• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 3,649 Views, 86 Comments

Keeper of the Forest - ShowShine

Legend has it that one day someone will protect the Everfree forest and every creature in it

  • ...

His Legacy

Author's Note:

Sorry for such a short chapter

Spike leaned on Buddy’s side, sitting on the floor in his house, flipping through a magic book. Snowy laid on his head, sound asleep. Buddy was also asleep, letting out soft snores. Since he had chose to stay home and help Silverstream with her project, he could stay in the house for the rest of Spring Break and study some magic. Starlight didn’t know that he had stayed so she wouldn’t be suspicious of anything.

“What are you doing?” Irdes asked, sitting on the pages of Spike’s book so he couldn’t read the words.

“I’m gonna learn some new magic so I’m studying.” Spike stated while pushing Irdes off of the book. Irdes stood up from the floor and brushed his scales off.

“I can help, I know some magic myself, I am a God.” Irdes boasted. Spike took Snowy from off of his head and placed him on Buddy’s paw.

“I actually found a spell I want to learn.” Spike said as he stood up and stretched. He showed Irdes the page that the spell was on.

Flame of a Thousand Years

This spell summons the very rare fire flower that can burn a flame for a thousand years. Only the person who cast the spell can put it out. The flame only goes out when the creator dies or chooses to put it out. You must know fire magic.” The page read. Spike beamed at Irdes.

“Well I guess you can do that one.” Irdes stated. Spike walked over to his clothing that laid on the table and slipped his shoes on. He put his arms through the sleeves of his cloak, flapping them around a bit.

“Do you have to put that on every time you use magic?” Irdes asked. Spike nodded his head as he put his gloves on.

“I’ve never used this type of magic before so it safe to cover my self up so I don’t get hurt.” Spike said before grabbing his mask and walked out of the room. Irdes flew after him with his tiny wings flapping.

“I’m coming with you. I wanna see how good your magic is.” Irdes states as Spike walked down the hallway. He turned the corner to enter the kitchen. It was actually rather large with a pantry for food for animals.

“It’s okay, I can just do plants and stuff, nothing to big.” Spike stated as he walked into the backyard. Irdes sat on the ground, facing away from the house.

“Show me what you got!” Irdes exclaimed, rubbing his paw and hoof together in anticipation. Spike looked at the spell one more time and put his mask on. He closed he eyes end held his hands out. He felt his hands get warm. Soon, they grew hot to the point where it could burn through flesh. A row of flowers popped out from the ground. The flowers burst into flames, glowing a bit.

“I did it.” Spike stated, pointing to the flowers. Irdes walked over to the flowers, inspecting them closely. He touched one of the flowers, only to jerk his paw back.

“If you keep this up, you’re going to be a very great Forest Keeper.” Irdes stated. Spike tilted his head.

“Forest Keeper?” Spike asked in confusion. Irdes snickered.

“You’re very funny.” He said with a laugh, wiping a fake tear from his eye. Spike gave him a confused look.

“What are you talking about? What’s a Forest Keeper?” Spike asked. Irdes stated at him in disbelief.

“Are....are you serious?” Irdes asked. Spike nodded his head. Irdes inhaled, thinking for a moment. He needed to teach him.

Spike on the library floor with a large book in front of him. Irdes flipped through the pages until he landed on one that said, ‘Forest Keeper.’ Irdes pointed to a picture of a large male deer with flowers on his antlers. He looked happy

“That’s the previous Forest Keeper.” Irdes stated. Spike nodded his head in understanding before reading the paragraph under the picture.

”The Forest Keeper is the being who protects the forest and all of the creatures in it. The Forest Keeper receives the Stone of Amity, signifying there power. The Forest Keeper will get a Guardian animal that follows and protects them wherever they go. The Stone Of Amity gives the Forest a Keeper magic to make plants and rocks grow.” Spike read out loud. Next to the paragraph there was a picture of a green stone with a design of a black and blue flower bud.

“I found that last month.” Spike said to Irdes, pointing to the picture. Irdes nodded his head, climbing onto Spike’s shoulder.

“That’s what makes you the Forest Keeper.” Irdes stated, putting his hoof on Spikes chest. He flipped the page continuing to read.

”The Stone of Amity was hidden by the Pillars over a thousand years ago when the Forest Keeper got corrupted by his greed. He tried to use his powers to defeat Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. He enslaved many different creatures and tortured them. The Pillars used the magic they had to trap the Forest Keeper deep underground. Before he was trapped the Forest Keeper swore to kill the next one to become the Forest Keeper. The Pillars trapped his Guardian Animal in a crystal somewhere deep in the Everfree Forest where no one is brave enough to go. As for the Stone of Amity, it’s whereabouts are unknown and will likely to never be found again.” Spike read out loud. He scratched his head in confusion.

“That last part doesn’t make sense. I found the Stone of Amity in the middle of the forest floor. Anyone could’ve found it easily, it was on a path.” Spike stated, standing up from the floor. A sinking realization hit him.

“I’m going to get killed...” Spike muttered to himself in terror. The old Forest Keeper would find his way out and kill him before taking over Equestria. With the magic Spike already had, he could likely take down his friends with a little struggle. What type of power would someone more experienced then him have? Especially someone who’s been filled with rage for a thousand years. He would surely be stronger than ever. Irdes flew next to Spike, landing on his shoulder.

“I know rock magic and some plant magic, I can train you.” Irdes stated. Spike thought for a moment before smiling.

“Let’s get started then.”