• Published 15th Feb 2018
  • 3,735 Views, 180 Comments

Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 7: The Turnaround

Author's Note:

Short Chapter, I know. Been busy with stuff and felt this would be a good cut off point til the next big chapter. Been getting more hours at work and have been focused more on getting the main story up.

You had to find a way to get this damned horn on your freaking head. No matter how hard you tried to reach your horn. The shackles on your legs didn’t let you reach far enough to reach it. “Dammit! DAMMIT! Running out of time...Running out of...hmmm?...AHA!” When you look up, you see your saddle bag still hanging on the hook beside your cage, along with a few other hooks beside it. Just maybe…

“God...If you exist...And you happen to be a pony. Please don’t let me choke to death.”

Your plan was simple, you would use one of the hooks. You climb back into the open cage and look towards the hooks. All you had to do was get your necklace caught on a hook so it raises upwards, and without snapping your neck, adjust your head just enough to get the horn on your forehead.

You take a breath, take a few steps back. And jump for the hooks….and miss.

You smash your head on the metal wall of the ship and fall backwards. The crash in your momentum combined with your fall caused the horn to fall daintily on your forehead and manifest itself as a unicorn’s horn anyway. You did it!.....and your head hurt...dammit.

“Ugh...one of these days. I have to remember to bring a helmet. But..Ok..I.” You get back on your hooves and check your forehead. The horn was indeed on your head. Holy crap….it was time. “..I...I can do this.” You look ahead towards the pirate ship. You could see them trashing the ship, looking for the mane 6. “Don’t worry guys...I’m coming. I’m gonna make this right...I just hope what I’m about to do doesn’t bite me in the ass.”

You had one more gambit to play. And as far as chaos goes, this was catastrophic in nature. But you were sure, Especially after her little spat, that Tempest wasn’t truly evil. Oh yeah, this was no doubt going to be a stupid move. But you also had a far better understanding of chaos than most, and you knew even if things didn’t go according to plan, that you’d still have an out.

And the plan itself? You were going to confront Tempest one last time….And let her use the horn herself to get what she wants. You were damned sure, given her obsession, that she would no doubt try to restore her horn. And you knew the consequences should she foolishly try to do it in a normal fashion. This was in the bag. Speaking of bag, you take your saddle bag before making your big entrance.

“Alright Anon. Hero Colt to the rescue, take two.” Your horn lights up as your shackles explode into golden light particles that fly all around you and fly you off to the pirate ship at a furious speed. As you approach, the particles surround you in a golden light. And upon landing, that light explodes in a spectacular fashion, blinding everyone on the pirate ship for a few moments.

When their eyes were able to adjust, they all saw before them a colt adorned in a golden pirate captain’s coat, gold buckled boots on his hooves, a fancy white undershirt, and a gold rimmed pirate captain’s hat with a chaos symbol instead of skull and crossbones. Of course, this colt was in fact you. “Yar me mateys, Captain Anon comin’ aboard to save ye lot from a grim fate.”

Everyone on board looked upon you in awe. Well, everyone but Tempest. She was, of course, ticked that you had escaped. “How did you-”

And you interrupt her, grinning arrogantly as you reach under your coat and take out your horn. “Escape? You can thank that cool cat right over there. Now then, I assume you know that you can’t beat me now, Right?”

Grubber shook his head as he came out of his astounded stupor and pointed at you in a battle ready stance “We can’t beat you? Ha! Tempest cleaned your clock last time, and she can do it again! Right Tempest?”

She didn’t answer at first. The pirates on board looked confused as to what was going on. Even whispering to each other on what must seem like something out of some whack job’s dream. Capper however, took the opportunity to straighten his coat and walk over to your side with new found confidence “Well well, looks like cat’s got your tongue there. But, as you can see, we have the winning hand. We got pirates, a super powered colt, and yours truly versus...well...you. Now…” Capper then looks to you “What’s the plan? We gonna send them back where they came from?”

“Nope, possibility there could be some problems with that. And I still have some business with Tempest. So, if she doesn’t want to answer, I’ll just lay out my plans right here.” You take a moment to look at the storm creatures. Man, they looked ready to tear you apart on the word go. “So, the plan is simple.” You look over to Tempest “Either we renegotiate some terms or I blow up both ships.”

And once again. Everyone is caught off guard. Capper rushed over to you, frantic, and tries to figure out what you mean. “H-hey! I want to win as much as the next guy but don’t you think that’s just a bit much? I mean, A LOT too much?”

“Only way to be sure they lose and to make sure Twilight’s mission succeeds. Besides, I crusade in the name of chaos. And what’s more chaotic than everything blowing up? The choice is yours, Tempest.” You give her a serious glare. You meant business this time.

“Uh, hey. Don’t I get a say in this?” The pirate captain, that beautiful bird babe, speaks up. She could now not only see that you were serious, but that Tempest seemed to acknowledge as such.

As much as you hate to disappoint someone so lovely, you simply shake your head.

“Do I?” Grubber tries his luck too. Obviously he didn’t want to blow up. He remembered that you did have explosive power.

“Nope...All on you Tempest. What say you?” You wait for her answer.

“You’re not going to blow up both ships. What about them? Hm?” Tempest tries her best to stare you down, but just like she knew you were bluffing. You can see a small bead of sweat coming down from her forehead. She knew you would. Because, at this point...you really would do it.

“Don’t know the pirates so there’s that, specially since they seem to be carrying merch of that monkey guy. Capper? Well, I got something in my bag that can get him out. So I’m gonna ask again, what say you?”

Grubber looks over to Tempest, worried about what could happen “Tempest? Can we seriously not win?”

Tempest’s agitation started to raise. She was cursing herself as to how this could happen at all. She was trying to figure out how Capper got you free. And she was trying to plan out some sort of battle plan. She would not, WOULD NOT, let her plans be overturned.

“Tempest?” Grubber risked giving her leg a shake. “What are we gonna do?”

In Tempest’s mind, it was just you and herself. Nothing else existed at this point. There was nothing she could do without risking falling prey to your wrath. She was sure under your arrogance was a blood curdling rage ready to blow everything to dust, and unlike last time, she has no way of escaping both ships going down. She was slowly losing hope, what else could she do? All she felt she could do now was somehow get the upper hand through whatever negotiation you might have. “It seems I have no choice….Everyone stand down. “

Now the pirates seemed really irked as the storm creatures begrudgingly stood down. So for sure, these pirates seemed like good guys...maybe. “Hey, captain lady. What’s your name and..” You point a hoof towards the rear of the ship “And what’s that door lead to?”

She looked at her fellow crew for a moment, she really had no clue what was going on at all and would have a hard time believing any of this if it didn’t seem Tempest was on the ropes. “Captain Celaeno, and that door takes you to our mess hall...Or rather” She takes a chance of defiance against Tempest “The captain’s quarters. Where we plan our plunders on anything Storm King related.”

And while the other pirates seemed to have suddenly gotten hope from those words. Tempest only fell further into agitation.

You? You just nod and start walking towards the door. “Thanks, Yo Tempest. You first, you are a lady after all.”

Grubber felt a rage build inside him. He even drops his cake as he steps over to you, pointing his claw at you “You can’t command Commander Tempest like that! You think you’re hot stuff? Well, after Tempest gives you a zap, you’ll be flaming! I mean, you’ll totally be on fire! Right Tempest?”

Tempest just nods to you and heads over to the door as she calls to Grubber “I said stand down, Grubber.”

Grubber smirked as he prepared for your annihilation “Yeah! Prepare for...wait...Tempest? Really? But h-” He had a double take, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. But mid sentence, Tempest bursts in a fit of rage.

“I SAID STAND DOWN! OR ELSE!” Tempest roars at Grubber, before entering a false calm state. She silently went through the door, and awaited you.

“Alright…” You then look to Capper “Capper, you got my back right?”

“Practically glued to it” Capper says as he starts pointing his fingers like guns at the storm creatures “You all heard your commander. Stand down, or else! Trust me, you don’t want any of this.”

You couldn’t help but smile at Capper taking advantage of insulting the irritated beings. You silently make your way to the door as Capper follows. But then Celaeno calls to you. She was highly interested in the fact that you seemed to be able to do what no one has ever done. “Hey, kid. How are you doing this? We appreciate the help, but just..how? We’ve been attacking all of the Storm King’s cargo ships for awhile now and we still lost. How are you able to beat his best commander like that?”

You stop at the door and look at her with a childlike grin “I’m the hero colt! And…” You begin to eye her from her parrot like face down to her crystal pegleg. You then wiggle your eyebrows at her. “And I wouldn’t mind getting to know you better after I’m done here, Captain”

“Uuuhh, I guess? I mean, if you say you’re going to help us then...” She had no idea what you meant by that. But she had apparently heard something below deck that you had not noticed. She thought if you were related to the stowaways she was protecting before they made their escape then she’d gladly give you a ride if, in fact, things don’t explode.

Capper immediately noticed your reaction, and gave a tap at your head “Ok Casanova, I gotta stop you right there. Your aunt mentioned you having a fine little ball and chain already. It isn’t cool to get puppy love all of a sudden. Know what I mean?”

...Goddammit. You...You just wanted a hug...and some head rubs...maybe an ACTUAL peck on the cheek. Stupid cat, sounding like a damn PSA. “..Yeah...yeah..ok.”

And so you entered the door, with Capper behind you. This time, you’d make sure you come out victorious.