• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume I - Chapter 8: Robotnik's House Visit (Pt. 1)

Fifteen minutes passed since their ‘encounter’ with their intruder, Sunset, Twilight, and Spike were back in the house, still processing about the latest event unfolded to them. Spike ran off a while ago, claiming he needed to secure his chew toy, leaving Sunset and Twilight alone in the room. Sunset was pacing around the room, texting their friends in a group chat while Twilight, now in her usual outfit, was sitting by the dining room table, keeping an eye on their ‘guest’.

The mysterious blue being was still unconscious from the dart, sleeping from the inside of the dog cage in the middle of the table. At first, Spike protested the idea of letting that thing sleeping in his cage, but when both girls pointed out that they don’t know what they were dealing with and it was for their own protection, Spike reluctantly agreed. At any other circumstances, Twilight would have been thrilled about discovering another creature, but because of what happened earlier in her lab on top of everything else today, her worries override her excitement. Many questions were already formulating in the young scientist’s mind: Who was this creature? What exactly is that creature? And most importantly, Why was this creature here in her own home?

Twilight’s thoughts were interrupted when she heard her friend let out a loud sigh as she was putting away her phone.

“I sent an emergency message to the girls,” said Sunset. “And Applejack said they are on their way as we speak. So all we can do now is wait.”

Twilight nodded before she turned to their guest again. "Okay, so let's recap: a mysterious wave knocked out half of our country's power lines, a military force came into our town and investigated the area as we speak, putting Equestria at risk, and now, a blue creature was hanging around in my lab… opening a portal to what it looks like the top of the Crystaller Building from Manehattan." Twilight faced Sunset with an expected look. “Did I get all of that?”

“Yeah... pretty much so,” Sunset replied with a tired sigh. “But what I wanted to know is what exactly is that thing? Where did it come from? And why is he here?” Sunset paused with a look of uncertainty. “That thing is a he... right?"

Twilight furrowed her eyebrows. "Um… I think so? At least... he sounded like a male when he spoke earlier."

"All he said was ‘meow’! That didn’t really count as him actually speaking!” Sunset argued.

“Spike said ‘woof’ sometimes, but he can still talk normally!” Twilight pointed out.

Sunset huffed. “Spike is different! Until he got hit with Equestrian magic, he was an ordinary dog! But this thing,” Sunset immediately pointed at their ‘guest’ who was still ‘sleeping’ on the table. “This thing… was something else!”

Twilight frowned at her friend in concern. “Um… you okay Sunset?”

Sunset calmed down somewhat and placed her head on her hand. “I’m sorry Twilight, I didn’t mean to snap at you,” she said remorsefully. “With everything happening all at once… this is all too much! I-I don’t know what to do or even where to start! It’s just one problem after another!”

Twilight eyes soften in understanding. “Don’t worry Sunset, you’re not alone in this. Our friends and I will be with you too. And once they get here, we’ll all figure this out together, okay?”

Sunset flashed her friend a small smile. “Yeah... you’re right Twilight. Thanks!” She then frowned and set her eyes at the cage on the table. “I guess the first thing we’re figuring out is that guy!

The two girls stared at the creature with apprehensive expressions. They don’t know how long the effects of the tranquilizer would last on that creature, but they knew that it would be a matter of time before it will wake up from its slumber. Hopefully, while it was confined in a cage, they will be able to get their answers, assuming if that creature could understand them.

Twilight narrowed her eyes at the creature a while longer as if there was something about it that seems... familiar to her. After a full minute of raking her brain, her eyes were suddenly wide in realization.

“Hang on a second!” Twilight exclaimed, alerting Sunset in the process.

Before Sunset could ask her what’s up, Twilight quickly dug into her pocket and pulled out her blue quill. She then leaned closer to the creature while holding the quill out in front of her to compare between the two. The quill matched perfectly with the creature in question, including the color, and texture of the quill. There was no doubt in her mind, it was the same creature she saw from the woods the other day.

"...The Blue Devil!" Twilight whispered in awe.

Sunset, who was witnessing Twilight’s demonstration with the quill, stood there in shock. "Sweet Celestia!” she exclaimed. “He is real...and in your lab of all places!"

With this sudden revelation, Twilight turned to her friend with sparkles in her eyes and her face filled with glee. “Sunset! Do you know what this means? Since this creature isn’t from your world, we may have discovered a possible alien from a whole nother world!

Sunset gave Twilight a skeptic look. “I don’t know Twilight. Him? An alien? Don’t you think that’s a bit of a stretch?”

“You are technically an alien from another world too, Sunset,” Twilight pointed out.

“...touché,” Sunset conceded.

While the two girls were busy talking, they failed to notice that Sonic was slowly waking up from his slumber. He couldn’t remember exactly how he was inside this cage since his memory was a bit fuzzy, but something told him that he needed to get out of there. Despite feeling all groggy, Sonic managed to unlatch the lock and pushed open the cage door in front of him. As he was crawling out of the cage, he heard Sunset let out an irritated huff.

"Well whatever, we need to let the girls know what we discovered,” she said as she took out her phone. “We should probably take a good picture of him and- AAAH!"

Both Sunset and Twilight were startled as soon as their eyes were on the blue creature, who somehow escaped from the cage. Without leaving their sight, Sunset tried to reach towards the rolling pin from the counter behind her while Twilight was getting ready to use her telekinesis from her necklace geode in case the creature attacked. But to their confusion, instead of attacking, the creature stared dazedly at them in recognition and… joy?

"Brainiac and… Equestria Girl?" Sonic uttered with a groan.

"He… he can talk!" said Sunset with awe, hardly believe what she just heard.

Feeling her throat all dried up, Twilight swallowed quietly. "Are you… are you here to abduct us?"

Feeling mostly recovered from his grogginess, Sonic gave her an annoyed expression. "You two abducted me!"

"...okay, good point," Twilight admitted.

With her eyes narrowed, Sunset boldly stepped closer to the creature. "Okay, what are you? What were you doing in Twilight’s lab!"

"I-I needed to find somewhere safe,” Sonic responded. “And Brainiac's lab is the only place I could think of Equestria Girl!"

"Okay, why are you calling me ‘Equestria Girl’ and Twilight ‘Brainiac’?" Sunset questioned.

"I called her ‘Brainiac’ cause I've seen how smart she is and the way she built her machines. And I called you ‘Equestria Girl’ because you came from Equestria," Sonic answered as if it was obvious.

"Again, that's a really good point!" said Twilight.

Sunset was about to respond to her friend until her mind picked up the last thing the blue creature had said.

"Wait, how did you know that I came from Equestria?" Sunset demanded with a frown.

"You told me," Sonic said simply.

Sunset stared at the creature in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Before Sonic could respond, Spike suddenly rushed into the room.

"Hold it right there you big blue monster cat!” Spike shouted. He then hopped right on top of the table and stood in front of the Sonic, protecting the girls. “Come any closer or I will make you my personal chew toy!" Spike threatened with a growl, showing his teeth at Sonic.

Not expecting a talking dog, Sonic was taken aback. "Whoa! A talking dog!"

Spike, who was also not expecting a creature can talk, was also taken aback. "Whoa! A talking blue monster cat!"

Despite his shock, Sonic let out an annoyed huff. "Okay, first of all, I'm a hedgehog, not a cat! Second, of course I can talk! I can talk all my life! Third, I've lived on this planet for ten years and the last I checked, dogs don't talk!"

Spike immediately shook off his shock and growled at his again. "Well, you're looking at the only dog who can talk bub! And I'm telling you to back away from my friends!"

"Spike, calm down!" Twilight said gently as she placed her hand on top of her dog’s head. "He's not doing anything to us… I think?"

"Jeez, way to make a hedgehog feel welcome!" Sonic quipped with a sigh. He frowned as more memories were rushing back at him. "Wait, wait, wait! Where are all the mushrooms? Why am I still on Earth? And-" His eyes widened and let out a loud gasp. "Oh no! The rings! I lost my rings!"

"What!?" said Sunset, taking aback from Sonic’s sudden behavior.

Before she could press on him further, they suddenly heard a loud rumbling noise coming from outside.

"What was that!? What’s going on!?” Sunset cried.

Sensing where the noise came from, Twilight quickly ran towards the window. “Was that your mother ship?” Twilight exclaimed with panic on her face. “Neither of us wanted to get probe right now!"

"You think you're worried? I'm not wearing any pants!" Sonic remarked.

“Me neither!” Spike added with fear on his face.

As Twilight pulled the curtain open a bit, Sunset joined her by her side. The two girls watched as a huge black truck with bright red stripes and a circle at the front pulled up near the house.

“Twilight… are you expecting somebody?” Sunset asked nervously.

“No... I wasn’t,” Twilight answered. “But I am impressed with that vehicle. I wonder if that’s a portable lab.”

Sonic glazed over the girls to see what was outside. As soon as he saw that truck, his eyes widened, and let out a scream and quickly shut the curtains.

“Oh no, it’s them! They’re coming for me!” he exclaimed with a panicked expression.

The girls immediately turned to Sonic. “Wait, who’s coming for you? And what does that has to do with us!” Twilight questioned.

“I don’t have time to explain, but you have to help me!” said Sonic with a note of desperation in his voice.

“What!? No, we don’t!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Yeah, why should we help you?” Spike added, eyes narrowing at the blue hedgehog.

“Well, my legs, which normally would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti!” Sonic explained before he faced Sunset with a pleading expression. “I need your help. Please! ...it's life or death.”

Sunset just stared at the hedgehog, studying his features. This creature just came out of nowhere, breaking into Twilight’s lab for some mysterious reason, he was being chased by whoever was in that truck for something that he didn’t explain, and he seems to know her and Twilight, and maybe the rest of her friends too. And on top of that, he somehow knew about Equestria! Part of her believes he was up to something and that she shouldn’t trust him and let whoever catches him. But one look at that creature’s face, he doesn’t appear to be malicious at all. Instead, his eyes were filled with sincerity, practically pleading for her to help him. While Sunset still has some doubts about him, she couldn’t bring herself to turn this creature away.

“Twilight… open the attic,” Sunset sighed.

Both Twilight and Spike turned to Sunset with looks of surprise and confusion.

“Say what!?” Spike exclaimed.

“Sunset, Wh–”

“Just hurry, before they get here!” Sunset ordered, leaving no room for arguments.

Twilight stared at Sunset for a moment before she slowly nodded. “Alright... let’s go, Spike!”

Spike gave Sonic one last look before he hopped off the table and followed after his master out of the room.

Sunset turned back to Sonic, who had a look of gratitude on his face. “Come with us hedgehog!” said Sunset before she walked out of the room, following her friend.

With an eager nod, Sonic took a step to follow her, only for him to fall face-first onto the floor due to his legs still not working due to the dart’s effects.

“Uh… little help? Sonic called weakly.

From within his car, Grubber instantly woke up from his slumber due to the rumbling from outside.

“Huh? What? What time is it?” he muttered.

He yawned as he was rubbing his eyes, not noticing various marks and doodles on his face. There was a drawn mustache between his nose and mouth, think “glasses” around his eyes, the phrase “Genesis Does.” on his left cheek, and “Sonic wuz here!” on his right cheek. He lazily shifted his eyes to the right, only for him to instantly awake the moment he spotted a familiar black truck parked right by the house he was watching. Panicked, he reached for his communicator to contact his boss.

“Boss! Boss! Come in!” Grubber shouted.

Within seconds, he heard an irritated groan from his boss through his communicator.

“What is it now Grubber?” Tempest spoke through the communicator. “This has better be–”

“It’s Robotnik!” Grubber screamed in urgency. “He’s at one of those girl’s homes right now!

WHAT!? HOW!?” Tempest shouted back in anger. Before Grubber could respond, Tempest spoke again in a slightly calmer voice. “Nevermind! Just tell me the address right now!

Once Twilight opened up the attic door from the ceiling, she, Sunset, and Spike climbed up the stairs, leading the blue hedgehog up into the attic.

“Okay, you stay here and be quiet,” Sunset instructed the hedgehog with a serious expression before turning to Spike. “Spike, keep an eye on him!”

Spike nodded while Sonic gave Sunset his two thumbs up.

“Alright, good plan! Great plan! We're already working so well together, practically finishing each other's senten–”

Both Sunset and Twilight paid no attention to Sonic’s words as they climbed down the stairs and closed the attic door, leaving him alone with Spike.

“...Okay, bye!” Sonic said simply.

There was an awkward silence between him and Spike. Sonic tried to give him a friendly look, while Spike still stared at him suspiciously.

“So… what’s it like to be a talking dog?” Sonic asked, trying to break the ice.

Spike simply narrowed his eyes.

On the other side of the neighborhood, a blue tour bus with a rainbow banner on its side was rolling down the street. Inside of that bus was the rest of the Equestria Girls with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash sitting on their seats while Applejack was taking the wheel. While Applejack was focusing on the road, the rest of the girls were discussing amongst themselves about their latest text from Sunset.

“So, what do you girls think Sunset’s message was all about?” said Rarity, as she was powdering her face with her traveling mirror. “And why did she tell us to come to Twilight’s house for our emergency meeting?”

“Yeah, I thought Twilight is sick,” Fluttershy added with a worried frown. “Unless her cold has gotten worse. Oh, the poor dear!”

“I doubt it!” Rainbow Dash said drily, rolling her eyes. “When it comes to Egghead, she was probably freaking out about missing her schoolwork or her upcoming test... again.

“Well, whatever it is, Sunset’s message sounded pretty urgent,” said Applejack, while still focusing on the road. “Let’s just hope it was nothin’ serious and not somethin’ dumb like asking fer spare guitar strings.”

Rainbow Dash let out an annoyed grunt. “That was one time! How was I supposed to know that it doesn’t count as an ‘emergency’!?

“You think it has anything to do with G.U.N. from our school earlier?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

The whole bus suddenly went quiet with deep frowns, contemplating from Fluttershy’s words.

“Now that you mentioned it, darling,” Rarity spoke up. “Sunset appeared to be distressed after Principal Celestia dropped a bombshell on us that they’ve been watching us since… the first incident.”

Pinkie Pie then spoke up in her very cheerful tone. “Well, regardless of what the meeting is about, I baked them a cake in hopes to cheer them up!”

Pinkie dug her hand into her curly hair and pulled out a white rectangle cake with chibi faces of Sunset and Twilight along with the words “To Sunlight. Love, Your B.F.Fs”.

Everyone stared at Pinkie’s cake in disbelief before Rainbow Dash gave Pinkie her questioning look.

Sunlight?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“The cake isn’t big enough for both of their names, so I decided to combine them!” Pinkie explained with a smile on her face.

“Pinkie… you’re so random!” Rainbow Dash remarked.

Applejack was about to add to their conversation until she spotted something strange as soon as they were closer to Twilight’s house. She saw a huge black truck, probably the biggest truck she has ever seen, parked near Twilight’s home. What stood out to her more was there was a strange man in black clothing with a big mustache, hanging around by Twilight’s driveway looking for something.

Rainbow Dash, who also noticed the stranger spoke up. “Hey… who is that guy?”

Fluttershy frowned nervously. “I don't know, but he looks so… intimidating."

"Is he one of Twilight’s relatives?” Rarity wondered out loud.

“Ah don’t think so,” Applejack answered as she quietly parked the bus. “But there’s something off about that guy." She then narrowed her eyes. "...and Ah don’t like it!”

Rainbow Dash immediately stood up. “I say we confront him and see what he wants!”

Rarity spoke up. “Wait, Rainbow Dash! You can’t just–”

Unfortunately for her, Rainbow Dash used her super speed ability from her geode and ran out the bus to confront the man.

"Aaaaaaaaaand she's gone," Rarity finished miserably.

Applejack let out an irritated sigh. “Whelp, we better go after her before she does something stupid.”

The girls chorused in agreement and they quickly rushed out the bus to catch up on Rainbow Dash.

After reading his analysis from his drones, Dr. Robotnik was able to use his data to track down this mysterious creature, which leads him to a house in front of him. He got out of his truck and walked near the dirted section near the driveway. He hovered his glove over the dirt pile, allowing it to scan the area with its lasers. Once the scanning is complete, he was able to identify the exact same footprint as the one from the park earlier. He also noticed that these prints were heading towards the house in front of him, leading him to believe that is where this creature was currently hiding.

“Hey!” A raspy feminine voice shouted, breaking out of his thoughts.

Dr. Robotnik quickly stood up and turned to see a teenage girl with long rainbow hair, standing in front of him with a hostile expression.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, getting too close to his face. “Why are you hanging around at our friend’s yard, huh? Are you a spy!?

Rainbow Dash was immediately pulled back by Applejack, who gave her a scolding look. “Simmer down Rainbow! What did I tell about not to rush into thangs?”

As the rest of the girls caught up to them, Applejack gave Dr. Robotnik her apologetic expression.

“So sorry about that partner, what mah friend was trying to say was what brings you to our friend’s property, if you mind dat is?”

Dr. Robotnik, who was clearly annoyed after getting sidetracked, let out a grunt. “Well, if you must know, I’m busy with important investigation work!”

“Um, and what pray tell were you investigating?” Rarity pressed.

“Well, I’m currently investigating this thing called not your business!” Dr. Robotnik retorted. “I don’t need to tell you kids anything! So why don’t you just go to a mall somewhere and buy yourself your twentieth outfit, get a pedicure, or whatever you girls do! This is men’s work!”

The girls felt very insulted by this stranger’s remarks, but not as much as Rarity.

“How dare you!” Rarity shrieked, shoving Applejack aside just to get closer to the man. “For your information, I created my own outfits!”

“Oh, good for you!” Dr. Robotnik responded with an eye roll. “I’m sure your dresses are as good as those ugly ones I found at some thrift shop in the bargain bin the other day!”

Rarity’s face was now all red in anger. “OH, THAT’S IT!”

Before Rarity could do anything towards the man, she was suddenly held back by Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“Rarity, calm down!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Yeah, don’t let this clown get to you... and that’s coming from me!” Rainbow Dash added.

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes at Dr. Robotnik while standing behind Rarity. “We’re sorry that we bother you sir, but what you said to our friend wasn’t very nice.”

“I’ve only stated the truth young lady,” Dr. Robotnik responded. “It’s not my fault that she couldn’t handle the facts. Although I doubt some brainless tree-hugging hippy like you could understand that!”

Fluttershy whimpered, tears forming in her eyes.

“...okay, I take that back. Let’s kick his butt Rarity!” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily.

“No, don’t!” Applejack pleaded. “He was just provoking us! Don’t let him get to you!”

“Yes, listen to your friend,” said Dr. Robotnik. “I’m sure you girls can learn a thing or two from a redneck hick like her!”

The girls cringed at the man’s poor choice of words as Applejack slowly faced him with a look of pure fury.

“What... did ya call me!?” Applejack spoke in her dangerous tone.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Dr. Robotnik said in a condescending tone. “Is redneck hick too advanced of a word for you? How about bumpkin? Yokel? Or maybe a hillbilly?

Applejack threw her Stanton hat down and slowly advanced the doctor, only to be held back by all of her friends.

“Applejack don’t!”

“Please calm down!”

“He’s not worth it!”

During the commotion, they failed to notice both Sunset and Twilight stepped out of the front door of Twilight’s house, who was taken back at the chaotic scene in front of them.

“What’s going on?” Sunset said loudly, causing everyone to cease their bickering.

Twilight, who had just noticed Dr. Robotnik for the first time called out to him. “Um, can I help you, sir?”

Dr. Robotnik gave her his pleasant smile. "Oh, well good morning young lady!" he greeted, taken everyone, sans Twilight and Sunset by surprise for a sudden one-eighty of his attitude. He ignored them as he casually walked up to her porch. “I'm… from the power company, investigating a blackout. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few readings inside your house.”

“Hey wait a minute!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she walked up to him. “I don’t know what game you’re playing at, but I call bull on it!”

“For once, Ah agree with Rainbow Dash,” said Applejack, after putting her hat back on her head. “If you really are from the power company, then why didn’t ya say that before?

Dr. Robotnik cleared his throat. “My apologies… it was a company’s strict policy to not give out any info to the third party. I’m sure you understand.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes, clearly not buying that. “Oh really? Were all the insults you’ve given us earlier were part of your company’s policy too?”

“...I didn’t have my cup of coffee this morning,” he fibbed. “I can get pretty rude and nasty when I didn’t get one sometimes… so my apologies.”

“That’s still no excuse for your behavior earlier pal!” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“You can take that up to my superiors… assuming you could get a hold of one!” Dr. Robotnik said nonchalantly, much to Rainbow Dash and the others' annoyance. He then faced Twilight again. “Anyway, do you mind allowing me in? This would only take a few minutes.”

Twilight and Sunset studied the man for a moment before looking at each other. Even without their friends calling him out, that man was already suspicious and obviously lied about his occupation. They both nodded, silently planned to trap him before facing him.

“So you're from the power company?” Sunset clarified, to which the doctor nodded. “I see...”

“You know, my friend Moondancer, who has a father working there,” Twilight added. “We play softball together.”

“Ah yes, I knew the guy!” Robotnik said fondly. “He liked to talk about his ‘Mooney’ all the time! …He's a good man.”

“Oh how neat, small world!” said Twilight before stepping aside. “Well, come right in and take all the readings you need.”

“Great!” Dr. Robotnik said a little too eagerly and hurried towards the door.

Except,” Twilight spoke suddenly in her low tone, blocking her entrance with her arm and narrowed her eyes at him. “Usually, the power companies take their readings from outside the house! You know, so they can check 'em even when you're not home. Also, my friend’s father works for a vehicle company. And she's more of a Chess player kinda gal.”

Sunset stood next to her friend with her arms crossed. “Not to mention, they would usually have trucks and wear their uniforms that represented their power company when they checked the readings.”

“So, care to explain to me why you think I'm stupid enough to just let you walk inside my house?” Twilight interrogated.

Dr. Robotnik looked around and noticed that everyone was glaring at him, seeing through his lie. He thought this would be a cakewalk in fooling these girls from high school to investigate the house, but clearly, he underestimated them and are already on to him. He decided to go for “Plan B” as he secretly pulled his gloved hand behind his back and pressed a few key commands to activate a few drones to silently flew from his truck and floated into the opened windows on the top floor.

Even if he couldn’t make his way past these annoying girls, Dr. Robotnik will always get what he’s after.

Author's Note:

This chapter was originally much, much longer, but I decided to cut this chapter into two. Don't worry, the real juicy part will come next week! :trollestia:

Now for some notes/references:

First off First off, shout out to ArcanaMaverick7 for figuring out (at least half of) the Easter eggs from the previous chapter! Both the usernames are references to their appearances of their appearances in movies/shorts. For Sunset, ShimmerCode0219 was a reference to her appearance in Season 2 EqG: Better Together, "Game Stream", which debuted on February 22, 2019. Hence, "0219" within her username. And for Sci-Twi, SciTwi0915 was a reference to the date of her very first appearance in Friendship Games, which debuted on September 26, 2015. Hence, "0915" within her username.

Sonic being called a cat was a reference to Chris' cover-up story about him "recusing a cat" to his parents from Episode 2 of Sonic X.

The Rainbooms' tour bus was introduced from the Equestria Girls music video, Get the Show on the Road. Since Hasbro hardly put much use to it in the series, you'll be seeing this bus a lot in this story.

Humor aside, there are two references with the doodle on each Grubber's cheek. The first was the phase "Genesis Does.", which was a call back to an old Sega commercial promoting the Genesis system.

Fun fact: The Sega Genesis is my very first console! While I also love Nintendo, Xbox and Playstation, but the Genesis will always be my favorite and I owe it for making me a gamer I am today! :twilightsmile:

Anyway, the second doodle reference was the phrase "Sonic wuz here!" This phrase was a reference to the second infamous movie poster of Sonic the Hedgehog (with only his legs showing) sitting on top of a Golden Gate Bridge with the very phrase "Sonic wuz here!" by his left leg.

Applejack's jab at Rainbow Dash sending an emergency message for a new guitar string was a reference to the very beginning of Equestria Girls: Friendship Games movie when Rainbow Dash did exactly that.

And Rainbow Dash accusing Dr. Robotnik if he's a spy was a callback to when she accused Twilight with that exact same quote from MLP:FiM Season 1, Episode 2: Friendship is Magic, part 2.

Anyway, that's all for now! Happy belated Thanksgiving! See ya next week! :pinkiesmile:

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