• Published 8th Mar 2021
  • 646 Views, 132 Comments

The Darkest Hour - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron initiates his ultimate power over Equestria. The Autobots and ponies must work together to put an end to his tyranny lest he destroys everything they hold dear. Time is short.

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Chapter 6: Ego Fight


Rumble and Red Alert walked through the streets of the city while its citizens friendly waved at them. As the duo passed by, Rumble randomly looked up to the blue sky and noticed a cumulus cloud slowly passing over the city. The cloud had a small hole in the center thereof where a ray of light shined through. The bright ray shone for a few moments until the colt heard some faint sounds near him.

Rumble stopped trotting to listen what was being said. Soft, tender whispers echoed through his ears. “Huh? Who... is there?” he asked.

“Is something wrong, little one?” Red Alert asked, concerned.

“I’m starting to hear strange... noises around me. It’s as if somepony is... whispering to me,” he replied.

The soft whispers got slowly louder and louder and louder which provoked him to cover his ears in fear and fall down. As the Autobot medic witnessed this, she immediately kneeled to the ground. “Rumble! Are you okay? Talk to me!”

“Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!!!” he fearfully cried.

At that moment, the violently loud whispers suddenly stopped. Right after that, the ray of light ceased shining through the puffy cloud before the latter instantly disappeared.

“What happened?”

“I... I don’t know! For some reason, I’ve been hearing these strange whispers until they got so loud it hurt my ears! I don’t know what’s going on with me!” Rumble shouted, getting up from the ground.

“So you’re hearing voices in your head,” she concluded. “Then this is more serious than I previously thought. I have to take you to Princesses Celestia and Luna this instant. I’m sure they can help you.” She gently picked him up and quickly went to the castle.

“I see you have returned.” Red Alert looked up to see the two alicorn sisters hovering together in the air. They landed before her with worried expressions on their faces as Red Alert laid the troubled colt on the ground.

“It is an honor to see you both again,” the medic respectfully nodded.

“We express the same sentiment, Red Alert. My sister informed me of Rumble’s nightmare and the essential treatment he needs to recover from his trauma,” said Celestia.

“The moment he shared with me his stress and fears, I knew that it will lead up to this. I promised him I will provide him with the help he desperately needs,” Luna added. Both princesses saw the distressed look on Rumble’s face and his tears falling.

“Did something else happen to him this time?” Celestia asked, laying her hoof on his forehead with compassion.

“I’m afraid so, your highness. He said he’s been hearing some voices in his head—strange whispers to be precise. They apparently caused some form of pain to his ears,” Red Alert informed.

Celestia and Luna looked towards each other until the latter lifted him up with her magic. “Let us go to somewhere more private so we can administer some therapy. With your medical expertise, we may succeed.”

“Gladly, Luna. Lead the way,” Red Alert smiled.

But before they left, Discord and Spike appeared in a white flash right in front of them. “Mind if we tag along?” the dragonequus smirked.

Celestia and Luna rolled their eyes in annoyance while Rumble giggled a little.


“Are you certain Starscream will serve his purpose? If anything, he will seek to betray you once again no matter how many times you threaten him,” Slipstream doubted.

“I know that traitor well enough to perfectly predict what he intends to do next,” replied Megatron. “Therefore, I will keep him online until the opportunity comes for me to tie up loose ends.”

“Brilliant strategy, brilliant!! Oh mighty Megatron, you are ever so ingenious and wise! None of us would ever be so strong without you,” Sunstorm praised.

“Ingenious? Ha, I am the one who came up with the idea myself! I just needed Megatron to say it for me,” Ramjet bragged.

Suddenly, loud beeps echoed from the monitor set up just inside the crashed warship. Shockwave scanned the information shown on the screen just as Megatron entered the room. “My lord, it appears our treacherous friend is not far from our main target.”

“I knew Starscream would be very useful... for now,” Megatron grinned.

“Furthermore, he is approaching one of Cybertron’s minor outposts where a space bridge is located. If he successfully enters there, he will doubtlessly reach the very land of Equestria itself. We can only wait and see how it goes,” Shockwave explained.

“Excellent. Once we receive the coordinates of the ponies’ home world, we will march against it and launch our ultimate attack. The entire universe will soon bow to my glorious power and undisputed leadership,” said Megatron, evilly smirking.


Starscream flew across the reaches of the galaxy without noticing his tracking device right on him. He flew right by multiple asteroids and flew under bigger ones without getting struck by any of them. Once he passed by all of them unscathed, he flew ahead in full speed.

“I am getting so tired of this aimless wandering. I’ll never find a single space bridge!” he whined. “I should have never accepted this pointless errand in the first place. If I ever see that delusional, two-faced Megatron again, I will take him offline myself!”

At that moment, he spotted a familiar piece of space structure down below. He zoomed on the object with his scanner; as he saw very closely, it was a space bridge just stationed on an outpost about thirty miles from Cybertron.

“Yes! Finally, I found something that will get me out of here!” he proudly shouted.

He flew down to the outpost planet and transformed to robot mode. He stood before the space bridge with a nervous expression. “I really hope this can take me to Equestria. Here goes nothing...” Having said that, he pressed the control buttons to activate the portal. Then he jumped right into the portal. However, he never noticed the four flying objects following right behind him.

The traitorous Decepticon appeared in a bright and colorful world. As he opened his optics, his unsettled hope became a full reality—he was in the land of Equestria. A large smile grew on his face as he stood up from the grass. “YES! The mighty Starscream is back... with a vengeance!! In fact, I think I have a perfect plan to destroy Megatron once and for all.”

He walked across the plain field for a few miles until he saw the town of Ponyville up ahead. Grinning to himself, he flew up into the sky with his thrusters. “I will keep these coordinates for myself and also take the Elements of Harmony for myself! With that power, I will destroy Megatron and rule over all Decepticons! No one will ever defeat the—!”

“Great and Powerful Trixie!” a female voice interrupted. Confused, he looked down below to see a blue unicorn with a purple hat and a purple cape on with little stars all over the magician’s clothing. The pony smugly looked at the surprised Seeker. “What’s the matter, Decepticon? Amazed by the great and powerful appearance of Trixie?”

“Who in the name of the Decepticons are you?!”

“Hello? Didn’t you hear what I just said? I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! And here Trixie thought evil Decepticons like you were decent enough to hear well.”

“Who do you think you are to address the mighty Starscream that way?! No one insults me and walks away to tell the tale!!” he angrily sneered.

“Whatever. What are you doing back here in Equestria anyway? I heard how Twilight and her friends defeated you and your comrades last year. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing to a pony, could you?” Trixie mockingly smirked.

Starscream then seethed in rage at the remark. “HOW DARE YOU—grahhh!! I never lose to any inferior organic like you!”

“Inferior organic? Who are you calling an inferior organic?!” Trixie snapped. “...and what’s an ‘organic’?”

“Why, someone who thinks that wearing some meaningless apparel suddenly makes her ‘great’ and ‘powerful’. A garbage truck is more intimidating and strong than a weak pony like you,” Starscream smirked, thinking he could silence her.

“Fool, I know plenty of spells that will blow your mind! Clearly, you know nothing about the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“I don’t need to know you to see how pathetically ridiculous you are. And what is up with the ‘great and powerful Trixie’ phrase? Can’t you expand your unintelligent vocabulary?” Starscream mocked.

“That is my personal title, you insignificant imbecile! I have earned that title for a reason!” she defended, glaring at him.

Meanwhile, Megatron sat back and watched both of them bickering from the monitor. “This is quite an intriguing interaction,” he chuckled.

“I am more powerful and great than you will ever be, foolish organic! I, Starscream, have conquered many Autobots throughout my lifetime, and I have never failed a single mission or conquest! Soon, you will bow before me as your new master!”

“Except the time when you lost your head apparently,” Trixie giggled.

“What? But that was just—,”

“And the time you got defeated by Twilight and her friends. Plus, I’m sure those Autobots constantly beat you to a pulp, didn’t they? I guess you’re not as mighty as you claim to be!” Trixie smugly taunted.

“If you insult me one more time, pony, I will tear you apart right now!” Starscream threatened.

“Awww, what’s the matter, Screamer? Did I hurt your feelings? Don’t worry, I’m sure your boss will cuddle you into bed to give you a bedtime story,” she smirked.


“I missed the part where that’s my problem,” Trixie said, walking away.

Completely enraged, Starscream raised his blasters and aimed at her back. “You will regret that!”

“Hello there... master.”

Recognizing the aggressive voice, Starscream turned back to see one of his former subordinates aiming his blaster right towards him while glaring ferociously at him. Skywarp stood behind him as he waved at his former boss with a nervous smile. Starscream could only take a step backward as shock and fear clouded his thoughts.

“Prepare to be destroyed,” said Thrust.


Luna tapped the tip of her horn on Rumble’s forehead and transmitted some magical healing to his brain. On the other hand, Spike was holding his hoof in comfort while Discord gave him a massage on his back. Celestia did the same as Luna did and transmitted her healing magic to his mind.

“This should put him at ease during the night. It may not be long-term, but it should put your nightmares at bay for a while,” said Luna.

“Man, this was longer than I thought... not that I’m ungrateful though. I really appreciate all this; this is really helping me at lot,” Rumble smiled.

“I’m happy to hear that. My magic will serve to give you some peace of thought during the day, but you have to make sure you never panic in a dire situation. If you relax at all times, my magic will continue to repair more areas in your mind,” Celestia advised.

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Great! In fact, you won’t have to worry about anything. You will be fully healed in no time,” Spike assured.

“Uh, don’t you think you should all worry about that thing at 12 o’clock?” Discord pointed, literally turning into a pointing sign.

They all looked at his direction and saw an escape pod spiraling out of control in the sky. It crashed landed in the Everfree Forest, forcing flocks of birds to fly away.

“What was that thing?!” Spike shouted.

“I have no idea. My sister and I will have to investigate this. Discord, I need you to—,” Celestia said before sounds of aircraft interrupted her.

Dirge flew into the city before he transformed into robot mode and landed on the ground. He sinisterly grinned at the sight of the Autobot medic and the others.

“Hello there, Autobot! This is quite a surprise to see these cute and adorable little creatures. This is really convenient because... I WILL ABSORB THEIR CUTENESS!!” he wildly cackled. His two clawed tentacles came out of his chest, and lightning bolts erupted from his palms.

“This... is not good,” Spike muttered, gulping.

Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to my good friend CROSSOVER KING as a birthday gift. Wish him a happy belated birthday! 🎂

Again, happy birthday, King. I hope you really enjoyed this chapter especially with the Starscream and Trixie bit. 😉