a pony! A miserable pile of friendship! But enough talk, have at you!’. It’d mean a lot to me. And ya know, put some real unf into it when you say it.” You didn’t know what it was, but you think that’d be a fucking laugh riot.

Both Twilight and Tempest looked at you like you were crazy.

“Hey! Don’t look at me like that! It’s a thing from my past converted to fit us great pony folk. Is it wrong to ask for that? It’s not like I’m asking for anything major.” Sheesh, what was with them?

“I mean...It just sounded weird to me. I didn’t...Ahrm.” Twilight didn’t mean to offend, but that did sound absolutely nutzoid to her. “I apologize, especially since...Y’know.” Twilight nodded over to the broken King. “You both pretty much saved the world.”

“Thank you” Finally, a little recognition and respect from Twilight.

“I just thought it was random. But ok, I can do that. In fact, let me do that right now. Because I don’t need anyone else looking at me when I do this.” Tempest takes a breath “For you. Anon. I’ll give it my all.” Tempest then gives both you and Twilight a malicious look at she points down to you “What is a pony?! A miserable pile of friendship!” Tempest then stares you down as she enters a battle stance “But enough talk!” She then hovers upwards with her magic as sparks appear and shoot off randomly, creating quite the spectacle “HAVE AT YOU!”

Holy shit! That was pretty fucking cool! “Bravo! That was even better than I could have imagined.”

Twilight just silently mumbled to herself “...I still don’t get it.”

Tempest carefully landed back onto the balcony and smiled a genuine smile. “Heh, maybe it’s Twilight’s essence. Or maybe, I’m getting more used to what it is to be a pony. Either way…” She takes a bow “I’m glad that was good enough for you, Anon…” But then she gives you a glare “If you tell anyone about it, I’ll fuck your shit up” She then gave you a smirk.

Oh no...It was like Chrysalis all over again. At least Tempest was redeemed. Haha...oh god. You had to make sure never to get on her bad side, considering how much ass she was capable of kicking.

After that, Tempest had returned Twilight’s magic to her. You had done it. You all had done it. The biggest threat in THIS Equestria you had ever personally seen, and through friendship and teamwork and a LOT of bullshit, you all managed to save it. It was amazing, it was scary, but in the end...You were just happy all your friends were safe.

In fact, when you three went back to the throne room. All your friends were waiting for you. They had already known about the triumph over the Storm King. How could they not when the three Princesses had already been unstoned….Somehow. Yeah, you didn't get that. But whatever, it was better than anything realistic happening. Twilight, of course, was ecstatic and all huggy with the princesses now that they were safe. You, man, Fluttershy just dove right into you and snuggled you. Telling you she’d never EVER let you go again. The rest of the ponies,pirates, and that cute princess bird eventually went into the usual HUGE hug.

And Tempest? She was reluctant to join in on all that. Grubber, who had seemed to have completely been reformed at this point, had grabbed her by the hoof and brought her in for the huge hug that everyone else was in.

Everything was ok now. All there was left was that Friendship Festival thing.

As for you? Heh, all in a day’s work for the ‘Hero Colt’