• Published 8th Mar 2021
  • 646 Views, 132 Comments

The Darkest Hour - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron initiates his ultimate power over Equestria. The Autobots and ponies must work together to put an end to his tyranny lest he destroys everything they hold dear. Time is short.

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Chapter 2: “The Prisoners Have Escaped!”


The Elite Guard gathered together within the Metroplex Headquarters for a mandatory meeting. In the midst of the court was Ultra Magnus sitting on his chair whereas Sentinel Prime sat on his right hand and Alpha Trion sat next to him on the left. Jazz stood below Perceptor’s chair. Before them stood a familiar team of Autobots who saluted Ultra Magnus as soon as they entered the room.

“Ultra Magnus, sir, you called for us?”

“Indeed, Rodimus Prime. It has come to our attention that you have faithfully guarded and protected the humans of Earth alongside Optimus Prime and his crew. We must acknowledge that you have done well in assisting them ever since the destruction of the Decepticon Soundwave. For that matter, we have come to an agreement in regards to your post,” began Ultra Magnus.

Sentinel rolled his optics in annoyance.

“We have considered giving you a position within the Elite Guard,” Magnus finished.

Rodimus and his team widened their optics in surprise. “Really? Me? But, sir, I—I was expelled from the Academy, rendering me incapable of being reinstated in the Elite Guard. How can I be brought back?”

“For once, I can agree,” Sentinel grumbled.

“You have proven yourself as an effective leader, Rodimus. You have demonstrated what a true leader is supposed to be—faithful, loyal, respectful, brave, strong, and most importantly, humble. As Optimus is proud of you, so am I,” Magnus commended. “Moreover, although you were expelled from Autobot Academy, I have the right to reinstate you to your rightful position.”

“But, sir, I—!” Sentinel interjected. Magnus glared at him. The prime held his peace in fear.

“I am... truly honored, Commander. I really am. I will do everything in my power to serve our cause,” Rodimus replied.

“As you have always done, Rodimus Prime. However, there is one more thing that we must bring to your attention,” said Magnus.

“I wonder what that would be,” Ironhide muttered.

“Our home planet needs to be at full alert as we have been receiving multiple threats from the Decepticons lately. Ever since Megatron’s defeat, they have been increasing their efforts more than ever to attack our headquarters and our energon reserves.”

“Thankfully, they have no organized plan due to the absence of their leader,” Perceptor added. “If they keep this up, Cybertron’s most valuable areas will never be assaulted.”

“With your input and assistance within the Elite Guard, we may find more creative ways to push them back for good. Otherwise, the Decepticons will eventually discover those areas themselves,” said Alpha Trion.

“In light of these dire circumstances and the potentially dangerous situation that we may face...” Ultra Magnus stood up from his chair and walked down the stairs while maintaining his optic-contact on Rodimus. “... you are strictly ordered to permanently remain on Cybertron.”

The Autobots were once again surprised. They looked at each other’s faces as they wondered why they had to stay away from the humans’ home world. Hot Shot immediately walked up to Ultra Magnus with a question.

“You’re kidding, right? I don’t see how staying away from the humans would make any sense!”

“Cybertron will be under grave danger if we do not have more servos on deck. Your leadership is greatly needed, Rodimus Prime,” Ultra Magnus insisted.

“But, Ultra Magnus, Optimus needs me. He and his crew need us! Who knows if the Decepticons will seek to attack Earth again? They also will need us then,” Rodimus argued.

As Sentinel was listening to the conversation, his smirk grew wider and wider. “This is gonna be quite an opportunity for me,” he whispered.

“I understand the possibilities, young warrior. You have done well serving the organics and granting them peace and prosperity. But now Cybertron needs you now more than ever. That is not a request,” Magnus sternly replied.

Rodimus bowed his head in defeat. “(Sigh) Yes, sir. I understand.”

“Good. For now, I will allow the rest of you to resume your proper posts. Later on, you will be promoted as... my Elite Guard lieutenant. Congratulations, Rodimus Prime,” Ultra Magnus said, shaking the young prime’s hand.

All the Autobot guards that were assembled applauded Rodimus Prime for his promotion to the Elite Guard. However, after Team Athenia saluted Ultra Magnus, they exited the headquarters with troubled expressions on their faces.

“Hmmm, let’s see how the rookie will handle this...” Sentinel muttered, mischievously grinning.


“Well, at least you have something to look forward to, Prime,” said Ironhide.

“How are we going to explain this to our friends back in Detroit?” Red Alert asked.

“I... don’t know,” replied Rodimus. “This new position is great and all, but... but I never even asked for any of this!”

“Wait a nano-click... if we cannot even return to Earth... that means we cannot even visit Equestria! Right?” Hot Shot gasped.

“Equestria? You mean those organic horses who helped us beat those Decepti-chops?” Ironhide recalled.

“Indeed. I’ve been thinking about them... a lot. If we cannot visit the humans, then we can surely visit the ponies,” suggested Red Alert.

“But Ultra Magnus’s orders...” Rodimus reminded.

“He didn’t mention anything about Equestria, did he?” Brawn asked.

“Huh... I suppose you’re right, Brawn. But I... I don’t know how I’m going to handle this. I know I can't be in two or three places at once, but it is my utmost duty to be there for all my friends including the organics of both worlds. Although if I do leave, Ultra Magnus will be looking for me,” worried Rodimus.

“It’s okay, Prime. I’m glad you’re thinking about your friends. Here’s an idea: you can remain here with Hot Shot and Brawn. I’m thinking that Ironhide can go to Earth while I can go to Equestria,” said Red Alert.

This caught Rodimus by surprise. “What?! And disobey a direct order?”

“Rodimus, this isn’t the first time I left my post and gone against the wishes of my superiors. Ask Sentinel about that,” she said, slightly smirking.

“I’m curious. Why do you want to visit Equestria anyway? It’s been one solar cycle since we have last seen them. So why now?” Hot Shot asked.

“Because... sigh... I miss them. Not a day goes by in which I don’t think about them. Plus, I really would love to check on them to see how they’re doing... especially Rumble,” Red Alert confessed.

The Autobots paused as his name was just mentioned. “Rumble...”

“Please... everything will be fine. Just cover for me,” she assured them.

Rodimus then thought about Rumble. He remembered the moments he spent with them ever since Soundwave’s defeat and how he became a new Autobot among them. Relishing the hope to see him again, he slowly nodded his head in approval.

“Very well, Red Alert. Just come back in one piece.”

“I will, sir,” she saluted. Thus, she transformed to her ambulance mode and drove off.

“Well, to Earth it is. At least I will have more time to see Bulkhead and Bumblebee once again,” Ironhide smiled. He also transformed into his earth-based vehicle mode and left the premises.

“If you see any Decepticons on the way, smash them to atoms for me, will ya?” Brawn shouted.

“It would be my pleasure!” Ironhide replied.


Four Autobot troopers arrived at the prison with a new prisoner. He was a twenty-foot tall black and green Decepticon with razor-sharp blades mounted on his arms. The guards kept him bound with stasis cuffs.

“Are these cuffs really necessary, Autobots? Come on, can’t we just be friends? I won’t hurt any of you, I promise,” he softly spoke.

“Be quiet, Decepticon scum!” a guard snapped, pushing him roughly.

“Wow, rude much? I thought you were supposed to be the good guys! I am asking to be your friend, and this is how you treat a stranger?”

“I said be quiet, prisoner!” the guard shouted.

“Okay, first of all, I have a name. It’s not ‘prisoner’, not ‘scum’, and no, it’s not even ‘Decepticon’ either... although I am one. My name is Lout, okay? Secondly, you seem to be in a bad mood. Can I give you a cup of energon wine? Maybe some motor oil? Oh! Oh! Maybe have a cookie?”

Suddenly, the guards stopped dead on their tracks. Lout turned to their direction and saw the front gates of the prison opened and the minicons fallen dead on the ground. The guards even noticed how the Decepticon stone statues have disappeared.

“What are we looking at here?” Lout casually asked.

“The statues! They’re gone!” the first guard shouted.

“I have to check on the other prisoners! Stay put!” the second guard ordered the other two holding Lout.

Just as the first two guards entered the facility and scanned the entire area, they saw hundreds of cells open, the security cameras destroyed, and dozens of other minicons lying in pieces.


“What a twist!” Lout grinned.