• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 1,741 Views, 23 Comments

My Unexpected Parents - ShowShine

When Smolder tells Spike about dragon culture, he goes to find his parents

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A Journey

Spike stood in his room, putting things into a backpack. He placed things like food, water, a flashlight, a camera, a first aid kit, blankets, scrolls, a bottle of ink, and quills into his bag. He could hear faint whispering from outside of his room door but decided to ignore it.

“Are you sure he should by himself?” Rarity asked.

“Last time he would’ve gotten pummeled to the ground if we didn’t follow him.” Rainbow Dash added.

“I trust him to go by himself, he needs this. Besides, I told him to write to me every day so I know how he’s doing.” Twilight explained.

“Do you at least know when he’s coming back?” Rarity asked. Twilight shook her head.

“He said he’ll come back when he finds something on his past.” She stated.

“But that could take forever!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Well if Spikes happy, I’m happy for him.” Twilight stated. Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked at each other in concern. Before the could argue back, Spike walked out of his room.

“I’m ready to go,” Spike said with a grin. Twilight smiled and hugged him.

“Make sure to stay safe and don’t get into any trouble.” Twilight stated. Spike chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes.

“I know Twilight.” Spike said playfully.

“Your carriage arrived a few minutes ago, they’ll take you straight to the castle so you can go to the field with Princess Celestia.” Twilight explained. Spike nodded his head and hugged Twilight again.

“Be careful,” Twilight advised. Spike nodded his head. He turned around and flew down the hallway. Rarity and Rainbow Dash exchanged worried glances.

“I hope he’ll be okay.” Rarity said in a worrisome tone. Twilight let out a sigh.

“I do too.”

Spike entered the throne room to see Princess Celestia, greeting him with a warm smile.

“Hello Spike.” Celestia greeted. Spike waved to her as he approached her.

“I see that you are seeking where you came from.” Celestia stated. Spike nodded his head. She levitated a folder a pulled out a few pieces of paper.

“This is all the information I could get for you.” Princess Celestia said as she handed him the papers. Spike looked through the papers to see what he could find. There were a few pictures of his egg, a picture of where his egg was found, and notes on how his egg was doing before it hatched. He placed the papers into the folder and placed it in his bag.

“I’ll show you where the guards found you, follow me,” Celestia said, walking out of the room. Spike walked after her, following close behind. Questions bounced around his head. Where did he come from? Who were his parents? Did they abandon him? Before Spike realized it, he and Princess Celestia were in the Royal Garden.

“It will take us a while to get there so I advise you to sit on my back so you won’t be tired for your journey.” Princes Celestia stated. Spike nodded his head and flew up to her back, sitting down.

“Why don’t we just take a carriage?” Spike asked.

“It will be more efficient to walk because there are many small creatures in the field, we wouldn’t want to frighten them from there homes.” Princess Celestia explained. Spike nodded his head in understanding. He was ready for this journey.

Princess Celestia landed in a large field. The grass was high and green and butterflies flew around. Spike hopped off of the Princesses back and landed onto the grass. It was very soft. He looked up to see that the field led into a forest. The forest looked pretty and very safe.

“Be careful out there, I don’t know what lies ahead of you.” Princess Celestia warned. Spike nodded his head and walked towards the entrance of the forest. He inhaled and took a step in. He turned around to look at the Princess and waved goodbye.

“Okay, I can do this.” Spike muttered to himself as he entered the forest. He walked deeper and deeper into the forest and everything started to get darker. He turned around to see that he couldn’t even see the entrance of the forest anymore. He heard a stick snap, making him whip around in fear. A tiny rabbit stood behind him, staring at him curiously.

“Oh, you scared me.” Spike said with a smile. The rabbit stared at him before opening its mouth, revealing dozen of sharp teeth. Its eyes turned red and it charged at Spike. Spike let out a scream and instinctively kicked out his leg, kicking the rabbit high into the air. The rabbit let out a squeal as it was kicked into a tree.

“What was that?!” Spike asked in disbelief. He had never seen anything like that before. Now he was on edge. Every noise made him jump and look around.

“Deep breaths, everything is gonna be perfectly fine.” Spike tried to reassure himself. His ears perked up when he heard faint talking from a nearby cave. His heart jumped.

“Could those be my parents?” Spike asked himself. He started to walk towards the cave and could see a faint light from inside. He peaked his head into the cave to see two large dragons. The male was red with blue scales and the female was orange with white scales.

“H-hello.” Spike stuttered out. Both dragons looked at him with snarls on there faces.

“Where did you come from child?” The red dragon asked in a booming voice. Spike swallowed nervously.

“Ponyville.” Spike stated. Both dragons looked at him before bursting out into laughter. Spikes scales fell flat against his head and his face turned red from embarrassment.

“A dragon living with ponies?! That is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!” The female dragon said between laughter.

“What are you doing out in the middle of the forest?” The male asked. Spike rummaged through his bag and pulled out his papers.

“I’m looking for my parents. Do you know any dragons that lost a purple egg thirteen years ago?” Spike asked. The male took the picture of the egg out of his hand and looked at his. His smile turned into a scowl and he crumpled up the picture.

“Hey, I need that!” Spike said as he picked up the picture and straightened it out. He placed it back in his bag and looked up to see the red dragon towering over him, his eyes filled with anger.

“You’re Crystal’s and Ashrod’s kid!” He shouted angrily. Spike smiled.

“Are those my parent's names?!” Spike asked excitedly. Both dragons scowled and the female picked him up, squeezing him tightly.

“I thought we got rid of you a long time ago you freak!” The female walked out of the cave, the male following close behind.

“I’ll get rid of you again and I’ll make sure you won’t come back!” She shouted, flying up into the air. She made complicated twists and turns, taking him away from the forest and even farther from Canterlot. Spike tried to wiggle out of her grasp, letting out a small flame with the little air he had left in his lungs. Spike looked down to see that he was a hundred feet off of the ground.

“Freak.” The dragon said as she dropped Spike from the sky. Spike fell, the wind pressure too strong much to open his wings. He watched as the dragon flew off. What did he do wrong? Spike closed his eyes, knowing that this was the end for him.