• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 10,959 Views, 553 Comments

My Life As A Psychopathic Nine Year Old Filly - deadpansnarker

A Cozy Glow-hating brony is fooled by the nefarious filly herself into switching bodies, now he's the one locked in Tartarus while she's causing havoc in his world. Uh-oh. Also, nopony believes him... because he's Cozy Glow. Makes perfect sense.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Out And About

Bon voyage! Arrivederci! So long ponies, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!

...This was about all I'd mastered from numerous wasted years of foreign language , which I mostly ignored by destroying poorly-made structures by catapulting misshaped birds onto them. A cunning linguist, I was not.

I also apologise for my bafflingly inappropriate humour, at a time when I'm running flying for my very life. Well, not quite, but considering what being stuck in a cage for possibly all of eternity next to Mr 'Personality' Tirek feels like, I think it's an accurate enough comparison.

In any case, what with this apparently being Tartarus's first ever attempted breakout, the inept military goons stationed here are noticeably unprepared for my little outdoor excursion. In other words, Alcatraz this ain't.

I heard lots of stumbling and bumbling around me as I soared unstoppably towards the exit, a few muffled profanities ('gosh', 'darn', and 'heck'... wash your mouths out, ponies!) and the occasional snore from a slumbering triple-headed canine. Hey, at least Cerberus seems to have mastered the art of sleep! Sucks to be you, Tirek!

Basically, it was plain sailing all the way, aside from one minor facet I'd overlooked: My new wings.

Ya see, when I'd confidently predicted earlier that I was already a professional aeronaut, I'd forgotten a tiny wee thing. I'll save you the suspense... it was called 'landing'.

Oops... I silently mouthed to myself, as it slowly dawned on me whilst recklessly speeding through the subterranean depths that the new additions to my anatomy weren't simply like learning to drive a new car.

Not that my unemployment cheques can even afford that luxury. Let's just say, when the bus timetable gets updated every morning, I'm there with bells on.

Unfortunate, at this specific moment in time I couldn't even get my brakes on. Meanwhile, in a completely unrelated incident, a small suspicious pinkish individual with sausage rolls for hair was sighted impacting the rock face next to the exit at heightened velocity.

One chipped tooth and aggravated head injury later, she began to see the wisdom of having flight tuition after all.

Too little, too late. Yowchie.


"Hey, are you alright?" It was as I opened my eyes after my latest debilitating collision (how come other cartoon characters can get away with nary a scratch during their suicidal escapades? Looney Tunes, you lied to me!) that a most beauteous vision did greet my bloodshot eyes.

You might think I was referring to the regal form of Queen Novo, inexplicably here in the flesh and leaning sympathetically over my prostrate form. On four legs for a change and with a concerned expression upon her royal features, she seemed just as majestically enchanting as she did in the movie I kidnapped my only niece to see opening day about a year ago.

(What gave the game away was my endless cheering throughout and her look of utter boredom. She's more into a show which involves a ladybug trying to shag a cat, or something. I dunno, kids today.)

Anyway, if you think the widening grin slowly enveloping my face has anything to do with the newly arrived dignitary, you're somewhat mistaken. Sure, I could tick Novo off my potential list of 'things I've seen and done' in Equestria later, but the actual cause for my growing jubilation was more related to the large chasm of daylight seeping out behind her.

"Whoopee!" I shouted, unable to believe my outrageously good fortune. Departing through the magically protected double-doors was to have been my only real test before leaving this stinkin' place. And now, thanks to the convenient visit of a secondary supporting character, I wouldn't even have to try and 'wing' it at all!

(A little harmless pegasi humour there, folks. Now that I'm a member of the species temporarily, I might as well acclimatise myself to aspects of their culture. This includes bad gags, FYI. Deal with it.)

I did feel a bit guilty at taking advantage of Novo's kindness in such a cynical way, but the Tartarus guards' idiocy couldn't last forever, and soon they'd be out for my blood. Which would be fine, except it was currently also my blood, and until I'm back in my proper pre-equine body I'd like to keep it, thank-you-very-much.

So it was, against a backdrop of the underwater Queen's selfless benevolence and her accompanying entourage wandering in behind her, that I took my chance before the doors fully shut... probably giving her a sore muzzle in the process as I knocking her down en route.

"I'm fine! Ciao!!" were my only spoken words as I quickly gathered my wits, before shooting like a rat up a drainpipe just as the last of Novo's subjects stepped through the rapidly closing portal.

On account of my minuscule size, I still barely squeaked through, possibly losing a few feathers in the process. Never mind... there was plenty more plumage where they came from, and considering how bashed-up the rest of Cozy felt since my unexpected entry into this world, I'd say I got off pretty lightly.

I detected the grating sound of a strangely familiar child's scream behind me as the doors slammed with a satisfying thunk, but I didn't stay too long to ponder that.

After all, I was finally free! I could do whatever I wanted! The entirety of Equestria was there, laid out before me like a delicious banquet, ripe for the taking! This was truly every bronies dream come true!

But as my exhausted carcass scanned the vividly coloured landscape around me in earnest, there was only one clear thought in my head.

For once, it didn't involve me pummelling a not-so-sweet filly into various stages of pulp. That will come later, dear reader. Don't worry, I'll attach a 'graphic' tag for all of you faint-of-hearts out there.

No, this was an even more disturbing feeling. A truly horrifying sensation which chilled me to my very soul, but there was no getting around it. I couldn't deny, ignore or put it off any longer.

I was going to have to empty my bladder.

"Uh, can anypony tell me where the nearest bathroom is, please? And... what the hell do I do then?!"


"W-Who was that young pegasus that bruised my nose, when I was only showing worry for her well-being?" Queen Novo shook her head in bewilderment, as one of her personal servants tied a bandage securely around the injured royal schnoz.

"Don't you listen to anything I tell you, mother?" Now that Skystar had stopped screeching like a banshee, she narrowed her eyes in annoyance at the older sea pony's naive question. "That was Cozy Glow escaping! You know, the one who nearly sucked the magical energy dry from every creature? How could you not know this?! Don't you read the papers?"

"That was Cozy Glow?!" Novo ushered the attendant away now that her job was done, to stare at the princess in astonishment. "B-But she looked so innocent! In my defence dear, you do talk far more than anypony else I know. If I fully registered half of what you chatter about, my brain might just explode from all the pressure."

"What do you mea... you know what, it doesn't matter right now." Skystar bit her tongue, deciding that right now there were more pressing matters to concentrate on. "At least now you see how Cozy was able to fool everypony, with that cute, 'gee shucks' face all of they all fell in love with. Right now, we should alert the guards, and..."

"W-We're here, we're here. Just give us a minute." A tired Iron Clad at last poked his head around the corner, accompanied by nearly the whole soldier population stationed there. "We're awfully sorry for all this trouble today, Queen Novo. Your first royal tour of the dryland, and you arrive in the middle of a major incident. You didn't have to add Tartarus to your schedule of places to see, though. There's not much here, unless you like dastardly criminals, mystical monsters and stone-cold gruel for almost every meal..."

"When I said I wanted to see all of Equestria above the waves, I meant it." Queen Novo gave Iron Clad the same withering look as Twilight experienced when the alicorn had tried to steal her precious pearl, which shut him up almost immediately. "Now, I suppose you 'crack troops' will be wanting to know the location of a Miss Cozy Glow, who we happened to acquaint ourselves with upon entering using the magical jewel provided to us earlier."

"Y-Yes! Yes we do!!" Iron Clad suddenly started glancing around excitedly, as if the filly fugitive felon could actually be located nearby. "If you could help us recapture her, it would surely improve relations between sea ponies and land ponies even more than they are now!"

"Well, I recognised her straightaway of course as she flew on by, and we did our very best to detain her." Novo stated mournfully, fluttering her eyelids for maximum effect. "But she was far too shrewd and quick for us, and she got out through the doors just before we could stop her. She even seriously wounded me in my muzzle whilst violently resisting arrest, an atrocity which I'm sure is arguable grounds to add on a few more years to her already hefty sentence, when you inevitably track her down. At least, I presume that will be the case?"

"D-Definitely! Whatever you say, Queen Novo! Now if you'll excuse us, we have to roundup the runaway as soon as possible!" Iron Clad and his company of stallions nervously bowed as they reopened the exit using their own magical key, each one helplessly wondering if they'd be on potato-peeling duty for the remainder of their service when Celestia caught wind of their buffoonery.

At least, if they got to keep their testicles in a glass jar later, it shouldn't be too bad... right?

As the guards sped off after their tricky quarry and the room was clear of everypony besides the new arrivals, Skystar turned to the Queen in abject shock. "Mother! It's not like you at all to flat-out lie like that! Besides you fibbing about how Cozy got away, you barely even have a scratch on your nose! Why didn't you tell him the truth?"

"My darling, as you are nurtured into the role of my successor, one thing you will learn is that if you wish to preserve peace, sometimes a little white lie now and then is a necessary evil." Novo said defiantly, with the ghost of a knowing smirk. "Also, did you really think I'd let that monster Cozy Glow get away with almost bleeding everypony dry of magic? A bit more time in prison will do that rapscallion the world of good, if she's so set in her ways she's making escape attempts already. Now Skystar, show we proceed?"

"Mother, what are you doing? Under these circumstances, don't you think it'd be a better idea if we came back later, and..."

"Nonsense, child! I didn't leave the comfort of the ocean bed and travel all this way for my plans to be halted by a dangerous criminal on the loose! I want to stroke the Manticore, stare at the Basilisk, and perhaps have a few words with this 'Tirek' fellow I've heard so much about. And if he's asleep when we get there, we can just wake him up. I'm sure he won't mind!"

Author's Note:

Welp, here's the long-awaited(?) next chapter to this ongoing saga. Hopefully, February will prove to be less of a hectic month than January, so the next one will arrive in short order. Let's see, anyway. Bye for now! :moustache: