• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 7,707 Views, 93 Comments

Equestria's New River Spirit - Autum Breeze

How in the world did going to see the MLP movie result in my turning into a river spirit?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


I wait as I watch Rainbow Dash fly over the water, her image distorted by the rippling as the current drives it down its path.

She flies back over a few minutes later and I sigh with relief.

How can one sigh underwater, you ask?

Well, I am Haku now and, since he’s a river spirit, it only makes sense he can breathe underwater.

I wait a bit, before breaching the surface and glancing around, seeing no sign of the ponies and dragon.

Closing my eyes, I listen closely, but hear no sounds beyond the night and the rushing of the water.

Nodding to myself, I swim back to the edge and get out. Sighing, I look around.

Now what do I do? I suppose I could go find Steven again, but he’s more than likely gone back to sleep and it would be pretty rude to wake him.

I walk over to a fallen tree that I realize is the one Garble and crew slammed into when chasing Pee Wee’s family and sit down so I can think.

Okay, so I’m in season two and the events of Dragon Quest have pretty much just finished.

If I remember right, the next three episodes before the finally aren’t anything I would have to worry about. Hurricaine Fluttershy, Ponyville Confidential and MMMystery on the Friendship Express shouldn’t need my interference… but the finale?

I frown, thinking that over, before blinking as I remember the letter Spike belched during Dragon Quest. Many have speculated that it was meant to inform Twilight about her brother’s wedding so it doesn’t seem so out of left field when she learns about the wedding merely TWO DAYS before it happens.

I blink again as I remember the letter wasn’t actually from Celestia, but had merely been on a sheet of parchment from her personal desk, meaning it could very well have been Shining who’d written the letter, but gotten Celestia to send it.

I rub my chin. The invasion of Canterlot is indeed important as it establishes the Changelings and gives Cadance and Shining and chance to prove their love with the Love Barrier Blast that sends the insectoid-like beings flying… but is it all needed?

If anything, it’s probably better to nip that one in the butt, especially since, as Steven proved, even if small, there was a difference between what happened here and what was supposed to happen in the episode. Who knows what could be different, if anything, regarding the finale?

I cringe, suddenly remembering that fan comic in which Twilight didn’t stop to listen to the real Cadance and beat her to death, not understanding she’d murdered her own foalsiter… or, at least beat her until she was unconscious and heavily injured.

I try hard to mentally keep the latter in mind, so I don’t have to think about the far darker idea and how much it would shatter Twilight upon realizing what she’d done.

There’s a slim chance that could be what happens. Small changes, big ripples.

Shaking my head, I breathe deeply and decide, turning my head to look up at the sky. It’s decided. Destination: Canterlot.


“Sister, what concerns you so?” Princess Luna asks, walking up to the white Alicorn, who was in her study, frowning at a letter, several books scattered on the floor as she sat on a cushion.

“It’s this new dragon Twilight mentioned in her most recent letter,” the Solar Princes said, looking up from her books as her sister entered. “It came shortly after Spike’s Friendship Report. There’s no information about it what so ever.”

“Is that strange?” the dark Alicorn cocked an eyebrow as she settled next to her sister. “You mentioned that Equestia has been out of communication with the Dragon Lands since before my banishment. Surely, in over a thousand years, new dragons could have been born who’s species we know nothing of?”

Celstia blinked, before her eyes lowered rather shamefully. “True. I should have done better to keep in contact.” She rolled her eyes. “Then again, you try reasoning with Dragon Lord Torch.”

Luna cocked her head to the side. “I do not recognize the name. So, a new Dragon Lord took power shortly before or after I went to the moon?”

“Hmm,” Celestia frowned, before levitating a book off another shelf and flipping through it, her frown deepening with each page turned. “This is the downside to our long lives, Luna. Memories stretching so long a time do not always stay. I hope I at least had the forethought to write about it.”

A knock at the door startled them. Turning, they saw it was Shining Armour.

“Captain of the Guard?” Luna blinked. “To what is the meaning of this interruption?”

“Forgive me, Your Highness,” the stallion bowed his head. “I would not have troubled you, but you have a new visitor.”

“Did he make an appointment with my sister?” Luna asked dryly.

Shining Armour hesitated. “Well, no. However, he is making it clear he will not be made to wait. He says he has urgent matters all three of you must be made aware of.”

That caught their attention. This mystery guest wished Princess Cadance to be present too.

To request an audience with all three Alicorns at once… one does not just do that on a whim or for some pity matter.

“Very well,” Celestia sighed, standing up, her sister following suit, the former lowering her books and the letter from her student onto her desk. “Lead the way, Shining Armour. We will speak with this visitor and see what he wishes to warn us of.”

The stallion bowed, leading the two down the hall to the throne room, where guards and castle staff stood outside, looking anxious.

The sisters glanced at each other. To instil such concern among their staff and guards… who was this guest.

“Aunt Celestia. Aunt Luna.” The two turned back to see a pink Aliocrn walking down the halls towards them, a stoic, bored look on her face.

“Cadance,” Celestia nodded.

“Niece,” Luna said a little more coldly. The Lunar Princess had not taken too kindly to the Princess of Love. Something about her made Luna feel… worried. Despite her title, Luna never got a warm feeling from the mare, any warm words sounding hollow from her.

“Shall we get this over with?” Cadance asked, sounding bored and annoyed. “I have other matters I was attending to.”

“We shall see,” Celestia said, eyeing the doors to the throne room warily. “Whomever wishes to speak with us, it must be of great importance if he wished to see you as well.”

Luna noticed a cocky look pass over the pink princess’ face, along with something else. Anger? Concern? Fear? It was hard to tell, it passed by so quickly. Most other ponies might not have noticed it, but Luna’s eyes were keen.

She would be asking about that later.

The three walked to the doors, the guards opening them and the three stepped inside, the doors closing behind them.

The sight that met their eyes was not one any had expected.

Standing by one of the stained glass windows stood a tall white dragon, with white scales and a green mane… one that Celestia recognized right away.

He matched the description from Twilight’s letter!

Cadance cleared her throat loudly in a way that said she was getting impatient, which Celestia did pause at. They’d literally just entered. Since when did Cadance have so little patience?

The dragon looked away from the window, the one depicting Twilight and her friends defeating Discord. He looked between the three princesses, his eyes stopping on Cadance.

He gave a loud sniff, before giving them a cool expression. “Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. It is an honour to meet you,” he said, his voice cool and younger sounding than his form would suggest.

There was a pause, before Cadance cleared her throat loudly. The dragon ignored her, bowing to the sisters.

“You are the dragon that defended my student her friends and assistant,” Celestia said, deciding not to waste any time. “Why are you here? To what reason have you left he Dragon Lands and come to Equestria?”

The dragon closed his eyes. “My reason for being in your world is as much a mystery to myself as it is to you, princess.” He walked towards them, his stride calm and certain.

Celestia could sense no hostility from him and Luna’s posture said the same.

“You have no understanding how you came to our kingdom?” the dark Alicorn asked, an eyebrow raised.

The dragon shook his head, before bowing. “I know not how I got here, nor how I acquired my current form. I merely found myself in your world as I am.”

“You were not always a dragon?” Celestia blinked, surprised, before her eyes narrowed. “Are you from the other side of the mirror?”

Luna glanced at her sister, before her eyes widened. Yes. The way this dragon spoke, it would make sense if he came from that world… but the portal was closed for at least a few more moons. How could he have come through recently?

The dragon again shook his head. “No. I come from a similar world, but not that one. How I breached the barriers between our dimensions and took on this form, I cannot say. I have only been here a short time, as you know from your student, Your highness,” he indicated to Celestia.

Celestia opened her mouth to ask how he knew not only that Twilight had sent a letter about him, but that she was Celestia student, but she did not get the chance.

“How dare you ignore me?!” Cadance said loudly, causing the three to look her way, though Celestia noted a displeased look pass over the dragon’s face upon looking to the pink princess. “I am a princess too! You will treat me with the respect I deserve!”

Celestia blinked, before she realized the dragon had indeed not addressed Cadance once since they had entered.

The dragon looked at her for several moments, before snorting. “When Princess Cadance is in my presence, I will indeed give her the respect she deserves. You, however,” his eyes narrowed and Celestia’s confusion at her words was further by the shocked expression that passed over her niece’s face, “do not get that honour.”

Luna’s expression became suspicious. “To what do you mean, dragon?”

He did not answer her, but stared down at the pink princess. “Let us not beat around the bush. You haven’t gone by princess for a very long time…” his eyes narrowed, “Queen Chrysalis.”

The pink Alicorn’s eyes went wide, while the sisters looked at each other in confusion.

“If you want to escape this without injury or embarrassment, I’d recommend dropping the act now, Cheese Legs,” the dragon said, his tone cool, but firm.

Cadance’s stance became defensive, her mouth pulling back into a snarl. Was it their imagination or did a flash of green energy just pass over her eyes. “How could you know?”


“Your stink,” the dragon replied. “You smell nothing like a pony. You smell of twisted emotions and ill intent. Reveal your true form, or I shall do it for you.”

“Cadance, what is he talking about?” Celestia looked worriedly at her niece.

The pink Alicorn seemed to suddenly remember that the two were there, immediately adopting a worried look and fearful tone. “Auntie, he’s acusing me of being a creature that tried to attack me!” She pointed a hoof at him. “His must be a Chnagleing, a creature able to transform into the ones you love and feed of that love!”

The dragon snorted, seeming amused. “It’s true, I am a shapeshifter,” he started walking towards her, his form shrinking rapidly until he resembled a bipedal creatures the likes of which Celestia had not seen in centuries, the last time she had ventured through the mirror for a glimpse of the world, only to return, uncertain what would happen if she stayed, “but I am not one of your subjects.”

“What did I tell you?!” Cdance pointed fiercely at the biped. “He literally just changed right in front of us.”

“What happened to your magic?” the creature asked.

That caught the Alicorn off guard. “What?”

He smirked. “Your magic was turquoise before, was it not? How come it’s green now?”

The Alicorn blinked, glancing up at her horn, before her mouth hung open in horror.

The sisters also stared, though it was only Celestia who’s eyes were wide with fear.

The creature was right. Cadance’s magical aura had always been a calming turquoise blue, but now it was a green that did not match at all.

The creature just chuckled. “Over confidence can be a serious enemy to an invader, my Queen,” he said the two words mockingly. “History tells of many would-be conquers whose arrogance led to their end; even those who succeeded for a time always fell, because they got too cocky.”

“Does he speak the truth?” Celestia and Cadance looked to Luna, who was eyeing the pink Alicorn with a shrewd stare. “Was thy magic originally a different colour?’

“I… well…” Cadance falter, before blinking and shut her eyes tight. Seconds later, the glow around her horn changed from green to a colour Celestia was more familiar with… though that did not easy the worries now within her.

“Yes. How interesting it took my mentioning it for your magic to return to its normal shade,” the creature folded his arms, his expression becoming unamused.

“I told you!” Cadance pointed at him. “Shapeshifters. He made my magic look different!”

“No… he didn’t,” Celestia said, her eyes widening as realaztion dawned on her. “Cadance, your magic has been green for the last three weeks!”

“And, if I’ve my timing right, Celestia did not learn of my presence until four days ago,” the creature glanced at the Alicorn. “Correct?”

The white Alicorn nodded.

“And your magic has been green since I first met you three weeks ago,” Luna said firmly, taking a step forward. “Our sister remembers your magic being different and we just witnessed it change after you informed us of creatures that can change their appearance after this dragon shapeshifter pointed out the difference after calling you by a different name. Whom should we believe? The ceature whom saved the lives of those who freed me from the Nightmare, or the one I have seen be cold to all in the castle, including her husband to be?”

“I… well… but…” Cadance looked frantically between the two Alicorns and creature, before growling. “Oh, whatever!”

A circle of green flames surroundied her, before an explosion of green and black magic shot up, encompassing her. Her pink fur faded away, revealing hole-poked legs and hole-riddled insect-like wings and a jagged black horn.

She laughed, her voice having changed. “Fools. It’s true, I took Princess Cadance’s place and have been feeding on her coltfriend’s love for her. Even with my cover blown, you three are the only ones aware. Once I silence you, nopony will ever find Princess Cadance trapped in the crystal caves beneath Canterlot and there will be nopony to stop me!”

The creature smirked. “I’d check again, Your Majesty.”

She looked to him, her expression smug. “Oh, really, little creature? And how do you figure that?”

He just nodded his head to the right.

Cocking the area an eyebrow would normally be, she turned… to see a magical square floating there, an image of her on it.

“I had a bit of time to figure out a few basic spells on my travels here,” the male said casually. “One I decided to focus on was a recording spell.” He grinned. “All of Equestria just heard everything. Your plans for an invasion during the wedding just went up in smoke.”

The bug pony blinked in disbelief, before she snarled, lunging for him.

His expression firm and he shifted into his dragon from. Due to her speed and aim and the swiftness of his transformation, she was tossed aside with a merely flick of his head.

The Changeling Queen slammed into a nearby wall and slid down it.

“Guards!” Celestia yelled, the doors bursting opening, Shining among the ponies. “Seize her. Captain of the Guard, take several ponies with you and retrieve Princess Cadance at once!”

Nods went all around, Shining heading back out, three stallions and two mares following him, while double that number remained, surrounding the down Queen.

The Changeling got up, glaring hate towards the sisters and dragon. “This is not over!”

Her horn flared, blinding all present. When the light faded, she was gone.

“We must go after her!” one of the mare guards shouted.

The dragon sniffed. “Do not bother. Her scent is gone. She and her kind have all fled the city.”

Luna looked with narrowed eyebrows. “Her kind?”

“Like I said, her invasion planned has failed,” he replied, shifting back to his biped form. “I cannot smell them anymore. My sense of smell is not too strong, but I can tell they are no longer near the castle. They have fled.”

“Why did you do this?” Celestia asked, her emotions conflicted between grateful and suspicious.

“Firstly, I am Haku, or Kohaku River. However you wish to address me, I do not mind,” he said, turning and walking over to an open window, which the sisters now guessed was likely the Changeling Queen’s escape route. “I have foreknowledge of this world. However, it is not as accurate as I would like. True, I have so far only seen one sign of a shift, but I am not willing to risk lives when they need not be.”

“Then you will tell us of this foreknowledge?” Luna asked, eyes narrowed.

“No,” Haku replied firmly. “I may already have risked much interfering where I have, but I was no willing to take the chance. However, I will tell you this, Princesses,” he looked back over his shoulder at them, “it will soon return.”

“It?” Luna asked, puzzled, while Celestia’s eyes widened.

“When?” the white pony asked, causing her sister to glance at her in confusion.

Haku shook his head, returning his gaze to the open window. “I am unsure. But it WILL return. There is no stopping that.” Her turned back. “Know that I do not intend to interfere too much. I am fully aware of what you plan, Celestia. I have no plans of altering that. For now, I see it best I go, reopening your alliances.”

“Our alliances?” Luna frowned.

Haku nodded. “The hippogriffs and the dragons. I can go to both, be part of both their worlds. I know events to come that it would be wise to not have them not as your allies for.”

Celestia blinked in surprise. “The hippogriffs? I have no heard word from them for several years now.”

Haku nodded. “Hence why I must go there. Do not worry. I have Equestria’s best interests at heart.” He gave a small, genuinely warm smile. “Wish Cadance a wonderful marriage for me.”

Before either to react, he turned, ran and leapt out the window, shifting back into his dragon form.

The two princesses rushed to the window and watched as he flew off into the sky.

“He has no wings!” Luna gasped. “How can he fly with no wings?”

Celestia could not answer, only watch with her sister as Haku disappeared into the sky, a good idea where he was headed.

She wondered, would they ever see him again?

Author's Note:

Two chapters in one day? What is this dark magic?

Acutally, i'd had pretty much the entire prologue done yesterday, but certain events prevented me from uploading it til today. for the better, i think, since i was able to give it a bit more of a quick polish before posting.

I hope this didn't feel a bit too rushed. For those wondering how Haku went from thinking he had to make sure not to interfere with the timeline at all to outright stopping the season 2 finale, i based his way of thinking on my own and i tend to overthink things, usually ending up on worse case scenarios when it comes to things i know can go wrong, so the same happened with haku here.

he had time to really stop and think and with all the fanfictions, dark radio plays and dark comics relating to in show events that have been made, having those run through his mind did not help him from going down the rabbit hole of "What worse case scenario will happen if i leave it along?".

So, with that in mind, when i finally get to the next chapter (as i want to get back to at least one or two Equestrian Exploradora chapters before finally trying to get back to A Child of Kindness and Laughter), Haku will be searching for the Sea Ponies to speak with Queen Novo on Equestria's behalf.

I'd say look forward to that, but i don't want you getting too anxious waiting, so i won't and instead wish you the best and, til next time, later everybody