• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 11,311 Views, 279 Comments

Thunder - The Zebra Hybrid

A human gets transported to Equestria with the powers of the Norse God of Thunder. Second installment to the Hybrid Universe.

  • ...

The Concrete Jungle Final Part

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" whispered a worried Flurry.

"It has to." replied Ollie.

Marcus however, was unusually silent. Back at the hotel the three agreed to 'surrender' and be escorted back to wherever these guys came from to meet the big boss in charge. It wasn't long until they were completely surrounded by the griffon gang with guns pointed in their direction. Once the three, mostly Ollie, convinced the griffons that they were giving up, all three of them were restrained with anti-magic bindings and loaded into a nearby carriage. Of course the griffons couldn't pick up Mjolnir, and as a result was left behind staying stationary in front of the Manehattan hotel.

The human was deep in thought about this whole situation, he wasn't able to bring Minnie with him, but he still should be able to summon her. However with how long they've been in the carriage for, it'll take her damn-near forever to get to him. He'll have to find a way for him to discreetly summon her, he just hopes none of the guards have any more of those talismans that interrupts his powers.

"You doing okay?" asked Ollie, snapping the human from his thoughts.

He held up his cuffed hands, "Doing peachy. I just love being chained and kidnapped." he replied sarcastically, "but in all seriousness though, I'm hanging in there."

"Look....I'm sorry I got you two into this mess."

"This wasn't your fault," added Flurry, "If anything, I'm glad Marcus stepped in. I have a feeling things would be a lot worse if he hadn't."


"No buts. Whether you like it or not we are in this together."

The yellow mare opened her mouth to say something but immediately closed it. She smiled trying to fight back the tears, threatening to escape, and nodded. The rest of the ride was spent in silence, Flurry stared out the window of the carriage, Ollie seemed to have dozed off, while Marcus was playing with the anti-magic cuffs around his wrists. The human had figured out that maybe these griffons were as smart as he thought. For instance, the cuffs barely fit him so they made them loose as hell. Not to mention that the supposedly "anti-magic cuffs" did nothing to affect him. If anything he could call Minnie right now and bust all three of them out if he wanted to.

However that wouldn't stop these ass-hats from continuing to chase them. What was the saying again? To cut the head off the snake or some shit?

His thoughts were then focused on Flurry. Maybe she shouldn't have come with him on his little pilgrimage at all. If he knew it was this dangerous he would've kicked her little ass off the train. He didn't care if her parents approved of it,if anything happened to Flurry, Princess Cadence will do who knows what to him and his little friend.

He likes his dick attached to his body thank you.

However that wasn't the only thing that caught his eye about the alicorn. He knows he can be a bit oblivious sometimes but even he can see when someone is hiding something. His first clue was how she wanted to be so discreet about other ponies not knowing who she was. The next was the fact that she pours her milk before the cereal, that shit just isn't natural and he should definitely talk to her parents about it. However the one thing that really stood out was the fact that she's been really moody at times. Not "time of the month moody" but more like "certain subjects that we talk about will make me cry and kill you" kind of moody.


The human was snapped from his thoughts as he noticed that the alicorn in question was staring right at him with a curious expression, "Huh? What is it?"

"I don't know, you've been staring at me for quite a while now. I know you can be brain dead sometimes but this is actually concerning."

Shit, he didn't know he was staring at her for that long. He has to think about something quick before she thinks that he's a total psycho, "I was just deep in thought."

"What were you thinking about?"

Since the both of them were here he might as well confront her now, "Well, I've been thinking about you."

Flurry felt her cheeks warm up at the unexpected answer, "M-Me?"

"Yeah," nodded Marcus, "look I may be a bit slow at times but I'm not stupid. I've noticed that you've been hiding something."

The young alicorn's embarrassment instantly faded away as fear and worry now flooded her system. If she could get any paler, ponies would think that she was a ghost. How did he figure it out? Was she that obvious? Millions of questions rushed through her head, if Marcus found out that she lied about her parents letting her go with him and that she actually ran away from home, it'll all be over. She can't let that happen, at least not yet.

"Wh-What gave you that idea?" she stuttered trying not to make eye contact with the curious human.

Marcus raised an eyebrow, "Well first of all, you're not making eye contact. Second, you've been all James Bond ever since we left the Crystal Empire. So it's either that time of the month for you or there is something you don't want me knowing."

"W-Well, it's just...." Flurry was falling apart. She needed to figure out something to say to satisfy him. She knew that Marcus may be lazy but when it comes to others, he could read them like a book. If she couldn't give him a total lie, she'll have to give him a half truth.

"It's just," she started, "I don't know what I'm doing."

Marcus stayed silent as she continued, "I...I always wanted to be considered a normal pony. I hate being a princess and I hate the popularity it brings. I want to make friends that see me as Flurry Heart, not Princess of the Crystal Empire. I want to go to new places without others making a deal about it. So...I thought if I could hide the fact I was an alicorn and change my name all together then I could get that."

"Is that it?" said Marcus.


"Flurry, I'm gonna be honest I don't know what it's like being a princess and I can't share your experiences. The best I can give you is some advice, and that's to push through that shit. Hiding away isn't going to get you what you want, and you'll only hurt yourself more in the end. It'll take awhile but if you stay true to yourself, you'll find that what you wanted isn't what you actually need."

Flurry could only shrink back as her chest tightened, her stomach felt like it was being invaded by thousands of butterflies. Even though Marcus bought that half truth of hers, she wasn't expecting that compassionate lecture from the human. She could feel her eyes being flooded with tears.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes, "Wh-When did you get so good with words?" she asked, she didn't know why but if she wasn't restrained at the moment she would wrap the human in a tight hug and ask for him to never let her go.

Marcus smiled, "I used to watch a LOT of Oprah and Dr. Phil."

"Who the hay-"

"Hey!" yelled their griffon captors, "We're approaching the manor. Once we arrive, do what we say and things won't have to get ugly."

"Looks like that'll have to wait." said Marcus as he noticed Ollie waking up from her nap, "it's almost time to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all out of ass."

Flurry sighed, "You know Marcus, sometimes I worry about your sanity."

Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire loves his family. Flurry, Twily, Cadence, and even Spike all had their place in his heart and he would do anything to protect no matter how their relationship was. Him and Cadence have been growing apart ever since the disappearance of their daughter. It had been stressful for both of them, especially when it comes to who to blame. Cadence still believes that the human, Marcus, was the one who convinced Flurry to go with him, but he just had a gut feeling that there was something more than meets the eye. However that did not take away the possibility that his wife might be right and he could be wrong. So he's prepared to take action if need be.

After hearing that Misty Knight was sent to find Flurry and that she had tracked her to Manehattan, he decided to do some research on the mercenary. it's still bugged him that his wife hired the same mercenary that was hired to kidnap their daughter to find her instead of having her own parents try to find her themselves. However his wife has never led him astray with her methods, so as of right now he is in limbo on trusting his wife and being prepared for any double cross Misty Knight might have up her sleeve.

He was now making his way towards the lower districts of the Crystal Empire, from what Cadence had told him Misty should have a colt and a friend living there. It was difficult at first trying to find the exact address due to the fact he had little to no information on the colt, other than him being her son. However the friend was another case, with enough asking around he found out that Misty's friend works at the local foster home here. That's where he was heading now.

He only wanted to confirm a few things with Misty Knight's friend before returning to the castle. If Misty really did have a son then MAYBE he could trust her a little bit more. In the meantime however that doesn't change the fact that she tried to kidnap his little girl. He could see the building of the foster home come into view. He smiled at the fact that even though it is in the poorer districts, it looks to be in perfect condition. As he approached the door of the foster home he placed three welcoming knocks.

"Give me a second!" shouted a young gruff voice from inside.

Shining waited until the door opened and he almost did a double take at the stallion standing in front of him. The first thing the prince noticed was the horn on top of his head, identifying the stallion as a unicorn, his coat was a dark blue and he had golden locks of a mane, beard, and tail. The most noticeable feature was how big the stallion was, if anything he was about the same size of Applejack's brother, Big Mac. Once the stallion's eyes met his, he placed his giant form into a kneeling position.

"P-Prince Armor!" he exclaimed, "It's a pleasure to be in your presence. My name is Storm Bringer."

Shining chuckled, "No need to be so formal, I'm just here to ask questions."

Storm Bringer gave Shining a curious look, "I don't think I'll be much help. I just run the foster ho-"

"Do you know anything about Misty Knight?"

The large unicorn's features immediately went serious, Shining was about to bring his guard up until he noticed something in his eyes. They weren't filled with malice but instead filled with pity and disappointment, "Come inside, I'll answer whatever I can." he said in a somber voice.

Shining only nodded and followed the unicorn inside. There was definitely something going on and he was going to find out what. As the prince followed the large blue unicorn inside, he couldn't help but notice the faint trace of scars on him. Shining was in the guard long enough to know that this stallion was, or at least used to be, a fighter. It was still somewhat early so the fillies and colts living here shouldn't be up for another hour or so. Which gave him more than enough time to get the information he needed.

He followed Storm Bringer to the dining room and watched him take a seat at the table, prompting Shining to do the same. A few moments passed until Storm breaker gave a sigh.

"Alright," he started, "What do you want to know about Misty?"

Shining nodded, "First things first. Who are you and how do you know Misty Knight?"

"Me and Misty go way back. We were both part of the same group of mercenaries and did many jobs together. Hell, if anything I was her teacher before I retired. I recommended she did the same, when her little foal was born but she was refused."

Shining kept a stoic face as the unicorn continued, "As a result she left her colt with me to care for here in the foster home. She tries her best to come by every now and then but....lately she's been more distant. If you don't mind me asking, do you know where she is now?"

Shining nodded and explained what had happened the past couple of days. He told him of Marcus' arrival, to Misty's attempt to kidnap Flurry, to Flurry's "assumed" kidnapping, and Cadence hiring Misty to bring back Flurry. Storm Breaker had to admit he wasn't expecting all this to be thrown on him at once. He knew something was going due to the unusual amount of guards he had seen lately. Now it all makes sense, he covers his face with his hooves and lets out a sad sigh.

"Oh, Misty, what have you gotten yourself into?" he muttered as he gave Shining an apologetic look, "Look, Misty is....... complicated. She's not a bad mare. She just doesn't make the right choices sometimes when it comes to those that she loves."

"Like her son?" asked the prince.

Storm nodded, "Exactly. She loves that little colt, and he loves his mother. She'll go to great lengths if it meant supporting her son. Even if she had to go into this line of work."

"Why did you retire from mercenary work? It seemed like you made a lot of bits, so why stop?" Shining asked with curiosity, even though he may already know the answer.

Storm chuckled as he stroked his blonde beard, "I'm an old stallion, Prince Armor. I've seen a lot of things as a sword-for-hire, seen many of my comrades die in battle. I used to be immune to being too attached when working that job, so I couldn't risk it. That was until I met Misty, we've done as many jobs as I can count. If anything she's like the daughter I never had."

Shining stayed silent, interested in the story, as the large, old unicorn continued, "When Misty found out she was pregnant, she was scared. Almost tried to get rid of the poor foal before it was even born. If it wasn't for me reminding her that she was taking a life before it could get a chance to live. Let me tell you when she saw that colt open its eyes for the first time I new that was one of the few times she felt love. However her son wasn't the only love she had."

"Let me guess," started Shining, "She chose being a mercenary over her son."

"You could say that. Misty loves her son deeply, she just has an....interesting way of showing it."

"One more thing-"

"Mr. Bringer? Is breakfast ready?" said a gentle, young voice. The two stallions looked towards the source of the voice to see a young unicorn colt. His coat was a deep charcoal, with a short silver mane and tail. The one featured that stood out was the bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle, just like his mother's.

"Foggy," said Storm Bringer, "what are you doing up so early?"

The little colt nervously looked down, "I-I was hungry....so I was hoping you made breakfast earlier than usual."

The stallion smiled, "Let me finish talking to Prince Armor and I'll make whatever you want."

"Prince Armor?" Foggy asked before finally noticing Shining Armor. The young colt gave a cute squeak before bowing his head, "I-It's great to meet you P-Prince Armor."

Shining chuckled, "You don't have to bow to me little guy. Why don't you listen to Mr. Bringer and give us a minute?"

The colt nodded before scampering off, "That was Misty Knight's son was it?" asked Shining as Storm nodded.

"Mhmm, his name is Foggy Knight. Sweet kid and pretty stubborn like his mother."

"Does he know?"

"About Misty? Of course he does. Misty comes by every now and then to visit before she heads out to her next job. However, me and Misty both agreed to not let the boy know about her being a mercenary. She might love it, but she doesn't want her son near anypony involved but her."

Shining thought for a second. His visit confirmed that Misty Knight did have a son and not to mention that she did care for the colt. Which meant all the other stuff that she told Cadence was also most likely true too. That didn't however excuse the fact that she tried to kidnap Flurry, but it did allow him to put a little trust in her.

"Well, thank you for having me, Mr. Bringer. I have all I need now-"

"Prince Armor before you go. May I offer you some advice about your missing daughter?"

Shining gave Storm a stern look before nodding, "Go ahead."

"I just have to say that love can make ponies do crazy things."

Shining rose an eyebrow, "What does love have to do with Flurry? Are you saying that Flurry left because she is in love with Marcus?"

"I didn't say that, but just know that love is a big factor to your problem."

Shining Armor was now confused. What in the hay was this old stallion talking about? What did he mean that love was a big factor to his problem? Maybe Cadence knew something, she is the Princess of Love after all.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." said Shining as he shook the large unicorn's hoof.

"Anytime Prince Armor. Don't worry about your little girl. If what you told me about this human is true then she is in safe hooves."

"I am so not in safe hooves." whined Flurry as she, Ollie, and Marcus was escorted through the manor. She was having second thoughts on Marcus' plan. Before they got captured the human had told the two mares that once they get inside the manor he would tell them what to do next, but so far he hadn't told them squat!

"It's okay Princess," said Ollie, "We just have to trust Marcus and hope he knows what he's doing."

"You can just call me Flurry," Flurry replied, "and I wouldn't put that much faith in that lazy potato."

"You know I'm right here right?" said Marcus, "And my plan is foolproof you pink piece of fluff."

"Well so far your plans have either got you injured or captured."

"They worked didn't they!"

"No they didn't! You just wing it until you get lucky!"

"And that's how I've been doing things!"

The two griffons escorting them growled as they rubbed their heads, "Val, do you have any spare bullets?"

"Why?" asked the griffon known as Val.

"So I can shoot myself....these two argue like my parents."

"Just try to hold out until then."

A couple of minutes of being forcefully escorted through the griffon manor. All that was heard was the two bickering voices of Marcus and Flurry. The two griffons were close to ending it all and allowing two other poor griffons to take the prisoners to the boss, while they went out and to get the strongest drink that could get. Ollie thought it was funny watching the two argue, but even she was reaching her limit.

"No, you shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"FINALLY," yelled both of the griffons as they approached a pair of fancy doors, "Now you three get in there, the boss is waiting. And you two hatchlings better shut the buck up! I'm gonna have to get hearing aids because of you!"

The three said nothing as the doors opened and they were pushed inside, The doors shut behind them as a soft chuckle bought their attention. The two mares and one human were in an office or trophy room of some sort. Weapons of different variety hang on the walls. In front of them was a desk with a large, maybe larger than Marcus, griffon sitting behind it. The main griffon boss was larger than normal, his feather's being a dark brown and his feline fur being a coal black. His sharpened talons scraped the chair he was sitting in, and his large wings folded at his side. The more noticeable features would be the red ruby necklace around his neck, and his beak being made of a prosthetic metal.

"I was expecting Ollie Sheen and the ape-like creature," said Silver Beak in a smooth but menacing tone, "but to have Princess Flurry Heart here? Now that's something that caught me off guard. You're a far way from home aren't you little pony?"

"Y-You could say that." stuttered the crystal princess.

"Excuse the interruption," sarcastically spat Ollie, "but why did you bring us here, instead of just killing us?"

Silver Beak ominously chuckled, "You should watch your tone if you know what's good for you. As to answer your question though, the reason why you're not sleeping with the fishes is because of your ape-like friend here."

Marcus pointed at himself, "Me?"

"Not specifically you, but I'm more interested in that hammer you have. You see, before I came here to Equestria I was known in Griffonstone as "The Collector". As you can tell by the name I am interested in exotic items and creatures."

"And you are looking to "collect" Minnie?"

"I'll assume that's the name of the hammer, and yes that is why I had my underlings summon you to me. Speaking of which, where is the hammer."

"Somewhere your bitch ass won't find it."

"Why the aggressive attitude? Can't we be civilized with this?"

"Your goons almost killed me and my friends on multiple occasions. I think we're past the point of being civilized."

Silver Beak sighed as he stood from his chair. Even though Marcus had godly powers, he still gave a nervous gulp at how big the griffon was. He easily towered the other griffons and was a bit higher than himself. Not to mention if he knows about Minnie and his powers, why was he so calm? He watched as the ruby necklace glowed a bright red as a sinister aura surrounded Silver Beak.

"Then, I guess we would have to skip to the point." said Silver Beak, "Ape! surrender yourself and that hammer to me. If not then Ollie Sheen will be fed to my dogs and the Crystal Princess will be an excellent "stress reliever" for me and my boys."

"A-Are you mad!" exclaimed Ollie, "Do whatever you want to me, but Flurry is the daughter of THE Princess Cadence! Do you know what the Crystal Empire will do to you, what she'll do to you?"

"What she doesn't know, won't hurt us, whatever happens to you depends on the ape here."

Flurry took a step back as her pupil's shrunk to pinpricks. These griffons wouldn't actually do THAT to her would they? She looked over to Ollie who was glaring daggers at the large griffon and Marcus, even though it was obvious that he was scared himself, stood in front of her in a defensive manner. As always she was in the background, being protected, and being helpless. Whoever this griffon was sent a chill down her spine, especially that necklace he wore around his neck. The malice and negative energy she was feeling was strangely familiar. It felt like someone turned up the gravity as she could barely keep herself upright.

"First of all you're not touching Flurry." menacingly said Marcus, "Second I'm called a human, and third I don't think being a slave is the right profession for me."

Silver Beak chuckled, "Then you foolishly just threw your life away, human. You will hear your friends' screams from the afterlife when I'm done with you."

Flurry's eyes widened as it finally clicked, "M-Marcus! Be careful! He has the Alicorn Amulet!"

"Alicorn Amulet? What the fuck is-"

Before Marcus could finish, he was picked up by some unseen force and before he was thrown through the wall and was now in a large crater outside. He groaned as he took in his surroundings, he was laying in a small humanized crater in what he assumed was a garden. He looked at the manor in front of him and noticed that giant human sized hole he flew out of. As well of the bright red streak of death quickly coming this way-

"Shit in my ass!" he yelled as he rolled out the way as the Silver Beak landed where he previously. The human continued rolling before he quickly shot up to his feet. The dust cleared to reveal Silver Beak who was slightly bigger, his eyes glowing a bright red, and an ash like aura surrounding him.

"Quite nimble," said Silver Beak, "but not nimble enough."

Faster than the human can see he was struck in the chest by a magic infused talon and was sent tumbling backward. Thank God those anti-magic cuffs broke when he was launched, or else he might have been paste. He saw the enhanced griffon charge at him again but he was ready. Getting into a football stance he met the griffon head on, grabbing Silver Beak's upper half and directing his momentum toward the ground. The human slammed the griffon on the ground full force causing a miniature aftershock.

The griffon growled and back handed the human behind him and let out a screech. Marcus covered his ears and barely dodged a talon swipe from Silver Beak. The attack could've taken his head off but he was lucky that he only got a scratch on the cheek. Marcus couldn't get a break as his head was grabbed and was headbutted before being tossed in the air once again. Silver Beak spread his wings and flew up as the human continued altitude. Catching up to Marcus he elbowed him in the stomach making him cough up spittle sending him back toward the ground. However before he could make impact, Silver Beak was there once again and sent a red magical blast from his mouth.

Marcus cursed to himself, as he luckily recovered his senses and turned his body clockwise, dodging the beam as it impacted in a red explosion behind him and charged forward. Only to be knocked face first back in the ground and to be kicked in the side.

Marcus spat out some blood and steadily stood up, "Tweety Bird is fast, I'll give him that and also strong. I just need to hold out until Minnie gets here."

"You lasted longer than I expected. I'm using the power of an actual alicorn and you still stand. You have my praise, but this doesn't change anything. You will die, and the princess and Ollie Sheen will be mine."

"Over my dead body, I rather have my dick ripped off! Wait a minute."

"As you wish, human."

"Wait to the death or the dick ripping?"


"Fuck it, let's continue." Marcus shrugged before charging Silver Beak and the griffon doing the same.

Meanwhile, both Flurry and Ollie were peeking through the large hole in the wall. Both observing the, one-sided, battle that was happening in the gardens. Flurry was about to fly out and help her annoyingly, lazy friend but Ollie bit her tail before she could get far.

"Hey let me go!" exclaimed Flurry, "I need to go help him!"

"He'll be fine!" said Ollie, "We need to focus on the plan!"

"What plan!? He didn't tell us anything other than he was going to take down Silver Beak!"

"And we need to trust him! You might not have caught it earlier but why do you think Marcus decided to fight by himself?"

Flurry was about to answer but stopped herself. Why did Marcus decide to face Silver Beak by himself, without his magical hammer? She knew, he had to had known that it was basically suicide, especially with the griffon having the Alicorn Amulet with him. Then it hit her....

"He's distracting him." realized Flurry as Ollie nodded, "If that's the case what do we do?"

"Marcus said he wanted these griffons to be put out of business for good.....That's it! The authorities could never put Silver Beak away due to not enough evidence. However if they catch him in the act and not to mention you being a princess. They would shut this whole place down."

Flurry was about to agree, "D-Does it have to be me...."

"Of course! When the guard finds out that Silver Beak and his gang kidnapped a princess then that'll be game over for them! What's wrong?"

Flurry didn't know what to say. On one hoof, she would be exposing herself and saving Marcus' life probably. However they could force her to go back to the Empire and Marcus would have to leave her behind. She heard another thunderclap as the battle continued outside, it was then she made her decision.

"Alright, what do we have to do?" she said confidently.

Ollie smiled and nodded, "We first need to find a way to contact the Royal Guard in Manehattan. Then we'll figure out how we can help Marcus."

Back in the gardens, Marcus was literally being tossed around like a bean bag. Hopefully Flurry and Ollie figured out his plan to distract Silver Beak so they can call the guard. However Minnie is taking her sweet time trying to get to him! He grunted as he crashed into the dirt again and struggled to get to his knees. Silver Beak landed behind him and laughed before giving off a cocky smile.

"Is this the so-called 'powerful ape' that my boys were telling me about? I'll give you some credit for being as durable as you are but I think it's time for our little "match" to end."

'Minnie! I could really use some lightning powers right now!'

'Sorry! I saw a sword with a nice looking shaft-'

'MINNIE! I am literally going to die if you don't bring your ass here!'

'I'm moving as fast as I can! I'm almost there, just give me a few seconds.'

Marcus' link with Minnie was instantly cut off as he was struck in the back and was kicked in the side. The human was now on his back holding his now bruised ribs in pain. He grunted again in pain as he was not pinned by the large griffon, with his talon raised. Marcus closed his eyes ready for death to take him, hoping that the sash was at least quick and done with.

"Say goodbye human!"


The human then felt a familiar 'humm' and smiled. It took her long enough to get here. Right before Silver Beak's sharp talon made contact with his jugular, Minnie came swooping in and knocking the enhanced griffon off of him and sending him tumbling across the ground like a rag doll. Marcus rolled on his knees once again and held out his hand as Minnie flew backwards and landed in his grasp.

Silver Beak slowly recovered and looked toward the human to see the hammer now in his grasp, slowly standing to his feet. He looked up to see storm clouds were suddenly forming, which didn't make any sense. The weather didn't change by itself in Equestria other than a few regions, and there definitely wasn't any pegasi in the area. He looked back over to Marcus who's eyes were now a glowing blue and sparks of electricity were seen around him.

"Hehe, so you get a power up when you have that hammer in your possession," Silver Beak barked, "but don't get cocky! It's still not enough to beat me!"

"Why don't you come over and show me! Come at me bro!" barked back Marcus. Silver Beak growled and charged Marcus, who twirled Minnie and flew straight upward dodging the attack. Silver Beak followed the human as he saw him disappear in the dark clouds above.

"It seems the rumors about flying monkeys are true!" he yelled as he fired another magical beam from his beak. Marcus turned around and swung Minnie, deflecting the blast before shooting down to meet him head on. Silver Beak swung a talon but he was blocked by Marcus. The human then infused Minnie with a quick spark of lightning before hitting the griffon dead on in the face launching him through the clouds.

Marcus couldn't believe how easy it had gotten to use his powers. He wasn't anywhere near this good when he first fought Misty Knight and her gang. Was this because he was used to the power? Or was it something else? A motivation? He couldn't tell. He did know that if he lost Flurry and Ollie will be in a lot of trouble. No time to think about it now, for he had an ass to kick.

'Stay focused, Marcus. This griffon is wielding a lot of power, he is most likely more powerful than you. However if you play your cards right you can win by default-'

'How? You just said he was more powerful than me?'

'Will you shut up and listen? Yes he is way more powerful than you and with him having that amulet he'll just continuously increase in power. However the Alicorn Amulet was made to be used by unicorns and, well, alicorns. If you could hold out just a little longer he should overload with power.'

'Great sounds like a plan.'

A bright red light caught his attention in the clouds as Silver Beak was now charging him once again. He really hoped Minnie knew what she was talking about. Twirling his hammer he met the griffon head on in a blue and red explosion.

Flurry and Ollie were now sneaking throughout the manor, dodging and hiding from the griffons that were now on high alert. Apparently ever since Marcus started the fight with their boss, the whole building was on lock down. All they needed to do was find a room with a pen and paper so then Flurry could send a message to the Royal Guard. However that was going to be a problem since Silver Beak's office is nothing but dust and debris. Now the two were forced to look around the manor without being detected to find what they needed.

"We've looked all over this place and still no sign of a pen and paper," whispered Flurry, "Like how hard is it to find those!"

Ollie put a hoof to her chin, "If I remember correctly we stopped at a security check in before actually entering this place. That has to have them."

"That place would be swarming with griffons though!"

"It's a risk we'll have to take. Once we get there I can see if I can create a distraction and you write the note and use that spell to send it off. After that we'll rush back to the gardens and help Marcus."

'Marcus! It's about time!'

'Got it!'

Marcus swung Minnie and struck Silver Beak in the chest, sending the griffon crashing into the gardens below. He then raised and twirled his mighty hammer in the air as lightning swirled around him. Thunder roared across the skies as hurricane-like winds surrounded the area. Silver Beak growled and looked up at the god like being that was before him.

"You spineless ape!" he roared, "You are supposed to bow to me! I will not be humiliated!"

Silver Beak spread his wings in an aggressive like stance and shot up in rage. Zooming through the air and straight for the human, however Marcus anticipated this. Pointing Minnie at Silver Beak he shot a blast of lightning full force at the griffon. Silver Beak had tried to dodge but he was too fast and too close, as a result he was struck and shocked by many volts of electricity.

Silver Beak roared in pain as he glowed a brighter red. Marcus knowing what was about to happen put more force into the volts and before he knew it an explosion went off where the griffon was. Marcus covered his face from the bright light until it died down. Looking down he noticed a figure lying in the gardens below. Slowly levitating down back to solid ground he noticed that said figure was Silver Beak. Parts of his feathers and fur have been singed and bruises littered parts of his body. Marcus held his breath of the burnt flesh before chuckling.

"Minnie, Imma take a nap wake me up when I'm dead." before Minnie could answer the human fell backward and fell deep into unconsciousness.

Author's Note:

Hello ya'll.......yeeeeeaaaah 3 months. But I hope the length is worth it!

Also winner of the poll from last chapter is THE PAGE!

Meaning that the next story will be about Slender!

Here is what the choices corresponded to-

The Page- Slender

The Crystal- Star Wars

The Ball- Pokemon

The Arrow- JoJo's Bizzare Adventure