• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 11,311 Views, 279 Comments

Thunder - The Zebra Hybrid

A human gets transported to Equestria with the powers of the Norse God of Thunder. Second installment to the Hybrid Universe.

  • ...

Cereal Killers

Author's Note:

Hey ya'll! Just a quick note. Thank you to all for the feedback on this story! It really helps me plan out for future updates.

I have changed the reason why Flurry is with Marcus on the train in the 'Revised' chapters. You don't have to read them, but it is recommended.

Again all feedback is welcomed! Anyway enjoy the chapter!

Marcus woke up to the smell of something sugary and sweet. He released a loud yawn as he sat up on the couch in his and Flurry's cabin on the train, feeling a unusual weight in his lap. Letting his curiosity get the better of him he looked down and saw a sight that caused his mouth to water a bit. Sitting in his lap was a plate of stacked buttermilk pancakes, topped with syrup, with a side of scrambled eggs and hash browns. He felt the tears surface as he looked at the heavenly gift that was in front of him.

"Good morning." said Flurry as he looked in her direction to see that she was eating her own pancakes, "I felt guilty about what happened yesterday. So I got you some breakfast from the meal cart as an apology."

Marcus looked at her, then the food on his plate, and then back to her, "You really got this for me?"

Flurry looked away, "W-Well, you were so mad when I said that I was staying with you. You also didn't really get a chance to eat at the palace yesterday."

Marcus gave her a suspicious look, "Alright, what do you want?"

Flurry eyes widened as she had a bead of sweat roll down her forehead. How did he know!? "Wh-What are you talking about Marcus?"

"Flurry, nobody just GIVES away food. That shit's just not normal. You either really felt guilty about what happened yesterday or you're just buttering me up for the actual question you have on your mind."

Marcus was technically right. She did feel guilty on how mad he was yesterday because of her showing up out of the blue. She could tell that he was just worried for her after the whole dinner incident, but even though she was held hostage she could totally take care of herself. Maybe. However the main reason why she was giving the dark-skinned human breakfast in bed was because she wanted to know about his parents. When she had brought it up last night she noticed his mood do a complete one-eighty.

She didn't want to admit it but Marcus is probably the first one, other than her family, that she could probably call friend. She didn't want to be nosy or bring up any bad memories that human had with his parents, but if that was a topic that would bother him in the future, she'll help him though it.

"Well?" asked Marcus snapping Flurry from her train of thought, "What do you want?"

Flurry gulped, she had to carefully choose her choice of words. If Marcus did have something going on between him and his parents, then one wrong step could lead to disaster, "I...just wanted to know what your parents were like." Flurry answered softly, as Marcus just stared at her. She could feel his gaze pierce through her, trying to figure out why she would as a question. His face was stoic as ever, showing no emotion but the way his eyes stared at Flurry told confirmed on what she assumed.

Marcus looked away from her and stared at the food still resting on his lap, for a moment Flurry had thought that she had offended him until he answered her, "My parents....well they're alright I guess." he said cryptically.

Flurry tilted her head, "Alright? What does that mean?"

"Look, it's complicated. Let's just say that my parents weren't there when I needed them and let's leave it at that. Why are you asking me about them anyway? It's none of your business."

"Well excuse me for being worried for a friend," said Flurry clearly offended, "we are friends right?"

"Yeah," chuckled Marcus,"if you keep giving me free food then we can be best friends."

"I don't think that's how friends treat each other."

"What? That's the whole point of being a friend. You mooch off and shit talk to each other and grab some food to laugh about it later. Yeah there maybe a fight or two. However no amount of broken bones or police sirens could ever break your bond."

'Really? That's your view on friendship?'

'What the hell do you know? You're just a hammer.'

'This hammer, has plenty of friends and lovers! Unlike you!'

'You take that back you stupid piece of- wait what? Lovers? How on a Mcdonald's cheeseburger does that work?'

'That's for me to know and for you to find out. Who knew mortals could be so good with their fingers-'

'Alright! I'm cutting connection before you ruin my appetite.'

Ignoring Marcus' random pause Flurry decided to follow up on his words of wisdom, "That's....a special way of putting it. Are you certain that's how friendship works?"

Marcus blew a raspberry as he picked up the knife and fork off his plate and started to cut into his food, "I'm hundred percent positive. Don't you have friends yourself?"

"O-Of course I do!" Flurry lied through her teeth, "I'm a princess after all. I've had many friends come to the palace."

"Yeah, yeah" Marcus stabbed into his pancake and brought it to his lips and placed it in his mouth, "GAK! BLEUGH!"

Only to spit it out back on his plate as he started to dry heave and gag. Flurry instantly flew over to him with a concerned expression, "What in Celestia's name happened! Are the haycakes that bad?"

Marcus stopped and turned to Flurry, "HAYCAKES! You gave me pancakes made out of HAY!"

"Well duh!" retorted Flurry, "That's how they're made! Come on their not that bad."

"You know, I'm two second from making glue right now."

"Glue? What in the hay does that mean? At least eat the eggs and potatoes."

Marcus rose an eyebrow "What are those made of?"

"Well since we ponies don't eat meat the eggs are made out of tofu. Also the potatoes have pesticides so they last longer."

Marcus opened the window and threw his plate outside, "Feed me that shit again and I'm shipping you to Elmers."

Flurry didn't know what 'Elmers' was but her instincts were saying that she definitely didn't want to find out. She watched as Marcus crossed his arms on the couch, clearly pissed off about the food and judging from the growls that were coming from his stomach he was starving. The human hadn't ate anything since he arrived, which meant that if he didn't get anything in the next hour he'll have to try horse meat.

"Well geez," said Flurry, "You don't have to be so mean about it. How would I know what hyoomans eat?"

Marcus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I guess you're right. Sorry, I'm just pissed that I'm in this situation and being hungry isn't really making me feel better."

'I could tell you some stories until you find a place with decent food.'

'I rather starve.'

Flurry sat on her haunches and looked at the floor, "O-Oh...is being with me making you that upset?"

Marcus noticed what he said and instantly tried to diffuse the misunderstanding, "N-No! Not at all! I meant me being stuck here in general. Being away from home and friends. No doubt that my best friend is already trying to find me as we speak. it's just stressful."

Flurry placed a hoof on his knee, "Equestria isn't so bad. Yeah you've run into a couple bad eggs-"

"A couple?"

"-a lot of bad eggs. However you still have a whole country to explore. Doesn't that excite you? Leaving the place you were always sheltered in and seeing what the world has to offer?"

"Yeah of course. However no matter where I go,, that one place that I've been sheltered in will always be home."

Flurry was taken back, not expecting that answer from the human, "I-I guess i never thought about it like that. Plus you are just a lazy couch potato."

Marcus shrugged, "Hey, you call it a curse. I call it a blessing from God."

"That's another thing I want to ask you about."


"Well, I've noticed you saying those names a lot. This 'Jesus' and 'God'. Are they like Auntie Celestia and Luna?"

Now it was Marcus' turn to be taken back a bit. He wasn't expecting that question at all too be honest. How does he even answer that? Sure he believed in both of them and prayed every once in a while, but he never went to church or anything. He could always tell her the well known stories from the Bible. Maybe he could become an author here and become very famous?

Wait...that would be plagiarism. Well the ponies wouldn't know that, but then God will. Yeah he didn't really feel like being struck by lightning, would that even affect him?

'Oh yeah, they hurt like a bitch.'

'Jesus! Do you ever announce yourself before you just jump in my thoughts? Also....you met the big man upstairs?'

'Of course I have! He's a pretty cool guy and his son is really nice. He was even one of my wielders.'

If Marcus had a drink in his mouth he would've spit it out, 'WHAT!? You're saying that Jesus. THE JESUS, wielded you?'

'Of course. It was only temporarily though, he had to retrieve some key from, what you humans call, Hell.'

'H-How old are you anyway?'

'You know it's pretty rude to ask a lady her age. Let's just say I'm really mature.'


'Get your mind outta the gutter.'

'Hey I've also noticed that you've been...well....how do I put this?'


'Well, you've been kind of....cool? I guess?'

'I have no fucking clue what you're talking about.'

'That! That right there! You're personality seems more human than an all powerful artifact.'

'Oh, that! You see each time I'm wielded I inherit some of the personality traits of the user. So in this case you're human traits got past on to me.'

'I guess that makes sense-'

"Ahem, Marcus? Did you even hear what I said?"

Marcus was snapped from his conversation with Mjolnir as he looked toward Flurry, who had an annoyed and impatient look on her face, "Sorry Flurry. I kind of forgot you were here and tuned you out. What were you asking again?"

Flurry gave Marcus a stern glare before walking over back to the bed across from him. She sat on the bed and crossed her forelegs and turning her head away from him, "I've seem to have forgot."

Flurry did not understand him at all. First he's sincere and caring, now he's acting like he barely has brain cells! Maybe she should've stayed back at the palace and waited for another opportunity, but the only problem with at was when that was come. If it ever was going to come. The young princess would just have to deal with it for now, he wasn't that bad and like before, he is caring and selfless. He just sometimes gets under her skin that makes her want to pull out her mane piece by piece.

She watched at the corner of her eye as Marcus stood and walked toward the door, "It seems that it's your time of the month. So when you're done acting so damn moody, I'll be in the cafe cart getting some ACTUAL FOOD!"

Flurry let out a giggle as she watched him leave. He was pretty funny in his own way. She glanced at the hammer that he had left in the room as the curiosity gotten the best of her. She hopped off the bed and slowly started toward the mystical artifact that gave Marcus his powers and saved her from those bandits. She reached forward and was mere inches from grabbing the handle until a small spark shocked her hoof.

She let out a small 'yelp' as she retracted her hoof and rubbed it tenderly. If she remembered correctly then the hammer, or Mjolnir, only let those worthy to wield its power. She hadn't dropped the subject with Marcus and his parents, she knew it was personal for the human but she just had to know. More importantly she had to know what made Marcus worthy in wielding this magnificent power that could rival her three aunts.

She wasn't going to get answers right away and she could admit that. They literally just met yesterday, so all she had to do was follow Auntie Twilight's lessons on friendship and learn more about him that way. Maybe they could actually be really close friends in the future. Even though she was a princess she never really had real friends, just ponies fillies and colts that wanted to be around her for being a princess.

She sighed and looked out the window watching the grassy plains scroll by, "I just don't want to be alone."

'Oh, girl. You are a complicated one, are ya'?'

"Are you out of your mind!" shouted an enraged Shining Armor.

"Shining before you get mad-"

"-mad doesn't cut what i'm feeling right now! More like absolutely livid!"

Shining Armor was not walking back and forth in Cadence's and his personal chambers . He had just been told by his wife that she hired Misty Knight, the mare that kidnapped her daughter, to bring back Flurry from her little 'get away' with the human Marcus. In all honesty Shining didn't particularly care for Marcus during this salutation, but just wanted his daughter safe and sound in the palace walls. However he wanted to do it with the help of the Crystal Guard, not some mercenary.

"Are you kidding me Cadence?! You're going to put the life of our daughter in the hands of the same mare that tried to take her away from us!?" exclaimed Shining as the Princess of Love stood her ground.

"It's not like that Shining! Misty Knight, had just used Flurry for leverage to get the Crystal Heart-"

"-And that's supposed to make me feel better!? Are you even sure you can trust that mare!?"

"I-I do! I know I shouldn't but I'm going with my instincts with this and I'm sure that Misty will follow through."

Shining only rolled his eyes, "What about Marcus then?"

Cadence's mood suddenly became sour, "What about that kidnapper?"

"Cadence....we both know that's not true. Flurry only ran away, for what reasons I don't know but for what that human has done for us, do you really think that he kidnapped Flurry? Let alone persuade her to abandon us?"

"Th-Then why would she just leave!?"

Shining shook his head, he loved his wife but her emotions were so strong that it sometimes clouded her judgement and that led to her making rash decisions. Unfortunately that's one of the traits that Flurry inherited from her mother, he had assumed that was the case when she ran off to her room last night after their argument and then her sudden disappearance that same night. This is why he wanted to go himself to find her, so he can talk to her and see why she left.

"Sweetie, there has to be a reason why she went with Marcus and as her PARENTS we need to go and figure that out-"


Shining froze, as the bedroom fell silent. Cadence was looking to the floor as a her bangs shadowed her eyes, tears were now flowing down her cheeks and she let out a few sniffles. She knew this would happen when she told Shining about Misty's involvement, but she couldn't keep secrets from him. The both of them were a team no matter how much they fought or how many obstacles they faced they would overcome it.

"Shining...I won't lie. I'm still having second thoughts about Misty as well-" She started.

"So why-" Shining was then cut off as Cadence raise her hoof.

"But...I know she's not lying. Everything from her being a mother and only wanted to the best for her child. That's not something you can easily fake. I realize what she did before is unacceptable and she will face the consequences, but you and I both know that she wasn't behind this attack. There's something behind closed doors trying to get the Crystal Heart and if one of us leaves the Palace then it'll know."

Shining rose an eyebrow, "So you want to use the mare that was hired to steal the heart, to get our daughter back."

"I know it sounds crazy, but....I know there is good in her. I just want to her to go and bring Flurry....and the human back."

"Human? Where did that come from?"

"Until we get the full story, I'm still led to believe that he had some part of Flurry being gone."

Shining shook his head, "Just go easy on the kid, I'm sure the same human who saved our daughter wouldn't just kidnap her."

Cadence nodded hesitantly, "I-I suppose you're right, but I can't help but feel....against him for what's happened."

Shining pulled his wife into a tight embrace as she rested her chin on his shoulder, "You're just stressed and worried. Look, I'll jump on board with this plan of yours on a couple of conditions."


"Whatever that mare does while trying to locate Marcus and Flurry is under your responsibility. She might be a mother but she is still a mercenary. Second, no harm is to come to Marcus until he is back in the Empire so we can get the actual story. Understand."

The pink alicorn smiled and nodded, "Th-Thank you Shining. For trusting Misty."

"I'm trusting YOU. Not her. We'll still hold up our end for her child's sake but that's it."

"I understand." Cadence let go of her husband and walked toward the door, "I'll go tell Misty."

Shining sighed as he watched Cadence leave the room He could tell that she wasn't entirely agreeing with what he was telling her but it was fine. He knew that she would never go back on her word and her heart was too soft to hurt another being. He just hoped that he made the right choice in trusting Misty Knight to find Flurry and Marcus, his wife had made some good points about somepony lurking in the shadows, which meant all hooves needed to be on deck in the palace. It still some how irked him that the mercenary was going, even if he and his wife didn't leave they had already sent out letters to Celestia, Luna and Twilight informing them of the situation.

He just needed to trust his wife's judgment and hope that all this is just a misunderstanding.

Flurry made her way to the cafe cart, and instantly saw her human companion. He was currently stacking a plate with various fruits and pastries. It was clear that he obviously didn't trust the other food that was displayed, due to the 'incident' back in their room. She smiled as she walked up to the bar next to the human, still feeling a little hungry, and started to make herself a small bowl of cereal. It was then she felt a cold stare at the side of her head, she turned and saw Marcus staring at her with, what's to be seen as, murderous intent.

"M-Marcus?" nervously said Flurry as a bit of fear crept inside her, "What's w-wrong?"

Marcus continued to stare at her before looking as her bowl in front of her, "Did you just pour the milk first?"

Flurry's fear instantly died as she now had a look of confusion on her face, "Yeah? What's wrong? Is the milk expired-"

"Nobody pours the milk first! I-It's weird!"

"Um...I pour the milk first?" retorted Flurry clearly offended.

"It is freaking weird!"

"Why are you so offended? It's just milk!"

Marcus seemed to stop picking out his food and turned his whole body to Flurry with a look of determination on his face, "Because.....like serial killers pour the milk first!"

Flurry rolled her eyes sarcastically, "Ooooh, so I'm going to kill somepony for no reason because I poured the milk first?"

"I don't know maybe-"

"Why does this even matter to you?"

"Why do you even do it that way?"

"So the cereal doesn't get soggy as fast? Duh?"

Marcus couldn't believe what he was hearing, he didn't care if the ponies, who were sitting at the tables in the cart, were now staring at them with curious and nervous expressions. He had to talk some sense into this little royal princess before she ruins her life forever.

"What..." was all he could say at the moment.

Flurry had now fully faced Marcus as well, "It makes sense!"

"No. It doesn't"

"Listen, if you pour in the cereal first and THEN pour the milk in afterwords, then all the cereal gets saturated by the milk-"

"All of the cereal gets saturated and submerged in the milk anyways!"

Flurry shook her head in denial, she was going to make this human see reason, "Nooo, not if you put the milk in first-"


"Wait! Let me finish okay!"

Marcus gave an annoyed glared and motioned her to continue, "Fine, fine go ahead."

Flurry nodded, "Because of surface tension," Marcus gave her a dejected look as she continued, "the bottom layer of the cereal will act as a flotation device-"

"What are you even saying right now?"

"Shut up, let me finish!"

"But that's hell'a stupid!"

"You're stupid!"

"This whole argument is stupid!"

"You're the one who started this whole argument!"



There was silence in the cart as the two glared daggers at each other. Some of the ponies that were observing the argument had already left to their own rooms, or stayed to see how this debate would turnout. Marcus could tell by how red Flurry's face was that she was heated. The way she yelled was kind of like when she was arguing with her parents, usually he'll just drop the argument and continue to with what he was doing, but he will not drop something as important as this.

"Fine..." he grumbled and Flurry took a deep breath.

"As I was saying, if you pour the cereal on top of the milk-"

"Wait?' started Marcus, ignoring Flurry's growl as he cut her off once again, "How are you supposed to know how much milk to pour, if you don't pour the cereal into the bowl first?"

"You eat all the cereal and if there is still more milk left, either 'A' drink it or 'B'...pft I don't know, POUR SOME MORE CEREAL!"

"What if you're not as hungry or thirsty as you thought you were and now you just sit here with a bowl full of extra milk-"

"Oh,do you need a bottle? Maybe a sippy-cup? Or are you going to stop being a little baby! And finish it!"

"Cereal milk, is tainted milk."

"Well, that's your fault for pouring too much milk. Plus there is always room for more cereal. Milk and cereal is like the ice-cream of breakfast!"

Marcus couldn't deny her. He had agree with her on that last part, "Cereal for breakfast is poppin'."

"But on the other hand, if you pour the cereal first and then pour the milk on after-"


"-all the cereal will get soggy quickly."



"It gets soggy! That's the best part!"

Flurry now had a deadpan expression, "You're kidding me."

Marcus was taken back,as he put a hand to his chest, "No, I am not!"

"Have you ever had soggy Fruity Stones before?"

Ignoring the obvious rip-off brand of Fruity Pebbles, Marcus answered, "Yes, and they're delicious."

"You're a demon."

"Soggy Fruity Pebbles, or stones whatever, are heavenly!"

"They're disgusting!"

"You're disgusting!"

"E-Excuse me?" said a soft voice from beside the two as both Marcus' and Flurry's head snapped toward the pony who dared interrupt their life and death conversation. Standing before them was a mare with a red coat and yellow mane, wings on her back stating that she was a pegasus, and reading glasses.


The mare looked nervously to the floor and started playing with her hooves, "I-I heard you two arguing and I was just thinking.....have you tried having cereal without the milk? I actually prefer to eat my cereal dry."

Marcus and Flurry looked at the mare with emotionless expressions before looking at each other. Even though you couldn't read it on their faces, you could see it in their eyes. They both had an understanding at what they just heard, it was time to stop this senseless fighting and work together combat a greater evil that had risen right before them. The poor mare never had a chance.





After a few moments of calling out the mare in front of them, she quickly apologized before running of in fear. The two then grabbed the rest of their food and made their way back to their room as heroes and comrades. At least in their eyes, once they walked in the room the two busted out laughing.

"Did we really just tell the poor lady off?" laughed Marcus as Flurry nodded.

"Yeah, we did! You know Marcus. To be honest, I didn't expect for me to smile this much while with you."

"Please, don't start to catch feelings. I've broken too many hearts."

"Oh please, keep dreaming that, but seriously though. This is the first time I had fun with an actual friend."

Marcus smiled and sat on the couch, with his tray of fruits and pastries, "Don't mention it. I was also a little worried about you joining me but I think I could get used to having you around. I'm glad you're parents aloud you to come."

Flurry felt a small sting of guilt in her heart, but couldn't help but blush at Marcus' kind words, "S-Same."

'Marcus and Flurry sitting in a tree-'

'Oh shut up! I rather stub my toe'

'You're just mad because I've gotten more 'tail' than you.'

'Aaaaand there goes my appetite, again.'