• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,745 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

  • ...

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13 Disease of the past, body, and heart

It was well past midnight when two chariots were seen silhouetted against the starry night, descending gracefully as the pegasus guards landed them with practiced ease on the Canterlot landing patio outside the castle.

"Thank you sirs," said Celestia after they had all disembarked, the stallions she addressed unhitching and heading for the barracks. With a smirk, the princess of the sun turned to her sister and the assembly of her subjects that had been absent from Equestria for many months. Now that the diplomacy had passed she could fully appreciate how good it felt to see them standing in her kingdom again.

Especially her student, who had grown strong under a different teacher... that wound still stung.

"I am sure that you are all eager to begin your preparations for Shining Armour and Cadance's long overdue wedding," she said, getting eager smiles from all. But years of watching her subjects had granted her the ability to see beyond the surface of excitement, especially if said excitement was causing fatigue. "But I insist you all get some sleep for now."

"Aw come on, your majesty," stated Rainbow, irradiated as she hovered as she always did. "We just kicked serious flank; tackling some wedding preparations will be a snap."

"That is precisely my point, Rainbow Dash," replied Celestia gently, no irritation at being rebutted. "You all have had a very tiring day, and I know from looking at them that these new powers of yours are very draining. I insist you all get some rest."

"Besides, darling, don't you see what time it is?" Rarity pointed out. "Even if you don't need the rest, what of the bride and groom? They have to oversee our preparation, how can they do that if they haven't gotten any sleep?"

Rainbow looked over to said couple and rubbed her neck in embarrassment at seeing the clear exhaustion. "Huh, sorry."

"Not a problem, Rainbow," said Cadance kindly. "The fact that you would say such is only more proof that you and the others weren't changed by that Apocrypha place."

"And that is such a relief," said Shining, looking to his sister with a grateful look.

"Hey, it takes more than a world of books to change this farmgirl," said Applejack, also tapping the Element of Honesty. "Besides, we had these to protect us."

"Speaking of which," said Twilight. Her horn flared to life and took the Elements of Harmony off them, then presented them to the princesses. "We had best not leave these out in the open. They are the only things that shield my friends from the negative effects of Apocrypha, we will need them when it comes time for us to return."

Wincing internally at being reminded of the 'temporary' reprieve Twilight and her friends had been granted, Celestia looked to her sister, who nodded in understanding. Luna teleported away, the elements vanishing along with her, no doubt to be taken to the vault they had occupied before all this started.

After a few good nights and a hug between Celestia and Twilight, the group split off for bed, Shining and Cadance heading to their shared regal room and Twilight leading her friends to the castle's guest suites. Celestia stood on the spot to watch them as they departed, not only contemplating each of their plights, but her own as well. Return of her beloved student or not, she was a princess, and tomorrow would have all the responsibility as the others, despite the major events that had concluded tonight.

"The Elements are secure, sister," said Luna, teleporting beside her sibling who didn't react to her arrival.

"Thank you, Lulu," said Celestia, Luna sighing happily at the nickname of the past and the childhood memories it connected her to. "Are you fit to watch the night?"

"Heh, it was not I who delivered the wallopping today," stated Luna, Celestia picking up on her irritation.

"I know you enjoy a good brawl Lulu, but mananite was involved," said Celestia, a hint of mischief entering her voice. "Need I remind you what happened the last time you picked a fight while that substance was nearby and that huge stallion got a hold of your tail?"

Luna both blushed and shuddered at the memory, the smell and feel of apple cider in her face coming to mind. "I hope this time we've seen the last of that evil mineral."

"Me too, sister," said Celestia, looking up to the starry sky and wondering if somewhere up there was a vortex extruding multiple tendrils and an eye. “I resent Hermaeus Mora in many regards, but I can't help but feel slightly grateful for the role he played in its destruction today."

"I know the feeling, sister," said Luna, looking up to her precious constellations with pride. "I could scarcely believe it when I first laid eyes on him, and I am even more stumped that he represents knowledge." A look of slight fear worked its way onto her face." And for the first time, I felt relief for it being him that found Equis. His kin are so much worse."

Celestia agreed, the very thought of Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon giving her shivers. But as terrifying as the subject of Daedra is, its relevance now was minimal. She had other responsibilities to attend to, so she made her way into the castle.

"Good night, Luna, be stalwart as you guard the night."

"Always," said Luna, though a thought occurred before her sister vanished fully. "What do you intend to use that ash from the Badlands for, if you don't mind me asking?"

Celestia winced internally as she was stabbed with a blade of guilt. "Memory of my failure."
The next morning rode forward with well the Mane Six meeting the princesses in the throne room with unshakable fortitude present in their eyes. Not long after, Shining Armour and Cadance joined them, Shining being summoned off his duties by Princess Celestia, and Cadance having been retrieved from her love duties by a guard sent to fetch her by Shining.

"Is everypony ready for the most FABTASTIC wedding in the history of weddings?" said Pinkie excitedly, bouncing up as she said 'FABTASTIC' white streamers and a bride and groom cake topper statue flew out of her mane and into Twilight's face.

"Fabtastic?" asked Applejack.

"Fabulous and fantastic," explained Pinkie, "With us thrown in the mix, this wedding will be the envy of every newly weds of the future. We needed a word to describe it all in one thing."

While most had their doubts that such a word would become a thing, everyone definitely felt Pinkie's excitement.

"Pinks is right about one thing," said Rainbow eagerly, ignoring Pinkie's echoing 'one thing' with irritation. "With us in the mix, it's certainly going to be an event to remember."

"That I have no doubt," said Cadance, looking at Twilight with affection, others in the room doing the same.

"And speaking of mixing, you can't have a wedding without a cake," said Applejack, turning to Celestia. "Alright if I head to the kitchen?"

"Of course, Applejack," replied the solar princess, turning to the others as a question occurred to her; one that was blazingly obvious, and it baffled her that she only now realized it. "Though I must confess, as exciting as the concept of Cadance and Shining Armour finally being wed is, I am surprised you all don't wish to return to Ponyville first. Most of you haven't seen your families for three years, would you not rather visit them first?"

"More than you realize, your majesty," stated Applejack, her, Rainbow, and Rarity exchanging a look and thinking of a certain trio of mischievous fillies. "But I am afraid that isn't how things work."

"Hermaeus Mora sent us back to do a job for him, in return, we get to throw Cadance her wedding," said Twilight, looking to her friends with deep regret. She got to reunite with her beloved brother and old foalsitter. "And as I said, he didn't set a specific deadline other then the wedding's conclusion, but if we intentionally put it off we might try his patience."

"And believe me, that is the last thing we want," said Applejack, discomfort in her voice. "As said before, Hermaeus Mora is a Daedric Prince, and they have a habit of not just extremely shallow behavior, but are well known for aiming their wrath at the family of those who cross them."

What they were getting at hit Celestia hard. If they dawdle on this task, it might draw his ire, and that was a concept none wanted to fathom. Still, one did not rule for a millennium and not gain a sharp wit.

Plus, family was important.

"Then how about this? I will extend the guest list to include all your families."

A collection of gasps filled the throne room.

"You would do that for us?" asked Fluttershy, awe in her voice.

"If Cadance and Shining have no objections," replied Celestia.

"Of course not," said Cadance, her voice sympathetic.

"The more the merrier," said Shining.

"Though we will have to find another location," said Luna, remembering how many family members that the mane six had in addition to the other guests and the size of the ceremony room.

"We can have it on the Canterlot overwatch," said Celestia, referring to the grand stone ledge that overlooked all of Equestria from the capital.

Everyone thought that was a swell idea.

"Oh thank you Princess," said Pinkie, throwing her hooves around the tall regal pony, despite some objections from her friends. "It will be so great to see Maud again, and Limestone and Marble haven't been to a wedding ever!"

"Speaking of which darling, we had better proceed," said Rarity, prying her enthusiastic friend off of the princess with her magic gently. "We had best begin. Wedding preparations are no picnic, after all."

"Boy howdy, don't I know it," said Applejack, going over recipes for the banquet in her mind as she made her way to the door, her friends not far behind. But they all stopped when her look of concentration turned into a look of confusion, and she held up a hoof and signaled them to stay back.

"What is the matter, darling?" Asked Rarity worriedly.

"Don't know, but somepony is definitely upset," replied Applejack, putting her ear to the closed doors and hearing the muffled voices of the castle guards arguing with a pony with a thick Canterlot accent. "Yeah, they don't sound happy."

"Stand aside please, I will handle it," said Celestia, approaching from the throne. "I am sure it's nothing to worry about."

But Applejack had begun backing away from the door a second before Celestia had started speaking. The muffled voice of whoever was pestering the guard had been replaced by the frantic clopping of hooves that grew steadily louder. Louder like they were...

Applejack gasped and made to spring out of the way...

A second too late.

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!" screamed Fancy Pants as he burst through the door, striking poor Applejack so hard her Steston was left stationary in the air where her head once was for a moment before dropping to the ground, an orange hoof left twitching behind a door flung into the wall.

"APPLEJACK!!!" screamed six voices, a mulberry light pulling said door shut to let a squashed earth pony drop to the ground and be immediately surrounded by those in the room who cared for her.

Celestia wore a slack jawed look of surprise before she threw an irritated look at the well dressed stallion who had just barged in, just in time to see him tackled to the ground by royal guards. Applejack had thankfully been moved away by her friends by then, though her eyes still spun.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Pants?" asked Celestia, her tone both venomous and disappointed. "Not only did you just barge into my throne room unannounced, you also just smashed one of my guests with the door. This behavior is unbecoming of one such as you, so why?"

"We apologize for the interruption, Princess Celestia," said one of the pegasus guards pinning Fancy. "He just came into the castle, screaming about..."

He was cut off when he and his companion were thrown off Fancy with a burst of pale mustard yellow magic, Fancy springing up instantly.

Now everyone could see his frazzled state. His elegant dress suit was wrinkled, like he had slept in it, his trademark mustache was uneven and frayed as if chewed, and worst of all, his eyes were badly bloodshot and swollen, dried tears sticking to the fur on his cheeks.

"FANCY PANTS!!!" screamed Rarity as she and the others noticed the state of the often elegant stallion. "What happened to you?"

"Miss Rarity?" asked Fancy Pants when he turned to face her and saw Rarity and the others gathered around Applejack. "You and your compatriots... have returned?"

Celestia hadn't exactly kept the whereabouts of Twilight and her friends discreet. With Hermaeus Mora's grand entrance followed by the disappearance of such a well known group, it would not take much to put two and two together. She decided that the truth would be more acceptable than any conspiracy theory that some overactive imagination could cook up.

"Yes, as it were," said Rarity, "But what has gotten you in such a state, you look dreadful!"

What color had returned to Fancy Pants drained immediately as he brought his attention to Princess Celestia again and threw himself at her hooves, wrinkling his tuxedo even more. "Your Majesty, forgive me for defiling your throne room with my uncouth entrance, but I desperately need your help."

Celestia seemed to recover from her recent irritation once she saw that Applejack was relatively unharmed, along with her guards. She held up a wing to stop them from tackling the frantic stallion again.

"What is the matter?" she asked, now realizing that the change in Fancy's behavior was actually a sign of how dire the situation must be.

"It's my wife," moaned Fancy, looking up with renewed tears flowing down the vertical fissures under his eyes. "She has fallen ill."

"Fleur is sick?" probed Cadance worriedly. "What happened, is she alright?"

Luna stepped in before more could be said."I am sorry to learn about your spouse contracting an illness, but it hardly seems worth my sister's attention. Ponies get sick sometimes..."

"THIS ISN'T SOME HAY FEVER OR HORSEY HIVES!" shouted Fancy, making Luna jump slightly. "The doctors have never seen anything like what is ailing her. Last night she came home not feeling well, and in only an hour her entire body became sickly and she started screaming in pain."

"An hour, and she was perfectly healthy the previous day?" asked Celestia, Fancy nodding in response.

That didn't bode well. Only extremely rare diseases work so fast, and if this was something new, it could not be ignored. And it had started out as such a promising day, too.

"Sorry Cadance but I must..."

"Lets go!" said Cadance, rushing to the door. "If Fleur is in danger I have to be there for her."

Shining rolled his eyes as he followed his fiance. It wasn't the first time something between those two spurred Cadance on in a way that usually only involved him.

"We should go too," said Twilight, heading to the door and motioning for her friends to follow. "With our new power we might be able to help."

"Excellent point, egghead," said Rainbow Dash, taking the lead from Twilight (who flashed her a scowl) and sped down the castle corridor. "Heck, with our new abilities, the sky's the limit."

"You say that like it's new for you, Dash," commented Applejack as she galloped bellow the airborne pony. "Or are you finally agreeing with what I have always said, all along you have just had your head in the clouds."

Despite the bickering, the group made good time to Canterlot General Hospital where Fancy Pants said he had taken his wife after she keeled over in pain. To his horror, he learned that in the short time he had been gone her condition had taken a turn for the worst, and now she was in the intensive care unit. Normally visitation was prohibited, but with all three alicorns present the front desk attendant could not argue.

So it was that an orderly found himself leading the most powerful ponies in Equestria down the ICU corridor, trying to remain professional despite the fact that all he wanted to do was admire the beautiful beings he had in tow.

Celestia knew this part of the hospital, having signed the royal donation that gave the hospital the final push it needed to finance it herself. It was equipped with everything a hospital ICU could need from MRI to bedpans; if a pony had a serious condition of any kind, here was the place to get the best treatment. And the fact that their guide hadn't slowed his pace like they had reached their destination yet worried her greatly.

All these rooms were located near the best diagnosis equipment imaginable, but if they continued past them, it could only mean one thing. At the end of this corridor was the most extensive breakthrough in isolation treatment of the century.
It was a room designed to produce a magic health bubble, a spell designed to protect the user from all known illnesses.
But it could work in reverse, if a pony inflicted with a disease was placed within, it would isolate them and protect others from coming down with it.

And to make her anxiety worse, Celestia had dealt things like this since medical practice began advancing and ponies with wealth began to see a runny nose as incurable, but it had always cleared up after she got to the hospital, though she had to admit, Fancy was never like that. That was the reason she hadn't pushed back too much, and after hearing the receptionist say Fleur was in the ICU, her hope that her condition would be identified before she got involved diminished.

No... there was no hope now.

The double doors at the end of the hall not only had an intense blue light shining through the rectangular windows, signifying that the health bubble as not only on but at full strength, the doctors were all wearing hazmat suits, despite the barrier. One saw them approach and immediately leapt through the doors to bar their path, a cone in his helmet flashing a simple white light and projecting a flat barrier wall to wall. They stopped short of plowing into this.

"What is the meaning of this?" Said Luna angrily. "Get out of our way."

"Not happening, ma'am," said the doctor, his voice distorted by his helmet.

"Like Tarturus it isn't," sneered Rainbow, pushing up to the barrier even with the doctor and staring into his hidden face. "These are the princesses, buddy. Let us through, or it's your rump."

"Calm yourself, Rainbow," said Celestia gently, while Twilight pulled said pegasus back and put a calming hoof around her.

Celestia then slowly approached the barrier and addressed the stallion herself. "May I ask your name?"

"You may," replied the stallion, his magic gripping the helmet and detaching it from the suit, revealing his grey coat and brown mane. "Dr. Barn, Gregory Barn."

Celestia almost gasped in shock but held her professionalism. She had heard of this pony, he was the best of the best, having earned several degrees in many medical departments. If a pony was sick, he was the pony to go to.

He was also not supposed to be here.

"It's an honor to meet you Dr. Barn, but why are you in Canterlot?" asked Celestia. "Aren't you based in Manhattan?"

"Yes, usually I am," replied Dr. Barn with annoyance. "But when the wife of Canterlot General's best donor falls ill with an unknown disease, it tends to motivate ponies to go above and beyond."

Luna tilted her head in confusion."How did you get here so fast? Fleur was only admitted last night."

"Multiple unicorn teleports sure clear the sinuses," stated Dr. Barn, rubbing his head.

Nothing more need be said, if multiple unicorns cast a teleport spell, nowhere in Equestria is out of reach.

"So why can't you let us in?" asked Applejack, walking in to stand under Celestia.

"We can't risk this becoming an epidemic," said Dr. Barn, looking to Rainbow as she opened her mouth to argue. "And the fact that they are the princesses makes it all the more important that they stay outside. What would happen if they all suddenly became infected? Who would organize the hospital charity?"

"Thanks for your opinion," said Shining, not liking this stallion's attitude.

"Now Shining, he does have a point," said Cadance gently. "We can't let our personal feelings let us think irrationally. We rushed over when we should have been smart."

"Well we all are here and me and my crew have all new sorts of tricks," said Pinkie, looking at Dr. Barn with a goofy smile. "Just fit us with a couple of those nifty suits and we will have Fleur all better before you can say 'healing hands'."

Dr. Barn gave her a sour look."Are you receiving medication for this condition?"

No one thought that was funny.

"Enough of this!" snapped Fancy Pants, forcing his way to the front of the group. "How is my wife?"

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Not good," answered the doctor, causing Fancy Pants to lose even more of its color.

"How is that possible?" he said, more tears leaking from his eyes. "This hospital has the best equipment and staff bits can buy. Are you saying she isn't getting better with all this at your disposal?"

"No, she's getting worse," Dr. Barn said simply, all present gasping in horror.

"Then let us in," said Fluttershy, her compassion finally overriding her timid nature in the presence of new ponies. "We do have ways to help her. You are in there and seem fine, just get us some suits."

"We can't take the risk," said Dr. Barn, his voice slightly apathetic. "The other doctors and I are attempting to treat the patient, but there is no guarantee that the health bubble or the hazmat suits will be sufficient protection."

"What are you talking about? You're decked out in enough gear to go deep sea diving," said Applejack.

"This aliment is completely unknown, and so far nothing has even slowed its progression."

Now Celestia was really worried. If a practiced doctor like Dr. Barn wasn't making progress, our even able to identify the disease, what were they dealing with? But she was a princess, she had to do something.

"Can you at least tell me what the symptoms are?" she asked, hopeful that maybe she could get some form of lead out of it.

Dr. Barn seemed to contemplate for a minute.

"In all my years of medical practice I have never seen anything like it," he said. "Miss Lis... she is covered head to hoof in cancerous cysts."

"CANCEROUS!?" shouted Fancy Pants, slamming hard enough into the doctor's barrier to shift it. "That wasn't known when I left to get the princess!"

"We did a biopsy in your absence," said Dr. Barn, not even flinching at the stallion's actions. "You must be her husband, Rich Pants."

"Fancy Pants, my good doctor," said Rarity, looking rather peeved. "And what do you mean cancer?"

"Yeah, as unfun as it can be, cancer is not unheard of," said Pinkie, her mane deflating as she thought about it. "My poor great grandpa Jackcorners Pie had it, but luckily he beat it."

"What is unheard of is the rate of its progression," answered Dr. Barn. "Overnight Miss Lis' cancer has progressed in a manner that I have only seen in patients with cancer that had gone untreated for years. And not just that, new cysts have begun to form."

"Just like that?" inquired Luna, her voice turning baffled, everyone growing the ever more surprised.

"Yes, and to make matters worse, whatever it is 'is' contagious," said Dr. Barn, all of them gasping again.

"That's not possible," said Celestia, the first sign of terror creeping into her voice. "Cancer is not contagious."

"We thought that as well," said Dr. Barn. "But when we first discovered the cancerous cells we gave her a skin transplant. The new tissue immediately grew more cysts."

This was beginning to make even Rainbow sweat. Awesomeness cannot beat disease, and if this was somehow a contagious cancer... well everyone knew how serious that was. Twilight was feeling a sense of familiarity to the description, but was too worried about poor Fleur to put much thought to it.

"Is there any way to see her?" asked Celestia, holding up her hoof to silence Dr. Barn's rebuttal. "Doesn't have to be in person, I just want to see her condition."

"Have you ever heard of this before?" asked Dr. Barn.

"Unfortunately no," said Celestia sadly. "But I still want to see this."

"Your majesty, you're my last hope," said Fancy desperately. "If you can't help, I..."

"We will do everything in our power to help her," said Cadance, her gentle voice slightly soothing Fancy.

Dr. Barn seemed to be against the idea, but nothing they had done seemed to be helping. Celestia was the princess of Equestria, and had over a millennium of experience. It would not hurt to at least have her look.

"Follow me," he said, his stride carrying a slight limp as he strode forward.

Dr. Barn led them to a room with a massive mirror on the far wall, but reflected on the surface wasn't them or the room, but a downwards view of another room. Celestia knew it as a reflection sharing mirror, an enchanted mirror that reflects another mirrors refraction. An impressive piece of magic.

But what they saw on the surface was something they never could have imagined, ever.

Fleur lay on a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and hooked up to a heart monitor, IV, and other such medical equipment. Her coat and mane had lost none of her beauty... but the rest of her... Fancy had to turn away, unable to look at the state of his wife.

She was thrashing as medical assistants held her still, her body covered in large fleshy bulges that pulsated and throbbed with what appeared to be her heart. They were an angry red color and seemed to be painful. Cadance could not tear her eyes away from the gruesome sight.

Seemingly of their own accord, Cadance's hooves carried her forward, and before she knew it, she stood before the wall sized mirror and put a hoof to the grisly sight. She was with Shining Armour now, her heart was his, but for some people, there is no love like your first.

She and Fleur were young while they were together and after awhile they both realized it was puppy love, but they had separated on good terms. They actually would not have met their true loves without each other, for she had bought Fleur those Wonderbolt tickets were she met Fancy and Fleur had persuaded her to take up babysitting. Ever since then they had remained friends, often doing what 'girl' friends did when they were together.

To see her in such a state... she could almost feel what those horrible cysts were doing to her herself.
Shining looked to Twilight and her friends nervously as Cadance walked forward.

"She and Cadance are very close friends," he slightly stammered.

"Don't sweat it, big guy," said Rainbow, slapping Shining Armour on the back. "There is nothing wrong with being the second choice."

Shining broke out in a cold sweat. "I... don't know what you are talking about."

"What Rainbow means is you don't have to hide it, darling," said Rarity, glaring at said Pegasus. "We all know Fleur and Cadance were together before she was with you."

"What, but how..." He shot Spike an irradiated look, who only waved nervously. "Still think it's a goodnight kiss, huh?"
Twilight felt her blood run cold.

The sense of familiarity was now strong enough for her to notice and it wasn't something she could even have ignored. Those swollen spots, the thrashing in pain, cancerous cysts that 'were' contagious. She had heard of something similar, and if it was what she thought, it wasn't good.

'Calm down,' thought Twilight, shaking herself. 'That epidemic ended long ago, and it didn't even happen in Equestria...or on Equis.'
Celestia felt her heart both drop and race at the sight.

She had never seen this before, and she had seen every disease known.

"Why does she look like she is in such pain?" Said Fancy frantically. "I requested narcotics!"

"None are working," explained Dr. Barn, that bit of news taking them by surprise for the upteenth time that morning. "We have given her every pain killer known, yet she still acts like she is in pain."

"What do we do then?" said Spike, reminding others of his presence and realizing that this might not be something he should see. Though he had kicked a changeling's teeth out with a fair amount of blood, so he was tougher than they thought.

"I am afraid there is little we can do," said Celestia in answer to Spike. She turned to the distraught looking Fancy Pants with a single tear in her eye. "I am sorry, I have never seen anything like this before, but I will do something, you have my word."

"I still say you let us..."

Rainbow was suddenly cut off when the reflection of Fleur suddenly threw off the ones restraining her and sat up, but as they moved to restrain her again they realized she was as still as a statue.

"What is going on?" Dr. Barn asked, "She should not have been able to get loose."

"Hold on," said Luna, her horn flaring with magic as she adjusted the enchantment of the mirror.

Sounds of the operation room filled the room, the beeping of the heart monitor, the creaking of metal equipment...

And the voice of Fleur De Lis.

"All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things."

She kept repeating this over and over, even as the doctors eased her down, no longer fighting and repeating the phrase over and over.

Hearing her say that sentence sent chills down all their spines. It sounded like Fleur, yet not her. It sounded like something from outside was reaching inside Fleur De Lis and using her voice.

Twilight was the most affected, gasping as she leaned a hoof on a wall and put a hoof to her heart.

"Darling, what is wrong?" asked Rarity (from her fainting couch).

Twilight looked up at the image of the suffering pony again. There was no denying it now, she was familiar with this. After fifteen years studying books in another dimension, she had come across a document about a disease that inflicted the flesh and mind, it even had crude sketches of the symptoms.

"I know what this is," she said in a barely audible whisper.

A collection of gasps came from all other occupants in the room.

"How is that possible?" Snapped Dr. Barn, slightly angry. "I have seen every illness known to ponykind and have never seen this. Even the princess admitted to this being an unknown."

"You wouldn't have heard of it, nopony would have," said Twilight, turning to her friends, her brother, and the doctor. "This disease is called corprus disease. And it once swept as a great epidemic through Morrowind... a continent on the world of Nirn."

The questions came from every direction.

Author's Note:

Here we go, the beginning. If you are unfamiliar with the events of Elder Scrolls 3 I recommend doing some research before to many chapters are posted. Like I said before I hope you don't mind a rugged path leading up to the wedding.

Thanks for reading my story.

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