• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 622 Views, 75 Comments

The Inner Conflict - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Soundwave captures Rumble and trains him to become a Decepticon. With him by his side, Soundwave will finally carry out his plan.

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Chapter 14: The Final Battle Part 3

Soundwave stomped his foot on the ground, causing a massive shockwave to nearly flatten the city. Thankfully, Ratchet was able to contain the shockwave with his magnetism. “Soundwave will destroy the whole city if we don’t stop him!” he said.

“Not just the city but this entire landscape as well!” Red Alert added.

“We have to stop him before he destroys everything else in his path! Bumblebee, you take out Swindle; Ratchet, Prowl, you two can handle Lockdown; Sari, you can take these creatures to safety; the rest of us will battle against Soundwave!” Optimus commanded.

“Wait! We want to help too! I personally want to give him a piece of my mind for what he did to Rumble!” Thunderlane cried, pounding his hooves together.

“No, it’s too dangerous!” Optimus refused. “You’re no match for Soundwave!”

“Brother, with all due respect, these ponies have tremendously helped me and my team all the way through,” said Rodimus. “They fought many enemies more powerful than them. Heck, they even defeated Megatron when he invaded their world!”

Team Prime stared in shock at what he said. “Wait... those ponies actually kicked buckethead’s tailpipe?” Bulkhead asked.

“Yep, including his top lieutenants,” added Starlight. “Pretty surprising, isn’t it?”

“Wow... that’s pretty cool! And I did see you guys take out those brainwashed robots! I think we should let them help, Prime!” Bumblebee said.

“Hmmm, I suppose you’re right,” said Optimus. “Alright, everyone, let’s split up and roll out!”

Thus, they all did so; Bumblebee, Ratchet, Sari, and Prowl stayed behind whereas everyone else rolled together to battle the Decepticon villain. Soundwave looked down and saw his little adversaries driving together right beneath him. He raised his foot and attempted to crush them all, but they swiftly swerved to the other side until they were directly behind him.

He turned to see them transform in robot mode. “Commencing the dawn of a new era: the Era of Soundwave!” he declared. Then he raised his arms before activating his electrical powers and sound waves. He blasted several beams at the Autobots and Equestrians, but Celestia, Luna, and Twilight shielded them all from his attacks.

Then they sent spells and magical beams at him, but his chassis was massively strong enough to deflect their beams. Spike and Starlight did likewise in sending fire and magic combined together to penetrate his armor. However, it was also deflected easily.

“It’s no use! He’s too powerful to beat!” Spike cried.

“We have to keep trying! Soundwave must have some sort of weakness we can take advantage of!” Ironhide said.

“I have no weakness. Soundwave is perfect as always,” the Titan spoke. He launched heat-seeking missiles from his speakers right at his opponents.

Rodimus, Bulkhead, Red Alert, and Starlight fired on the missiles with their weapons and power until they were all eliminated. “Does anypony have any ideas?!” Starlight yelled, frustrated.

Discord was thinking of an effective strategy until he instantly got an idea. “Oh wait... I know!”


Bumblebee fired his stingers on the mobilizing S.U.V before the latter fired his cannon on the former. He ducked below the beam and resumed his assault on Swindle. “You and I have a score to settle, Bumblebee!” said the ‘Con artist.

“Yeah, the last time we met, you couldn’t scratch my paint with your precious artillery!” Bumblebee spat.

“Ahh, I truly missed your snarky remarks, old friend,” said Swindle. “Allow me to return the favor!” He transformed to robot mode and unleashed all his weaponry around his body. He fired everything he had on the Autobot scout.

The latter dodged them all as he leaped over them and dodged his laser beams. He fired his stinger blast at him which struck one of his legs. Groaning in pain, he glared at his rival. “You wanna go nuts, eh? Fine then, let’s get nuts.” Then he got a blast on his right arm. He turned to see Sari floating in her jet pack.

“Don’t forget about me, Decepti-clown!” Sari grinned.

Ratchet and Prowl surrounded Lockdown right beside the abandoned factory. “Well, what do ya know? Two very familiar Autobots come down to gang up on me. Whatever am I gonna do?” Lockdown sarcastically whimpered.

“Enough games, Lockdown. I would strongly suggest you surrender before you get hurt,” threatened Prowl.

“Ahh, a very bold ultimatum. You still got that spark in ya, Prowl, even after the way you chickened out of our alliance.” Lockdown taunted.

“That’s because you were luring him away from what was right, you bounty hunting scum!” Ratchet snapped. “Young bots like him don’t deserve to be associated with greedy miscreants... like you.”

“You still don’t know a thing about me, rust bucket. Once I’m done with you two, all that will be left of you will be your mods and Energon,” Lockdown smirked, sharpening his hook.

“You will try,” Prowl muttered, getting into a battle pose.

Lockdown activated his chainsaw and swung it at them. Prowl kicked him on the back whereas Ratchet seized a huge pile of bricks and threw them at the bounty hunter. Then Prowl punched him in the face and tripped him over. Ratchet grabbed him via magnetism and tossed him against a wall. Prowl pulled a lever to release all metal beams on top of him. They landed hard on him, creating a puff of dirt.

“Nice work, kid. That ought to teach him,” said Ratchet.

“That’s one down so far. Now, we have two more to go,” replied Prowl.

As they were walking away, Ravage and Laserbeak suddenly appeared from the shadows and shot at the two. They fell on the floor injured from their blasts. The minicons encircled them while they made their distinctive animal noises.

“Make that five,” remarked Lockdown as he got up from the beams.

Swindle fired laser beams and missiles at the duo; the latter fired right back at them which resulted in a large explosion. Once the smoke cleared, Bumblebee and Sari were already gone. The ‘Con looked around to see where they went. “Hey, Swindle, up here!” Sari called.

He looked up to meet a yellow fist to the face. He tumbled to the ground while groaning. “Haha, guess we’re just too fast for ya, pal! Why don’t you give up?” Bumblebee smirked.

“I would have gladly taken that suggestion into account... if it weren’t for my anticipation of your great speed,” grinned Swindle.

“What do you mean?” Sari asked.

“I mean... I acted faster than you did,” he replied, motioning to look behind them.

They looked back and saw a ticking device on their backs. Before they could react, the devices electrified them until they weakly fell on the ground.

“Hahaha, talk about cruel irony here!” Swindle said.

Soundwave smashed the ground with his fists, causing a massive earthquake. It destroyed many more unmanned buildings and streets all across the city. As he slowly walked his way to Sumdac Tower, his visor glowed with malicious intent. He raised his fists right above the tower as he was prepared to destroy it as well.

Suddenly, a giant birthday cake landed on his head, blinding him. As he wobbled to get the cake off him, Discord snapped his fingers to bring a giant hockey stick with him. He swatted him on the tailpipe and hit him across the city. Soundwave crashed on the ground with minor injuries. As he got the cake off him, it melted on his hands, revealing a giant bomb. It exploded on him.

Once the heroes saw the massive explosion, they celebrated their apparent victory. “Who-hoo!!! OH YEAH!! Go, me! DISCORD FOR THE WIN, BABY!!” the draconequus wildly paraded. “Soundwave can’t touch us now since I saved the day!”

But just when things got better, a giant hand arose from the ground and hovered in the sky. Discord looked up and saw the hand above the clouds. His eyes fell backwards and rolled out of his mouth and his horns fell limp, shocked that his plan had failed. “That... was unexpected.”

Then the hand slammed Discord flat... literally. “DISCORD!!” his friends shouted.

Soundwave got to his feet while mechanically, evilly laughing. “Foolish organics... predictable as always; all of your efforts are futile.” His chest compartment opened up to reveal two titanic tentacles with claws at the top. They lunged at the teams and snatched them all up. He brought them all up close to his face.

“You Autobots and organics have always been selfish and pathetic. You fail to realize that the weak shall perish, and the strong shall survive. No matter your efforts, I shall rule over this world. Soundwave: Superior, Autobots and organics: Inferior,” taunted Soundwave.

Then he unleashed his sound waves from his speakers. The waves tormented their central processors and minds especially at a high level. They wailed in agony while they tried to release themselves from his grasp.

Rumble saw all of this in shock and horror. He looked around to see Ratchet, Bumblebee, Sari, and Prowl unconscious on the ground, Discord flattened on the concrete, and all his friends and allies—including his brother—being tortured by his worst enemy and manipulator. “Wha... What have I gotten myself into? I’m... so, so sorry...”

“Prepare yourselves, for your destruction is... now,” Soundwave declared.

Rumble saw Lockdown and Swindle wickedly laughing together while Ravage and Laserbeak continue to stare at the little minicon. Then he looked up to see his own family and friends being tortured by the Decepticon. His memories he shared with Thunderlane flashed before his eyes. He saw the joy and fun he had with him when he was a foal. He could not bear the thought of losing his brother to the very one whom he called “Dad”. The very thought and recollection of ever calling him that made him fully cringe.

“The entire world... is MINE!” Soundwave spoke.

Suddenly, a missile struck his right shoulder, making him wince in pain. He released all his victims from his grasp. He turned to see Rumble with his missile launchers brandished in his hands. “LEAVE THEM ALONE, SOUNDWAVE!!!”

Seeing this made him a bit surprised. “You dare betray your master?”

“I’m not asking again. Leave. Them. Alone!” Rumble sternly demanded. He launched another projectile at the Decepticon, forcing him to tumble on the ground from the impact.

Then he saw Swindle and Lockdown running to him with their weapons drawn. Smugly smirking, he reloaded his blasters and aimed them at the duo. “First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!” He blasted them toward the factory. They screamed as they were sent flying in the air. They crashed on the roof and fell inside the building.

Ravage and Laserbeak angrily roared/screeched at their betrayer. The cat transformed into a piano and shot several razor-sharp music notes at him. Rumble shot them all with ease and then blasted him as well. Ravage was wounded from the firepower.

Laserbeak sent laser beams from his beak to take out the minicon. Rumble dodged the beams and shot Laserbeak on his wing. It burned his wing, causing him to crash land on the wounded Ravage. It resulted in both of them exploding on impact, destroying Ravage and Laserbeak.

“Oh yeah! Get ready to crumble before Rumble!” he shouted.

The Autobots and Equestrians got up from the ground and saw Rumble take out two minicons and battling Soundwave. Thunderlane especially smiled brightly while he shed tears from his eyes. “That’s the Rumble I know,” he wept.

“By the Allspark... he’s... actually winning! Go get ‘em, little buddy!” Bulkhead shouted.

“You got this, Rumble!” Spike added.

“Rumble, behind you!” Discord warned.

“You will pay for your treachery! Operation: Termination!” Soundwave roared. He raised his arm to generate blue electric bolts right at Rumble. Discord immediately snapped his fingers to summon a giant mirror to appear in front of Rumble. The bolts deflected from it and shot back at Soundwave.

He was painfully electrocuted by the bolts, causing him to fall on his knees and robotically groan. Once the pain stopped, he shrunk back to his normal size and color scheme. He staggered in his attempt to regain his balance.

Rumble glared fiercely at his enemy and manipulator. “This whole time, I thought I would achieve a better purpose in life; I thought that maybe I would become even better than I was before. Because prior to this, my big brother would often mock and patronize me for my vain attempts of gaining greatness... especially in being a Wonderbolt.”

“I even remember the time I didn’t want to get a cutie mark because I thought they were stupid and would keep me in a box! But my friends showed me the real way to achieving greatness in life: friendship. You took advantage of my doubts, Soundwave. You lied and manipulated me into following your ways which almost made me completely forget the lessons I learned about friendship... true friendship,” Rumble continued.

Suddenly, he started to glow brightly. Soundwave was taken aback by the sudden light. “Now I really understand why you Decepticons can never be trusted. You may have given me some training in combat, but I will never forget what you did to me and to my family! You are nothing, Soundwave. You are nothing but a liar, a bully, and an emotionless tyrant! You will never harm anypony or any bot EVER AGAIN!!”

Then the bright light overtook Rumble and created a beam right at Soundwave’s spark. It made him howl in agony from the fierce heat of the light. Cracks started to form across his chassis, and his hands started to turn to dust. His entire being exploded in the brightness of the light. His spark and body—all vanquished forever. All that remained of him... was dust... blown away by the wind.

“Mother of me... I have never seen such... power before,” Celestia whispered, awestruck by the sight.

“I agree, sister,” Luna nodded, having the same reaction.

“(Whistles) I almost started to feel bad for Soundwave... but he had it coming,” Bulkhead added.

Rodimus and his team smiled at the accomplishment Rumble made. “Well done, little one. Well done,” he smiled.

The brightness stopped shining. Rumble was now back to his pony colt form... with a cutie mark. He opened his eyes to see his normal form. “Yayy!! I’m a pony again!” He then spotted his new cutie mark: a white cloud surrounding an Autobot insignia with a lightning bolt flashing through its right eye.

“I... HAVE A CUTIE MARK! I don’t believe it!” Rumble rejoiced.

All the heroes celebrated together, for the villain was destroyed. The whole chaos was finally over. They have finally triumphed. The entire universe was saved.