• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 3,649 Views, 86 Comments

Keeper of the Forest - ShowShine

Legend has it that one day someone will protect the Everfree forest and every creature in it

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Sneaking Her In: The Sneakening

Spike stood in front of the castle doors. He looked at Snowy, Debbie, and Cinnamon, the manticore kitten he found, who were now wide awake.

“Before we go in I need to set some rules. Debbie and Cinnamon, you two can’t leave my room or make any noise. Twilight would freak out if she knew I had any of you. Snowy since you’re a squirrel, she wouldn’t mind if she saw you. But you’re not aloud to talk, only cute little squirrel noises. And be careful for Owlicious, he eats small rodents.” Spike stated. Snowy gulped nervously, Debbie nodded her head, and Cinnamon let out a soft purr. Spike tossed a blanket over Debbie and Cinnamon and opened the front door. As soon as he took a few steps in, Twilight tackled Spike into a hug.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Twilight exclaimed. Snowy nearly fell off of Spikes head from the force of the hug and let out distressed squeak. Twilight pulled away from the hug and looked at the squirrel who was gripping onto his scales.

“I found a squirrel, his name is Snowy.” Spike stated while taking him off of his head and into his hands. Snowy looked at Twilight sniffed curiously. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed his mouth and looked at Spike. He turned back to Twilight and let out a chitter.

“He so cute, but what happened to his eye?” She asked. Snowy covered his eye in embarrassment, his white fur turning red for a moment.

“His eye must have gotten hurt during the storm.” Spike explained. Twilight looked at the cart that was behind him.

“Why did you bring the cart again?” She asked. Spike gulped nervously, thinking of an excuse.

“I didn’t want to leave this outside for the animals to destroy, so I’m gonna bring it home everyday.” Spike said.

“I guess that makes sense. Dinners ready, you should eat, I know you haven’t had a proper meal all week.” Twilight said. Spike smiled for a moment before remembering he had Debbie and Cinnamon with him.

“I’ll be there in a minute, I just need to show Snowy his new room.” He stated.

“Okay, just come eat when you’re ready.” Twilight said while walking away. Spike walked down the hallway, towards his room. Snowy climbed up his leg and sat on his head. He soon approached his room and opened the door. He walked in and locked the door behind him. He took the blankets off of Cinnamon and Debbie.

“This is my room, you’ll be staying here.” Spike stated. Snowy looked around in awe and jumped off of his head.

“This place is so big!” He exclaimed in shock. Spike chuckled. Debbie hopped out of the cart and flopped onto Spike’s bed, letting out a small chirp in the process. Cinnamons stomach growled.

“I won’t be able to feed your right now, I need to eat dinner. I can try to eat as fast as I can and bring you all something.” Spike explained. He unlocked the door and put his hand on the knob.

“Don’t make too much noise.” He commanded before walking out. He closed the door behind him and looked around. He flew towards the kitchen at full speed. He needed to hurry.

Twilight stared at Spike as he scarfed down his food. It was pretty disgusting to watch.

“Slow down or you’ll choke.” Twilight said. Spike took a sip of water to get the food out of his throat.

“Sorry, I just haven’t eaten proper food in a week.” Spike said. That wasn’t a lie, he hadn’t eaten any good food in a while. Rarity always kept fancy food with no taste, Applejack left apples which Snowy and Debbie ate, and Rainbow Dash left energy drinks. The only ones that left decent food was Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Twilight left nuts, Fluttershy left berries, and Pinkie left sweets like cupcakes and cookies which Buddy ate before he got to them.

“Done!” Spike exclaimed. He took his plate and put it in the sink. He washed it as quickly as he could. He was sure he looked very suspicious but that didn’t matter at the moment. He left Snowy, Debbie, and Cinnamon alone for twenty minutes, they could be doing anything at that moment.

“Why are you in such a rush?” Twilight asked. Spike stopped moving to catch his breath. He was moving way to fast for his body to keep up with.

“I don’t want to leave Snowy alone, he might get scared.” Spike explained. That wasn’t a total lie, he didn’t want Snowy to be alone. Spike walked over to the fridges and pulled out a container of berries and a milk carton.

“This is for dessert.” Spike said before flying out of the kitchen.

“Bring back the milk when you’re done and don’t drink it straight from the carton!” Twilight exclaimed as Spike continued to fly down the hallway. He was gonna see his animal children.

Spike walked into his room and locked the door, causing Debbie to chirp happily. There was a soft song playing. He looked to see Snowy on a record player, spinning at a slow speed. Spike took Snowy off of the player and put him on the floor. He stumbled around, trying to regain his balance.

“This is my favorite song.” Spike commented. He swayed to the beat and placed the berries onto the floor. The song was about love and peace. It always reminded him of how he was gonna die alone. He held a warmed up baby bottle which was filled with milk. He had taken one of Flurry’s bottles and filled it up for Cinnamon. He continued to sway to the beat as he picked Cinnamon up. He put the bottle in her mouth and danced around the room. Debbie and Snowy started to eat some berries. Cinnamon guzzled down the drink.

“You haven’t eaten in a while.” Spike stated. The bottle was already empty. He placed the bottle onto the floor and continued to dance around the room. He hummed along to the song. Cinnamon started to fall asleep from the rocking movement. Debbie flapped her wings to the beat, enjoying the little dance he was doing. Snowy climbed onto Debbies head. Spike stopped dancing when he noticed Cinnamon had fell asleep.

Spike walked over to his bed and placed Cinnamon in it. He walked over to the record player and turned it off.

“It’s time for bed.” Spike said. Debbie and Snowy gave dissapointed looks.

“Can we pleeeeeeaaaaasseee stay up a little longer?” Snowy begged, using his puppy dog eye. Spike rolled his eyes and glanced at the bookshelf.

“How about I read you two a story?” Spike suggested. Snowy broke out into a wide grin and nodded his head. Spike looked at his bookshelf. His books were mainly comics and educational books that Twilight forced him to get. He grabbed the first issue of Power Ponies and layed down in bed. He reached over to his lamp and clicked it off before reaching under his pillow and pulled out a flashlight. He shined it onto the first page.

“It was a happy day in Maretropilus...” He started to read. They’ll be asleep in no time.