• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 7,046 Views, 301 Comments

Over There - Boltstrike58

Twilight discovers a dimensional disturbance. At the same time, a new pony arrives in Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter One: Interrupted

Twilight Sparkle actually screeched as she fell backwards onto her hindquarters, slamming into the floor on her side. Her horn sparkled, launching sparks of loose magic off in all directions as the magical surge flared through her body. Her wings shot outwards, and she writhed on the ground in pain as her legs kicked outwards. Her eyes rolled in their sockets, not truly seeing anything, unfocused.

The doors burst open, and Spike and Starlight Glimmer charged in, their eyes wide and mouths hanging open.

"Twilight!" exclaimed the baby dragon, flying over to her. "Are you alright?! Do you need a doctor?! What's wrong?! Where does it hurt?! What—"

Starlight held up a hoof, trying to calm him down, as she ignited her own horn, scanning the struggling alicorn. Her eyes closed as she focused, so she failed to see Twilight starting to slow down and cease her frantic thrashing. Twilight managed to throw a hoof out, and bopped Starlight on the muzzle, knocking her out of her scanning mode.

"Stop, Starlight..." Twilight grunted, "or you'll...feel it, too." Twilight swung her limbs a few more times, before coming to a rest, leaving her sprawled out over the floor, mane and tail ruffled and disorganized, wings spread, and legs sticking out at seemingly random angles.

"Twilight..." Spike asked, cautiously, "are you...what's—"

"I'm fine, Spike. I promise," Twilight replied, taking several deep breaths. "But I could use some help getting back on my hooves if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course." Spike lifted one of Twilight's front legs over his shoulders, using his body to raise her off the ground. Starlight took the other one, and together, the two managed to get Twilight back into a standing position. The alicorn kept her wings spread for a minute, using them to keep her balance, before she felt secure on all fours once again.

"Thanks, guys," she said. "Holy Celestia, that hurt." She tried to ignite her horn, finding that it lit up the way it always did. "There doesn't seem to be any damage. Just a lingering headache."

"What was that?" asked Starlight. "I've never seen that kind of magical reaction before."

"I wasn't even casting a spell," Twilight replied, rubbing her head with one hoof. "All of a sudden I just felt this...incredible surge of magic, like something rippling through reality. The shock wave just...impacted my brain. I don't know how else to describe it."

"I didn't feel anything," Starlight noted, poking at her own horn. "Why would that be?"

"I actually have a working hypothesis already," said Twilight. "When I first became an alicorn, Celestia warned me that, because we have the magic of all three pony tribes, we're more sensitive to changes within Equestria's natural magic field. What I just felt must've been some kind of disturbance to that field. Something very powerful. I have no doubt that Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Flurry Heart must've felt the same thing. Or if they haven't, they will soon." Within seconds, what she'd just said sunk in, and realization dawned on her face. "Oh, no. Flurry Heart!"

"We'd better write letters to them," Spike suggested. "Just so they know you're okay, and that the effects will pass." He grabbed a quill and several rolls of parchment. "I'm ready when you are."

"Good going, Spike," said Twilight. Without hesitation, she began to dictate, Spike scribbling down her words as fast as possible. Celestia and Luna were merely informed of the coming shock wave of magical force, while Cadence was warned to keep an eye on Flurry Heart, just in case. Twilight offered to come by and visit her niece, should the effects be different on a growing alicorn. The letters were finished in record time, and Spike sent them off. With that taken care of, the two mares and the dragon sat down, waiting for replies.

They didn't have to wait long, as Spike burped out a pair of letters a few minutes later. Celestia and Luna thanked Twilight for the warning, while also telling her that this event should probably be investigated (if she had the time, of course), and promising her that all their resources would be at her disposal. Cadence replied that both she and Flurry Heart were fine, Flurry was just a bit cranky from the headache.

"That's a relief," breathed Twilight, as she put down the second letter. "Hopefully this isn't the beginning of another crisis."

"So you're really gonna investigate this?" asked Starlight. "Not that I think it's a bad idea, of course, but are you sure it's not just a random magical surge?"

"Magic can just flare up across Equis by itself, but not with that kind of strength," said Twilight, thoughtfully. "Something had to actively disturb it. I'd better figure out what, just to be safe."

"Good point."

Before any of the ponies could make another move, a knock on the front door jarred them from their thoughts. Spike reached the door first, yanking it open to reveal a rather excited Pinkie Pie.

"Hiya Twilight! Spike! Starlight!" said the party pony, bouncing on her hooves. "I just came by to drop off invitations for the party I'm throwing later this evening!"

"A party?" asked Starlight. "What's the occasion?" She knew she'd never be able to memorize the birthdays and other special days of every pony in Ponyville the way Pinkie could.

"It's a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" said Pinkie, throwing her front hooves into the air with glee. "Ponyville's getting another new resident!"

"Really?" asked Twilight. "Wow, I don't think we've had anypony new since Maud moved here. Who are they?'

"Ah-ah-ah," said Pinkie, waving a hoof, "it's a surprise! You gotta wait for the party to find out!" With that, she reached into her saddlebags, pulling out three invitations, and passing them to Spike. Then she turned on one hoof, zipping down the staircase and rushing off, presumably to deliver more.

"I swear, no matter how long I remain friends with her, I will never understand that pony," Twilight groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"She was telling the truth, though." said Spike, having opened one of the invitations, "there's not even a name for the guest of honor."

"Well, it'll be nice to meet a new pony," said Twilight, taking her own invitation.

The three of them actually ended up getting to Pinkie's party a little bit late. Twilight had insisted on getting started researching the mysterious anomaly during their free time, and had gotten carried away, as only Twilight could. They'd barely started covering Star Swirl's Theory of Dimensional Relativity when Spike reminded them what time it was, and they had to scurry down to Sugar Cube Corner.

Opening the door, they found the party in full swing. Cake had been handed out, party hats were abundant, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack were once again having a friendly contest to see who could break the pinata first. It was everything a Pinkie Pie party should be.

"Hey, Twilight!" said the mare in question, bouncing up to her friend and passing her a slice of cake. "I'm glad you made it!"

"Sorry we're late," Twilight replied, grateful she hadn't made a Pinkie Promise. "So where's our new neighbor?"

Pinkie pointed across the room. Standing a short distance from the primary crowd was a young pegasus stallion, awkwardly eating his own cake and glancing around. He was tall, perhaps almost as tall as Shining Armor, though Twilight couldn't be sure. He was a good deal thinner than her brother, however, which meant less muscle. His coat was a bright red, and his mane and tail were a two-toned blue, matching the color of his eyes. He also wore a pair of green saddlebags over his back, obscuring his Cutie Mark. Twilight frowned slightly at that, but reasoned that he was under no obligation to display the Mark. He had a rather meek expression on his face, looking from one party guest to another, as though unsure of where to go.

"He seems kinda shy," Pinkie admitted. "Not Fluttershy shy, but somewhere close. Why don't you try introducing yourself?"

"Okay," Twilight replied, as she walked towards the stallion, Spike joining her. Starlight decided to walk over and talk to Maud, not wanting to overwhelm their guest. Twilight reached up, tapping the pegasus on the shoulder. "Um, hello?"

The stallion spun around, and for a second, Twilight thought she saw something like recognition in his eyes. But it passed by so quickly, she decided she must've imagined it.

"Oh, h-hi," said the stallion, his expression shifting into a smile. However, the alicorn had become better at picking up social cues, and she could tell his smile was too wide to be natural. He must've been on edge. Of course, this was something Twilight had experienced a lot since becoming a princess. Her status was naturally intimidating, and a lot of ponies had trouble acting normally around her.

"It's alright, I promise. I'm just like any other pony. Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle." She held out her hoof, and the stranger slowly placed his own against it. "Are you alright? You seem kinda nervous."

"It's just...this environment, I guess. I'm not crazy about parties. I would've turned this down, but Pinkie Pie seemed so excited to throw it. I didn't want to deny her that."

"Well, that was nice of you," replied Spike, speaking up for the first time. "So what's your name? What brings you to Ponyville?"

"Swift Wing," replied the stallion, "and I just figured it was time for a change. The last place I lived just wasn't doing anything for me."

"That's good," said Twilight. "You recognized that you needed something different. A lot of ponies don't do that. Where did you live before?"

Swift Wing's eyes went wide, and he started glancing in various directions, ears flattening back against his skull. He poked around with one hoof. Twilight cringed inwardly, realizing she'd just asked a question he really didn't want to answer. His body language was clearly someone who was trying to come up with some polite way to tell the other pony to drop the subject.

"I'm sorry, if it's uncomfortable for you..." Twilight started.

"Yeah, kinda," replied Swift Wing. "Thanks for understanding, Princess Twilight."

"Please, just call me Twilight," she requested. "Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy Ponyville. Do you have a place to stay yet? I've got plenty of extra rooms at the castle you could borrow—"

"No, no, I wouldn't want to impose. Although..." Swift Wing looked down, as though he were slightly ashamed of himself. "I might actually have to. See, I used the last of my bits before I got here, and I don't really have a job nailed down. Though, if you could help me with that..."

"Oh, certainly!" said Twilight. "There's a special section of the city council that helps ponies in need of work find something that suits them. I can point out their building to you. And if you really don't want to stay in the castle, you can try Humble Hoof Boarding. They're the most understanding ponies ever, and they'd definitely give you an extension on the rent if you asked."

"Excellent!" said Swift Wing. "I'll look into it as soon as this party dies down. Thanks for the help, Prin-I mean, Twilight."

Twilight opened her mouth to continue their conversation, but she was cut off by Rainbow Dash stomping over to them, looking rather annoyed. A quick glance confirmed the source of her frustration: namely, Applejack dancing around in the candy from the pinata she'd just broke.

"I can't believe she beat me again. How does she do it?" grumbled the pegasus. Then she took notice of Swift Wing, and her eyes lit up, problems forgotten. "Hey, there, pal!" She threw a foreleg around the stallion's neck. "How ya doin'? Gee, it'll be awesome to have another pegasus hanging around Ponyville. Any chance you want to be my new flying buddy?"

Swift Wing chuckled lightly to himself. "Uh, no thanks, Dash," he answered. "I'm not much of an athlete. I'm probably faster on my hooves than I am with my wings."

Twilight and Rainbow both raised an eyebrow at that. Running was usually more of an earth pony thing. It was especially odd given that this pegasus was named Swift Wing. Then again, they knew very little about him and his past.

"Aw, that's a shame," replied Rainbow. "Still, not everypony can be the next Wonderbolt, and that's perfectly fine."

Twilight watched as the two pegasi entered into their own conversation, happy that Swift Wing seemed to be settling in okay. Free, her mind wandered back to her research project, and the dimensional abnormality. Scientific studies, were, of course, her favorite pastime, and she'd throw herself into this one with everything she had.