• Published 10th Nov 2019
  • 2,496 Views, 229 Comments

The Dusk of Troubled Views - ScorchingFlamesInc

In this sequel to The Dawn of a New Mission, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow question themselves a day after reforming. But when they are banished to an unknown world, the fate of Equestria relies on them... and three bipedal creatures.

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Chapter 34: Good and Evil: Part 4

Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek stood over Grogar’s unconscious body.

"So..." Cozy started. "What should we do now?"

"Maybe we send him to Tartarus or turn him to stone or something?" suggested Tirek.

"We could banish him somewhere aside from Tartarus," Chrysalis said. "But it takes very complex magic to send him to someplace like the aether."

"How about this..." Cozy began. "We keep him asleep, free Princess Twilight, and let her decide what to do with him."

"Not a bad idea," Chrysalis agreed. "But we will need to cast a sleep spell to keep him unconsious longer."

But as soon as Chrysalis finished her sentence, Grogar's eyes shot open. Quickly, the reformed villains lit their horns But it was too late. Immediatly Grogar lit his horns, causing the reformed trio to become envelloped in his yellow glow. When Grogar's magic grabbed Cozy, the glow around her horn faded, and so did the glow on the bell. The bell landed on the ground, but Grogar paid no attention to it.

Instead, Grogar exerted his strength and tossed all three of his opponents away from him. All three of them thudded on the ground, inches from the already damaged wall. Grogar lifted his head, and a chunk of the wall making up the throne room started to rumble, the windows in the wall rattling. With the tug of Grogar's head, the wall and windows crumbled, the large chunks of the wall and large window shard falling down, its landing spot right above Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis.

Tirek lit his magic, the orange magic grabbing every piece of falling debris, intercepting their fall. Tirek got up on his hooves, meshed the large debris into a ball, and tossed it at Grogar.

Grogar lit his horns and simply blasted the large debris ball to pieces.

Chrysalis got on her hooves and galloped to Grogar, dodging every beam he blasted at her. When she was halfway to Grogar, she leaped in the air and transformed into a parasprite. She then began to zig-zag in multiple directions, making it hard for Grogar to hit her.

Tirek's eyes focused on the bell, before the centaur lifted it with his magic and watched the action, his magic charged just in case.

It was now Cozy's turn, the filly hopping on her hooves. She turned to her tail and pulled off the ribbon, causing the curl to unravel. When Cozy was certain Grogar couldn't see her, she teleported to a spot that was closer to Grogar.

She watched as Grogar whired around trying to catch Chrysalis.

And as soon as Grogar stopped for a breather, his backside facing Cozy, she reacted. She quickly brought the ribbon to Grogar's eyes, forcing his head up.

"GAH!" yelped Grogar.

As fast as she could, Cozy wrapped the ribbon around his head and quicky tied it into a knot. Grogar quickly shook his head.

"WHERE ARE YOU YOU LITTLE RUNT?!?" he bellowed, lighting his horns and disintegrating the ribbon. But as soon as Grogars eyes were no longer blindfolded, he was met with an orange beam impacting his right side, once again sending his body flying back a few inches. He landed on his left side, before staggering back on his hooves, lifting a shield to block off any more attacks.

"You three are the most persistent pests I have ever met," he hissed.

"Persistence is key," Cozy chirped.

"You wouldn't really disintegrate me..." Grogar growled. "Would you?"

"As reformed villains, we find destruction to be a bit too much, especially if it is from all three of us surrounding them," Chrysalis said. "So instead, if we end up defeating you, we put you to sleep, and let the princess figure out the rest."

Grogar grinned under his shield.

"Good luck with that..." he grinned.

And with a burst, he, along with his shield, vanished.

"Where did he go?" Tirek queried.

Suddenly, all three reformed villains froze in place, surrounded in a yellow glow. Just like what happened with Cozy earlier, Tirek's magic faded, resulting in the glow around the bell fading. The bell yet again fell to the ground.

The reformed villains were rotated to face a bush that Grogar easily stepped out of.

"I don't know why I could't have done that earlier..." the ram chuckled.

Grogar walked over to the bell and picked it up with his magic.

"I don't get why any of you didn't give up..." Grogar said, eyeing the bell. "Even with your power, I outsmarted you. You should've surrendered while you had the chance."

"It didn't hurt to try," Cozy strained.

Grogar laughed.

"And yet you're still little persistent fools..." he growled. "Fools who try to save Equestria to prove that you've changed! T try and redeem yourselves. But you can't escape your past, no matter how hard you try. You will always have that memory of those you've deceived. No matter what!"

As Grogar spoke, nocreature noticed the bipedal creature watching them from around the corner of the building.

Leo's POV

It surprisingly didn't take long for me to find the exit needed. And it was a lucky guess for me to find out which direction to turn. But as soon as I zig-zagged my way out of the building and to a corner, I expected to see the reformed villains with Grogar in their grasp.

But instead, I saw the reformed trio held in the air by a yellow aura, and Grogar standing a few feet away from them, telling them on how they can't escape their past.

Now, some of me wanted to fight. But I was very well aware of my low power. And I'm not good at saving worlds, considering I've never done it before. So I decided to watch.

When Grogar finished his monologue with the words "No matter what," the reformed villains looked crestfallen.

Grogar must have gotten under their skin!

"Anyway, let's just get this over with..." Grogar loudly muttered, lifting something in the air. The Bewitching Bell!

Grogar lifted the bell above his head and rotated it so then it's end was facing the trio.

I immediatly knew what was gonna happen. But I couldn't risk anything. When it comes to dangerous situations, I am a chicken 50% of the time. And this was one of those times.

So I watched as the yellow and black beam shot out of the bell and struck the reformed villains. Although they strained instead of screamed, I still felt a great amount of guilt for them.

It didn't take long for the beam to fade, showing me Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek back to the ways they looked when they were turned to stone. Cozy was a pegasus. Tirek was in his first form. And Chrysalis was... well... Chrysalis.

"And now to secure this victory," Grogar bellowed. "Although there are no more perpetrators with magic, and my allies are sure to remain by my side, I'll just do what I nearly did earlier... celebrate by stealing an amount of magic from this bell! The same amount of magic equal to the amount of magic I have! It's sure to give me a more menacing look that a ruler should have, and it's not a bad idea to go through a change of pace!"

Grogar backed away and moved the bell so it could face him. I held my breath as he was directly across from me, only the way he was facing preventing him from seeing me.

He charged his horns and blasted the bell.

I took off my shoes.

And I started to run. My intended target was two or three inches from where he stood. As I ran, my socks made the impact of my feet on the ground a little bit quieter.

As soon as I was in front of Grogar, I jumped and lifted my hand. And as soon as I lifted my hand, I felt the sudden yet new impact of magic contact my body.

Third Person/Pony/Creature POV

For the second time tonight, an opponent of Grogar's has intercepted the magic from the bell, right at the moment Grogar was going to transfer the magic to himself.

Leo strained as the magic began to enter his body.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?" Grogar bellowed. "AGAIN? OH NO... NOT THIS TIME!"

Grogar looked past the human so then the bell was in his sight. Lighting his horns, he blasted the bell again, deactivating the beam and sending the bell to the floor.

Grogar turned his eyes back to Leo, who was turning around to face him.

"You think you can pull the same move these three did earlier?" Grogar hissed.

Leo opened his mouth to speak, but he only managed to utter a sound before he was interrupted.

"LEO!" Cozy screamed. "YOUR FEET!"

Grogar and Leo both looked at Leo's feet, only for Leo's expression to fall. His feet were covered in what appeared to be a dark yellow magic aura, only the magic was translucent and built like a jelly-like material, so his feet couldn't be seen. A few pink feathers on the ground surrounding Leo shook before zipping over to himand absorbing into the translucent magict. As the feathers absorbed, the magic began to extend up his legs.

"What's going on?!" Leo panicked. "This magic is crawling on my legs and I can't move them!"

"I don't know..." Grogar muttered from behind, causing Leo to turn back around. "But maybe this means I won't have to destroy you."

Leo struggled to move, as the last feather absorbed into the magic, which made its way up to Leo's waist. As soon as the last feather entered, the magic moved faster up his body.

In less then ten seconds, the magic was up to his neck.

"HELP ME-" was all he could say before the magic covered up his head. As soon as the last trace of his body was gone, he fell to the floor, completely covered in translucent yellow magic.

"Well, that was a dumb move for this creature..." Grogar chuckled. "I guess only beings from this dimension can handle magic."

Grogar lifted the magic-covered body of Leo and tossed it aside.

"Pathetic humans aside, I'm too excited for securing my victory to even take magic from the bell," said Grogar. "Let's just disintegrate you three so I can finally finish what I've started!"

Grogar lit his horns.

"I'll be nice enough to let you three say your goodbyes..." he sneered.

Chrysalis took a deep breath.

"When I was evil..." she began. "My goal was to feed on love. And everytime I was defeated, I wanted vengeance. But ever since we reformed, all I wanted was to live the life of not being evil, but rather, live a life of friendship with both of you."

"I wanted friendship for power," Cozy admitted. "But to be honest, it's more useful as magic. I see it now. Friendship as magic is better than friendship as power or vengeance."

"All this time I could have went with my brother," Tirek said. "And try to make Equestria a better place. And I guess I did go out and try to make it better. Just with a different set of beings I care about."

Cozy strained, lifting both of her hooves and extending them to Chrysalis and Tirek. Chrysalis extended her hoof and put it on Cozy's left hoof, while Tirek grabbed her right hoof.

She looked at them both and smiled. "At least we tried to save the world... together! Because our friendship... IS MAGIC!!”

The trio suddenly blinked, their eyes suddenly glowing white after they did. When their eyes turned white, they appeared to be in a trance.

Immediatly after, Grogar fired the beam, victory in his eyes.

But then the yellow aura surrounding Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis turned into a bright white.

And it shot out a rainbow beam.

It collided with Grogar's beam, at first seeming like it was holding it back.

"What??!?" Grogar growled in disbelief.

The rainbow beam then began pushing back Grogar's beam.


The rainbow got closer.


Grogar couldn't do anything anymore.


The rainbow burst through the beam and completely enveloped his body.


And then everything went white.

Author's Note:

Season 4 finale deja vu, anyone?

Grogar's been vanquished. But what happened to me? What happened to Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy? How will everything be repaired now? What about Sombra and the Storm King?

Link to other stories (if you want to read them. You don't have to): https://www.fimfiction.net/user/345991/CartoonopolisAdventures/stories

Feel free to make theories on what will happen. And always let the brony or pegasister within conquer your creativity.

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