• Published 10th Nov 2019
  • 2,496 Views, 229 Comments

The Dusk of Troubled Views - ScorchingFlamesInc

In this sequel to The Dawn of a New Mission, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow question themselves a day after reforming. But when they are banished to an unknown world, the fate of Equestria relies on them... and three bipedal creatures.

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Chapter 28: Powder and Crushes

"WHAT?" Cozy shrieked.

"You do?" the Storm King cocked an eyebrow.

Chrysalis just moved her gaze to the ground.

"That was quick..." King Sombra scoffed. "Why WOULD you give up so easily? Knowing how your story will end either way? Or just because you are weak?

"You want to know why?" Tirek began to walk toward his foes. Cozy stood where she was.

"What are you doing?" Cozy hissed.

Tirek didn't respond to her. Instead, he continued.

"If I have to be honest, I would rather have all of us go out together than one by one. Everything we went through taught me that we are meant to be friends. Meant to be a team. Almost like Princess Twilight. Just... with a rocky start and an even rockier past!"

When Tirek was directly in front of Sombra and the Storm King, he lowered himself as if to bow.

"And so, we surrender," he finished, his head low and his thin claws touching the dirt-covered ground.

King Sombra and the Storm King looked at each other, not noticing Tirek's skinny claws both grabbing mounds of dust.

And then when they looked back at Tirek, he threw the dust right at Sombra and the Storm King.

It was enough dust to get in their eyes, as Tirek had hoped.

"AH! MY EYES!" Sombra shrieked, both him and the Storm King twisting their heads away from Tirek.

The distraction given to the two 'kings' was enough for the blue glow on the Storm King's claw to fade. And when the glow on his claw faded, so did the glow surrounding Chrysalis.


Chrysalis' yelp was cut off when Tirek immediatly caught her when she began to fall. Even though there would have been no inflicted damage if Tirek didn't catch Chrysalis.

Tirek went to Cozy Glow, carrying Chrysalis. He set the changeling down next to Cozy before he made his way to the nearby stand.

"What are you doing?" Chrysalis questioned.

Tirek paid no attention. Instead, he darted to a stand full of wicker baskets filled to the brim with different colored powders. Tirek went to the basket with the blue powder and immediatly scooped some up with his claw.

Tirek then ran back to Sombra and the Storm King, luckily still trying to get the dust out of their eyes. Tirek took a big intake of breath, his cheeks puffed out when he closed his mouth.

And then he threw the dust.

For a moment there was no effect. Chrysalis and Cozy stood there looking at each other, confused. King Sombra and the Storm King continued rubbing their eyes, and Tirek just stood there.

Chrysalis lifted her hoof and opened her mouth.

"Uh, Tirek-"

Tirek cut her off when he held his thin arm.

And then the movements of the Storm King and Sombra began to slow down.

And then they collapsed, Sombra collapsing first, and the Storm King's body landing on poor King Sombra.

Tirek smirked and turned around, Chrysalis and Cozy both looking at him partly confused, and partly suprised.

"What?" Tirek shrugged. "I noticed a stand that said 'magic powder' on the sign. I believed there was sleeping powder, so I took a risk. It was lucky that there was sleeping powder."

Chrysalis began to march toward Tirek.

"You know you scared us, right?" she scowled. "We both thought that was it for us."

"Well I could't tell you my plan. I had no time," Tirek rebutted. "And besides, they would get suspicious if I whispered my-"

But then Tirek was cut off when Chrysalis lept forward and embraced her hooves around him.

"But that doesn't stop me from showing gratitude!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "Thank you for not running!"

"Well, I mean... it was nothing," said Tirek. "Besides, we're friends. It's best to go out together. But I just thought we could take one more stretch in case we still have a chance of success!"

"Well, again... thank you!" Chrysalis smiled with gratitude, her hooves still wrapped around Tirek. "And the way you carried me... I found it oddly-"

But Chrysalis stopped speaking when she leaned back from Tirek, her hooves still touching his arms. Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open.

Instead of a weak, frail version of her friend standing in a street in Canterlot covered in dust, her vision saw something else. Everything in her vision was colored pink except Tirek, who now had a different appearence. He appeared to be in his third form, the only difference being that he was still as tall as his first form. His fur was breezing in the wind and he had a necklace of roses.

"Chrysalis..." he began to say, his swooning voice making her heart flutter. "Any chance that, if we get out of this alive, we can go out on a... date, perhaps?"

"Uuuuhhh..." Chrysalis drawled. She shut her eyes and wildly shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind of... whatever she saw. She looked back at Tirek.

"W-what?" she stammered.

Her vision was now back to where it was, the landscape of Canterlot being dreary and empty, and Tirek now back in his first and weakest form.

"I said 'Are you ok? You're looking at me funny,'" Tirek said, lifting his brow.

"Oh I'm fine..." Chrysalis muttered, taking her hooves off of Tirek. "I just want to kiss you- I MEAN- think of a plan with you if there is the slightest chance Grogar won't suddenly appear and take us hostage."

Tirek slightly cocked his head.

Chrysalis, her cheeks slightly pink, looked at Cozy, who was giving her a smirk. She bounced her eyebrows, causing all of Chrysalis' face to turn completely pink. Apparently Cozy caught on to what Chrysalis was feeling as of the moment.

"A-anyway..." Chrysalis stuttered, still blushing. "Grogar's allies may be down, but we still have the actual threat himself. We have no magic. Our new human allies are held hostage and we are the only residents of Equestria who are still roaming free."

"Right!" Cozy exclaimed. "So in order for us to succeed, we need to be smart. And lucky for us, I have an idea. An idea that will only work if Grogar doesn't suddenly take us down. Though I have a feeling he is busy. Ok. Huddle up."

Chrysalis and Tirek huddled with Cozy, Chrysalis looking at Tirek and blushing as soon as they huddled.

Author's Note:

If you know any Chrysalis x Tirek fans, you should totally tell them about this story.

And so brings the questions. What is Cozy Glow's plan? Where are the humans? Why isn't Grogar suddenly appearing and taking them down? Will Cozy make fun of Chrysalis for her new crush? And why isn't Tirek catching on to his new admirer?

Find out soon!

Link to other stories (if you want to read them. You don't have to): https://www.fimfiction.net/user/345991/CartoonopolisAdventures/stories

Feel free to make theories on what will happen. And always let the brony or pegasister within conquer your creativity.

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