• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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35- Áine

I watched from a window of the throne room as a black dot slowly flew away from the hive northward.

‘I know Chrysalis wasn’t the one who exiled him, it was me, yet I still blame her for his exile. The First Fang is going to give me hell for this, but I can convince them of my logic. Pharynx, on the other hoof…’

“You did well, Prince Phasma.”


I turned around and saw Chrysalis was behind me.

‘I’m in her good graces again, it would seem. All it took was the death of my closest friend.’

“It takes courage to admit fault. Many changelings would rather lie and claim innocence, rather than to give back to the hive that raised them. It takes even more strength to cast judgement and condemn against those who were close to you. You will need that strength.”

‘That’s awfully kind of her to say, despite the horrible context.’

“And it is a painful lesson on letting changelings get close to you. You are a prince, and there are those who will seek your company for the boons it provides. We must not let any ling come between us and our duties to the hive.”

‘And there’s the heartless despot I know.’

“I will… keep that in mind, Mother. Thank you.” I said before turning back to the window. I knew Chrysalis well enough to know that the conversation was over.

“I’m proud of you, Phasma.”

My ears swiveled towards her as I half-turned my head in her direction.

‘When was the last time she didn’t call me prince? Has she ever?’

“... Why?”

“I expected you to let your bond affect your judgement. You’ve proved my assumptions wrong.”

‘Stop the presses, did she just say she was wrong? Is it opposite day or something?’

“Yet I still betrayed the hive by concealing his crime. How can I claim to champion a cause that I’ve betrayed?”

“We all have our faults, Prince Phasma. Do not let them overwhelm you, and you shall find yourself ruling Equestria as my second-in-command in no time. I will have the Praetorians’ silence on today’s events.”

‘The Lodges will still find out.’

“Mother, does the phrase ‘Here in death, remember our strength’ mean anything to you?”

At her silence, I turned all the way around to look at her. She was working her jaw in thought.

“Where did you hear that?”

“The Weave.”

“The Weave?” I nodded. “That’s… impossible.”

“What does it mean? Who said it?”

“It... was the rallying call of Princess Procho. She died two hundred and sixty seven years ago.”

“How did she die?”

Chrysalis’s eyelids drooped as she stared at the window behind me.

“She was returning from a particularly devastating underhive expedition. She was almost all the way back to the hive when the dregs of her party were set upon by the monstrous inhabitants of that dark place. Princess Procho guarded the retreat.”

‘Is that the truth?’

“Why do I hear her, then?”

“Hmph... You were visited by the demon Nightmare Moon as well. I’m not sure, Prince Phasma. You seem to have an extraordinary talent for attracting unnatural phenomena.”

I looked back at the window.

Unnatural phenomena certainly describes this new life. I hope she isn’t planning something stupid, like sticking me onto the end of a pole and using me as a supernatural Geiger counter or something.’

After a few moments, I heard the clopping of hooves on stone as she walked away in her usual Irish Goodbye fashion.

‘Has she ever even said goodbye in her life? I would actually be surprised if the answer is yes.’

My eyes traced Thorax’s route to the setting sun on the horizon, and the closest plateau before that.

‘He’s got a long way to go. Godspeed, Thorax.’

Now I had to tell the First Fang what happened. And Pharynx, he deserved to know what the Queen and I did.

After ten minutes of watching the small dot become smaller, I sighed and pushed off from the window. There would be time for breaking the bad news later. I had paperwork to do. Also, rushing to them would risk making Chrysalis suspicious.

‘Requisitioning the construction of caches for the Swarm takes tens of dozens of papers to fill out. Sentencing someone to slow death? Not a single one.’

I slowly made my way to my office in the royal wing. The guard on duty saluted as I passed him and went into my office.

Some filing cabinets on my right with God-Splitter leaned up against them. Coxa’s short desk on my left. My large desk straight ahead, covered from end to end in papers, both in organized stacks and chaotic piles. Two chairs in the corners behind that.

I stared at the chair on the left. There was a small pile of orange armor next to it.

The chair itself was empty. Likely, it will never be occupied again.

‘It’s just two months. Then, with Canterlot taken, finding Thorax will be easy. After all, we will be hitting every settlement, and no one can stay far away from food sources. Chrysalis can’t hurt him then, his survival would be proof that Panar has deemed him worthy of redemption.’

I considered moving the chair out, but decided against it.

‘I’m not going to sweep what happened under a rug. Thorax deserves better than that.’

So, I sat down at my desk and put a form in front of me. I stared at it for thirty minutes before I actually started reading it.

‘Two months.’

‘Soon after, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun,’ I thought as I stared at the hate-fueled star baking the world alive.

Around me, the hot dirt and sand and rocks of the Badlands broiled in the bright sun. I myself was not doing well either. If sunburn was possible for a bug, I would surely find out soon.

“Tis thy dream! Cool thyself, Prince Phasmatodea, there is not any need for suffering in a world you control.”

Behind me, Nightmare Moon was fanning herself in the shade underneath a black parasoul, sitting down.

“The sun is as oppressive as We recall. The end to its tyranny cannot come soon enough! Prince Phasmatodea, cool thy dream at once!”

“You can call me Phasma for short, Nightmare Moon.”

“Thou avoids peroration like no monarch We have known. Thou converses like a commoner, rather than a Prince. Hath thy progenitors taught thy any court manners?”

I watched as a cactus slowly wilted under the intense heat.

“No. My mother was more focused on teaching me things like ruling a nation, warfare, and crushing those beneath my station.”

“A mare after our own heart!”

Not wanting to piss off the pony-princess-demon-alicorn-thing, I replaced the hot air around her with a cool breeze. Immediately, she stopped fanning herself.

“Hmph. Thou art capable of treating a lady well, it would seem. If only needing no small amount of prodding towards the correct direction.”

I wiped sweat from my brow. I hadn’t in fact removed all of the heat from my dream, just around Nightmare.

‘Thorax is going through this every day for at least a week. An entire week of nothing but dirt and rock for miles, and the horrid sun above his head.’

“Speaking of that, I very well might need your help, Nightmare Moon.”

“We are not in a position to supply boons, Prince Phasma. After our restoration to the throne, though…”

“That’s the thing. You’re not the sharing type, are you?”

“Most assuredly not. We demand what is rightfully ours. Ours, as in, belonging to myself. That doth not include thou.”

I didn’t think so. No, I need your help killing my mother.”

Nightmare smiled. “Matricide? Prince Phasma, We become more endeared to you with each passing meeting of ours. For why must we kill your mother?”

“She isn’t the sharing type either, and will kill you if you try to butt in on what she decides is hers.”

“Ha! As if any old crone could match an alicorn in combat!”

“My mother has been preparing for quite a while to take Celestia on. I don’t doubt that she is capable of killing the Princess.”

“Our sister Princess Celestia was never a savant with a blade, however she has had centuries of practice, assuredly.”

“So has Queen Chrysalis.”

Nightmare Moon froze and stared at me.

“We do not believe we heard thou correctly. Thou claims thy mother has had… centuries of practice?”

“My species’ royals do not suffer many of the maladies that mortals do. We can’t get cancer or other bodily failures, we don’t suffer chronic diseases, and we cannot die of old age. We are as close to immortal as can be.”

I silently thanked whatever happenstance led to Equish words being exactly like English words, only with Equish syllables instead. Grammar rules can be relearned, but being set back to the vocabulary of someone who just started learning the language over half a year ago would be intolerable.

Nightmare Moon meanwhile just stood there in silent consideration of what I had said.

“Immortals? We have never… We have never encountered other immortals. Not ones worth keeping company. The only perpetual We know of that was pleasant to be around was murdered millennia ago.”

“The other species have no equivalent to alicorns and royals?”

She shook her head slowly.

‘Huh. What makes ponies and changelings so special, then?’

“That’s unfortunate.”

“We had not known thou would be with us in perpetuity, young Prince. We had assumed…”

“That I would be dead within eight decades?”

“Indeed. How long hath thy mother been alive?”

I shrugged, and took the opportunity to wipe the sweat from my head again.

“She keeps information on lockdown. Actually, I’m sure I could figure that out, but I’d guess five hundred years?”

“And what is in it for us to rid thou of thy mother?”

“As I said, removing a threat. She will want a slice of the Equestrian pie, as it were. I am open to making deals and arrangements with you in the future. She will not be.”


“My kingdom doesn’t have much to offer in terms of material goods, but I know you’ll value the skills we can provide.”

“What skills would those be?”

“The kind I’ll show you in person. In pony. Whatever you want to say.”

“Very well, Prince Phasma. We shall join in battle against our sister, then we shall partake in thy matricide."

Nightmare Moon chuckled.

“In Equestria, it is customary for the mare to make the first move. It must be different in thy kingdom.”

“How did we go from threatening my life to threatening courtship?”

“Hast thou spent a thousand years alone? Thou doth not appreciate the true pleasure of the presence of others.”

“I can’t even imagine staying sane for a thousand years alone. Ugh, I don’t want to think about this, I have to focus on preparing for war. And possibly killing my own mother.”

She looked to the horizon.

“Thou art awakening, Prince Phasma. We are, too, though at a slower pace, for the barriers between the realms grow weaker with each passing day.”

Nightmare Moon smiled.

“Do not perish on the battlefield, Prince Phasma. Thou art a dreamwalker perpetual, and a stallion at that! No, do not perish, for We shall never meet another of thy likes again, and necromancy is quite costly!”

The First Fang had all gathered in an empty growing room in the Greencave area, though it was filled with different mosses and ivy dripping down from planters.

The entire First Fang, except Thorax. Our hexagon was hexa-gone.

“Yesterday, Thorax was arrested for the theft of love, as well as possession of forbidden pony material.”

“Fuck,” Coxa succinctly summed our feelings up. “And? What happened?”

“Immediately, I went to remedy the situation. Queen Chrysalis suspected me no small amount, and ordered me to pass judgement on him. She would have accepted a lesser punishment, but...”

“Where’s Thorax?” Lace asked me in a near-hissing tone.

“I exiled him.”

Oest gulped and Coxa let out a shaky sigh. Lacewing wasn’t done, though.

“And why did you do that?”

“Chrysalis would have accepted it if I had punished him lightly, I’m sure, but the cost would be too high–”

“Cost?! You just killed Thorax!”

“No,” Coxa said quietly.

“Thorax isn’t dead Lace, but he is out of the picture. I had Coxa steal love to set up an emergency cache outside the hive, just in case this happened. Funny, we had to use it because we set it up in the first place. One often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.”

Lacewing looked lost. “So then he’s gone?”

“For now.”

Coxa sighed, “Why was it too costly to save him?”

“I would pay for Thorax’s life with a commodity I have very little of: trust. If I saved Thorax, Chrysalis would forever suspect my loyalties. She would have me watched at all times, and the odds of her deciding to move against me… I weighed Thorax’s life against the benefits of her trusting me, and I made a decision.”

“You stole love from the hive?”

I looked at Tarsus. I had forgotten that he was even here, he’s become so silent ever since we last saw each other before the expedition.

“A bit. Enough to survive the journey to Equestria.”

“Phasma, there’s hardly enough love to go around–”

“Don’t you think I already know that? It will hurt the hive, yes, but out of all the changelings in the hive, who’s currently in the most danger? Who is under constant watch, expected to fulfill impossible expectations? Who is constantly working hard every Panar damned day to get a future for the hive where everyone is happy?”

“When will we see Thorax again?” Lacewing asked, interrupting our argument. She was rubbing her eyes, trying to not shed tears. She wasn’t succeeding.

“... After we take Equestria. His survival will be proof of his redemption, so long as none of us reveal the love-cache.”

“And you’re sure he’ll be fine before then?”

“I rigged the odds to be in his favor as much as I could. Thorax will be fine, we just have to focus on what’s ahead of us.”

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