• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 7,714 Views, 93 Comments

Equestria's New River Spirit - Autum Breeze

How in the world did going to see the MLP movie result in my turning into a river spirit?

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Equestria's New River Spirit



I walk passed the cinema staff, nodding and retuning their goodbyes as I leave.

I lift my arms up, stretching. That was a lot of fun.

I’ve just been to see the My Little Pony Movie and it was pretty decent. Not over the top amazing, but still a very good movie.

I will admit, I do have to give a negative to how the rest of the Mane 6 abandoned Twilight after she yelled at Pinkie, especially because not only was it obvious Twilight didn’t genuinely mean what she said, it was a heat of the moment “I’m so frustrated and none of you are actually trying to help me, thing”, but it also just didn’t work.

Maybe earlier on in the show’s timeline, like maybe mid-season two, early season three, I could understand her saying something like that, but now? More than seven seasons in?

Nup. Only real let down in the movie for me.

Not to mention, I couldn’t help wonder why Twilight and the others didn’t think to try and get help from the dragons or the Changelings.

They’re allies by this point, so why were they left out of the movie for reinforcements?

Then again, maybe it was for the same reasons Discord wasn’t in the movie. Would’ve been too easy a win.

I shake my head. Gotta make sure I keep these ideas in mind for when I do a review later today before I get home.

Let’s see, it’s… not even 1pm?

I look up at the ceiling. Should I get lunch here at TTP, or wait til I get home?

Glancing around as I walk, I notice I’m walking past a sushi shop.

Man, when was the last time I had sushi? Must’ve been…

I pause, glancing around again. Something feels… off.

I blink, before crying out as my body feels as if it’s been lit on fire, before I feel like my stomach drops.

It takes a few seconds to realize not only that my body doesn’t feel hot anymore, but that the wind is blowing against my face.

Glancing down, my eyes widen in horror as I see I’m falling towards a river.

What the fuck?!

I hold up my arms, bracing for the impact, when my stomach lurches again.

I wait and wait… and wait?

Um… why did the wind stop?

Opening my eyes, I realize I’ve just stopped several feet in the air.

Um… okay, what?

Suddenly, whatever held me up stops and I drop against, hitting the water with a mighty splash.

I shake my head, trying to recover my wits, before something comes up from beneath, sending me soaring up through the water, before I burst forth, coughing, very disorientated.

“Well now, I certainly wasn’t expecting company,” a very flamboyant and vaguely familiar voice says, though I’m still trying to right my thoughts and can’t think about it very well. “You know, you could at least give a sea serpent a little warning the next time you’re going to just drop in like that. Especially this late.”

“I… I’m sorry, sir,” I say, noticing something very off about my voice, but still too out of it to understand what. “I… I don’t really know how that happened either.”

The voice huffs. “Well, I suppose it’s fine. Here, I’ll put you ashore.”

I feel myself moving, before my feet are plopped onto what I’m assuming is ground.

I rub my eyes and shake my head, trying to clear it. “Thank you, sir,” I say, my eyesight starting to returning, everything looking really blurry… and kinda bright yet dark, as if something really bright has been shaded in darker tones. “I don’t know why…”

My eyesight returns and my face goes blank.

Standing before and above me is… Steven Magnet.

I just stare up at him, my expression blank as can be.

“You okay, kid?” the purple sea serpent asks, before sniffing and getting a confused look. “Huh? You smell like a dragon… but also like something else I can’t name.” He shifts backwards, sitting on his own body and rubbing his chin. “I’ve never smelt that smell before, not even during my adventures with Cranky.”

I say nothing. My brain is still rebooting.

Steven Magnet. Steven Magnet is literally right in front of me. But, if Steven Magnet is in front of me, that means he’s in Equestria. And if he’s in Equestria and he’s in front of me, then I’m in Equestria. And if I’m in Equestria…

I slowly look around, not recognizing the location, though very aware that it’s night time. Somehow, I think I would’ve preferred finding myself in the Everfree. At least then I have a base idea of where to go.

“What’s your name, kid?” Steven’s voice pulls me from my thoughts and I blink to see him lean down so he’s at my eyelevel.

“Urm, I’m Hak… Wait, no.” I shake my head. “My name doesn’t start with Hak-anything it’s… it’s…”

I blink, shaking my head again, putting my head atop it.

After several minutes, I open my eyes, narrowing them. “Why can’t I remember my name?”

Steven just folds his arms, shrugging. “Couldn’t help you there, my friend. I don’t even know what you are, let alone who you are.”

“I’m a human,” I say, putting a hand to my chest… before blinking in confusion and looking down. “Wait. These aren’t my clothes.”

They’re really not. When I went to see the movie I was wearing a black t-shirt with a picture of Berry Punch and the caption “Go home, Berry Punch” on the front and a pair of jeans and black sneakers.

Now, I’m wearing very Japanese looking clothes. If I remember right, a short, blue hakama, white kariginu with a blue kimono underneath and beige sandals on my feet.

Studying Japanese culture can come in handy sometimes… though this is not how I thought I could apply that knowledge.

“Why am I wearing these?” I ask, looking myself over, before my hand flies to my throat. “Wait. This isn’t my voice… but I know it.” I hurry over to the water and look at my refection, before deadpanning. “You have got to be kidding me.”

Staring back at me is the face of Haku from the Studio Ghibli movie Spirited Away.

What the heck is going on here?

“You don’t normally look like this?” Steven asks, looking puzzled as he leans down, glancing from me to my reflection.

“Not… normally, no,” I say, taking several steps back, trying to keep calm. “No need to panic. You’ve just turned into an anime character and wound up in Equestria somehow.”

Then again, at least I didn’t turn into a female anime character, like Chihiro. Lord knows how awkward that would be. At least I still stayed the same gender.

“Okay, okay. Need to think. Need. To. Think,” I walk back and forth, hands on my head, before looking around. “Um, where exactly in Equestria are we? I don’t want to just run into dragons or something at random.”

I don’t even know when in Equestria I am. If it’s not post season 7, I could be in some serious trouble if I just ran into someone who doesn’t like ponies till after.

Steven cocks an eyebrow at me. “Random dragons.” He gives a chuckle, shaking his head. “My dear boy, if you wish to avoid dragons, you chose the worst time to come here.”

I glance at him, an eyebrow raised. “Why’s that?”

Steven rolls his eyes as if I just asked “Is water wet?”. “The Dragon Migration?” he asks.

I blink, my face blanking. I’m in season two Equestria?!

I facepalm. Great. Of all the times to end up in during MLP’s timeline it had to as early as season two.

I sigh, pouting. Well, at least it’s not season one. And at least the events of Dragon Quest were pretty close to the end of the season.


I groan, glancing around. “And how exactly am I supposed to avoid the other dragons?”

Steven gives me an odd look. “Is it because you’re not all dragon yourself?”

“Kinda,” I say, before thinking about it more clearly and nodding. “Yeah, definitely another reason to avoid them. Dragons right now aren’t exactly as willing to accept other creatures, especially a dragon hybrid, this early on.”

Steven shrugs, before giving me a curious look. “So, I take it you weren’t always like this? Or part dragon?”

I sigh, sitting down. “Not really.”

“Care to share?” Steven slithers down until he’s on his belly, resting his chin in his hands.

I think for a moment, before shrugging. What harm could it do?

So, we spend the next half hour or so with me explaining what I can about my world and it’s coronation to whatever could’ve simultaneously turned me into Haku and sent me here to Equestria.

Obviously, I avoid mentioning the movie I’d seen was the MLP movie or how this world is a fictional TV show back home, but everything else I can explain pretty easily and do so.

Once I’m done, Steven sits up a little, rubbing his chin. “Quite the predicament you’re in, my young friend. Are you sure you can’t just send yourself back home?”

I shake my head. “Even if it is possible, at this moment, it’d be extremely unwise to try.” I look down at my hand, palm open. “Haku has magic, some naturally, others he learned under Yuubaba as her apprentice, but trying to use that magic without knowing how it works to be more disastrous and makes things even worse for me than they are now.”

Steven nods, a sage frown on his face. “Indeed. Ponies sadly suffering from that problem. Certain unicorns always think they know what they’re doing without fully understanding the spells they cast.” He cringes. “The things I’ve seen on my adventures of unicorns casting spell they don’t understand.” He shakes his head. “I dare not try explaining them.” He shudders.

I cringe. If he feels that way about, I’m probably better off not knowing myself.

Once he’s composed himself, he looks pityingly at me. “And you can’t even remember your own name?”

I shake my head. “No. only Haku’s name comes to mind when I think of my name. If I try to say or just think of my real name, my mind goes blank. Still,” I smirk, “at least I’m not as bad off as other people are when they’re having my problem. I at least get to stay the gender I was originally born in. Lord only knows how things would’ve been for me had I come here as a normal little girl, like Chihiro. In this world, I sincerely doubt that would’ve gone well for me.”

Steven gets a curious look at that. “Why would so many of your kind write stories like that, anyway, where simply ending up in another world is hard enough, but to go through that kind of change so suddenly as well?”

I shrug. “We humans are funny like that. Still,” I frown down at my hand, clenching it. “Whatever the case, even though I’m still a guy, I’m not in a good position. I know too much about how this world’s timeline is supposed to go and far too early into it. Any interference I make could have catastrophic effects in the future.”

“Such as?” Steven asks, looking equally curious as well as worried.

I think for a moment. Steven didn’t have more than two or three appearances, last I checked. True, he’s Cranky’s friend and the two did go on a lot of adventures, but those clearly ended before the point the show took off, so I don’t know much about him beyond speculation.

I nod, looking to him. “Equestria doesn’t get a fourth princess or a fifth.”

Steven cocks his head. “What, you mean ponies marrying into the royal family? Aside from Blueblood getting married, which I find highly unlikely,” Blueblood’s still a dick in this universe, noted, “I guess you mean is either Celestia, Luna or Princess Cadance get married, have children and those children married?”

I look a little to the side. “Urm, you’re half right.”

Steven frowns in confusion, before folding his arms and nodding. “Very well. I’ll wait to see what you truly mean by that. And, you don’t have to worry. I won’t repeat this to anyone.” He moves to cross his heart and I jump forward, stopping him.

“You don’t have to do that promise!” I say frantically, holding his arm back with one hand. “Seriously, I’ll trust you. You don’t need to do that.”

Man, that was too close. Never do a Pinkie Promise if you don’t want Pinkie knowing about said promise! If Pinkie learns about the promise, she learns about me and if she learns about me… well, right now, I feel we’re all better off her being unaware.

I let go of Steven and jump back down, sighing with relief.

“Alright,” he says, seeming confused. His confusion then becomes a frown as he stiffs the air. “Odd. Do you smell ponies?”

I blink, cocking an eyebrow at him. “How am I supposed to smell…?” I trail off as I do indeed smell something on the air that reminds me of horses, just with a fruitier aroma. “Seriously? Ponies in Equestria smell fruity?”

Before he can answer, there’s a loud crashing sound, causing as both to stop and look for the source of the noise.

Glancing around, I notice fire in the sky, before I blink and it clicks. Those are the phoenixes that…

“Something tells me you might be needed, my boy,” Steven looks to me.

I look back to him, shaking my head and waving my hands. “Uh, NO! I just told you, I know the timeline this world needs to follow and I’m not supposed to be part of it. Anything I do to interfere with what’s coming could have horrible consequences down the line.”

Steven gives me a stern look.

I give him just as stern a look. “I’m serious, Steven. Believe me, there are things that are going to happen I’d rather not happen, but if I stop them, it can easily lead to even worse things. The butterfly effect is a big deal.”

He just shakes his head. “Surely merely observing will not cause any problems? After all, from what you told me, whenever one ends up in your kind of predicament, not everything goes exactly as the timeline you know should.”

I open my mouth to argue, before I blink, realizing he’s right.

In every fanfic I’ve read, and wrote, in which someone gets sent to Equestria turned into a fictional character from either MLP itself or another franchise, the timeline never truly went its original route, no matter how hard the protagonist tried not to interfere with the events of the show.

“I… alright, I’ll at least go and look,” I say begrudgingly, turning and sniffing the air, trying to gage which direction to go from how strong the smells are.

Since Twilight, Rarity and RD remained close to Spike, wherever their smell is strong, he will be close by.

Once I figure out the direction the scent of ponies is the strongest, I run off, giving Steven a quick goodbye, which he returns before diving into the river.

I run up a fallen tree to reach up to the branches of another and run along from tree to tree, sometimes needs to swing from one to the other.

I know I wasn’t ever this fit, so I’m going to assume my new Haku body is running on muscle memory.

“They got away!” A voice says from not too far off, causing me to pause. “Hey! You stole an egg?”

I frown. I know that voice and I know what’s going on here. I change my course, heading towards the sounds of the voices. By the time I get close enough to see properly, making sure to hide my face in the shadows of the leafs above me, Spike is protectively holding the egg that I know will hatch into Pee Wee.

“No!” he’s saying, keeping the egg away from Garble and the other two dragons. “It’s just a defenseless egg, like I was! And I’m not gonna let you hurt it!”

Garble gets a very shocked and angry look. “What did you say?”

Spike doesn’t back down. Man, I forgot how much this must’ve taken him this early on. Gotta give the little guy props. “I said no.”

Garble moves towards him, eyes narrowed. “No one says no to me,” he growls.

Spike starts backing away, not letting him get to the egg, before he bumps into the ponies’ dragon disguise, which they whip off, much to the bewilderment of the three teenage dragons.

“Nopony’s gonna lay a claw on him!” Rainbow Dash declares, hooves raised… as are the other two and I only now realize how dumb it looks. Twilight and Rarity can easily be thrown off their balance like that. Why didn’t they just sit on their hunches while holding the front hooves up? It would’ve had a much better effect and their defences wouldn’t be so flimsy.

Twilight swings her hooves in front of her, her balance only the tiniest bit shifting, just proving my point. Hope Garble and he’s pals don’t have as good eyesight. “That’s right!”

Rarity flicks her mane back. “Fighting’s not really my thing, I’m more into fashion, but” she glares, “I’ll rip you to pieces if you touch one scale on his cute little head!

The dragons blink, before they burst out laughing, causing the ponies’ determined glares to turn to uncertain glances at each other.

Garble wiggles his fingers in the air. “Ooh, scary, hehe! Spike, are these namby-pamby ponies your friends?”

Spike just glares back at him. “Yes, they are. And they’re better friends than you could ever be.” He walks up to Garble, his expression firm. “Now, if you don’t back off, you’ll see what us ponies do when confronted by a huge group of jerky dragons.”

“Oh, yeah?” Garble leans down, snorting smoke in Spike’s face.
“What’s that?”

Before Spike can answer though, Garble grabs him and yanks him up.

“Spike!” the ponies cry, moving to help him, before the other two dragons block their path.

Okay, Steven, you had a point. This is not what happens in the episode.

“Fume, Clump, keep ’em back,” Garble orders the purple and brown dragons respectively. He grabs the egg, though struggles as Spike refuses to let go.

“I’m warning you —” Dash begins, only for Fume to send a burst of flames her way, nearly singing her wings.

“Give it, twerp!” Garble growls as he continues to try and wrestle the egg from Spike.

“No!” Spike yells, holding onto the egg with everything he’s got. “I won’t let you hurt this egg!”

Garble snickers. “I’m not going to hurt it. I’m going to smash it!”

Okay, that’s enough. It’s clear someone needs to interfere here.

“Enough!” I shout, causing them all to halt and glance around, before turning in my direction. “I won’t let you bring harm to anyone, not those ponies and definitely not that harmless innocent egg!”

Garble sneers up at me. “Oh yeah? And who’re you to tell us to stop?”

I close my eyes, gritting my teeth. “My true name no longer matters, as it is lost to me. So I will take the name this world has given me. I am… Kohaku River!”


Twilight was puzzled by the being who’d just spoken.

She couldn’t make much out from her position and with the top half of the male being shrouded in shadow due to his positon in the trees, but she could make out a shape… odd as it was.

They seemed bipedal, certainly not something seen too often in Equestria. He seemed to be wearing some kind of clothing that vaguely reminded her of the attire she’d seen illustrated in books one early Neighsian history.

But his accent suggested he did not come from there. Maybe he merely had ancestry and his clothing had been passed down to him?

The only thing she could truly make out were his eyes. They were a greyish-green and the look in them was none too pleased.

“Oh yeah?” Garble words reminded her about the matter at hoof, but she noticed he was sneering up at the newcomer. “And who’re you to tell us to stop?”

The being closed his eyes, his teeth showing as his mouth pulled back in a snarl. “My true name no longer matters, as it is lost to me. So I will take the name this world has given me. I am… Kohaku River!”

With those final two words, he opened his eyes, the pupils becoming slits for a split second.

This Kohaku River moved forward, his form shifting into something completely different.

His face turned white, stretching outward until it looked similar to that of a dragon with a long whisk on each side of his snout, his body changing into a long, slender form, his mane, which she could now see was a mangy kind of green, stretching over his body almost to his tail, which was tipped with what looked a green leaf, though it was clearly a scale of fin as he rushed out, roaring as he slammed into Garble and the other two dragons, knocking them back.

Spike, freed from Garble’s grip, fell, clutching the phoenix egg and hurried over to the ponies as the four watched the new white dragon thrashing about, going after each of the teenage dragon, tossing them around like ragdolls, the three yelling in panic, not able to defend against a dragon way bigger and stronger than them.

After about a minute, Kohaku River narrowed them into a corner and pinned the three dragons down to the ground, his eyes glaring into theirs.

“Please, please—” Garble tried.

“Ow, ow, Uncle—” Fume tried.

“Silence!” the white dragon roar, cutting them off.

“We’re gonna shut up, right now,” Clump said hastly.

“Calm down,” Garble laughed nervously. “We’re really sorry.”

Kohaku River just glared down at them. “If you ever try to harm these ponies, dragon, egg or any creatures I care about again…” he left his sentence unfinished.

“Oh. You… you care about them?” Garble asked shakily smiling.

“You do?” Fume laughed nervously.

“Did you know that?” Garble asked Fume.

“Me?” Fume said, shaking his head. “No! I didn’t know. You?”

Garble gulped, looking back up, waving a claw. “No! Of course not!”

“No!” Fume looked back up at the towering figure.

The two looked to each other, before turning to the third part of their trio with forced smiles, asking in unison, “Clump?”

Clump, who had a dazed expression likely from the beating he’d received, blinked, a goofy smile on his face and his tough slightly sticking out from his mouth, before quickly nodding, causing the other two’s facing to fall in terror.

Kohaku River gave a roar that echoed through the air.

Garble gave a very worried smile, waving a claw. “Toodles!”

The three zipped off, hurrying away, tails between their legs.

There was silence as all five remained still as the white dragon stood there on all fours, the ponies and baby dragon too nervous to make a sound.

Eventually, Spike took a step back from Twilight, his movement causing a tiny twig to snap.

Kohaku River’s head shifted slightly, his eyes moving to look directly at the group, who froze in place. He looked at them for several long moments, before he turn away.

They watched as his form began to shrink, returning to the one he’d had back in the tree as he stood back up into a bipedal postion.

Twilight blinked, noticing he had no scales in this form. His skin was pink and bare, similar to the pigs on Applejack’s farm. His ears were not atop his head now, either, like in the form he’d just had. They now rested either side of his head.

His claws looked different now too. They didn’t seem sharp. In fact, if anything, they looked soft and round-tipped.

“Who… who are you?” Spike was the one to finally break the silence.

The being before them did not answer right away. He remained still as the evening breeze blew, lifting his mane slightly.

“My name is Haku,” he finally said, though Twilight noticed something is his tone that said he was both lying and telling the truth. Was that because he’d told the dragons his name was Kohaku River and not Haku River? Was Haku meant to be short for Kohaku? There didn’t seem to be a need to shorten it. “I am not of your world. I am not supposed to be here.”

“Not of… our world?” Rainbow Dash asked, frowning. “Well, if you’re not supposed to be here, why are you here then?”

Haku shook his head slightly. “For that, Rainbow Dash, I have no answer.”

The Pegasus blinked in surprise. “You know my name?”

Haku gave a small, half-hearted laugh, glancing back slightly. “I know a lot of things about you, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Spike.” The small amount of joy in his voice and eyes faded as he looked away. “Or, at least, I should.”

“What exactly do you mean by that, Darling?” Rarity asked curiously.

Haku did not turn around. “I know not how I came here, nor why I have this form. However,” he paused for a moment, before he slowly started walking towards the trees, “you need not worry. I will not interfere if I am not needed, nor am I a concern to your home. I will trouble you all no further. Farewell.”

“Hey, wait,” Dash yelled, flying after him. However, as he entered the trees and Dash went in after him, she came out seconds later, shaking her head. “He’s gone!”

The group all looked to each other with uncertainty.

Who was this Haku or Kahaku River and how was he able to change between the form of a dragon and whatever else he did?

Where had he come from?

And, more importantly, where was he now?

Author's Note:

WHY must I keep getting new ideas i want to explore when i'm still working on other stuff?!

Anyway, the idea for this came in my head two weeks ago while i was watching youtube videos and a clip of Haku appeared in one of them, and, because i'd been thinking of MLP
and the hipogriffs prior, i suddenly thought about what Haku would do around them, since he's a river spirit and can likely breathe underwater too, then this came into my mind.

why season 2 dragon quest for the starting point? Well, that was another of the clips that past through the video and it just felt like the right place to start.

i do indeed have a few plans for this, taking advantage of that Alternate Universe tag. as for the romance tag you know doubt noticed, no, Haku will not be in a relationship with anyone in the Mane 6 or Ponyville in general.

and, yes, if it wasn't obvious, the part where Haku fights Garble and crew was inspired by the original Lion King movie, the far superior one.

Anyway, hope this is an interesting enough start for you and, til next time, later everybody