• Published 11th May 2019
  • 7,745 Views, 880 Comments

Knowledge Brings Change - hydra30

What will happen when the Elements of Harmony team up with an eldritch horror from another realm?

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23 A familiar place


Yes, he could feel it.

Slowly but surely, Dagoth Ur felt his influence seep past Hermaeus Mora's interference and into this magnificent new world that would soon be his to command. It was only a slight trickle that was making it through, but as even the most powerful of rainstorms start with but a drizzle, so shall the strength of Dagoth Ur's presence in this world, until it builds into a mighty storm. But even through this meager presence, Dagoth Ur felt Hermaeus Mora's vile influence rooting through this world like a cancerous disease.

That explains why he was interfering in the first place.

Somehow, that vile Daedra had beaten Dagoth Ur to this new world. The mere fact made his fury towards those wretched false gods increase tenfold. They would dare deprive him of such a boon?

Such transgressions will be punished.

He would drive Hermaeus Mora from this new world like medicine drives sickness from a body. All that was left was to gain a strong enough presence to manifest his Blight storm, then not only would he have more than enough resources to secure Morrowind, but these equine people will know for the first time the joy of worshipping a true deity, and not some pretender. The process would be slow, but Dagoth Ur had learned the value of patience.

A pulse from the Heart alerted Dagoth Ur to something 'very' familiar closing in on the entrance of his stronghold.

Maybe he would not have to wait as long as he originally believed. If there was one thing that would take second to discovering a whole new world of new potential followers, it was seeing a well thought out plan, centuries in the making, finally come to fruition. And the reunion of the Era.

The Tools of Kagrenac, all three of them, were close. The Heart, and through it Dagoth Ur, could feel it. Not only was it the final step to completing the artificial god Akulakhan and advancing his Divine plan to drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from his beloved Morrowind, but if anything could speed up the process of making this new world his it would be having access to more of the Heart of Lorkhan's power. The final stage had finally been set.

And with it, the beginning of the end of the Age of False Gods.

"Come Nerevar... come and stand before your old brother in arms...."


"So those images on your bodies, they aren't tattoos?"

The tension in the group had grown to almost unbearable levels when the first sign of Dwemer spires became visible through the dense red dust of the neverending Blight storm, so as to ease the tension, even just a little, Twilight had suggested that they make small talk. Guided by Twilight's clairvoyance, the group split off into different discussions, resulting in her and Sarian engaging in a conversation about Cutie Marks.

"Nope," she replied simply to the question. "A pony's Cutie Mark appears on their flank once they have discovered their special talent."

Sarian gave her an arched eye, though it couldn't be seen through her helmet. "And what would be their special talent?"

"Oh, there is an unlimited number of special talents a pony can pursue," said Twilight almost smugly. "They can range and vary almost infinitely. But an example I believe you can understand is Applejack. Her apple Cutie Mark signifies her skill in running her family's apple farm.

Sarian looked back on the night she had seen them all without their armor. "I remember seeing more than apples on her flank, more on all of you for that matter."

Twilight contemplated on what she meant before she remembered.

"Oh, well..." began Twilight, though she was slightly hesitant. "My friends and I were the first ponies to have contact with a Daedric Prince. I don't understand it, but I believe our interactions with Hermaeus Mora and his Plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha, has reacted to our Equestrian magic that inherently gives a pony their Cutie Mark."

'Equestrian magic'.

It was somewhat difficult for Sarian to imagine a source of magic that didn't originate from Mundus. But she didn't have time to dwell on it, for at that moment they ran into Spike and Fluttershy, who had halted their own shared conversation to stop unexpectedly.

"Oof!" said Twilight as she ricocheted off of Fluttershy's armored hindquarters, a look of worry appearing on her face at her friend's sudden stop. "Fluttershy, Spike, what's wrong?"

The rest of the party stopped to give the two in front worried looks as well. Fluttershy and Spike, looking back at them, trembling slightly, stepped to the side to give the others a glimpse of what lay before them. The ponies' eyes widened with shock, while Sarian's narrowed beneath her Bonemold Helm.

The path sloped downwards ahead, leading into an entire network of Dwemer towers, rusted and teetering, several having toppled over through the ages. A gigantic pillar of smoke rose up from the center of it all, and when Twilight and the others dared to have a closer look, they found it originated from a large lake of molten lava that sat at the bottom of the steep drop. How such a place had been built near lava and not been destroyed long ago was a complete mystery.

"This is it," said Sarian, her voice miraculously calm. "This has to be Dagoth Ur's base." She looked towards a tower in the distance that Twilight's still active clairvoyance spell was leading to, some sort of round entryway adorning the front. "Where Akulakhan, and the Heart of Lorkhan are kept."

The ponies and baby dragon looked at one another nervously. Even Rainbow Dash was left without a witty remark, and though she was tempted, Pinkie Pie kept any humorous statement to herself. After all, how can you giggle at the ghosties when said ghosties they were about to face work for a deranged God whose sole purpose was to give everyone a nasty disease?

But they persevered, marching forward beside Sarian as she led them through the buildings. What stood before them could best be described as a vertical dome, solid and round, but with no visible means of entry.

"The gate should have a control mechanism," said Sarian, laying a hand on the corroded surface before turning to her Equestrian company. "It should not be too far from the gate itself. Let's spread out, it will look like a lever or a crank."

Doing as directed, Twilight and the others separated and searched the area for any sign of the device that would open the path for them. The entire area was littered with ancient Dwemer devices, so finding the one they were looking for wasn't going to be easy, and judging by the state of everything, it seemed unlikely that they would find it in working order. But they didn't give up, prodding and examining every metal protrusion that looked remotely important.

Suddenly, the rounded gate spiraled open with a foreboding groan, a door visible on the other side as it split down the middle. But the bizarre contraption was more than it seemed, for rather than just opening normally, it was closing itself from the opposite direction. As the rounded gate opened, a round indentation shaped one was closing.

They all noticed it at the same time and rushed to try to keep it open, but the seams sealed with a thud right as Rainbow's hoof made contact.

"Aw nuts!" she said, irritated that even she had been too slow.

"Who found the opening mechanism?" asked Sarian hurriedly.

"Wasn't me," said Rarity.

"Nope," said Applejack.

"Hmm-mmm," said Fluttershy.

"I didn't find it," said Rainbow Dash.

"Me neither," said Spike.

"Neither did I," said Twilight.

But then she blinked, one hadn't answered.

"Ooh, twirly!"

They all followed the bubbly voice.

Pinkie Pie was standing near a ruptured pipe, twirling a half-circle shaped device. Again, the gate creaked open, the door visible behind it just for a second before it closed, returning to its bulbous, rounded shape. Twilight and Rainbow shared an eye roll.

But at least they found it.

They each examined the Dwemer crank, timing how long it left the door accessible. "Geez, thing doesn't stay open for long," said Applejack, looking slightly irritated. "Who would design a door like this?"

"Beats me," said Spike, "how are we even going to get inside this creepy place?"

"Leave it to me, guys!" said Rainbow enthusiastically. " I've got the perfect idea."

Twilight and the others looked at each other.

"Rainbow, darling, what is it that you intend to do?" asked Rarity nervously.

Rainbow smirked. "You all stand as close to the gate as you can." She fluttered over to the Dwemer crank and grasped it in the crook of her hoof. "When I pull this thing, you all hightail it inside before it closes again."

All of Rainbow's friends gasped, and even Sarian looked worried.

"Rainbow, if you do that, you'll be trapped out here," said Twilight worriedly.

"And I bet we will need your help in this place, partner," said Applejack, also worried.

"Come on guys, I'd never leave you hanging," said Rainbow, her voice sincere. "Once I pull the lever, I'll hightail it through myself and make it inside before the gate even comes close to closing."

"You sure you can pull that off?" asked Applejack, just as nervous about this as the others. "The thing almost crushed your hoof the first time."

"Oh please, AJ, that was only because I was the furthest away," said Rainbow smugly. "I can easily clear the distance between the door and the crank in ten seconds flat."

"Couldn't Twilight or Princess Luna just teleport us inside?" asked Fluttershy.

"Too chancy," said Twilight with a shake of her head.

"We don't know what is in there," said Luna," if we materialize near a solid object we could get seriously hurt. Not to mention the number of enemies that must plague this place. If we just pop up, it could give them an opportunity to blindside us."

It still left them on edge, but the others had to admit that it was the best plan that they could come up with. They just hoped Rainbow's claims didn't fall short of what she was physically capable of. The gate didn't look light.

Standing at the ready, Rainbow threw the switch for the others.

The gate creaked open, shifting from its bulbous shape to its round indentation shape. Twilight threw the double doors open with her magic, and they all piled in, entering before the window of opportunity closed. And it was closing fast.

Rainbow Dash kicked off the pipe and made a beeline for the shrinking gap. It was closing much faster than she anticipated, and she beat her wings to pick up speed, a feat not easily accomplished do to the weight of her Dwemer Armor. Almost there, the gap between her and the door was closing.

And so was the gap between the two sides of the gate.

Two feet between Rainbow and the door.

One-in-a-half feet between the two ends of the gate.

Time slowed around Rainbow as she straightened her hind legs, hugged her forelegs to her sides, and turned on her side, sucking in her gut to make herself as skinny as possible.

Her armored back and underbelly scraped against the sides of the Dwemer gate.



Three multicolored pony tail hairs remained lodged in the seams of the closed gate.


Dagoth Ur Outer Facility.

The others looked on in concern as Rainbow hopped around the corridor, shaking her hindquarters.

"Rainbow, are you alright!?" asked Twilight worriedly.

After a few moments of frantic hopping, Rainbow finally managed to calm down, panting slightly as she sat on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm alright," she said, reaching back and stroking the base of her dock. "But you could say I just made it by a hair."

Giving their friend a second to recuperate, the others took in their surroundings. This ancient Dwemer dwelling started with stairs that led down into the bowels of the earth, same as the others, turning right at the first landing a few feet down. It was lit by the cylinder shaped wall lights, giving this place as foreboding an atmosphere as the nature of the Dwemer themselves.

And it only became worse when Twilight's clairvoyance petered out.

"Oh come on, not again!" said Rarity in a dramatic voice.

"I thought you fixed that, Twilight?" asked Pinkie.

"It was difficult enough to adjust the spell with the Tools of Kagrenac so close," said Twilight, having learned a few nights ago that the Divine power of the tools was what was interfering with the tracking abilities of her spell. "It's not surprising that it can't handle how close we are to the Heart of Lorkhan. It looks like we are on our own in here."

Rainbow managed to catch her breath a few seconds later, so before long they were descending down the stairs into the darkness, and whatever it might conceal.

'Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart, and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard... I have need of it.'

Sarian staggered and clutched her head with her right hand, bracing herself against the wall with her left.

"Sarian, what's wrong?" asked Fluttershy in concern.

Sarian righted herself and gave them all a serious look from under her helmet. "Dagoth Ur knows I'm here."

They all gasped in surprise, and some in fear also.

"Are you sure?" asked Twilight.

"Yes," answered Sarian, putting her hand to her head again. "I just heard his voice in my mind."

Twilight and Princess Luna exchanged worried looks.

"Are you sure it's him?" asked Luna.

"Definitely, it's the same voice that has been haunting me in my dreams," answered Sarian, "the same voice that has been trying to sway me to Dagoth Ur's side."

"Then you must drown him out!" said Pinkie frantically, appearing on Sarian's shoulders and attempting to shove her hooves into her ears, an impossible feat, not solely due to her helmet. "Don't listen to anything that big meanie tells you. Besides, it's not a good idea to listen to the voices in your head, ever. Take my word for it."

Sarian gently reached behind her, grabbed Pinkie Pie by her sides and lifted her over her head and held her before her. "I haven't listened to anything that tyrant has said to me so far, and I never intend to." She gently set Pinkie back amongst her friends.

They all breathed a sigh of relief, but it was unnerving that Dagoth Ur was communicating with Sarian through her mind.

"What is it he's saying?" asked Spike, surprisingly together for all that was going on around him. Maybe he was slowly getting used to dangerous situations.

He absent mindedly rubbed his neck.

"He is beckoning me," answered Sarian, "he wishes for me to bring Wraithguard, and he wishes for me to see the Heart of Lorkhan, and Akulakhan."

"Well, from what must be done, it looks like we are all going to get a look at this thing, one way or another," said Applejack, trying to contain her nervousness.

"Yeah, and we will put a stop to it," said Princess Luna, stomping her hoof.

All continued to descend the stairs.

"You had best let me take the lead," said Sarian, marching to the head of the group. "If Dagoth Ur is expecting me, it's best he remain focused on me."

None could dispute Sarian's claim, but it did raise a question with Princess Luna.

"Young Twilight?" she whispered, pulling Twilight to the side. "Do you think he is aware of our presence as well?"

"If he is, we will surely hear about it soon," said Twilight, her voice shaking, but then she looked at her bracelet, and it seemed to comfort her. "But I have faith that he doesn't. These things are meant to mask our presence from everyone, even Divine beings. If the Daedra are unaware of our presence, I doubt Dagoth Ur is; he isn't an actual god, despite his claims."

Being reminded of the magic that shielded their identity seemed to comfort the more nervous members of the party as well.

Though it was short lived.


The Equestrians heeded Sarian's warning, ducking to the stairs just as a pulsating multicolored spell sailed over, impacting the wall behind them with a flash of electricity coupled with a barrage of other spells. They looked up to see Sarian sprinting down the rest of the stairs for the landing below, skirting another spell and drawing the Daedric Crescent. An Ash Ghoul stepped out of the shadow of the landing and Sarian took up a defensive stance before it.

A third spell orbited its body and sailed forward as it struck its arms out towards its foe, sending the wad of multiple offensive spells out. Sarian ducked the attack and rolled forward, and once she was right side up again, she struck out with one of the Daedric Crescent's arched blades. Her weapon struck the Ash Ghoul in the leg.

A roar of pain echoed through the corridor as grey blood seeped through the Ash Ghoul's light grey robe, staggering to one knee as its injured leg gave out. Then the Daedric Crescent's paralyzing effect took hold, freezing the Ash Ghoul in place, and Sarain bolted to her feet and struck with a quick downward slash, aiming for her foe's neck. There was a wet squelch before sparks flew through the air as the Daedric Crescent impacted the ancient metal floor.




The Equestrians looked up just in time to see the Ash Ghoul's decapitated head roll to a stop at the foot of the stairs on its side, its long snout wobbling being its last movement before going still for good.

Luna wasn't as disturbed by the gruesome sight as the others, having defended Equestria from many threats in her time, but the others, even Twilight, shuddered. It had been one violent thing after another since coming to this world, and it was beginning to weigh on them. For a moment, they couldn't suppress a shudder that was part horror and revulsion at how this individual, evil though he was, had his life snuffed out so quickly and brutally. But it seems that adaptation was part of life, for it didn't take them nearly as long for them to recover as it did compared to when they came across that horrible scene near the beach.

But then again, an Ash Ghoul wasn't a poor, helpless runaway Argonian.

"I thought the miscreant was expecting you?" asked Rarity irritatedly as she finished descending the stairs. "Why are his brutes attacking you?

"Yeah, one heck of a way to greet you," agreed Rainbow.

"Don't try to try and find reason in what Dagoth Ur does," said Sarian as she walked up to the huge, round double doors. "He may have the power of the gods, but he's still mad. And a mad person's rationality can't be compared to a sane person's. "

"I concur," said Luna, remembering the sinister feel of the Tools of Kagrenac. "Dagoth Ur was driven insane with power long ago. It's unlikely anything he does is going to make sense to us."

The doors that the Ash Ghoul was apparently guarding led into a room that housed a pool of actual lava with a great pillar extending up to the ceiling. Several corridors were connected to this room, no doubt leading to other sections of the facility. That and some pipes made up the majority of the room.

The room did have one occupant, though.

"Aw man, not another one!" complained Rainbow.

Another Ash Ghoul was bearing down upon them, its lethal spell at the ready. Twilight thought fast, and teleported them all just a couple of feet to the right, leaving the ball of magic from the Ash Ghoul to hit nothing but the wall. And that left the opening the others needed.

"My turn, big nose," taunted Rainbow, firing an Icy Spear from her foreleg.

"Let me show you how it's really done, partner," said Applejack, firing the same spell.

The two spells hit the Ash Ghoul in the side, causing it to groan in pain, and stagger in their direction.

"A lady should never resort to violence," said Rarity calmly, but her expression then morphed into a vicious scowl aimed at the Ash Ghoul. "But not only are you incredibly rude, but you dare wear such an atrocious attire in my presence? Unacceptable!"

Rarity fired her own Icy Spear from her horn, nailing the Ash Ghoul between the eyes. It staggered for a second more, before finally teetering back, directly into the pool of lava. Rarity only scoffed.

Sarian watched the whole thing unfold. At first she wasn't sure she had seen what she had; these ponies seemed so gentle and peaceful. But yet, they had just taken down one of Dagoth Ur's best servants, and without much difficulty.

She had accepted their aid because she could sympathize with them regarding the threat Dagoth Ur posed, but until now, she hadn't known what kind of assistance they could be. Now she knew they would be valuable assets. However, one fact baffled her more than the others.

She turned to Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight and inquired, "Atrocious attire?"

The three smiled.

"Never underestimate Rarity's passion for fashion," said Rainbow.

"Yeah, she would move mountains in pursuit of the perfect wardrobe, and she just can't tolerate anything distasteful," said Applejack, Twilight nodding in agreement.

After checking to confirm there were no more unpleasant surprises, they all took in the room around them.

"I don't like this," said Applejack worriedly. "This place looks bigger than any of the other Dwemer places we've explored, and we don't have time to wander aimlessly like a blind pony in a corn maze."

"We go this way."

The voice came from Sarian, who immediately made for the corridor on the right, the ponies and baby dragon scrambled to catch up.

"You... sure this is the way?" asked Fluttershy upon seeing the ominous corridor before them.

Sarian made to reply, but stopped suddenly and staggered again, clutching her head.

'Come to the Heart Chamber. I wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago.'

They all grew concerned at seeing Sarian halt in place.

"What's the matter, Sarian?" asked Princess Luna, steadying their bipedal companion with her shoulder.

"I'm alright," she said, leaning on the dark blue alicorn for a second before resuming. "He spoke to me again."

"Oh, that creepy deepy dude," said Pinkie with a shudder. "What kind of twisted person just pops into someone's brain without knocking?"

The others were just as concerned.

"Has he said anything about us?" asked Princess Luna.

"No," said Sarian simply, "he's still just telling me to come." But Sarian made no indication that she wanted to know why the ponies were concerned about whether or not Dagoth Ur was aware of their presence.

Up ahead the corridor branched to the left, or kept going forward, and Sarian said they should keep taking the forward corridor. Descending more stairs then turning right, they came across another Ash Ghoul, which was fortunately taken by surprise at their sudden appearance, so it was easily dispatched with a blow from Sarian's Daedric Crescent. Afterwards, they noticed the room contained some kegs, a Dwemer machine, and down a short flight of stairs was another set of round double doors that no doubt led deeper into the facility.

'Come to me, through fire and war. I welcome you."


Dagoth Ur Outer Facility.

'Welcome, Moon-and-Star. I have prepared a place for you.'

Sarian shook her head to bring her attention away from the voice invading her mind and back to the current situation.

As soon as they entered this part of the facility, an Ascended Sleeper was waiting to greet them. Luckily, they managed to avoid its first attack, and at the moment, Rainbow Dash was playing decoy, spiraling so swiftly around its tentacled head that the green spells it fired missed by miles. Sticking out her tongue arrogantly, Rainbow sidestepped the last spell, making sure to increase the Ascended Sleepers rage by sliding her tail hairs over its face.

Sarian took this as an opportunity to strike, charging forward and brandishing the Daedric Crescent. Unfortunately, the Ascended Sleeper saw her coming, and backed away from her slash, avoiding mortal harm. Not that it was entirely successful in dodging, for Sarian did manage to clip a few of the tendrils, severing them at the base.

The Ascended Sleeper howled in pain, it's severed limbs wiggling on the floor like wounded serpents before dissolving into dust.

It stood still a moment too long, as Twilight took the time it spent writhing in pain to freeze it in place with her magic. Sarian wasn't going to waste the opening her new ally had created, charging forward again for a second strike, and this time her aim hit home. The blade pierced one of the Ascended Sleeper's eyes, impaling all the way through and out the back of the head.

All was still for a millisecond, then the Ascended Sleeper crumbled into dust, same as its tendrils before, leaving only its skull.

Sarian only gave the unassuming pile of the vanquished foe a small glance before looking at Twilight and Rainbow with gratitude. "Thank you for your assistance."

"No problem," said Rainbow Dash with a smirk, but then scowled at the crumbled pile with disdain. "Ugly buffoon obviously didn't know who he was dealing with."

Fluttershy didn't share Rainbow's point of view.

She approached the pile that was once the Ascended Sleeper and lifted the strange eye guard of her Dark Brotherhood helmet and gave it a mournful look.

"Fluttershy, darling, what is wrong?" asked Rarity worriedly.

"I... can't help but feel a little sorry for them," said the butter colored Pegasus in a trembling voice, looking up to her friends with misty eyes. "From what I understand, they were once Dark Elves like Sarian. They didn't ask for this, they didn't ask to be brought back to life as these... horrible monsters. "

Fluttershy, always so kind. But it was one of her most lovable traits as far as her Ponyville friends were concerned.

"I wouldn't waste your sympathy on the likes of them, Fluttershy," said Sarian suddenly. "There is a reason that the Sixth House is also known as the Tribe Unmourned. They were guilty of crimes just as evil as Dagoth Ur in their previous lives."

Being reminded of that didn't seem to calm Fluttershy much, but some positive reassurance from her friends did get her moving with them again. The next flight of stairs took them into a landing that housed three doors that no doubt led to different areas of the facility. It would have been imperative to search them all, since they had no way of knowing which way to go, and splitting up wasn't a good idea with the number of hostile creatures they had already come across already, but Sarian headed through the door on the right before anybody could suggest where to start.


"Come. Bring Wraithguard to the Heart Chamber. Together let us free the cursed false gods.'

Another Ascended Sleeper fell from their combined efforts, and surprisingly, more swiftly. They appeared to be getting more coordinated when it came to the tentacled abominations, and regarding Sarian, she was adapting their contributions to her combat style. It seemed teaming up was a wise decision.

Sarian led them past another three way split, through the right door, and they found themselves in another winding stairwell. This one was occupied by another creature of rotting flesh, but was far bulkier than any Ash Ghoul or Ash Slave. Sarian identified it as a Bonewalker, a basic summoning creature that anyone who practiced Necromancy could summon. It gave the ponies a fright, but Sarian struck it down easily enough.

"Honestly!" said Rarity, sidestepping the still carcass along with the others, "reanimating some poor deceased person to forward some self-appointed goal. I have never heard of anything so revolting."

"I hear you, Rarity," agreed Applejack, "the dead should be left alone to rest in peace."

The stairs led to a single door.

Welcome, Nerevar. Together we shall speak for the Law and the Land, and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind."

The Equestrians held back as Sarian staggered again.

"What's he saying this time?" asked Princess Luna. "Has he said anything about me, Twilight, or the others?"

"No," answered Sarian simply again, straightening herself upon her feet. "But he seems... rather eager to have me in his presence."

That wasn't a comforting thought for the others, and it was with increased apprehension that they moved through the next door, delving even deeper into this evil place.


Dagoth Ur Lower Facility

After battling another Ash Ghoul and some bizarre four armed skeleton in a robe that almost gave Rarity and Fluttershy a heart attack, they continued through two conjoined rooms identical to each other, both having drops to the corridor below. But to play it safe, they decided to take the stairs in the far room. But first...

"Look out, Rainbow!"

"No, you look out AJ!"

The airborne pegasus tackled her earth pony friend just as a spell impacted the ground, sending multicolored sparks in all directions.

The Ash Vampire Dagoth Gilvoth lunged forward, readying another spell. Rainbow and Applejack would have had no time to recover, and would surely have met their end at the reanimated hands of this undead monstrosity had it not been for the Glass clad hooves that appeared out of nowhere and held Dagoth Gilvoth by the wrists.

"Leave my friends alone, you big meanie!" shouted Pinkie Pie as she straddled the Ash Vampire's shoulders.

Dagoth Gilvoth roared in anger, flailing haphazardly to shake the annoying equine loose, but a strike from the back froze him in place, giving Pinkie the opportunity to jump down and regroup with the others.

"NOW!" shouted Sarian as the paralyzing effect of the Daedric Crescent took hold.

Miraculously, they all chose the same, even Fluttershy, and seven voices echoed through the ruins:


Seven massive fireballs impacted Dagoth Gilvoth point blank, the undead screaming I'm rage and pain as his body was incinerated in a column of flames.

Sarian looked on, dumbstruck at the display, despite this being her plan. This was the power of the Thu'um? She had heard tell of the language of the Dragons, and its affiliation with the Nords of Skyrim, but never thought she would get to see it herself.

After all, little knowledge remained of the lore of the Dragons. If these ponies mastered such power, it spoke of the volume of their kind's potential, and the danger they could pose if Dagoth Ur coerced them to his side.

"So..." Rainbow's sudden words snapped Sarian out of her thoughts, bringing her attention back to the ponies and baby dragon who were regarding Dagoth Gilvoth's charred remains with suspicion. "Now that this guy is pushing up daisies, Dagoth Ur's power is weaker?"

Sarian looked to the body herself, scowling under her helmet. "Correct. Dagoth Gilvoth was Dagoth Ur's actual blood brother according to Vivec, and housed a portion of his Divine power. Now that he's dead, Dagoth Ur won't be at his full power."

"Can we really trust anything that two faced varmint says?" asked Applejack with a scowl.

'Two faced?' Sarian thought with slight amusement, 'is she even aware of the double meaning?'

"You all don't seem to have any respect for the Tribunal," said Sarian, wanting to get to the bottom of something before answering Applejack's question. "You are aware that they have done more for Morrowind than any other Deadra, yes?"

"Gifts with strings attached are lousy gifts," said Pinkie angrily. "They gained favor with people through exploiting power that wasn't theirs to claim, not to mention ticking off a lot of the real Daedra guys in the process. That, and Dagoth Ur gaining power was their boo boo, and that has caused a whole heap of trouble."

The others agreed with her.

"I know it's hard for you to understand," said Luna, "but in Equestria, it takes more than unrivaled power to gain respect."

Sarian smiled. "Not as hard as you may believe. I am not blind to the Tribunal's role in all this calamity, and to be honest, I wasn't sure if I should trust Vivec myself." She turned to Applejack. "But I believe he is sincere in his aid to destroy Dagoth Ur. If anything, he has selfish reasons to stop the Mad God."

They weren't one hundred percent convicted, but seeing as it had nothing to do with the current situation at the moment, they decided to abandon their suspicion of Vivec's motives and instead proceed.

The last stairwell led to an unassuming room with only a few kegs. But the far wall had been torn open, like someone had wished to tunnel into it, a roughly cut tunnel that led to a plain wooden door. It was the only path forward, so it was obviously the next step of the journey into the heart of Red Mountain.

But Luna halted them with her wings.

"Is something wrong, Princess?" asked Twilight.

"We must move with all haste, your Majesty," said Sarian.

"Sarian, you asked us to drop the formalities, so I request you do the same and call me Luna," she looked to her fellow ponies and noticed that they wore certain looks. "At least for this conversation, we need to be honest with each other for what I have to say."

Sarian tilted her head. "You're a suspicious person, your Majes... Luna."

"Forgive me, but Equestria can't afford for me to take any chances," said Luna, a tiny bit of regret in her eyes at casting suspicion at Sarian once again. "I have realized something in the last few minutes that needs addressing."

"Oh, what now?" asked Rainbow, crossing her hooves.

"Rainbow, Princess Luna is right," said Rarity. "This is a very serious situation, so we need to cover all the bases that we can, and if Princess Luna has thought of something that requires closer investigation, then we must investigate."

Luna nodded in thanks to Rarity, and turned to Sarian. "During my first exploration of these 'Dwemer ruins' I found them to be complex and difficult to navigate, yet we didn't ever have to back track because of a dead end, nor did we run into a corridor that only led in circles even once." Her expression became hard. "You navigated this place like it wasn't something new for you, like you have been here, to this spot, before."

Rainbow gasped. "Princess, you're not suggesting Sarian is in league with Dagoth Ur."

"She admitted that Dagoth Ur has been trying to persuade her to his side," said Luna sternly, casting a suspicious look to the metal gauntlet covering Sarian's left hand, the small bronze hammer on the right side of her belt, and the shimmering dagger on the left. "And from what I understand, along with being the only thing that can destroy Dagoth Ur, these Tools of Kagrenac are also the only thing he needs to complete his power and become invincible."

The other members of the Equestrian team knew what Luna was implying, and most could actually see the reason behind it. All but one.

"But that doesn't mean..."

"Calm yourself, Rainbow," said Sarian calmly, "I can actually understand Luna's viewpoint, and her suspicion." She turned to face the Princess. "Believe it or not, this is the first time I have ever been to these ruins, same as you."

Luna grew skeptical. "Then how did you navigate the corridors of this place so fluently?"

"I have actually been wondering about that myself, for I can not explain it," replied Sarian, looking around the ancient facility with wondering eyes. "This place is... familiar to me, somehow."

This time all the Equestrians looked at each other with suspicion, such an explanation was hard to understand.

"Applejack?" inquired Luna, looking to the orange earth pony clad in Daedric armor.

"She's being honest," said Applejack, knowing what the Princess wanted from her.

"But how could Sarian know her way around this place?" asked Rarity, sticking her tongue out in revolution as she looked around at the painfully plain room. "The first time I had the displeasure of exploring one of these miserable places I couldn't tell one room from another."

Rainbow Dash came up with a theory. Despite her muscle headed personality, she actually had a potential head on her shoulders.

"Well, maybe Sarian hasn't been here before," she said, gaining all their attention. "But isn't this the place were Nerevar and Dagoth Ur thwarted the Dwemer in their pursuit of becoming immortal, and also where Nerevar had his last battle with Dagoth Ur after his betrayal? Sarian is the Nerevarine, after all."

They all looked at it from this angle, and it was actually plausible from the point of view of the Nerevarine Prophecies. If Sarian was Nerevar reborn, could she be channeling some of his past knowledge?

"I said before, I wasn't doing this because of the Nerevarine Prophecies," said Sarian, looking up the stairs behind them and feeling the same familiarity as before. "But put that way, it would seem that it's being proven true. This place is so familiar to me, yet as I have said, I have never been here before."

"If that is the case, I apologise for my suspicious behavior once again," said Luna regretfully.

"I bear you no grudge," said Sarian, "I understand your need to cover all viewpoints. None of us can afford to make unnecessary risks at this point."

With mounting apprehension, the jumbled group of adventurers faced the door. Beyond it lay the most powerful evil of this time, a mighty foe the likes of which none of them had ever faced, Morrowind or Equestria. This could very well end in their deaths, they were all aware.

One much more than the others.

Fluttershy's legs buckled, her body overcome by tremors of fear as she collapsed to the ground.

"Fluttershy! Darling, are you okay?" Rarity was by her friend's side in a second, followed by the rest.

Sarian seemed to be losing patience with these delays, but would let them have a minute. They all needed to be ready, and since meeting these bizarre equines and their Draconian companion, she knew they were the type that would never never leave one of their own behind, no matter what. But she hoped it wouldn't take long for them to coax their friend into moving forward.

"Easy Flutters," said Rainbow Dash to her oldest friend. "I know this is scary but everything is going to be okay."

"You... you can't know that," said Fluttershy, almost on the verge of hysterics. "Fleur's condition, the red storms, that poor Cliffracer, and all these horrible creatures... Dagoth Ur... is in the center of all of it. Such cruelty... I never imagined ANYTHING could be so cruel." She looked up at them with shivering eyes. "I... don't know if I can face such evil."

They all looked at each other, racking their brains to try and figure out how to lift Fluttershy up. They could not leave her out of the fight, Dagoth Ur was too powerful, and Magicka from another world or not, this group of friends dealt with bad guys best when they were when united. But poor, sensitive Fluttershy needed something to go forth with.

"You're not alone in being afraid."

They all looked at Rainbow in surprise, unable to believe their ears.

"What?" she said to all of them with annoyance. "I know what you're thinking. Giant ego Rainbow Dash is the last pony one would expect to admit she's afraid." She looked to the door, and to their surprise, gulped. "But this is Dagoth Ur we're going up against. Even I have to admit, he isn't an enemy you can scoff at."

The confession was still shocking to them, but also relieving. Seeing her fearless friend admit she was afraid made Fluttershy's trembling slow a little. All they needed to do was add a little more fuel, and hopefully Fluttershy would pull through.

"Rainbow is right, dear," said Rarity soothingly, "anypony would be scared of such a terrible monster like this Dagoth Ur."

"Not just ponies, I'm shaking in my Ebony here," said Spike, his black and gold armor rattling.

"Yepperooni," said Pinkie, curling up into a green and pink ball. "Even I feel like running off and hiding." She 'unfolded' into her pony shape and grew a serious look. "But I won't stand for such a party pooper like Dagoth Ur. He's going down, baby."

"Indeed," said Applejack, putting a reassuring hoof on Fluttershy's back. "We all feel the same as you about facing that no good varmint, but we can't do nothing while others suffer from his actions."

"And besides," said Twilight, leaning down and stroking her nervous friend on the cheek. "No matter what, we are in this together, till the end of time."

Fluttershy stopped trembling at all their support and reassurance. Being surrounded by her friends always bolstered her courage, and just as they would do anything for her, she felt the same about them. She would walk through fire for them, she knew this.

"Maiden Fluttershy," said Luna elegantly as she strode up. "Don't allow what you fear to hold you back, allow it to motivate you." She placed her armored hoof to the petite pegasus's chin and lifted her face up so their eyes could meet. "All the pain and suffering we've seen at the hands of this Dagoth Ur, remember, he plans to spread it to everyone. And we nine are all that stands in his way."

Once again, Fluttershy was bombarded by horrible visions of all her friends, pony or cuddly woodland creature alike overcome with pain due to the vile Corprus Disease. If putting a stop to Dagoth Ur was what was truly necessary to prevent such a terrible tragedy, she knew it was up to her and the others. With a deep breath, Fluttershy rose, much to the relief of the others.

But Luna had one more thing to say.

"Before we go any further, I believe it best that we all shroud ourselves with invisibility," she said, turning to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, who were confused just like the rest of them at her statement. "I saw you turn that isle at the grocery store invisibile, can one of you cast the spell on me?"

Rarity looked even more confused."Of course, Princess, but why do we have to be invisible?"

Luna walked up next to Sarian and looked to the wooden door.

"Dagoth Ur may or may not know of our presence, his power is too unpredictable," she said, turning to them all. "But since we have no way of telling whether he is oblivious to us or not, I feel we should play towards the notion that he doesn't and hide our presence. At the very least, we will have the element of surprise."

They all looked at her in realisation.

"You want us to surprise attack him!" said Rainbow.

"If he is ignorant of us it is unlikely he could fathom our presence," said Luna. "Access to this Divine power or not, Dagoth Ur has shown himself to be arrogant, overconfident, and above all else, is only expecting Sarian to approach him." She cast a look at the mentioned Dark Elf. "He won't even suspect that the world he has currently stumbled upon has already mounted a counter defence against him, he will most likely believe that not enough time has passed for Equestria to even realize something is happening."

"Do we really have to do it like this?" asked Rainbow, rubbing her shoulder. "I'm all for a tactical advantage, but this seems like we aren't playing fair."

"Now ain't no time to be thinking about playing fair, Rainbow," said Applejack.

"I, for one, support your Princess's decision," said Sarian. "And not just for an advantage, I wish to test something."

Twilight knew the value of testing better than most, but was now really the time? "Test what?"

Sarian looked at all of them one by one as she spoke, "the Nerevarine Prophecies state the Nerevarine will face Dagoth Ur. While it doesn't say anything about aid of any kind for the final confrontation, I feel it's best to let me confront Dagoth Ur solo, at least at first."

They looked ready to argue but Sarian continued. "If it comes to pass that I am unable to best Dagoth Ur on my own, then by all means, assist however you see fit, but I implore that you let me try to face Dagoth Ur alone at first."

They didn't like the idea of waiting on the side lines to begin with, but if Sarian could bring Dagoth Ur down without their aid, it would be for the best. They had already assisted in getting her this far, and now all that was left was to confront Dagoth Ur in person, and everything pointed to the fact that Dagoth Ur and the Nerevarine faced off one on one. And the whole timeline thing was still in the Equestrians' thoughts, and while they weren't pussyfooting around it anymore, it was best not to push their luck.

But if Dagoth Ur provided to much for Sarian to handle, nothing will stop a group of multicolored ponies and a tiny dragon from joining the fray.

'Is this how you honor the Sixth House, and the tribe unmourned? Come to me openly, and not by stealth.'

A single armored figure walked through the wooden frame of an ancient wooden door, and into the shadow that lay beyond.

Dagoth Ur Facility Caven.

"Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made."

The Equestrian team didn't need for Sarian to tell them what Dagoth Ur was saying this time; his voice reverberated off the walls of the stone cavern that the wooden door had led into, its baritone echo radiating such power that they could not help but tremble. Sarian was unaffected by whatever power the voice carried, trotting forward towards the far end of the chamber that was illuminated by multiple stone fire pits. The invisible party trudged after her, noticing a shrine identical to the one they had seen when they met Sarian to the right. And next to it stood a tall, bipedal figure that put hands with overly long, spindly fingers to its hips, and chuckled as Sarian moved closer.

So this was Dagoth Ur.

He was almost entirely naked other than a loincloth and an extravagant gold mask that supported three glowing eyes upon the foreboding, yet elegant face. But as clothing was completely optional in Equestria, Twilight and the others were not affected by the amount of skin that was visible, at least where decency was concerned, but it was providing them with an unobstructed view of what they were about to face, and it only made their apprehension grow. Dagoth Ur, while lanky, sported a heavy muscle tone that one could say put Bulk Biceps to shame, and as they came closer, they noticed he was several heads taller than Sarian, meaning he would probably tower over Celestia if he desired.

And given the circumstances, he most likely did.

"So this is Dagoth Ur?" said the voice of the unseen Princess Luna.

"Yes, Princess," replied Twilight, fighting to keep her voice down.

"I, for one, am not impressed," said Rainbow, her voice could be quieter. "He doesn't look so tough."

"And he certainly wasn't what I was expecting," said Rarity, though her teeth chattered with every so word, suggesting she was only speaking to try and calm herself. "For all his power and boastfulness one would think he would have a wardrobe that was fit for a god."

"Don't underestimate him, girls," said Twilight worriedly, "he has access to power that literally shaped this whole world."

"Everypony keep it down," whispered Applejack, her tone carrying worry and anticipation. "It won't be good if he hears us."

They all became quiet.

Applejack was right, if they gave their position away it wouldn't be good, and it became apparent that Princess Luna had been corrected when she suggested that the best course of action would be to remain unseen until some opportunity presents itself that would give them an advantage. The closer they moved to Dagoth Ur, the more they could actually physically feel the power radiating off him like heat waves from the sun.

His power had not been exaggerated or embellished in any way.

Finally, Sarian arrived before the fated adversary of the Nerevarine, though she had no reaction of any kind. She merely stood before the overly tall Dunmer whose ambitions had carried him to new heights, her posture as steady as a rock.

"It began here. It will end here." came the same powerful voice from under the golden mask. "Have you any parting words? Or would you prefer to skip the speeches, and get to our business. You are the challenger here, after all. So to you goes the courtesy of the first blow."

Parting words? First blow?

Twilight didn't like how things were starting out, and her friends had the same reaction, unseen with her.

"Parting words?" inquired Sarian, though the curiosity I'm her voice, though present, wasn't strong. "Have you not said everything there is to say between us?"

"Yes, but I have had long to consider since the circumstances that have led to our meeting began," said Dagoth Ur, just as unmoving as Sarian as they stared each other down. "Now that you have come to me here, there can be but one result. Many times I have considered offering to share this place with you. I considered offering to accept your oath of service. You might try to buy my trust by giving me Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder. I thought we might once again be friends... comrades... brothers in arms. But I have won this place and power by right of conquest. By right of daring and enterprise. I will not risk it to cunning and deceit. I offer you no deals. If you are my enemy, I cannot trust you. And even if you are not my enemy, I cannot let you live."

Twilight felt pure revulsion plunge over her soul.

She had expected Dagoth Ur to attempt to tempt Sarian to his side, like she said he had been attempting, so it came as a surprise when he went the complete opposite direction, but more than that, the blatant disregard for friendship made her physically ill. Her friendships were the most precious things in her life, and she cherished them more than her own breath. For someone to cast it aside so quickly, even a monster like Dagoth Ur, made her blood boil.

"That... that monster," said the voice of Rainbow, her tone full of rage.

None of the others reprimanded her speaking, and judging from the seething breathing, they all felt the same way for what Dagoth Ur said.

"It will all be decided here," continued Dagoth Ur, apparently having not heard Rainbow's words, and apparently oblivious to the uninvited guests Sarian had brought. "I believe I will prevail. But I cannot be sure, and I am vain enough that, should I fall, I would wish to be remembered in my own words. So, if you have final questions you would ask, ask them now. I have final questions I would ask you, if you would answer."

"Questions?" said Sarian, her tone somewhat mocking. "I thought Gods were above asking lowly mortals of anything?"

Dagoth Ur said nothing, just stood expectantly.

"Very well," said Sarian, her tone once again serious. "I will listen to what you have to say."

Dagoth Ur's response was to nod once in slight gratitude.

"My first question is: Are you really Nerevar reborn?"

Sarian deemed to contemplate for a second. "Throughout this entire country, I have encountered multiple people who claim I am the Nerevarine, in fact, the Emperor himself seems to believe so as well." She thrusted out her hand protected by Wraithguard. "It may be true, but I didn't embark on this quest for the sake of the Nerevarine Prophecies. I have ventured down this path under my own volition."

You are bold. I honor your independence," said Dagoth Ur with amusement. "You are one to teach the gods their limits. I hope the bards will praise the glory of your death in song."

Even Fluttershy scowled in anger under her invisibility. Circumstances aside, like they were going to allow harm to come to Sarian, who, despite how recently they had met her, was unquestionably their ally.

"My second question is: if you win, what do you plan to do with the power from the Heart? Will you make yourself a god, and establish a thearchy? Or will you complete Akulakhan, and dispute control of Tamriel with the Septims? Or will you share the Heart with your followers, as I have, and breed a new race of divine immortals?"

"The power of the Heart is something that should never have been trifled with," said Sarian without hesitation. "It has sown nothing but chaos since the Dwemer discovered it, so if I come out triumphant, I will make sure it is never used again."

This response seemed to preplex Dagoth Ur. "You would turn away from the power of a Divine?"

"I have no desire for it, and in the end, has anything favorable become of it?" said Sarian.

Dagoth Ur paused for a brief moment then chuckled with amusement. "Well. Perhaps there may be surprises in store for me yet. Or perhaps you obscure your plans on principle. Or perhaps you are an instinctive bluffer. No matter.

"My final question is: If I had offered to let you join me, would you have surrendered Wraithguard, Sunder, and Keening to me to seal your oath?"

"I would never join you," said Sarian plainly. "Even if I had any interest in your self serving schemes, you have proven time and again to be untrustworthy, even to your closest allies."

"Thank you for the forthright response," said Dagoth Ur, apparently unfazed by Sarian's jibe. "And now, if you have any questions, ask them. Otherwise, you are the challenger. I await your first blow."

"I have only one question for the likes of you," said Sarian, reaching behind her back and drawing the Daedric Crescent. "How do you justify your crimes? Death and suffering have consumed Morrowind from one coast to another because of your actions, how can you cause such calamity?"

"If by my 'crimes,' you mean the inevitable suffering and destruction caused by war," replied Dagoth Ur in a casual voice, "then I accept the burden of leadership. The Sixth House cannot be restored without war. Enlightenment cannot grow back without the risk of upsetting the tradition-bound and complacent herd. And the Mongrel armies of the Empire cannot be expelled from Morrowind without bloodshed. As I have charity and compassion, I grieve. But our mission is just and noble."

'Leadership?' Princess Luna was pretty sure this cretin didn't know the meaning of the word.

"I suspected as such," said Sarian with a voice of disgust, readying her weapon.

"Very well," said Dagoth Ur, readying himself for combat as well. "If you are impatient to begin. Go ahead. You are the challenger. To you goes the first blow."

Author's Note:

This is it, the time to confront a living God. I hope you all are ready.

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