• Published 1st May 2021
  • 3,141 Views, 79 Comments

Enter the Spider... or Whatever I Am's Web - Autum Breeze

My life's taken a major downward spiral. I've turned into Miranda from W.I.T.C.H. and have to deal with ponies

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Enter The Spider… Or Whatever I Am’s Web



I groan, my head pounding as if someone’s been slamming it against a wall for, like, half an hour.

I put a hand to my forehead and rub circles for several moments. I was always being told that helps, though I never really tried it.

It takes a while, but my head eventually at least stops pounding and I can think a little.

Seconds later, however, I immediately wish I hadn’t, as my body is aching all over. It feels like those times you push your body to its absolute limits and then you drop to the ground, it hurting to even move.

What in the world happened?

Opening my eyes, I glance around… and find myself immediately panicking. I’m not in the real world anymore.

I don’t know where I am, but I know for sure I’m not in the real world. Everything around me looks like a cartoon. And there’s snow everywhere, so it must be winter.

Bad. This is very, very bad. How in the world did I wind up in a cartoon?

Wait. What was I doing before this?

Moaning a little as my head starts to hurt again as I try to remember, I have the vaguest memory of being annoyed at my TV. It was one of those older ones, not a flat screen and it had recently started this odd thing where it would completely turn out if audio from specific moments in whatever I was watching played.

I think I was rewatching Filli Vanilli and it turned off right at the beginning, as Fluttershy was singing to her animals.

I remember… being really annoyed and reaching down to turn everything off at the power point to try again and… and…

Shit. I can’t remember anything after that.

Does that have something do with my ending up… wherever I am?

Sighing, and knowing I’m not going to figure this out laying here in… wait, I’m in an alley? Great. That bodes well.

Grunting, I use the wall to prop myself up… wait, this is metal and cold as. What..?

Turning, I realize I’m propping myself up with a green metal bin.

Pushing myself off quickly, I yell, “Ew! Uh, that’s just gross! What kind of…?”

I trail off, raising my hand to my throat. My voice, it… it doesn’t sound normal.

It sounds… like a girl.

Cocking my eyebrow, my eyes immediately widen as something I somehow hadn’t noticed before makes itself very well known.

Something I had my whole life is missing, and what I feel in its place setting off tons of alarm bells in my head.

I’m a girl! I’ve somehow turned into a girl! What the flying fuck?!

Looking down at myself, I see I’m wearing some kind of long-sleeve, button-up (I’m going to guess) blouse, a long navy-blue skirt, knee-high navy-blue socks and black… I think loafers?

“What in the world?” I look myself over a bit, before holding my hands out in front of me. “This is seriously bizarre. How in the world am I a little girl in some cartoon show? And what cartoon show?”

Giving the area around me a better once over, I see I’m in the back alley of what looks like a Chinese Restaurant.

Okay. So I’m in a world where there are definite real world similarities. That’s a good start.

Looking around the window interior to see if anyone’s inside that I might recognize (I mean, if I know the cartoon I’m in, the main characters are the best ones to go to for help), I blink as I see someone staring back at me… and I immediately know who she is.

It might’ve been a few months since I last watched any episodes, but I know that black hair, freckles and blue eyes anywhere.

“Miranda?!” I yell, getting into a fighting stance. I blink, she does too.

Crap. Hope she stays in her human form. I’ve no chance otherwise.

Wait a minute. I can see through here. That’s her reflection. She’s behind me!

I whirl around. “What are you… doing... here?”

I blink. She’s not there. It’s just the brick wall of the back alley.

Turning around again, I see her reflection is still there.

I point. “What kind of trick are you… playing… this... time?”

When I pointed, Miranda did the same. And, when I started talking, glaring at her, she did too.

A cold chill goes down my spine that has nothing to do with the weather.

Slowly, I walk towards the window, Miranda mirroring my movements and reach a hand out, her doing the same.

My hand touches simple glass, cold to the touch, my hand meeting hers.

I look to Miranda, seeing her wearing an expression of fear mirroring how I feel.

I take several steps back, my eyes wide with panic.

“No. No, it can’t be possible. I’ve turned into Miranda?!”

I quickly glance around the window, seeing more of the details. I know this restaurant. It’s Yan-Lin’s restaurant.

I’m in the world of W.I.T.C.H. and I’ve turned into Miranda! Of all characters I could’ve turned into, why her?!

“Okay, okay. Stay calm,” I tell myself, it harder to keep my panic rising hearing Miranda’s voice coming out of my mouth instead of my own. “You can solve this. Depending on the season, you should be able to find a way to open a Fold and… and…”

I blink, before ringing my hands through my hair.

“And do what?! You’re not you anymore! You’re Miranda! And how exactly are you supposed to get anyone to help you? Miranda’s a bad guy, you ignoramus! One look at you and no one’s gonna think twice before attacking you.”

I wince, cringing.

Especially Elyon. Yeesh. I really need to make sure I don’t run into her and… and…

“Aw, jeez!” My hands fly to my nose. “What is that?”

I’ve never smelt anything so vile in my entire life. I can’t even describe it, it’s so foul.

“Hey. Blunk not an “it”. Blunk is Blunk and… YAH! Spider Girl!”

Looking around, I see a small green goblin-like thing standing on the air unit on the top of the door into the alley.

It’s Blunk and he looks horrified.

He turns to run, but slams his face into the wall and fall down.

Forgetting his horrendous stench, I rush forward and catch him, grunting as I hit the ground.

I look down to Blunk, wanting to make sure he’s safe.

He has a dopey look on his face, telling me he’s slightly out of it.

However, my attention suddenly is drawn to something around his neck. It looks like a brown tusk with a jewel in it, which I immediately recognize.

I don’t remember what it’s called, it’s been way too long since I last saw season two of W.I.T.C.H., but I know what it does. It can open a Fold.

Blunk opens his eyes, which widens and he starts shaking.

“Sp-Sp-Spider Girl not want t-t-t-to eat Blunk. T-taste very bad.”

At once, I want to vomit, grimacing at the thought. “Ugh. Eat you? Not if my life depended on it.”

Blunk’s expression suddenly becomes confused. “Huh. But Spider Girl always trying eat Blunk and… wait.” He glances around, before looking back to me. “Spider Girl try and save Blunk. Why save Blunk?”

I’m about to answer him, when I hear a sound kind of like a wind chime and a bright blue light appears behind us.

Turning around, my eyes widen as Kaleb step through, dressed in his casual Earth clothes.

The moment he sees us, he freezes in place, his eyes locked on me.

I try to think of a way to stall so I can actually explain this, but the shocked expression on Kaleb’s face starts morphing into anger. “Miranda!”

Shit! With no other plans, I reach for the thing around Blunk’s neck. “Sorry, Blunk! Gonna need this!”

I yank it off, breaking the string holding it around his neck.

Kaleb charges at me and I use the fact I’m physically smaller to my advantage, ducking down and through his legs.

“Hay Lin!” his voice yells from behind me. “It’s Miranda! She’s here!”

Fuck! I am not dealing with the Wind Guardian. No fucking way!

Sure, she might’ve been the easiest to explain this too, but not with Kaleb around.

This would’ve been so much easier had I simply ended up in another cartoon, like Friendship Is Magic. At least there, no one would know who I’ve turned into so I could actually talk.

Praying to God for a miracle, I thrust the horn down in the air in front of me.

To my shock and relief, a Fold opens.

I don’t even bother to check where it leads. If I can at least get away from Kaleb, I can figure something out.

I cry out as I feel my arm holding the horn pull back and let go, leaping through the Fold, hearing Kaleb yelling in anger and a gasp from who I know is Hay Lin.


I tumble forward, rolling for a bit, feeling bushes and twigs hitting me, before I skid to a stop at the bottom on a hill.

I don’t do anything

I just lay there for a moment, briefing, trying to calm down.

After a few moments, I sit up and look around, before cocking my head.

I’m in a field. A large field full of noting but apples trees.

I blink, before sighing. I know those apple trees. They’re from the Sweet Apple Acres. I didn’t go home. I Folded into the MLP universe.

I smack myself on the forehead. Right. How could I be such a dumbass?

My last thoughts before I opened the Fold were about FiM. Of course the Fold would lead to it.

I sigh, shaking my head. It’s a waste of time to berate myself over that. I’ll just open another Fold, thinking of home this time and… and my eyes widen with horror.

Where is home?! What is home? I know I live in Austrlaia, but, beyond that, my mind’s a blank!

“Come on, Miranda!” I tell myself. “Remember home. Remember… wait. Did I just call myself Miranda? But that’s not my real name. my real name is… is…”

My heart starts pounding in my chest.

Shit! Home isn’t the only thing I can’t remember. I can’t even remember my own fucking name! Every time I focus on it, all pops up is Miranda!

“No! No, no, no, no-no! This is not happening! This is not happening!”

I pace back and forth, hands on my head.

“I have to be able to remember my name! I know I’m not really Miranda… but I can’t remember what my real name is!”

“What in tarnation?” a scraggily voice says from behind me.

I yelped, whirling around so fast I trip and fall on my ass.

Looking up, I see a green mare with a grey mane wearing an orange shawl with apple prints on it looking back at me with a puzzled expression.

“G-Granny Smith?” I blurt out, before clamping my hand over my mouth.

The elderly mare gives me a suspicious look. “Ah am. Be who’re you?” She rubs her chin. “Don’t rec’n Ah’ve seen yer kind round these parts afore. What are ya?”

“I’m…” I start, but stop. I’m not human anymore. I’m Miranda, so I’m… Actually, I dunno what in the world Miranda’s species are. Was it ever even mentioned in the two seasons? “I… don’t know,” I say, deciding to be honest.

Granny blinks, her expression softening. “Ya don’t know what ya are? Ya fergot?”

I just nod. I don’t know what else to answer with.

Her expression becomes concerned. “Do ya remember where yer from?”

I want to answer with Earth, but pause. Can I? I don’t properly remember my Earth. I know it’s not like the Earth I just came from, but…

I decide to shake my head.

Granny walks over. “Do ya want some help?”

Blinking, I remember how I got here and shake my head. “Thank you for the offer, Granny Smith. But I should be just fine. All I need is to use —”

It’s only now I realize something is not in my hand.

I stare at my empty hand for several moments, before my eyes widen in horror.

“Where is it?!” I whirl around, looking left and right, before I remember what happened.

Someone, likely Kaleb, grabbed the horn and, on instinct, I let go before going through the Fold.

I slump to the ground, slamming my fist into the grass. My only means of opening more to get home and it’s back in the W.I.T.C.H. universe.

“You okay, honey?” I feel a hoof lightly on my right shoulder and turn to the elderly member of the Apple Family, her expression soft concern.

She reaches her hoof out and wipes my cheek, which I only now realize has tears rolling down it.

“I… I don’t know what to do,” I say, looking down at the ground. “I’m stuck like this, in your world, with no means of returning to my own.”

Granny’s expression becomes confused for a moment. “World? Now what in tarnation are ya talkin’ about…? Wait. Is you one o’ them hue-mans my granddaughter talks about sometimes?”

At this, my head snaps to her. What? Who told her about humans? Not Apple Bloom. The CMC never experienced anything related to the Equestria Girls world… did they?

Applejack? Twilight did tell her friends about what happened at Canterlot High after she return through the mirror in the Crystal Empire, not to mention was with the rest of the Mane 6 when Twilight opened the portal to go deal with the Sirens, so it would make sense Applejack would know and might’ve mentioned something in passing to her family.

I groan, putting a hand to my head as it starts hurting again. This is too much to think about right now. I need a rest.

“Well, ya can explain later,” I feel Granny lightly shove me, so I stand up and start following her through the fields and fields of apple trees. “Ya look like ya could use some food and rest. Supper’s almost here, so ya’ll can have some an’ stay with us fer now, if’n ya like, Miss Miranda. Such an odd name,” she mutters.

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to cause you any problems, Granny Smith,” I say honestly, shaking my head.

She just shakes hers in return. “Never’n you mind, young’n. Ain’t no trouble at all. Ya’ll can use Applejack’s bedroom for the night.”

I blink, cocking an eyebrow in confusion. “Um… don’t you think you should ask Applejack about that first? I’m not so sure she’ll wanna sleep in the same room as me.”

“She ain’t here,” Granny just replies simply.

I pause, before running to catch up. “Huh? What do you mean she’s not here? Doesn’t she live on this farm? Uh… hi, Big Mac,” I add, waving nervously as we pass the big red stallion as he walks by, pulling a wagon of apples, only to pause when he sees me.

He gives me a glance up and down, before saying “Eeyup” and moves on, heading towards the big red barn not too far off, likely to put the wagon and its supplies away.

“She’s off with Fluttershy on a Friendship Mission,” Granny says, before pausing, nearly causing me to walk into her. “T’ Las Pegasus, Ah think she said. Dunno what kinda Friendship Problems they’d find there exactly.”

Wait, come again? Las Pegasus? Why does that sound familiar…?

I groan as I try to remember, my head pains getting worse again.

I remember something about an Elvis Pony. And were Rick and Morty there? I think?


The firm hoof on my arm makes me look up to see Granny giving me a stern look. “Ya can’ force yer memories, honey. They’ll come back on their own in due time.”

She leads me up to the farm house, specifically the entrance from the kitchen and I walk in after her.

I see Apple Bloom at the dinner table, setting down three plates next to a basket of apples and a large glass bottle of what I realize a second later is apple juice.

However, my eyes are drawn more towards her flank. More specially, the shield with a heart inside an apple Cutie Mark emblazoned upon the yellow filly’s flank.

That click something in my mind. My memory is still pretty fuzzy, but that tells me I’ve arrived some time during after season five, because I know that’s when the CMC get their Cutie Marks after helping Diamond Tiara remember the meaning behind her own mark.

“Whoa! Applejack wasn’ kiddin’!”

I’m pulled from my inner musings to see Apple Bloom circling me with a critical eye.

“Ya don’t got a tail and stand on yer hind legs, just like Spike.” She leans towards my hands. “An’ ya got them hand things that’re like claws too.”

“Hands aren’t exactly odd, you know,” I say without thinking. “Minotaurs have hands too, after all. They’re not that uncommon.”

I blink as I realize what I’ve just said. Whoops.

“Did ya remember somethin’?” Granny asks, turning around and looking at me.

“I…” I glance away, before sighing. “No, not really.”

She shakes her head. “S’alright. Take yer time.”

“Granny, who is this?” Apple Bloom asks as her brother walks in through the kitchen door.

Granny nods to me. “This here young’n’s name is Miranda. Found her in the orchard, all confused. She’ll be stayin’ the night. Tomorrow, Big Mac, you’ll take her t’ Princess Twilight. She might know what’s goin’ on an’ how Miranda got here in the first place.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac nods to his granny, before nodding to me and I find myself nodding back on reflex.

“Til then, let’s tuck in,” Granny says, walking over to the stove and pulling up a tray of… flapjacks?

“Yer in luck, Miss Miranda!” Apple Bloom says excitedly, bouncing in front of me. “T’night, we’re havin’ Breakfast Fer Dinner.”

I just nod, grinning sheepishly and follow the filly to the table and sit down as Granny and Big Mac start setting everything out, Granny also bringing an extra plate for me.


“It was definitely Miranda!” Kaleb said as he, Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay Lin stood around a table in the back of the restaurant.

“I knew she’d show up eventually,” Will said, frowning in confusion. “but I never would’ve guessed she’d just show up in the alley. And why didn’t she even try to fight back?”

“Yeah,” Cornelia nodded. “It’s not like that ugly spider beast to just run away without even trying to put up a fight.”

“Not to mention miss out on a chance to much on Blunk,” Irma added.

“Any clue where she Folded too when she used the Tonga Tooth?” Kaleb looked to Will, who shook her head.

“It was random. Wherever she Folded to, she wasn’t really thinking. I can’t track it.”

“My grandma says she’ll contact the Council tomorrow morning,” Hay Lin said, rocking her feet back and forth as she sat atop a storage box. “Though, while I only saw her for a few seconds, Miranda wasn’t acting like herself.”

“What do you mean?” Irma asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Hay Lin rubbed her chin. “She was… scared. Like, I got a glimpse of her eyes just before she fell through the Fold. She was really scared. Not like every other time she’s gotten away, either. She seemed genuinely afraid.”

“Well, she should be,” Kaleb slammed a fist into his palm. “We lost track of her as we were traveling from Kandrakar to Meridian. Once we track her down, she’s going in jail along with the rest her villainous pals.”

Author's Note:

Something I randomly thought up earlier today while watching the W.I.T.C.H. season 2 finale again.

I know i shouldn't be posting something new, but i needed something to get my writing juices flowing again after things have been so stagnant recently.

See, my local library is closed for some repairs, so i can't use the computers there.

i thought i could just use the one here at home instead, but every time i thought about writing, my will to write just vanished. I can't really explain it, but i think i should be able to return to writing in a week or so.

this is gonna be an interesting one, since i'm writing a protag stuck in a villain's body, especially since it's Miranda. any fan of W.I.T.C.H. knows why being her isn't exactly the most pleasant thought.

I'd love to go into more detail, but it's almost 10pm, i need to shower and i wanted to watch Barefoot Gen, some Russel Howard videos and at last one dvd of My Hero Academia season 3 before bed so i'll have finished everything i have ready to watch the rest of season 4 by tuesday when i'll finally have part 2.

Though, i honestly don't know if you guys will have read this before then, as i'm unsure whether or not this will have been approved by then. Finger crossed.

Anyway, that's all from me.

hope you enjoyed this first piece and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and goodnight everybody