• Published 3rd Dec 2019
  • 4,356 Views, 27 Comments

One long eternity - NoGoodUsrNames99

Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis. In the garden together. Forever. Just the three of them.

  • ...

And a miserable existence.

The canterlot gardens. The now permanent home of our three villains. We all saw how they tried to take over Equestria. Really, the three of them knew in the back of their minds they would most likely fail, yet, they never imagined they'd have to suffer through a punishment quite like this. One suggested by Discord, no less.

Discord was stone for 10,000 years the first time around. And, the three of them couldn't really remember how long they've been here. Long enough that the nights and days blend together. Time seems to sort of stagnate. It had been a long time, at the least. Long enough that the vines and plants began to creep their way up their forms.

Long enough that they're covered in moss at this point. Long enough that, if they were regular statues, they would have began to crumble. Sitting in the garden was quite boring most of the time, all they had to watch was the occasion picnic from the unsuspecting couple, having no idea they were being watched.

Of maybe a flock of birds that would land on them from time to time and defecate all over them. The only thing keeping them from losing their minds completely was, well, they could telepathically communicate with eachother. Weather that was a good or a bad thing, well, the three of them couldn't even decide.

Just the three of them. Alone. Sharing thoughts with eachother and nobody else.

"Ugh...more birds, more feces." Chrysalis complained. If she could, her eyes would be rolling.

"Tell me about it." Cozy responded, "I'm the highest one out of the three of us."

Chrysalis let out a small groan in frustration. "But I'm the biggest, meaning there's more surface area."

"Would you two just quit bickering?" Tirek groaned. "It's already been an eternity and your arguing has made me go more insane than the silence would."

"I have to agree." Chrysalis grumbled. "Or perhaps death. Death would be preferable than this."

Tirek wanted to cross his arms, but couldn't for obvious reasons. "I concur. Not existing at all would definitely be much better than existing forever...with you two."

"C'mon, you two," Cozy interrupted. "We were a team, remember? We almost won, cause we worked together!" Leave it to the little filly to try and look at the bright side.

"Yes, but we lost," Chrysalis continued, "And, by the way, we still don't know who to blame for that."

"Well, it's obviously your fault, Chrysalis." Tirek scoffed.

"Why me?"

"Well, you see, how many times did you attempt to best them?" Tirek thought. Again, if he could, he would be tapping his chin right now. "Two? Three? And yet, you lost every time."

"Tirek is right..." Cozy admitted. "Maybe you just have bad luck or something. Like you're destined to lose."

"You insufferable little-" Chrysalis stopped herself right there. Despite the fact that she was just as evil as her, Cozy was still a kid after all.

She seemed to kill the conversation, as after that, silence. Weather she scared Cozy quiet or not, didn't really matter, as they stayed silent for a good while, before the silence was finally broken by Cozy. "There's another couple getting ready for a picnic." She said.

And of course, right in front of them, there was a cute little Pegasus couple rolling out a blanket, getting ready for an innocent little picnic. "Ugh, not again." Chrysalis groaned.

"Another decade, another unsuspecting couple," Tirek responded, with a sigh.

"These ones better not have sex in front of us like that last one did." Chrysalis groaned.

Tirek stayed silent for a moment, before responding, "It's the only time I've ever been glad my eyes have been sealed shut this whole time."

"And yes, on that note," Chrysalis said, "The vines are awfully close to covering up my eyes. Losing my vision is just what I needed."

"It's okay, Chrysalis," Cozy attempted to comfort "I've had bird poop in my eye for a while now."

"You know, the reason Tirek is unable to see, is because he did nothing but cower when we were sealed up. Both of you did." Chrysalis mentioned, with some disgust in her voice.

"We were being turned to stone." Tirek responded. "What did you expect us to do? What were you expecting to do, exactly?"

"Anything I could." She responded.

"Look guys, instead of criticizing eachother," Cozy intervened, again, trying to stop them from arguing. "Maybe we should focus on trying to get out of here!"

"It's already been a very, very long time." Chrysalis mentioned. "Twilight hasn't batted another eye at us once. The only one that ever interacts with us is Discord."

"Yes, true," Tirek added. "And even then, all he does is intentionally irritate us."

"Indeed." Chrysalis continued. "My point is, we won't be getting out of here any time soon. But, if we do, I will walk up to that meddlesome draquanicous, and that little princess..." Even through their stone prison, the other two being could hear Chrysalis hissing as she spoke. "And tear them to bits myself."

"See, that's the spirit!" Cozy responded, with a little giggle. "That's the Chrysalis I know!"

"You never learn your lesson, do you?" Tirek asked, with a scoff. "I would gladly go right back to my cell in Tarturus and never attempt escape. That was much preferable than this."

"Oh, that's cute." Chrysalis said. "You think they would let you? No. They would never execute you. They're too cowardly. They like to think they have, how you say, morals and all that. They think it's more merciful to subject us to an eternity of suffering cause they don't have to guts to just kill us."

"Your point being?" Asked Tirek."

"If we ever escape, they would never let you go. They will hunt you down, and just seal you up in stone again."

"I don't think that's true," Cozy said, "They seem like they like giving ponies a second chance. I mean, look at Discord, or any of Twilights other enemies, for that matter."

"It doesn't matter." Chrysalis said, with a scoff. "I will never submit. I will never become good. I will try, and try, and try again, until I finally get to watch Twilight cower at my feet, and accept her loss."

"I see," Tirek said. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Chrysalis was probably right.

Chrysalis let out an evil little chuckle. "I will escape someday. And I will take my changeling army...and I will destroy Twilight and everything she loves."

"Yeah, even though we lost, we're still a team!" Cozy said, how she managed to stay so cheery through all of this was insane to the other two. "What about that has changed?"

"We were never a real team" Chrysalis admitted. "I think we were all planning to betray eachother eventually."

"I definitely learned my lesson," Tirek said. "Believe it or not I have come to regret betraying Discord."

"I've thought hard about it," Chrysalis said. "He probably turned us to stone cause he was still mad at you.. Cozy and I got caught in the crossfire."

"So, does that mean we can finally blame Tirek?" Cozy asked.

"Yes. Yes it does."

Tirek let out a little sight of annoyance.

"But, until we escape here, and get our revenge..." Before Chrysalis could finish, however, another bird flew over the trio, and dropped some poop right onto the ex queen's snout.

"This is gonna be one long eternity."

Author's Note:

I've seen a lot of tragic and depressing stories about this topic, so I wanted to do something new as far as I know and write a more light-hearted version of it.

Let me know what you think!

Comments ( 27 )

Very funny! And finally someone else who doesn't think Cozy was some innocent little kid caught up in events. I'd love to see more of this story.

Thanks! Glad to hear it!

So cruel. I can only hope that being ptrified would actually mean sleeping for those three.

Canonically, yes, Im 99.9% certain that the being sealed in stone sort of stagnated their existence, but the thought of them being sentient makes for some very interesting writing prompts, as Ive seen time and time again on this site.

Based on the name of the Stone SLEEP Spell, it probably does (unlike with Discord being turned to stone by the Elements, but like with the cockatrice turning Twilight to stone), plus Jim Miller said they're in "suspended animation" (though some don't believe his word based on misleading Grogar comments). If their stone sleep is dreamless then as long as they're never released, their minds are in a perpetual state of nonexistence, which is almost like death or being erased for them even though it's presumably reversable like every other instance. One could also make a case for Luna setting them to share a dream and annoy each other for eternity, which would be less nightmarish for Cozy Glow than Chrysalis and Tirek.

But, as the author said, it does make for an interesting what-if. Also back when the exact mechanics of this were unknown somepony else speculated they could telepathically communicate, which does fit with "together forever" too, since Tirek's eyes are closed and Chrysalis is facing away from the other two. (in a world where they're awake she probably wishes she was behind Tirek)

they don't have to guts to just kill us

They did have the guts to kill Sombra.

For a fic about one of the most controversial topics within the fandom in recent memory, this was actually pretty low-key.

Honestly, I think I kinda prefer that to the alternative. Either way, this gets a thumbs up from me!

I always forget about Sombra, lol.
In a world where they believe all villains deserve a second chance, I always found the fact that they just killed Sombra outright really weird.

All the other villains get some sort of punishment that sort of skims death, but isnt actually death itself, and yet, they kill Sombra instantly. Twice. Its honestly hilarious.

Thanks, man! I appreciate it!

There was also the Storm King. Also the Tree of Harmony gruesomely vaporized the Mean 6. And they didn't seem to think Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow deserved a second chance either based on turning them to stone forever (if CELESTIA thought they deserved the worst punishment, they did), or were capable of one. It's just the ones who reform, or ones they believe are redeemable, they're forgiving towards. Starlight's suspicions on the Pony of Shadows started when the Map sent them towards him, noting that it calls on them only for friendship problems. She tried to reform Chrysalis but was unsuccessful and never considered the possibility afterwards. Celestia wasn't sure about Discord so she made sure they could turn him to stone again if it wasn't possible.

Harmony seemed fine letting the three of them go, or are you confusing the supposed all powerful force of good with the Princess there?

And frankly Celestia's ability to make decisions in show has either been plot armor levels of ironclad, or completely selfish and overall shortsighted(I.E "lets risk the entire country for mah sister/student!") before being saved by, well, plot armor or blind luck.

And theres also the fact...the Storm King died due to circumstance, and Sombra arguably wasn't any worse then Discord. People act like driving people to insanity is somehow a lesser crime for some reason and I don't know why.

And I'd hardly call singular (at best, Cozy glow got zilch in that department)chances and a manipulative twat like Discord leading them on as a 'chance at redemption'. I call that garbage writing and personal bias both on the writers and Celestia and Luna's part(as characters of course).

Comment posted by NoGoodUsrNames99 deleted Dec 11th, 2019

One Long Eternity

And a Miserable Existence

Now I want to see them at the END of ETERNITY.

Ah, it tagged ‘Tragedy’ because it’s a tragedy for them they spend eternity... Together!

I tagged it a tragedy because they never escape, and theres no happy ending in sight for them.

Honestly? Thats a great idea! Maybe Ill throw together a bonus chapter if I ever feel like it. (Dont quote me on that)

.....Tell me if you do I really want to see what you come up with for the LITERAL End of FOREVER.

"It doesn't matter." Chrysalis said, with a scoff. "I will never submit. I will never become good. I will try, and try, and try again, until I finally get to watch Twilight cower at my feet, and accept her loss."

Chrysalis is what you’d call a Megalomaniac,

It was a decent story, though there's enough gags that I feel it should have had the comedy label.

When I first wrote this, I had a reason to leave out the comedy tag but now I can't remember, lol

This was a good story. I hope there's going to a continuation of this

Thought about writing one. Turns out there's not much else I can do with this concept.

Oh, that sucks. Well, doesn't change my thoughts on this story. It's as the title says, they're time as statues will be one long eternity

I can't help but feel bad for them. Yes they did the things that they did, but it was still Discord who brought them together and gave them the means to take over. Yet he goes free and they suffer when all this is technically his plan in the first place. He had no right to decide their punishment. Because he is just as reponsible.

Yeah, I thought turning them to stone was an awful choice for an ending.

Shes not innocent but shes still a kid

Here's a quick review. Some amusing dialogue in here, especially when we discovered what the threesome had experienced all that time. They're always fun when sniping at each other. Really needed a bit more proofreading (eg the lower-case "canterlot" near the start) but I agree with you: it is nice to have a change of pace with Legion of Doom stories.

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