• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 622 Views, 75 Comments

The Inner Conflict - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Soundwave captures Rumble and trains him to become a Decepticon. With him by his side, Soundwave will finally carry out his plan.

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Chapter 13: The Final Battle Part 2

The Autobots and the Decepticons clashed against each other while they both uttered their battle cries. The Autobot leaders jumped to the air and drop kicked Strika; as she staggered on the ground, Optimus threw his axe at her right leg. This made her shriek in pain. Then Rodimus aimed his arrows and shot them at her chest. She tumbled to the ground wounded.

Spittor transformed to frog mode and unleashed his tentacled tongue toward Ratchet and Prowl. Bulkhead slammed one of his wrecking balls on the ‘Con’s left optic before he could harm the duo. The strike caught him off-guard, and he fell on the ground. “Pick on someone your own size, froggy!” Bulkhead shouted.

Then Spittor glared at the green Autobot before he stood back up. “Like you, Autobot scum?” he said. He transformed back to robot mode and tackled him against a demolished house. He smote him repeatedly until he threw him against the concrete. He prepared for another smack down until he was being lifted magnetically from the ground.

“Eat scrap metal, Decepti-creep!” Ratchet yelled. He then threw him against a wall and then tossed him against Blackout with his magnets.

Angered at seeing his comrade hurt by the Autobots, Blackout stomped his feet so hard that it produced a massive shockwave throughout the area. It knocked out both Ratchet and Bulkhead. Then he raised his machine gun before pointing it at the duo. “Time to finish you, Autobot slime!”

Suddenly, Brawn slammed against his back and punched him on his mandibles. He crashed against the ground and lowered his weapon. Getting back up, he activated his rotor blades and glared fiercely at his attacker. “You little pipsqueak!! I will destroy you for that! I will cut you into so many pieces that no bot will recognize you!”

“You’re all talk, but you have no brains, Decepticon,” said Brawn.

“PERISH, AUTOBOT!” Blackout angrily spat.

Then Brawn ripped a huge chunk of concrete from the ground and threw the boulder at the Decepticon. It successfully knocked him out. “Hooahhh!!” he uttered, smashing his fists together. Suddenly, Strika seized him and threw him against a building.

“Hey!” Bumblebee shouted.

He activated his battle-grade stingers and shot beams of electric bolts at her. However, the bolts failed to penetrate her chassis; she smirked underneath her mouth plate. “Fool, your useless stingers are no match for my superior body armor!”

She then transformed to her Abrams tank mode and fired dozens of missiles at him. Terrified, the Autobot scout ran off in his vehicle mode while barely dodging the projectiles coming his way. Ratchet seized the remaining missiles via his magnets and tossed them back at their attacker. She was sent flying in the air.

“I’m certainly getting too old for this scrap!” Ratchet groaned.


The train beast roared angrily at the two astonished alicorns. They ignited their horns as they prepared for action. At that moment, the train impaled the road with its razor sharp front legs; the princesses teleported from the strikes. They re-appeared flying in the air before they shot beams of magic at the spider-train. It suddenly generated a force field to deflect their spells. This surprised both of them.

“Impossible! This mechanical abomination possesses a powerful shield as well?!” Luna exclaimed.

“Soundwave’s technology must have upgraded its capabilities just like it did for the rest of those machines,” Celestia realized. “We have to find a way to defeat it before it destroys us!”

“Agreed, sister!” Luna nodded.

They flew around the beast while they attempted to find its weak spots. They fired on its legs with their paralysis spells. Unfortunately, the beams deflected off their legs with little to no damage. The train swiftly turned around to spew ropes of red slime on the rulers. They shot them off before the slime could reach them.

“Discord! A little help over here?” Luna asked.

The said draconequus casually flouted on a cloud while eating a jar of cookies decorated as Autobot insignias. “What? I thought this was your part to do? I already did my part, and now it’s time to finish yours.”

“Seriously, Discord, we need to put down this ruthless monstrosity!” Celestia pleaded, ducking from the slices of the monster.

“Now, now, we don’t want to end this climax too early,” said Discord. “In order for this battle to be won successfully, we have to follow the hard way of defeating our enemies. Besides, I hate being the source of deus ex machina. That isn’t part of my job description.”

Celestia and Luna were knocked to the ground. The beast train lifted its legs to end the alicorns. But then a large syrup poured on the ground; the train accidentally stepped on it without looking. It tried desperately to get out of the syrup, but it could not.

“But that doesn’t mean I can’t offer some minuscule assistance from time to time. Have fun!” Discord waved before disappearing.

While the monster was focusing on escaping its sticky predicament, the alicorns flew in the air. “We can’t defeat this thing while it has its own defense mechanism. What is the plan, sister?” Luna asked.

Celestia thought about it until her eyes caught the beam still connected to Sumdac Tower. Then it started to click in her mind. “Lulu, follow me!”

Thunderlane flew around the city as he was pursued by numerous helicopter bots. They fired rounds of bullets at the speeding pegasus as well as keeping up with his speed. He then made a swift u-turn to the opposite direction. “Catch me if you can, slow-pokes!”

Before he could boast more, he was encountered by more helicopter bots. They loaded their weapons as did the previous bots. Thinking fast, he ducked underneath their crossfire. The bots struck each other until they were all eliminated.

“Haha! That should keep them down!” Thunderlane gloated. Then he remembered his dear brother.

“Wait... Rumble is still in danger! I have to find him somewhere in this city before that psychopathic boom box hurts him! Hold on, little brother, I’m coming for you!” he cried. He flew out of the battlefield until he instantly stopped.

“Wait, I need to have some guide to lead me to Soundwave! Darn it, I should have gotten one of those trackers that Magnus guy gave them!” he ranted. As he looked down in despair, he spotted a purple beam being connected to Sumdac Tower. As he looked on, he had another idea.

“Hmmm, maybe that beam comes from Soundwave’s hideout,” he reasoned. “If that’s the case, I will find him and rescue my little brother!” Then he finally flew outside Detroit.

Oil Slick grabbed his jug full of chemicals and tossed it to the ground where Prowl stood. The ninja bot instantly jumped to the air and threw two cutting discs at his opponent. They struck him on his arms, forcing a howl of pain. “It’s gonna take a lot more to take me down than mere ninja tricks, Autobot!”

“Hmm, we’ll see about that,” said Prowl. Then he expertly delivered multiple kicks to his chest and back as well as giving him a few punches to the face. Then he body-slammed him.

As soon as Prowl started to walk away, Oil Slick wrapped his legs with his chains and swung him around; then he dragged him on the concrete which scratched his paint job. Finally, he threw the ninja in the air. “Ha, that outta leave a mark on ya, Autobot,” he chuckled.

Bulkhead and Strika wrestled with each other just right next to a city bank. The former landed one punch before the other landed her punch on the green Autobot. “Wanna dance?” he mockingly asked.

“You’re not my type, Autobot scum!” Strika yelled.

She delivered a kick to his chest which sent him crashing against the bank. Thankfully, no humans were there as they were all evacuated. Bulkhead launched his wrecking ball and knocked her out while she was distracted.

Optimus and Rodimus were blasted by Blackout. They immediately jumped away from being crushed under his foot. “You will not escape from me, Autobots!” the ‘Con shouted. He fired his missiles at them while they hid for cover.

Before he could harm them further, he was shot at by Bumblebee. “Hey, ugly, I’m over here!”

The moment he was distracted by the Autobot scout, Optimus and Rodimus faced each other for a plan. “That guy’s a big one. Any ideas, brother?” Rodimus asked.

As Optimus was thinking, he noticed Blackout’s legs were beginning to slightly shake. He continued shooting at Bumblebee despite the fact he was losing his balance from the damage he suffered thus far. This made Optimus grin a bit.

“I have an idea... just follow my lead,” he advised.

He shot a grappling hook on his axe’s handle and threw them around Blackout’s legs. The axe impaled them both which made him painfully groan. “Aim for his back!” he ordered.

Rodimus complied and shot two arrows at his back, instantly immobilizing him. “AHHHHHHH!!!!” Blackout cried, falling down defeated.

“Nice shot, bro,” Optimus complimented.

“Thanks,” Rodimus smiled.

Prowl sliced his chains off him with his disc and leaped over Oil Slick. The former swung acrobatic kicks at him, but he lazily dodged them and swiftly grabbed his face. “Give it up, ninja-bot. I have the upper hand,” he bragged. Then he slammed him on a car and unto another car before dropping him.

“Time to put an end to your entire career,” Oil Slick smirked. He brandished a canister full of acid and was ready to pour it all over Prowl.

Suddenly, an electric shot struck him on the back which made him tremble on the ground. After struggling to maintain balance, he fell unconscious. To Prowl’s surprise, Red Alert and Ratchet stood together with satisfied looks on their faces.

“Very nice, kid,” said Ratchet. “Looks like the old bot has made good use after all.”

“Combining my blasts with your EMP generator has always been one of my dreams,” said Red Alert. “You have taught me well.”

They helped up Prowl and healed his minor injuries. “You... know her?” he asked.

“Red Alert was one of my students back on Cybertron; although I didn’t have that many, she was always the top ‘Bot ahead of everyone else. Frankly, I am very fortunate to have her by my side once again,” Ratchet explained.

“Has he ever been rough on you guys?” Red Alert asked, chuckling.

“Quite often...” Prowl replied, grinning.

Thunderlane flew as fast as he could to rescue his little brother once and for all. He saw that he was outside the city and an old factory in a distance where the purple beam came from. “That has to be it! I’m comin’ for you, Rumble,” he muttered. Thus, he entered inside the parking lot.

As soon as he landed, he saw a large cannon still projecting that same beam right towards the tower. At that moment, he heard some... screaming? A cry of pain? “Wait... I... recognize that voice. It’s Rumble! I’m here, bud! I’m here to save you! Hold—!” A giant metal foot blocked his path.

He looked up to see Lockdown sinisterly smiling down on him. “Look who decided to show up. You’re just in time for the fun to begin,” he spoke.

Behind him was Swindle who likewise was grinning with excitement. “Once the little kid has finished his job, you’re next on the line... of course, nothing is for free.”

“LET HIM GO!!” Thunderlane demanded.

“Nah, ah, ahh! First things first, my little pony! There’s a waiting game we must play,” Swindle said.

“What game?!” Thunderlane cried.

“You will find out,” replied the ‘Con artist. Lockdown grabbed him and took him hostage.


Ironhide and Hot Shot stood side by side as they faced Spittor. He shot forth his tentacled-tongue at them which they effectively ducked. “Taste this, Decepti-creep!” Ironhide shouted. He bumped against him which threw the Decepticon off balance.

Then Hot Shot blasted his flames on Spittor’s tongue; the inferno reached all the way to his mouth, setting his entire mouth on fire. “AHHHH!!! Get fire out!! Get fire out!!!” he wailed. He continued screaming in pain until Brawn delivered the final punch. It sent him flying in the air until he crashed on the ground unconscious.

“That ought to cool him down!” Hot Shot grinned.

“Heh, no wonder they call ya Hot Shot,” Ironhide chuckled.

“Too bad Blitzwing isn’t here to hear those jokes,” said Brawn.

Celestia and Luna began to lure the train beast away from their friends. It followed them all the way to Sumdac Tower. “That’s right, you vile creature! Come to us! Follow us!” Luna called.

It growled angrily as it began to climb on the tower. The alicorns were directly above the laser beam connected to the top of the tower. As it was climbing, Celestia thought of an idea. “This may appear to be unseemly and un-dignifying for a ruler, but I am sure this will do the trick.” After saying this, she blew raspberries at the train monster.

Luna was a bit surprised at first until she quietly chuckled to herself. The beast was even more angry at the mockery shown and hasted itself to tear them apart. It then lunged toward the alicorns. “NOW!” Celestia instructed.

Flying out of the way, the train beast caught itself in the beam; it was violently electrocuted, causing the beam itself to be overcharged and overwhelmed by the train’s powered circuitry. After a few moments, the creature reverted back to its normal form and was deactivated. The princesses safety held it with their magic before landing it safely on the ground.

The overwhelmed laser beam flew back from the city. As a result, the entire tower stopped glowing with power, all the remaining automatons and machines were free from Soundwave’s control. Looking around confused, they ran off to look for their human owners.

“What just happened?” Bulkhead wondered.

“All the machines are back to normal!” Twilight noticed.

“Oh, not to worry, Celestia and Luna took care of the ‘mind-controlling’ problem. Of course, I inspired them to do something. Without my motivation, they would’ve failed, and you all would’ve been doomed. You’re welcome!” Discord boasted.

“Excellent work, Autobots and... talking horses??” Optimus observed. Twilight, Spike, and Starlight nervously waved at Team Prime.

“Uhh... hi?” Twilight muttered.

“Where do those creatures come from?” Optimus asked.

“It’s... a long story,” replied Rodimus.

“You can definitely say that again,” agreed Spike.

“Hmmm, they look so... fascinating. All the animals here on this planet do not talk... but these ponies do. This is truly a wonder of nature,” Prowl observed. “Especially that little lizard over here... it’s very interesting.”

“Awww, how kind of you!” Discord said. “Allow me to introduce myself: I am Discord, the Lord of Chaos and Disharmony as well as the great friend of these ponies!” He snapped his fingers which brought forth cotton candy clouds circling around him and shooting forth confetti.

“Whoaaaa... is that guy like a magician or something? I like him already!” Bulkhead said.

“Ughhhh... chaos and disharmony?? NOT the kind of friend I want to have...” Ratchet groaned, face-palming himself.

“You’ll get used to it,” said Red Alert.

“Save the introductions later, we have a colt to rescue!” Celestia urgently reminded.

“Who?” Optimus asked.

“We’ll show you on the way, Optimus. Soundwave is still at large! We have to move fast!” Rodimus advised.

“Right. Would you do the honors?” he offered.

“Gladly, brother. Autobots, transform and roll out!!” Rodimus commanded. They all did so and exited the city with Team Athenia guiding them as they still had trackers to locate Soundwave’s life signal. Team Equestria followed them as well.


“Once your Autobot friends arrive to save you and Rumble, they will face the best million dollar challenge ever created! Can you believe it?! I can almost taste that sweet reward already!” Swindle grinned.

“Now you’re speaking my language,” Lockdown concurred. “With that goal in mind, not one bot out there can ever dare to stop us.”

“You’re wrong!” Thunderlane defied. “The ponies and Autobots will scrap you both like there’s no tomorrow!”

“(Chuckles) Is that so, my little misguided friend? And what makes you think that will be possible in the slightest?” Swindle taunted.

Once the stallion pegasus saw something in the sky, he smugly grinned. “That!”

“What?” Lockdown wondered. Suddenly, the overcharged beam retracted back inside the cannon which caused it to severely malfunction.

“Help! Somepony help me!” Rumble cried inside.

“I’m coming, little brother!” Thunderlane replied. He bit the bounty hunter’s finger, forcing him to let him loose. The pegasus flew to the machine and tried to open the bottom lid. At that moment, the cannon exploded to pieces. It pushed him and the duo back to the ground.

“NOOO!!!!” Swindle lamented. However, out of the smoke flew the time piece. He instantly raised his hand and caught it in the air. “Thank the Allspark! It’s a good thing this baby is indestructible.”

As the pegasus slowly got up from the dirt, he saw a strange little robot lying on the ground. Curious, he drew close to him to see who it was; soon after, the minicon arose to his feet and looked back at the stallion pegasus with his red visor glowing. “Ahhh, another Decepticon!!”

“Wait, Thunderlane!! It’s me, your little brother Rumble! I’m not gonna hurt you!” he waved.

This revelation shocked Thunderlane beyond imagination. His jaw hit the ground, his eyeballs widened, and his pupils shrunk to tiny spots. That strange new minicon with a scary appearance and robotic form... is his brother? “No... no... NOOO!!! RUMBLE, IS THAT YOU?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?”

“Soundwave! He helped me to be this minicon I am now! Although that experience was painful, he will still help me defeat the Autobots and those humans! And he will—!”

“What?? Are you serious?! No, no, no, you got it all wrong! The Autobots are the good guys! They saved me and Twilight from danger! HE LITERALLY MIND-CONTROLLED ALL THE ROBOTS IN DETROIT TO DESTROY US!”

“What? Wha—but Soundwave promised...”

“He’s been using you! He did it so that you can give him what he wants! Haven’t you learned anything from what Megatron did to us?!” Thunderlane reminded.

Hearing all this was very hard for Rumble to bear. How could a Decepticon who appeared to have good intentions be misleading him the whole time? “But... but... Soundwave—Dad promised. He is keeping his word, isn’t he?” he thought.

At that moment, the said Decepticon exited the ship and saw the Autobots and Equestrians arriving at the abandoned factory. Then he saw Thunderlane talking with his long-lost brother. Rumble then ran up to him. “Soundwave, were you actually trying to attack my friends? My family?”

Seeing that he ran his charade long enough, he did not hesitate to reveal his true intentions. “Correct, Rumble. It appears that our project has failed. No matter, for I shall take this matter into my own servos.”

“WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! You promised that you wouldn’t hurt the ponies—my own friends and family!! You lied to me!” Rumble cried. He really wanted to break down in tears but couldn’t.

“Foolish child, the ways of the Decepticons are superior, and the ways of the Autobots and organics of any kind are inferior. It is the logical way of life that is to govern this universe,” Soundwave said.

“You will pay for what you did to Rumble!” Thunderlane threatened, hugging his little brother tightly.

“Illogical. You shall all be destroyed. Commencing operation: Electromagnetic formation!” Soundwave declared. He suddenly grew to humongous size while he changed his color scheme. His color scheme was now white, and the blue lights around his body glowed brighter with electricity.

All the Cybertronians and Equestrians widened their optics/eyes in surprise. There now stood a titan-sized Soundwave; in his perspective, all the organics and robots appeared as tiny, little ants. “Tremble before Soundwave! Soundwave is your master! Bow before me, or you shall all be destroyed!” the Titan Decepticon spoke.

Author's Note:

It... is... ON!!

Credit to Darth Wrex for the idea of having Ratchet and Red Alert in a teacher-student relationship. Stay tuned for part 3 on Saturday!