• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 7,062 Views, 301 Comments

Over There - Boltstrike58

Twilight discovers a dimensional disturbance. At the same time, a new pony arrives in Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter Twelve: Good-Bye

Swift Wing sat on a single cloud, hovering over the town of Ponyville. He'd been using the cloud as a bed for the past two days, and thankfully, no one had come to get it. His disposition was one of abject indifference, as well as frustration, trying to find some reason to get up in the morning. Recent events had, naturally, put him in an undesirable mood, to say the least. He'd barely spoken to anypony, barely eaten or slept, and had felt adrift in an ocean of uncertainty.

It was the second day since his conversation with Twilight and the others. He hadn't gone back to Hard Hoof for work, unwilling to face him after the letter he'd left. He'd entered the town to get food, and thankfully, Twilight and the others hadn't seen fit to inform the entire population that there was an alien living among them, so he could go about his business.

Speaking of Twilight and the others, they hadn't approached him at all since the incident, for which he'd admit he was grateful. His dreams remained unguarded, but he hadn't heard from Princess Luna, either. Swift sighed to himself as he mulled over the nightmare that would ensue when they inevitably did come for him again. They would keep hounding him until he finally went back to that hell he'd called a life back on Earth, and he'd never see Equestria again. Equestria, a world so much happier and pure than where he'd come from. Plus, nobody there would know to judge him over past mistakes. So why couldn't they see that?

Swift pounded the surface of the cloud in frustration. It just wasn't fair. Watching the show, he'd grown to truly love the characters, wishing that they were real. And when he'd been given the opportunity to actually enter their world, the idea had thrilled him to his core. Just the thought of meeting them made him feel a vast surge of joy in his heart. He wasn't an idiot, he'd known not to let himself get too close to the six, realizing he could blow his cover. But even that hadn't worked, in the end. And while they hadn't forced him to go back, they had pestered him about it, and they clearly didn't want to be his friends. Granted, he probably hadn't helped his case with his anger, but it still wasn't fair.

Swift looked up at the sun, trying to think of what to do next. Did he want to go home at all? Probably not, considering the chewing out he'd get from his sister the second he showed his face. Even his mother would probably yell at him. Not to mention he really had nobody. Nobody would go out for drinks with him on Friday nights, nobody wanted to talk with him about books he'd read or movies he'd seen, it was empty. Sure, he didn't have that in Equestria, not now, but here, he at least had the possibility of finding friends.

Granted, he probably wouldn't find anyone with shared life experiences in this world. Not until after he'd lived here for a while and truly experienced life in Equestria. Connecting with others had always been hard for him, as was opening up. It was a difficult thing to do when you were of so little value to the world. Would he really be happy in this world? Or did his true nature mean he'd never belong here either?

Gritting his teeth, Swift decided what he had to do. There was no going back to Earth. That planet held nothing for him. But he clearly couldn't stay in Ponyville, either. There was only one other option, but he'd take it.

Swift spent the next few hours hopping between Ponyville stores, grabbing items with the bits he'd saved up. He took maps, books on hoof travel across Equestria (taken from the bookstore, as the library was kind of a lost cause at this point), some outdoor survival guides and equipment, and food that would travel well. Fortunately, all this stuff managed to fit into his saddlebags.

The worst part was trying to get through the town without being spotted by the Mane Six. Not that they seemed to be looking for him or anything, but they were spread throughout the town, and it was difficult to go out without bumping into one of them. Especially Pinkie Pie, who seemed to have specifically chosen today to go shopping for party supplies. Swift managed to avoid her by diving behind buildings and trees, and fortunately, her Pinkie Sense didn't alert her to his presence.

Finally, with everything he needed, Swift made his way to the north outskirts of Ponyville. Turning around, he took one final look at the town, sighing quietly to himself. It felt odd to just leave without saying good-bye, but it wasn't like he had anyone to say good-bye to. He shifted, preparing to—


Swift groaned. That was just perfect.

He looked behind him, finding exactly what he expected: Princess Twilight galloping towards him. In her magic, she held a bright pink envelope. She came to a stop just in front of him, pausing and taking several deep inhalations, like she was out of breath. She'd clearly been running around town, and Swift could guess exactly what she'd been looking for.

"I was afraid you'd left town or something!" Twilight panted. "We've been looking all over for you!"

Swift gritted his teeth. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? Were their lives really so boring that they had to follow him around trying to force him to go back to his home universe? Did they just hate the idea of a human living in their world that much? The only thing he wanted to do right now was spin around and give Twilight a good punch in the—

Taking another deep breath, he calmed himself. Attacking one of the princesses of Equestria wasn't going to get him anywhere. In fact, it would probably only make them angrier at him. He had to at least try to play civil, if only to avoid making the situation worse.

"Did you need something from me, Twilight?" he finally managed to get out, though it still sounded rather curt.

Twilight used her magic to pass the envelope over to him. Swift took it in one hoof, peeling the seal open and pulling out its contents. Inside was one of Pinkie Pie's signature invitations, proclaiming that he was invited to the "We're Sorry We Were So Pushy, But We Welcome Our New Human Friend" party. Swift stared down at the piece of paper in his hoof, honestly surprised at what he was seeing.

"Everypony's been trying to find you to give you one of those," Twilight continued. "They all want to apologize to you face to face, and since nopony's seen you, Pinkie thought you could use some cheering up. What better way to do that than one of her parties, right?"

Swift bit his tongue. This...wasn't what he'd expected at all. It looked like they might...actually accept him. Let him stay in Equestria without pestering him. He'd never even considered the possibility after that night. Did this mean he was home free?

Swift swallowed as his heart began to beat faster. His front hooves began to itch, the way his palms had when he'd been a human. Fear raced through his system. This was just too good to be true. It was as simple as that.

"Celestia and Luna wanted to come, too, but they couldn't take time away from royal duties. They send their apologies, anyway, and they hope that someday they can...Mark?" Twilight finally noticed the pegasus beginning to shake. "Are you alright? You look like you're gonna be sick."

With a great deal of effort, Swift managed to look into Twilight's purple orbs once again. "Um, thanks, Twilight, but I'm actually leaving town right now." He gently placed the invitation on the ground. "I really appreciate the offer, but—"

"You're leaving?" Twilight asked, looking perplexed. "Where are you going?"

Swift looked out behind him. "I...don't really know," he admitted. "I was thinking about checking out Cloudsdale, maybe, now that I can fly. And I—"

"But why are you leaving?" Twilight asked. "I mean, we left you alone after we were so rude the other day."

"Twilight, I—"

"Is it too soon to throw the party? I'm sure Pinkie can push it back, the food will refrigerate."


"Were we really too pushy? I promise, we won't do it again. We won't even talk about your home world. We'll just pretend you've always lived in Equestria!"


"Are you just afraid to see us again? We know you, the real you, from all the talks we had with you before this went down. Mark might be an odd name in Equestrian society, but—"

"TWILIGHT!" Swift bellowed, silencing the fast-talking purple alicorn. "Look, I'm grateful, but I'm leaving, and that's final. And please call me Swift Wing."

Twilight stared back at him, a confused frown etched upon her face. "But I...I don't understand. We just want to make it up to you."

Swift gritted his teeth and snorted. "Well maybe you can't!" he suddenly shouted. "You ever think of that?! That maybe somebody doesn't want to forgive you?! That maybe somebody doesn't want to be your charity case?! That...that..."

He came to a stop, seeing the genuinely hurt look on Twilight's face. The alicorn was trembling, wings shaking, and her eyes appeared to be on the verge of tears. Swift silently cursed his short temper, wishing he had the self-control to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm sorry," he hastily apologized. "That was uncalled for. It was the heat of the moment. I shouldn't have said that, you girls are just trying to help."

Twilight recovered a little bit at his apology, stepping forward again. "It's okay," she assured him, "but please tell me why. I just want to understand what we did."

Swift sighed, trying not to let his irritation show for her sake. Twilight probably wouldn't prevent him from leaving or anything like that if he refused to answer, but she didn't deserve to be left without one.

"It's not truly your fault," he said, "I need another fresh start. I came to Equestria because I wanted to begin again where nobody knew me, or what I was. Now that you know all my secrets, know everything about me...I just can't fit in here in Ponyville."

"But we won't judge you," Twilight insisted. "We know you had a hard life, we won't—"

"Consciously, you won't," Swift cut her off, "but you'll have that knowledge in the back of your head. And every time you girls look at me, you'll be reminded of that. And some part of you won't accept me because you know those things. You'll know I'm not good enough to be your friend."

Twilight blinked several times in surprise. "You actually believe that?"

Swift nodded.

Twilight shook her head sadly. "Mark—or Swift, whatever you want me to call you—you don't like yourself very much, do you?"

"Well, no," Swift admitted, "But—"

"Is that why you're discarding your old name? Do you honestly believe you're so pathetic that you don't deserve friendship, so you have to lie to everypony about who you really are?"

"Oh, come on, you know that's not what I meant—"

"Swift, you need some serious help. Your self-esteem is shot, and you're convinced no one would ever accept you just because you made mistakes. You need friends, and ponies who will support you."

Swift fought to keep himself from growing angry again. "And I'm not gonna find that here!" he snapped.

"Why are you so convinced of that?!" Twilight demanded.


Time seemed to come to a complete stop. Swift hadn't expected that to come out of his own mouth, and from the looks of her, Twilight hadn't either. Her eyes were still focused on the pony in front of her, but filled with pity. Swift wanted to lash out because of that, to be furious again, but couldn't bring himself to do so. As much as he hated receiving sympathy, he had to admit Twilight hadn't done anything that warranted his rage.

"Doesn't that make you feel better?" she asked. "To admit the truth?"

Swift shook his head. "It just reminds me how broken I am." He looked into Twilight's sympathetic eyes once again. "I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to face that."

Twilight tilted her head, looking rather sad. Swift sighed, but he'd truly accepted what he'd said to her. Ponyville was no place for him.

"I get that you want to help me, Twilight," he continued, "but you can't. You really can't."

Twilight stared at him for a few seconds, before she closed her eyes and nodded, though clearly not without reluctance. "If that's what you want," she replied, "I won't force you to stay here."

Swift nodded, before turning on one hoof. But before he could trot away, a thought occurred to him, and he looked back at Twilight over his shoulder.

"We may not be real friends, Twilight," he said, "but for what it's worth, I consider you a good...acquaintance. And I thank you for trying to help me. Even if your efforts were doomed. Maybe someday...I'll feel good enough to come back here."

That said, he spread his wings, and took off, flying into the distance. As he ascended, Swift blinked a few tears from his eye.