• Published 1st May 2021
  • 3,142 Views, 79 Comments

Enter the Spider... or Whatever I Am's Web - Autum Breeze

My life's taken a major downward spiral. I've turned into Miranda from W.I.T.C.H. and have to deal with ponies

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5


“So, where do you want these, Mr. Cake?” I ask, holding a large crate in either hand as I stand outside Sugarcube Corner.

“Just around the back will be fine, Miranda,” the lanky stallion says, not really paying attention as he signs several papers from the delivery pony, indicating behind him with a wave of his hoof.

I shrug and head around the back of the food shaped shop.

It’s been about a month since the Storm King’s failed attempt to take Equestria and its magic for himself.

After I blacked out, things apparently went crazy.

Shortly after Tempest had zapped me, the rest of the Mane Six had arrived, with several non-ponies to aid them.

Everything came to a head when The Storm King used Blueblood as a hostage to force Twilight to give up her magic along with the other princesses.

However, once he had the magic, he showed Tempest his true colours.

Apparently, she’d only done what she did for him because he’d promised to repair her horn (I have no idea how she reasoned stealing the amgic of four Alicorns could allow him to pull that off), but when he revealed he had outright lied just to get her to do what he wanted, she fought back, allowing Twilight to get the staff that now held, not only the magic of all four Alicorns, but apparently every ounce of magic throughout Canterlot, he’d tried to turn Twilight to stone like the other princesses.

Tempest had stopped that by taking the hit herself, but by charging towards The Storm King, resulting in him being turned to stone too… and falling several feet and smashing to pieces on the ground beneath.

So… he’s dead.

Yeah. Pretty fricking grim.

With The Storm King dead, Twilight figured out how to use the staff’s power to free Tempest, who then helped Twilight restore magic to Canterlot, which ended up repairing all the damage done to the city as well, along with freeing the princesses and Derpy from their stone prisons, Cornila’s little sister too.

Thankfully, she’d been really out of it at the time and, while not perfect, with Celestia, Luna and Cadance’s help, Twilight had opened a Fold that should have sent Earth Queen’s back to her home, hopefully before anyone noticed she was missing.

I didn’t wake up til the next day, something about how the staff’s draining magic caused me body to go into some kind of protective lockdown that only went away after magic was restored.

I’m living in Canterlot now.

Blueblood gave me one of his spare homes (yeah, he’s got a few) and so I’m living as a new Canterlot resident.

Not that I’m just lazing around like the snootier ponies of Canterlot. I’m actually working for my pay.

Mostly I’m just doing odd jobs, here and there, more often than not physical labour.

I still dunno what is up with my powers. I still can’t transform, but I seem to have even more physical strength now in my human form than I did even in that other form, can stick and climb up walls like freaking Spiderman, along with the ability to spit webs from some glad in the back of my throat… though it feels way weirder doing that in human form than in the spider one.

Twilight had tried to figure it out with Celestia and Luna’s help, but hadn’t come up with anything that really can explain it.

Celestia did note I apparently have way more magical potential inside of me than I’ve let on, which was news to me because I know Miranda’s magical abilities are extremely limited and repeated as such to her.

She didn’t quite seem to believe me, though said maybe I was just unaware of the power due to it being dormant.

Frankly, I think she maybe needs a vacation to clear her mind a bit, because you’d have to be pretty out of it to think Miranda has any dormant magical potential.

Though dormant magic might explain why I’ve been feeling so full of energy since that encounter with The Pony of Shadows in that alternate Equestria through the Fold Glossa opened.

All that extra energy is why I regularly do several hours of workouts, both in the morning and night.

Things in Equestria have been pretty quiet, since then.

A couple days ago I helped with the building of a Wild Life Sanctuary for Fluttershy and Apple Bloom has told me Big Mac’s going out with Sugar Belle, that mare from Starlight’s old village.

Speaking of the unicorn, she apparently has gone off to Canterlot today for a Friendship Mission.

I think I’ll check in with her before I head home. Wonder what the mission’s about.

I finish moving the crates and say goodbye to Mr. Cake, heading off towards the train station, arms behind my head.

“Miranda, darling!”

I actually find myself freezing in place at the sound of Rarity’s voice, before facepalming.


Ever since the end of the Freindship Festival, Rarity’s been trying to get me to come to one of her boutiques (yeah, can’t even escape that in Canterlot thanks to the one Sassy Saddles is running for her there) so she can make me some new clothes.

The ones I’m wearing now are fine. Sure, they’re pretty plain, but Miranda didn’t really care about fashion when in her human form and neither do I. it’s why I have ten outfits just like it now, so I don’t have to bother with new looks.

Plus, knowing Rarity, the clothes she’d make would all be way girlier than I’m honestly comfortable with even thinking of wearing, so I wouldn’t ever wear any of those clothes, so Rarity would just be wasting her time, money and materials for no reason.

Still, can’t pretend I didn’t hear that loud call.

Turning around, I see the alabaster unicorn walking alongside Applejack, the latter wearing a saddlebag clearly full of farming tools.

“Hey, Rarity, Applejack,” I say, before pointing to the unicorn. “And the answer’s still no, Rarity. I don’t need new clothes.”

“But, darling, you’re current look is so… bland,” Rarity says, indicating to my clothes. “You haven’t even changed it once and your body type would be so unique to work with.”

I hold up my hands. “The answer is still no.”

“Ah can understand yer reasonin’, there, Miranda,” Applejack says, though I can tell there’s a “but” coming, “but—” there it is “—Ah think ya should at least let Rarity try sumthin’. Even Ah don’t wear the same hat every day.”

No, but you do wear identical ones, so it’s not all that different from what I’m doing with my clothes.

I open my mouth to retort, when I suddenly feel like my body is tingling all over. At the same time, Applejack’s Cutie Mark starts lighting up.

“What the—?” Applejack looks to her sides.

“A Friendship Mission, now?” Rarity asks, confused. “But, I thought Starlight was already on a Friendship Mission. The Map’s never called for more than one mission at a time before.”

“Uh, Applejack?” I ask, something occurring to me as the tingling feeling doesn’t go away.

“Yeah?” the farm mare asks, looking to me.

“Would you flank happen to be tingling where your Cutie Mark is?” I ask, knowing full well how odd a question it is, even before it leaves my lips.

“Uh… yeah?” she replies back slowly.

“I… was afraid of that,” I say, looking down at my hands. “Apparently I’m being called on this Friendship Mission too.”

This makes no freaking sense. Why in the world would The Map be calling me for a Friendship Mission?

We hurry towards Twilight’s castle, only to find Spike standing at the door, looking very worried.

“In. Now!” is all he says, indicating for us to come in.

We do so, hurrying towards the Map room to find Twilight laying on the floor, twitching.

“What in Equestria happened to her?” Rarity cries, hurrying over.

Spike doesn’t answer. He simply points at the Map.

Following the direction of his claw, I notice something… odd.

The Map normally just shows the Cutie Mark(s) of whom are chosen for a Friendship Misson, Starlight’s Cutie Mark still circling around Canterlot even now.

However, Applejack’s Cutie Mark, though glowing on her flank, is not anywhere on The Map at all.

However, there is something glowing over an area of Equestria I don’t recognize. It’s an island with what it takes a second to figure out is a volcano, likely dormant.

What’s glowing above the island is what looks like a shovel of some kind.

“A shovel?” I ask, deadpan. “Really? Since when is a shovel magical?”

“It… it can’t be,” Applejack’s words make me glance to the mare, only to see her staring at the shovel with wide, unbelieving eyes. “That’s… that’s the island home o’ The Mighty Helm.”

The Mighty who now?

“But… but, if that’s the island of the Mighty Helm, then that shovel must be…” I suddenly feel nervous as Applejack starts showing her relations to Pinkie Pie as her face breaks into a smile that I swear is going beyond the limits of her head.

“You as lost as I am?”

My attention is drawn to the little purple drake and I glance down to him and nod, though failing hide my unease.

One does not see a pony who is not Pinkie do something like Pinkie and not feel worry.

“Twilight!” Applejack cheers, grabbing the Alicorn just as Rarity’s managed to bring her to some semblance of normal again, hugging her tightly. “D’ya realize what this means?”

“Applejack,” Twilight gasps. “Can’t… breathe…”

“Huh? Oh, r-right. Mighty sorry, there, Twilight,” Applejack releases the mare, who gasps for breath as Rarity pats her on the back.

“I recognize the location and the markings on the shovel,” Twilight manages after a few minutes trying to get her breathing back to normal. “But… how is this possible? It’s true, The Mighty Helm is well documented, but Rockhoof? He’s real? He’s supposed to be just a legend, a foal’s story. They’re not real.”

“Nightmare Moon,” I cough, causing a mixture of looks from amused to annoyed to be directed my way and I shrug. “Look, I may not know who this Rockhoof is or what in the world The Mighty Helm are, but I’m just sayin’, for a mare who fully believed the story of Nightmare Moon was real and was proven to be correct, that sounded pretty narrow minded there, Princess.”

Twilight pouts at me, before sighing, doing the breathing exercises Cadance taught her (huh, haven’t seen those seen season three), before looking to Applejack and myself.

“Okay,” she points to the Map. “I don’t know how or why, but The Map seems to be saying Applejack and Miranda must go to that excavation sight of The Mighty Helm to locate Rockhoof’s Shovel. Why, I have no idea.”

“So, where should we look first?” Applejack moves over to the area closest the part of the Map where the image of the shovel is. “The island tain’t exactly big, but tain’t exactly small, neither.”

“And why am I meant to come along?” I ask, genuinely confused as I think this over now. “I’ve never even heard of this Mighty Helm, let alone whoever Rockhoof is, so why does The Map want me to go?”

Twilight shrugs. “I can’t answer that, Miranda. But, it’s clear you’re supposed to go. The Map’s never been wrong before.”

I sigh. So much for going home and working out for a few hours before relaxing in a nice hot bath.


“There it is!” Applejack calls, making me glance up from the book I’ve read at least a dozen times since this trip started and stand next to her to see an island with a volcano not too far off in the distance.

It’s been a day since The Map sent us to retrieve The Shovel of Rockhoof.

Twilight charted us a boat, well, more arranged for us to go with the next group heading off to join Archaeological Team at the excavation site.

Applejack spent the first part of the trip explaining who exactly Rockhoof was so I’d have a better understanding of where we’re going and what to look for.

Apparently, The Mighty Helm were Equestria’s version of Vikings. Rockhoof had been the son of a farmer who, after trying to save his village from an erupting volcano by digging a trench to divert the lava, gained super strength and joined the Helm himself.

One day he mysteriously vanished, with nopony knowing where he went or what happened to his shovel, which, the way Applejack describes it, you’d think was like Mjolnir from Norse mythology or something.

I’m glad we’ll soon be getting off this boat. I don’t know why, but I’ve been getting a really bad feeling about it.

I can’t explain it, but it feels like something’s been on the boat with us that shouldn’t have been.

Applejack had assured me everything was fine, that I was just nervous, but… I dunno.

Half an hour later, the boat makes port and we get off, myself carrying a rucksack over my shoulder and Applejack with saddlebags.

We’re led to a somewhat lanky gray mare with a two-toned green mane and tail, wearing a dirty brown jacket with a blue ascot around her neck, spectacles over amber eyes and with a Cutie Mark that looks like a pickaxe and a rock.

“Professor Fossil?” Applejack asks, the mare turning in our direction, her eyes widening at the sight of me. “Ah’m Applejack and this here is Miranda,” I give a small wave as she indicates to me. “Princess Twilight sent word we’d be coming?”

Professor Fossil seems to not have heard Applejack for moment, her eyes fixed solely on me, before she shakes her head and looks to the farmer.

“Oh, yes, of course. Miss Applejack and…?”

“Miranda,” I say, waving a hand. “It’s fine. I know ponies aren’t use to such a name or my appearance when they first see me. I’m used to it, now.”

Professor Fossil looks a little off put, but composes herself and nods. “Yes, well, it was a rather surprisingly letter, to say the least. Never did I expect to get dragon mail, let alone from the Princess of Friendship herself.”

“And ya know why we’re here?” Applejack asks, setting her bags down, myself following suit.

At this, Professor Fossil’s domineer changes to one of someone trying to reason with a child who believes in the Loch Ness Monster.

“Yes, though I do feel it will be a waste of time, Miss Applejack,” she gives a small laugh. “I love old legends as much as anypony, but a pony strong enough to save a village from rushing lava with a shovel is… preposterous.”

I can’t help frowning, before a sneaky smirk comes to my face and I put of a clearly fake posh accent. “And did you hear about that strange winged horn creature that supposedly raises the sun? Preposterous.”

The two look to me in confusion.

I roll my eyes. “You live in a world of magic. You don’t think there’s the smallest chance a legend like Rockhoof could be real?”

Professor Fossil straightens her glasses a little. “I’ll… allow the two of you to get set up.”

She turns to leave, walking down a step next to us, before I suddenly jerk upright, looking left and right.

“Miranda, what’s wrong?” Applejack asks, the concern in her voice seeming to cause the other mare to pause.

“It’s that feeling again,” I say, my eyes narrowed as I glance around the area. “The one from the boat.”

“But, we’re not on the boat anymore,” Applejack says, confused.

Suddenly, there’s a loud cracking sound and we turn around to see a large boulder dislodge from the cliff and quickly rolling towards us, more specially, Professor Fossil.

Before I can even react, Applejack leaps in front of the mare, swivelling around, her back leg catching the boulder, before, with a mighty shove, she sends it souring into the air, crashing down outside the excavation site, startling a flock of birds.

Applejack cracks her legs, a smug look on her face.

“I… can’t believe you just did that,” Professor Fossil says, getting up from the area she’d just walked down to. “You saved me.”

“Ah bet if you told somepony else this story it might sound,” Applejack gives a small gasp, “preposterous.”

I’d smirk at the irony if I wasn’t still trying to find where that feeling is coming from. It’s like… it feel vaguely like The Pony of Shadows… only far weaker and… different too.

Suddenly, there’s a large flash of light from within an opening that was hidden behind the boulder, followed by the creepiest sound I’ve ever heard. It was a mix between a scream and hiss.

I rush over to see what’s going on in the opening, only for something black with bright yellow eyes to leap at me and my body going hot, followed by the scream hiss again.

When I open my eyes, it’s to see the opening leads to a small room. Inside it are several pillars with innate carvings similar to others around the site.

On the far wall at the back there’s a picture carved out of stone depicting a large pony, bigger than Big Mac, whom I assume is Rockhoof, holding a shovel in triumphant pose, with an exploding mountain behind in.

Beneath that is a small alter of brown stone, with more carvings I can’t read.

Sitting atop this alter, is a worn, yet strong looking shovel.

Applejack walks inside, heading towards the shovel.

“I suppose some stories… might be true,” Professor Fossil says from next to me as Applejack reaches the alter.

Applejack grabs the shovel in her mouth and steps down from alter, turning around to face us.

At once, the shovel glows with a golden light.

“And Rockhoof’s appears to be one of them,” Professor Fossil says with firm shock.

Applejack moves the shovel to hold it with one of her forelegs. “Dunno why ya were worried there, Miranda. The shovel seems fine t’ me.”

“Something was here, Applejack,” I say, glancing around. “I don’t know how I know, but I do. Whatever it was, I think it was after the shovel too.”

“That boulder did seem to break free of the cliff randomly,” one of the other ponies says, sounding unsure. “Plus, if not for Miss Applejack, that boulder would’ve easily crushed you, Professor.”

“Could… could whatever you sensed have been after the shovel, and didn’t care who got hurt in its efforts to get it?” the mare looks to me.

I shake my head. “I don’t know nor why it didn’t take it when it had the chance. All I know is, the sooner we get that shovel back to Princess Twilight and figure out how to store it safely, the better.”

Author's Note:

I've been trying to figure out how best to move forward the story and realized it might be wise to do as Keyframe suggested season 7 should've done in the Analyst Bronies React to Season 7 Finale (sadly, no longer available due to it being deleted from Cellspex channel and no reuploaded to the Analyst Bronies React YouTube channel, and therefore only viewable through other's reactions to it) when it came to retrieving the Pillars' artefacts happening over the course of the seasons instead of all at once in the finale, with Miranda around for Rockhoof just so she can learn there's more to Equestrian history than she first thought, giving her room for thought later on.

So, was Miranda just imagining things, or was something else there? What was it trying to take the shovel for?

You'll have to wait and see.

i chose to finally write this because i've had to put it off longer than i'd planned due to time just hating me for some reason.

while i was stuck at home both yesterday and today, so could've done more writing then, i just couldn't feel it, ya know? Like something was blocking me will to do it.

of course, it could've been my drawing a blank what do to beyond Miranda helping Mr. Cake and recapping everything that happened after Tempest zapped her.

Now, to answer the question, no, Miranda will NOT be going on every quest the Mane 6 go on to retrieve the Pillar's items, only a few of them, two more to be exact.

i won't say which though, as i want to leave you all guessing :trollestia:

So, any clues what's going on with Miranda? I thought it was pretty obvious and worried it would be too easy to figure out, but i'm surprised no one's put the clues together yet.

I hope i'll be able to upload the next chapter(s?) much sooner, especially since i want to get back to I'm Peni Park, What the F?, Unexpected Aftermath, Vamanos, Equestrian Exploradora and A Child of Kindness and Laughter especially, but i feel having Miranda in the back on my mind until it gets to a certain point will make continuing those ones rather difficult.

Hope this chapter way satisfactory enough and left you with enough intrigue until i can continue further.

til next time, stay safe, stay clean and, see you later everybody