• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 1,729 Views, 23 Comments

My Unexpected Parents - ShowShine

When Smolder tells Spike about dragon culture, he goes to find his parents

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“You’re getting so big, you’ll hatch in a few days!” The voice said excitedly. Spike felt happy because the voice was happy. He could feel the figure rocking him back and forth, kissing the top of the egg.

“You’ll grow up to be the strongest dragon out there.” She said happily, hugging the egg tightly, but not too tight. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and shouting.

“Get out of here cross breeder!” A different female voice shouted. Spike could feel himself get snatched away from his figure.

“Give me back my baby!” The familiar voice shouted. Spike suddenly felt scared and cold, being taken away from his mother. He could feel everything shaking.

“Goodbye, you freak of nature.” The unfamiliar voice said. Spike could feel himself falling to the ground at a rapid speed. He hit the ground with a loud thud and rolled across the ground. Spike was scared and alone. All Spike could do is stay in his small space and wait.

Spike jolted awake, immediately feeling an aching pain on his back. He looked back to see that his left wing was bandaged up. He looked around to see he was in a bedroom. It had baby blue walls and was very empty. The only thing that was inside was a small night table and the bed he was laying on.

“Where am I?” Spike asked himself. He looked around to see that he was in someone’s house. He could hear faint singing from a different room. He hopped off the bed and grabbed his backpack that was leaning against a wall. He placed it on his back and walked towards the door. He opened to see a hallway with yellow walls. Framed pictures were all over the walls.

He continued to walk down the hallway, following the singing. Soon he entered a kitchen. A peaked inside to see a siren floating in front of an oven. She was purple with white scales and a white underbelly. She sang to herself as she stirred something in a pot.

“Um, hello?” Spike greeted awkwardly. The siren turned around and gave him a warm smile.

“Hello.” She responded. Spikes' heart jumped. That voice. It was the voice he had been hearing in his dreams. He shook his head and got closer to the siren.

“You took a nasty fall outside and sprained your wing. You fell right into my garden. The fall broke your wing too.” She stated. Spike grimaced. He knew how hard gardens were to maintain.

“Sorry about that, some mean dragon picked me up and called me a freak before dropping me somewhere,” Spike explained. The siren let out a gasp.

“Now why would anyone do that to a cutie pie like you?” She asked. He shrugged his shoulder and reached into his bag. He pulled out his information on his egg and how he was found.

“I asked them about my parents and when I showed them this they called me a freak and tried to kill me. All I know is that my parent's names are Crystal and Ashrod.” Spike said while showing her a paper. The siren gasped when she saw the picture of the egg and she started to tear up.

“That’s my egg, I’m Crystal.” She said. Spike let out a gasp.

“But that doesn’t make sense, I’m a dragon and you’re a siren,” Spike stated. Crystal shook her head.

“You’re only half-dragon, you’re father is a dragon.” Crystal explained. Spike slowly nodded his head, processing this new information. It all made so much sense now. He had read about siren eggs being able to withstand falling from large heights and could handle high wind frequency. That’s why his egg didn’t shatter after falling. Spike jumped into his mother’s arms, hugging her tightly.

“I’ve been looking for you for so long,” Spike said, nuzzling into her arm. Tears dripped down Crystal's cheeks as she hugged him even tighter. Crystal pulled away from the hug and rubbed her hooves on Spike’s cheeks.

“You have your father's eyes.” Crystal stated with a smile. Spike grinned uncontrollably, tears on his cheeks. His grin faded as he remembered Sludge and how he pretended to be his dad for food.

“How do I know that you’re my real mom?” Spike asked moving away from the hug. Crystal thought for a moment before quickly leaving the room. She came back holding a photo album.

“I took pictures of your eggs every day since the day I laid you!” Crystal said, flipping to the back of the book. Spike looked at the pictures. There were multiple pictures of Spikes egg. In one of them, Crystal was kissing the top of the egg.

“I was so excited to raise you but then these two took you away.” Crystal said, pointing to the pictures of the two dragons who had attacked him. Spike gasped.

“Those are the dragons that called me a freak! They said that they thought they had gotten rid of me.” Spike said. Crystal snarled.

“The red one is Slash and the orange one is Scar. They believed that I and your father were freaks because we were together. They tried to kill us so many times. Then I laid you. They despised us for not only having a child before them but also being an interspecies couple.” Crystal started to explain. Spike sat next to his mother, listening intently to the story.

“They took your egg and I couldn’t find you. I thought for sure that you were dead. Me and your father looked for you everywhere but we couldn’t find you. When we gave up, we left the Dragonlands and made a home in a field miles away from any town.” Crystal finished, tears welling up in her eyes again.

“It’s okay mom, we’re together now.” Spike said with a smile. Crystal smiled and hugged Spike again.

“When your father gets home we can do something as a family.” She stated. Spike smiled and hugged his mother tighter.

“I just realized, I don’t know my own son's name.” Crystal realized. Spike chuckled.

“Hi mom, I’m Spike.”

A pale blue dragon with green scales entered the house looking around.

“Honey I’m home!” He shouted in a deep raspy voice. He could hear faint giggling from the other room, which made him rather curious. There were two voices giggling which was very odd since they never got visitors. Ashrod walked down the hallway, following the voices. He entered his shared bedroom to see his wife and a child in a pillow fort.

“Hello Crystal.” Ashrod greeted. Crystal turned around with a wide grin on her face and flew into her husband's arms.

“Hotrod, you’ll never guess who I found!” Crystal shouted excitedly. Ashrod lifted an eyebrow and looked at Spike.

“A child?” He asked. Crystal nodded her head happily.

“Our child! This is the egg that we lost years ago!” Crystal exclaimed, gesturing to Spike. Ashford's eyes widened.

“Son?” He asked in disbelief. Spike ran up to Ashrod and hugged him.

“Hi dad,” Spike said happily. Ashrod teared up and hugged his son tightly.

Finally, their family was complete.