• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume II - Chapter 10: Brawling at Zappers

There was a staredown between the two groups for what felt like hours, despite that it was only for about a minute. Sunset had an uneasy look, two of Lightning’s chaperones appeared to be curious or annoyed and Rainbow and Lightning had a look of hostility. Neither side was expected to run into each other in this area, especially after their little “history” in the past. No one said a single word, waiting for whoever made the first move. Eventually, it was Rainbow Dash who spoke first.

"Long time no see… Lightning Dust," Rainbow seethed, glaring daggers at the blonde-haired girl. "What brings you to a place like this?"

Lightning growled. "What brings us here? This is our turf! And you have a lot of nerve showing your face around here. I kindly suggest for you and your friend to leave!"

But Rainbow Dash stood her ground. "Hey, I didn't know you and your cronies hang out here! And even if I did, you're not the boss of us! We can hang out wherever we want!"

Lightning Dust leaned a bit forward towards her rival, acting slightly more aggressive. "Maybe you don't understand me. How about I’ll tell you in a different way?"

Lightning cracked her knuckles to demonstrate her point.

"You wanna fight?" Rainbow growled, ready to get up, only for Sunset to stop her.

"Rainbow, don't!" Sunset hissed, keeping her voice down only for Rainbow to hear. "We're still on the run, remember? The last thing we need right now is to start a fight and get everyone's attention. Not to mention, we're still powerless right now!"

Realizing that Sunset was right, Rainbow sat back down, grumbling with an angry expression.

Seeing her rival not fighting back, Lightning smirked.

"Aw, what's the matter Dashie, cat got your tongue?" she mocked.

Before Rainbow could retort, Applejack and the others happened to arrive at that time.

"Hey you two, what's all the–"

Applejack and the others stood in shock the moment they laid eyes on a familiar face at their table.

"Lightning Dust!?" The gang, sans Sunset and Rainbow Dash, exclaimed.

Lightning rolled her eyes with a huff. “Oh joy, the geek squad has arrived!”

The gang was annoyed and offended by Lightning’s words, but Pinkie Pie waved at her with a carefree smile.

"Hiya Dusty! How'd you been?" Pinkie greeted.

Lightning cringed from Pinkie’s greeting, while her two chaperones were snickering from the background.

"Don't call me that!" Lightning snapped angrily. "Even after all this time, you are still stupid and annoying!"

Pinkie frowned, hurt from Lighting’s insult, causing Rainbow to get even angrier.

“Hey, don’t you insult her, you insecure punk!” Rainbow yelled.

“I can insult anyone I please, Dash!” Lighting retorted.

Confused from all this, Sonic turned to Scootaloo.

"Who's that gal?" Sonic whispered.

"That's Lightning Dust," Scootaloo answered quietly. "She used to be in our school and a co-captain of the Wondercolts soccer team. But after Rainbow Dash caught her doing something... ‘illegal’ which ended up harming the players, she got kicked out of the team and then expelled from school shortly afterward."

“Hey!” Lightning shouted, getting Sonic and Scootaloo’s attention. “I'll have you know that my methods helped get our team to the top squeaky!”

“Not to our team’s expense Dust!” Rainbow interjected as she and Sunset stood up to join her friends' side. “And I swear, make fun of my friends again or you’ll be sorry!”

"I would think twice before deciding to take on me and my gang Dash!" Lightning threatened before introducing them. "These are my top members, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse."

The tall girl, now identified as Rolling Thunder, nodded casually. "Sup."

The short teen boy, Short Fuse, simply grunted in acknowledgment.

Lightning crossed her arms with a cocky smirk. "And together, we are... the Washouts!"

As the Equestria Girls stood blankly towards the three, The CMCs and Sonic looked at each other in bewilderment.

"The Washouts?” Apple Bloom whispered in bewilderment.

“What the heck kind of name is that?" Sweetie wondered.

“Sounds like something that was best suited for a laundromat,” Sonic commented quietly.

“I don’t know, I thought that name sounded pretty cool!” said Scootaloo, only to blink in confusion when she noticed her friends were giving her strange looks. “...what?

They turned back to the main conversation when they heard Rainbow scoffed. "I can understand that tall girl, but this guy?" She pointed at the short boy in question. "He doesn't look the least bit threatening."

Short Fuse flared his nostrils in anger and hopped on one of the chairs to level his glare at Rainbow. "Hey, watch it bub! I'm already in a very bad mood today!"

Rainbow took a very careful step backward.

"Um, excuse me,” Fluttershy spoke up with a nervous swallow. “But why are you in a bad mood?"

She squeaked when Short Fuse glared daggers at her.

"Oh, you really wanna know?" He shouted. "I've spent weeks gathering those tickets so I can get that griffon plushie that I have my eyes on. I even hid my hard winning tickets behind the pinball machine for safekeeping... only to get stolen a while ago!" He growled as he tightened up his fist. "Whoever stole my tickets will be sorry if they ever crossed with me!"

Unbeknownst to him and the others, Spike listened from behind the girls' legs and his face went pale after realizing that it was Short Fuse’s tickets that he took from the arcade machine earlier. Not wanting Short Fuse to notice him, Spike quickly hid his plushie behind him, whistling innocently all the while.

Lightning sighed irritability, tired of hearing Short Fuse’s woes. “I’ve told you not to hide your tickets behind a random arcade machine. It’s your own fault for losing them.”

“But I don’t know where to put them!” Short Fuse argued.

“...how about, your pocket?” Lightning huffed as if the answer was obvious. “Look, just forget about your stupid tickets! I’ll buy ya a plushie later.”

“But it’s not the same!” he complained.

Lightning rolled her eyes before addressing Rainbow again. "Anyway, as I said, you're all trespassed into my turf, so for the final time, I want you all to leave... before we have to make you leave!"

Rainbow scowled. "You little–"

"It's fine Rainbow Dash," Twilight spoke up. "We're leaving anyway, so let's just go."

"Yes, just listen to your loser friend, Skittles!" Lightning mocked.

With a furious shout, Rainbow marched over towards Lightning Dust, only to get held back by Applejack and Sunset Shimmer by each arm.

“Rainbow, don’t!” Applejack exclaimed.

"She’s trying to get a rise out of you!" Sunset added.

Rainbow ignored them, trying to struggle her way out of her friends’ grasp so she could wipe the smirk off of her rival’s face.

"Don't you ever, call me that Lightning Dust!" Rainbow snarled, getting the attention of other patrons. “When I get my hands on you I’ll–”

"Aw, what's wrong?” Lightning mocked with a smirk. “You don't like to be called that? Or was it because it reminded you of 'him'?"

Rainbow Dash stopped struggling and stared at Lightning with widened eyes. While her friends were worried for her friend, they, sans Fluttershy, were also interested in the sudden revelation from Lightning Dust. Fluttershy was about to speak up to defend her childhood friend, only to get shot down by Short Fuse’s piercing glare.

Lightning chuckled maliciously. "I don't know why you even bother holding on to your childish dream, but you should just wake up! 'He' is gone... and he's not coming back!" She then shrugged. "But I suppose that this is for the best since 'he' won't see just how pathetic you really are!"

Lightning smiled in victory as she saw her rival suddenly lose her spark, looking down somberly in a submissive matter, almost ready to burst into tears. The gang, especially Fluttershy, was very worried about her friend’s sudden change of behavior after Lightning’s words. Some were even glaring at her, but Lightning paid them no mind, seeing her rival's confidence crushed was much more worth her time. Before Lightning could insult her more, someone spoke up.

"Leave her alone!"

Lightning blinked as she turned towards the group with mild annoyance in her features.

"Excuse me?"

Before anyone could say anything, Sonic suddenly appeared on a chair and stood in front of Lightning Dust from out of nowhere, much to the Lightning’s surprise. The Equestria Girls suddenly felt nervous when they saw him confronting Lightning Dust and tried to silently tell him ‘back down’ but he ignored them.

"I said, leave her alone!" Sonic repeated.

Lightning puts her confusion about this guy’s sudden appearance aside as she narrowed her eyes on him. "Oh yeah? And what will you do if I don't!"

"Keep making fun of her and find out!" Sonic warned.

Rainbow looked up at Sonic in mild surprise after he spoke those words. For a brief moment, she saw a small child version of herself instead of the blue hedgehog in front of her.

Lightning stared at the hedgehog for a second before she laughed as if she had just heard a funny joke.

"Who's this little pipsqueak Dash?” Lightning asked, trying to peek around the hedgehog. “One of your so-called followers? He is just as pathetic as your other geek friends."

"It takes one to know one!" Sonic retorted.

Lightning slowly turned towards Sonic with an angry frown.

"Ex-cuse me!?" Lightning hissed.

"Sonic… what are you doing?" Sunset hissed quietly, but Sonic ignored her.

"Sure, Dash is a show-off," Sonic ranted. "But at least she accomplished so much at our town, including saving the day a few times. And she even stands up for her friends and other people whenever there's trouble without any hesitation. Dash is not only an awesome person, but she's also an inspiration to me."

Rainbow’s eyes widened in shock, wasn't expecting Sonic to speak so highly of her despite how she treated him throughout the trip.

Sonic then frowned and his eyes narrowed at Dust. "But you on the other hand… from what I heard, you don’t even care who got hurt as long as you reach the top. And even when you’re wrong, you’re still on your high horse, convincing people that you are superior when in reality you're nothing but an insecure little girl who formed her own gang after being expelled from school with no future. So if you ask me, the only pathetic person I see here… is you!

The whole arcade suddenly became so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. The gang stared at Sonic with wide eyes as if he said something so taboo. Even Lightning’s chaperones had jaws hanging open and constantly glanced at their leader nervously, knowing how badly she'll react to this guy's words.

“Oh… snap!” Pinkie Pie muttered.

Lightning’s face was now red in rage. No one had ever insulted her like that, not even Rainbow Dash. She gave the blue hedgehog her murderous look.

"You just sealed your fate… you little brat!" She growled in her dark tone before addressing Short Fuse. "Crush him!"

As Short Fuse cracked his knuckles, Sunset tried to intervene.

"Wait! Wait! He didn't mean it! Let's not resort to this–"

"No, no. It's okay," Sonic assured while not taking his eyes off of Short Fuse. "I'll handle this!"

Sonic quickly grabbed an empty Apple Cider bottle and held it in front of Short Fuse.

"Alright, listen up short stuff," Sonic taunted. "You just picked a fight with a poorly disguised hedgehog who’s seen way too many action movies! What do you do? What do you do?"

Fearing where this was going, Sunset called out to him. "Sonic, don’t!"

"Take this!" Sonic cried as he brought his arm back and swung it back unto Short Fuse's head.

However, instead of the glass breaking, the bottle simply bounced off of Short Fuse’s head, while remaining intact. What made things worse was that Sonic’s stunt did not affect Short Fuse as he just stood there acting as nothing happened.

As Equestria Girls, CMCs, and Spike watched the scene in horror, Sonic glanced at his bottle in confusion.

"Huh," he muttered. "Am I crazy? It's supposed to break, right?"

Sonic raised his bottle over Short Fuse again and tapped Short Fuse’s head with it.

No result.

Sonic tapped Short Fuse’s head again.

“Dink," Sonic muttered nervously.

And again.


And again.

"Break, please."

And again!

"Break, please. Break this bottle, please! Please, please, please, please, please..."

Sonic tried hitting Short Fuse’s head harder and faster with his bottle, but no matter how many times, or how hard he did it, the result remained the same. The only difference with each swing though was making Short Fuse more annoyed and angrier by the second.

Rainbow Dash noticed Short Fuse slowly pulling his arm back. “Sonic, look out!”

Sonic stopped hitting Short’s head and looked up just as Short Fuse was ready to punch at him.

"Uh-oh!" Sonic exclaimed.

Sonic immediately ducked the moment Short Fuse threw his punch. At the same time, Rainbow Dash ran up towards Sonic to save him from getting hit. By the time Rainbow Dash reached from behind Sonic, Sonic ducked and Rainbow Dash was hit in the face by Short Fuse’s punch instead and was knocked back.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy exclaimed in shock and fear.

Rainbow stumbled backward until she hit the back of another patron and knocked him towards another patron’s drink to the face. It was at this point that the entire arcade was in full chaos as many fights broke out in the area. The girls were unfortunately caught in the middle of all the chaos as they were either chased or dragged into a random brawl by a different group.

Rainbow Dash did her best to defend herself by dodging every attack from random people. She kept backing away from other people until she bumped into someone behind her. To her relief and annoyance, it was Sonic who she bumped into.

“Nice going!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed sarcastically.

“Thanks!” Sonic responded, oblivious to Rainbow’s sarcasm. “It’s awesome right?” He then put both his fists up. “Alright, who's next? Who wants some? Who do I get to beat up?”

Sonic immediately ran off while Rainbow just tossed one of the patrons aside to avoid getting hit.

“Sonic!” Rainbow shouted.

Before she could give chase, she was suddenly pulled back, which turned out to be Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder.

“Where’d you think you're going Dash?” said Lightning with a crazed look. “You and I still have a score to settle!”

Lightning Dust punched Rainbow Dash right on her stomach before Rainbow could have time to retort.

Meanwhile, Sonic ran from one group to another to pick a fight with someone. But because of his size, he was consistently ignored or not noticed by others, much to his annoyance. His annoyance was quickly overshadowed by his hunger and surveyed the arcade.

“Hey, has anybody seen my waitress?” Sonic announced. “Still waiting on those buffalo wings!”

Due to the commotion from within the arcade, no one seemed to hear him. Sonic threw his arms up, feeling annoyed again for being ignored.

Note to self, give this place three stars for lack of assistance. Sonic thought with a huff.


Sonic’s ears perked up from a very distressed shout from a familiar voice. Sonic turned towards the source and immediately spotted Spike with Short Fuse, struggling over a Griffin plushie by pulling it towards each other like a tug-of-war.

"Let go! She's mine!" Spike shouted while holding on to his prize tightly with his mouth.

"You got her using my tickets!” Short Fuse yelled angrily. “Therefore, it's mine!"

Sonic narrowed his eyes. While he and Spike had a rough start, there was no way he'd allow some bully to steal a toy from Spike or anyone for that matter.

"Hey, short stuff!" Sonic shouted.

As soon as he got Short Fuse’s attention, Sonic ran up to him.

"Heads up!"

As Sonic leaped over Short Fuse, he profusely punched Short Fuse in the face multiple times. He eventually landed a few feet away from him, blowing his knuckles with a satisfied grin.

Unfortunately for Sonic, his punches do not affect Short Fuse as he slowly turned towards the hedgehog with a growl, now angrier than ever. When Sonic noticed Short Fuse’s unfazed and angry expression, Sonic’s eyes widened.

“Uh oh!”

"You're dead meat!" Shirt Fuse roared before charging at the hedgehog.

"Sonic! Look–"

Spike's warning was brought to a halt as he and everything around Sonic were suddenly brought to a halt, almost into a standstill. Even Short Fuse, who was only about an inch away from Sonic, stopped short with the same engaging expression.

“Really?” Sonic deadpanned.

With no response from Short Fuse, Sonic gave him a half-smirk before zipping away, leaving his disguise behind.

Sonic observed the arcade as he ran past all the “chaos”, which was frozen in place like Short Fuse. Several people stood in place, about to punch, kick or slam someone else amid the fight. Some even tried to hide under tables or gaming cabinets to avoid the fight with funny expressions. Several items or foods were thrown around, appearing to be floating in the air.

Sonic noticed one of the patrons, who was about to fall on the ground with his phone flying back away from him. Deciding to fool around a little bit, Sonic slid towards that guy and grabbed his phone. He made a pose next to the guy before taking a selfie with his phone. When he was finished, Sonic casually tossed the phone aside then dashed ahead to keep himself focused on the task. Unfortunately, he failed to notice a flying shoe ahead of him. By the time he noticed it, he was hit in the face by a shoe.

As he shook his head in a daze from a shoe, he noticed from the corner of his eye that the Equestria Girls and CMCs were caught in a fight by different groups. Pinkie was shielding the terrified CMCs while Applejack was defending them, despite that they were about to get a dogpile from several patrons. Sunset appeared to try to fight off other patrons while Twilight shields herself with a plate from an upcoming attack. Both Rarity and Fluttershy tried to defend and duck from a fist and chair from the two patrons. And Rainbow Dash was about to get punched in the face by Lightning Dust while being held by Rolling Thunder.

Worried, yet determined, Sonic ran towards them. Getting these girls to safety was his top priority. He rushed towards Pinkie, CMCs, and Applejack first, pushing them aside from a safe distance so that the patrons could only dogpile on each other. Next, Sonic ran over to Rainbow’s aid. He jumped up on the table behind Rolling Thunder. He snagged a beanie from someone’s head and placed it over Rolling Thunder’s head, pulling it down over her eyes. He hopped off of Rolling Thunder and landed on an air hockey table behind Lightning Dust. He pulled Lightning’s hood from her hoodie and stretched it back over the air hockey and attached it to what appeared to be a shield from one of the video game series. Sonic then leaped directly at the wall so he could bounce himself off towards Rainbow Dash’s back and pushed her towards the sports bar. As soon as they were at the counter, Sonic ran towards another group of friends, but not before he slid over one of the bottles of Apple Cider towards Rainbow Dash.

Along the way from the top of the counter, Sonic came across his waitress, who was about to drop a tray full of chili dogs, nachos, condiments, and two sparklers. Excited to see his favorite food, Sonic snatched and ate all the chili dogs and then let out a burp. He then grabbed the condiments and sparklers from the waitress and ran towards Sunset and Twilight.

He pushed them both aside to safety and then he forced the two patrons underneath the muscular girl’s arms in their place. He then squirted the condiments all over all three patrons' faces and danced with the sparkles all at once before he placed the sparklers into the muscled girl’s ears as a finishing touch before moving on to the next group. Sonic quickly moved Rarity and Fluttershy aside from a safe distance and then brought the two patrons a bit closer together. Sonic then rushed into a nearby bathroom, only to return with dozens of toilet paper, and wrapped the two patrons up until they looked like a couple of mummies.

Satisfied with his work, Sonic snagged the gaming-themed bunting line and tied it around one of the legs of the arcade machine. With the same line, Sonic ran all over the area through and around many random patrons’ legs and bodies, so that the rope of the line wrapped around them. He eventually ran up the wall and across the ceiling, until he was close enough to a ceiling fan. He lassoed the bunting line around the ceiling fan and he spun around with the fan until he lets go and flew across the room and landed on the wall where Tirek’s head was. Sonic yanked Tirek’s head from the wall and hopped across the room from one person to another until he was behind Short Fuse and placed Tirek's head over Short Fuse, completely covering up his head and sight.

Sonic returned to his original spot where his disguise was and quickly put them back on again. Sonic then spotted a red napkin from one of the tables near him and an idea came to him. With a smirk, Sonic snatched the napkin and then he stood a bit further from Short Fuse in a bull tamer's pose. Sonic waited a few seconds before real-time started catching up again.

The results were immediate.

The ceiling fan started spinning again at a rapid pace, pulling the bunting line along with it. This caused the whole line to pull tightly, pulling and knocking everyone to the ground as a result. The patrons that were originally intending to harm the Equestria Girls were either piling among themselves or punching each other out. As for Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder, Lightning punched Rolling Thunder, who still had a large beanie over her head, right on her face and knocked Roller Thunder to the ground. Lightning’s confusion of hitting the wrong person was short-lived when her hoodie tugged the shield off from the wall, which ended up hitting her on the back of her head and knocked her out.
Just as Short Fuse was able to move again, Sonic pulled his napkin back.

"Olé!" Sonic cried playfully.

As soon as Short Fuse started running, he immediately felt something around his head and couldn’t see a thing. Before he could fully process his surroundings, Short Fuse ran and crashed through the front window of the arcade and landed outside on the sidewalk, groaning loudly in pain.

"–out! Huh?" Spike uttered in confusion as soon as he saw the state of the arcade.

As soon as the rest of the gang have also caught up in real-time, they have also noticed the aftermath of the arcade with dumbfounded expressions. One moment, they were surrounded in a brawl by other arcade goers, but in the next second, nearly everyone was on the floor in pain. There was even one guy, who was all wrapped up in toilet paper, who tried to come near one of the girls, only to trip over another person and fell face-first on the ground. Sunset quickly shook off of her shock and addressed the others.

"Is everyone okay?"

Everyone nodded numbly, still shocked by the display.

Twilight slowly turned to Sonic, who suddenly stood on a sports bar counter in a victorious pose.

"Sonic… you did all of this?" Twilight asked in a quiet, yet astonished tone.

"Yup, I totally did!” Sonic responded with a huge grin and a thumb up.

Twilight’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates. "B-but but… how!? How did you–"

"Save your questions later Twilight!" Sunset interrupted as she surveyed the area nervously. "We should probably get out of here! Now!"

Not wanting to be told twice, everyone rushed towards the front entrance. Spike however lingered behind as he ran back to pick up his plushie before following the others. Once they were outside of the building, the gang ran towards their tour bus while leaping over a barely conscious Short Fuse.

“Oh, man! That was amazing!” Sonic gushed in excitement as he ran along with the others. “Oh wait a second, did we even pay our tab? It doesn't matter!"

As the gang was halfway towards the bus, most of the patrons, who had recovered from their daze and pain, also ran out of the building to give them chase with Lightning Dust in the lead.

"Rainbow Dash!" She screamed in rage.

Unfortunately for her, Lightning tripped over and fell face-first on the dirt. Feeling a bit disoriented, Lightning flipped onto her back and glanced at her feet to see what caused her to trip. She scowled angrily when she saw the shoelaces from each shoe were tied together without her knowing. She turned her head towards a fleeing Rainbow Dash.

"Rivals for life!" Lightning roared.

Rainbow glanced back at Lightning then at Sonic as they continued to run. “What the heck did ya do to set Dust off?”

Sonic smirked. “Let’s just say that she should’ve paid more attention to her feet!

The gang eventually made it to their bus. As they quickly entered the bus for safety, Pinkie’s eyes lit up.

“Ooh ooh! I always wanted to do this!” she yelled in excitement.

Pinkie ran towards the front of the bus before jumping and then sliding across the hood from her right side. As soon as she reached across, Pinkie grabbed the side view mirror and swung herself into the main doors, and landed inside of the bus.

“Nice!” Sonic cheered with a smile before entering the bus.

As soon as everyone entered safely into the bus, Applejack immediately took the wheel and then started the ignition.

“Ha ha! See ya suckers!” Sonic taunted as they pulled out of the gas station, leaving the angry mob behind.

He then turned towards the gang with a smile. "I don't know about you gang, but I think these people like me."

“Doubt it!” Rainbow remarked, rolling her eyes.


Sonic immediately turned his direction towards Twilight, who was glaring at him.

“What you did was reckless Sonic!” she scolded. “This isn’t some game we’re playing you know. You could’ve gotten us all thrown in jail, or worse!

Sonic winced from Twilight’s angry tone, but he quickly recovered with an apologetic, yet cocky expression.

“Well… maybe I could’ve, but I didn’t, did I?” said Sonic.

Twilight huffed. “Couldn’t you try to be more careful?”

Sonic simply shrugged with a sheepish smile.

Before Twilight could scold him some more, Rainbow Dash interjected her.

“Oh, chill out Twi!” said Rainbow, as she rubbed her jaw. “Yeah, he started the fight, but he also saved us too. So I say we cut him some slack.”

Twilight opened her mouth to argue, only to get interrupted by Sunset this time.

“She’s right Twilight. We would never get out of a sticky situation if it weren’t for him. So we’ll let this one slide,” said Sunset before giving Sonic a stern look. “As long as he behaves himself for the remainder of our trip!"

Taking the hint, Sonic nodded rapidly. “Of course! Won't happen again!" He promised as he raised his left palm while placing his right over his heart. "Hedgehog’s honor!”

Twilight stared at the hedgehog with an unamused expression for a moment before she let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine! Just… don't do that again, okay?" Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose. "In the meantime, I'll go talk to AJ and discuss our next route plans."

As Twilight walked towards the front of the bus to talk to AJ, Sunset stared at her speckled friend in concern.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was still rubbing her jaw, grimaced in pain. Fluttershy, who was sitting next to her, gave her a look of concern.

“You okay Dashie?" she asked.

“I’m fine Flutters!” Rainbow reassured, trying to play it cool while ignoring the pain from her jaw. "I've been hit worse before, so this is nothing."

Fluttershy frowned, not buying Rainbow’s words. “It doesn’t look like it’s ‘nothing’ to me!” She then quickly took out her first aid kit from under her seat. “I’m going to take a look and treat your wound."

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to argue.

"And that’s final Missy!” Fluttershy added with a stern look.

Knowing that she won't win this argument, Rainbow Dash let out a sigh as Fluttershy treated her cheek. Rainbow felt it was unnecessary since she had dealt with pain before and can shake it off eventually. But if this what it takes to make her Fluttershy feel better, Rainbow will endure it even if it was embarrassing.

“That. Was… Awesome!

Rainbow Dash slightly turned her head to her left to see her surrogate sister and her friends talking excitedly with the blue hedgehog.

"You totally took all these guys out single-handedly!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Yeah, you must be super fast!" Sweetie added.

"I know, right?" Sonic said with a huge smile. “And did you see how much toilet paper I used? The next person that goes into that bathroom will have nothing to wipe with!”

"Wat really amazed me was you did all of dat within a second," said Apple Bloom.

"Was I?" Sonic wondered out loud. "It felt like half of a second to me."

As Sonic and the CMCs continued having a friendly conversation, Rainbow Dash stared at Sonic with an awed expression.

Unbelievable! she thought. That guy caused all that chaos back from the arcade... within half of a second!? How fast was that hedgehog? Her eyes then narrowed. And was he... holding back this whole time during our race?

Despite Fluttershy was fussing around with one side of her face, Rainbow Dash remained quiet throughout the whole ride, deep in thought.

Author's Note:

Welp... that "reunion" went well! :twilightoops: At least Sonic and the gang made it out before things got worse!

Anyway, time for some notes/reference:

There's an interesting history behind this one: Rainbow's line: "Long time no see..." was a reference to those same words that Sonic and the others used all the time to greet each other, which first started in Sonic Adventure... which then became a strange running gag since then in almost every game.

Why was SEGA so fascinated with this line? ...I have no clue. :unsuresweetie:

Lightning's gang, The Washouts, was a callback to the name of her pony counterpart's stunt troupe from MLP:FiM Season 8, Episode 20, The Washouts. Scootaloo liking the name was also a callback of her pony counterpart becoming a fan of the Washouts at one point.

Sonic's line: "Keep making fun of her and find out!" was a callback to that same line young Rainbow Dash used to stand up to Fluttershy's bullies from MLP:FiM: Season 1, Episode 23, The Cutie Mark Chronicles.

The "shield" that Sonic attached Lightning's hoodie with was a reference to The Hylian Shield from The Legends of Zelda series. It was also a callback to one of Sonic's DLC zone, The Legend of Zelda Zone, which is exclusive for Sonic Lost World game for Wii U.

The song that played in the background during Sonic's Quicksilver-like scene was called, BOOM by X Ambassadors.

Lightning's final line: "Rivals for Life!" was a callback to her pony counterpart's final line from the same episode, The Washouts.

Yes, I have Pinkie do the car slide instead of Sonic because... why not. *shrugs*

Twilight's scolding Sonic about "this is not a game" and "try to be more careful" was a callback to Episode 2 of Sonic X: Sonic to the Rescue, when Chris scolded Sonic for the same thing after rescuing Cream and Cheese.

That's all for now! See you all next week! :raritywink:

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