• Published 21st Jun 2021
  • 3,492 Views, 14 Comments

Calm down, Cozy - it never happened! - NoOneKnown

Cozy Glow wakes up one day and it occurs she was never a villain

  • ...

Interviewing the troubled filly

When Princess Luna and Cozy Glow were in the classroom, they both sat - Luna on the teacher's chair and Cozy at a school desk, in front of the teacher's desk, facing the princess.

"So, Cozy Glow. I did not ask you to talk in private without any reason. The nightmares of yours I have seen in the dream realm were really alarming. The vision of a very young pony - you - getting imprisoned in Tartarus, by me for that matter, then being brought back with other vile creatures by Discord and then becoming a stone statue is not something to ignore."

"Y-you see, your Highness, I..." - Cozy Glow started, but was cut off by Luna

"No need to be so formal - just call me Luna" - she said, giving the little pegasus a small smile

"You see, Luna" - Cozy resumed - "I'm just scared of being left behind and becoming a bad pony. My parents already abandoned me and I don't want to be left behind again"

Princess was shocked by that.

"O-oh! That's awful - could you tell me why did they do that? If you don't mind of course."

Cozy's frown deepened and she looked like she would burst into tears at any moment. Luna somewhat wished this question was never asked, but the pegasus filly started explaining.

"I will start by giving some background - my parents were very demanding and wanted me to be the best I can, so I could work in business when I grow up. Of course, it's good, but some methods of ranking up were just mean. I didn't want to be businessmare. I wanted to go my own way and go to School of Friendship, but my parents didn't like this idea."

"Then what?" - Luna was curious. Cozy's eyes were filling with tears.

"They gave me a choice - either I do what they want me to do and become businessmare with their full support to achieve that, or I go my own way to this school, but have to take care of myself. I-I just couldn't believe they would do this to me, but I thought if they are like that, they don't really care for me and just want me to be their puppet. After I made a choice where I want to go the way I want, they simply kicked me out and said I could come back, but I'd have to be what they want me to be"

Princess Luna didn't say a word. Somehow, tears poured from Cozy's eyes even more and her face had the most heartbroken frown that anyone could imagine. She kept talking, but her voice was getting more cracked and raspy

"E-Even tho-though...they did w-what they did, I-I miss them a-a-and want to b-be w...with them s-sometimes. It's j-just...that...I-I..."

Before Princess could react, Cozy covered her face with forelegs, then leaned forward the desk and began wailing. Seeing a pony like this made her really sad and she couldn't help feeling sorry for her.
She stood up from the chair and walked to Cozy. Then she reached her forehooves, picked still-crying Cozy Glow up and embraced her in order to console her, with Cozy's face pressed against Luna's chest.

"It's okay Cozy Glow, let it all out." - Luna soothed, patting her back with a hoof and stroke the back of her head

Cozy's stormy crying lessened to whimpering and single hiccups in nearly two minutes.

"T-thank you, Luna. I'm sorry..." - she whispered, still in Luna's grasp

"But you have nothing to be sorry for"

"I do - you surely have your princess work and here I am, wasting your time..." - she said in a somber voice

"It's a part of my princess work - to comfort ponies, mostly in the dream realm, but in real-world too"

She let Cozy out from her forelegs and was standing in front of her. Cozy wiped tears from her eyes and cheeks.

Princess Luna wanted to talk about the nightmare she saw in her dream realm. She had a feeling she needs to say it

"And about your nightmares" - she started - "I want to say, that there is a law that makes imprisoning underage criminals in Tartarus absolutely forbidden. Also, if Discord did the thing I have seen in your other nightmare, he would be the one turned into stone. I and Celestia are not hypocrites to let villains be punished by someone who brought them together."

"I just didn't mean anything. I couldn't control that" - Cozy said remorsefully.

"I know. Besides, nightmares almost always show us our biggest fears. Your fear is being alone and becoming an outcast, right?"

"Yes." - Cozy confirmed

"These feelings can make someone frustrated. The Darkness uses these creatures for their own gain. Did you know some of our friends were evil because of these feelings until they were reformed?" - Luna asked

"I do." - she confirmed and resumed speaking - "Counsellor Starlight was stealing cutie marks and nearly destroyed the world by traveling in time because she lost a friend named Sunburst when he got his cutie mark. There was also a young unicorn named Stygian, who was exiled by Pillars of Equestria and became a Pony of Shadows. I also learned about another unicorn named Tempest Shadow, who joined Storm King because she was betrayed by her friends in her fillyhood."

Princess was surprised by Cozy's knowledge.

"Someone was paying attention to history lessons with Twilight..." - she said with a small smile and her eyebrow raised, making Cozy smile a bit

"Yeah, these lessons were interesting."

There was a short moment of silence until Princess began speaking to Cozy.

"But you should not worry about being left. From what I have heard, a lot of students like you, especially those six you always spend a break with."

"That's right - Yona, Gallus, Sandbar, Silverstream, Ocellus and Smolder. I often play chess with them"

"Oh, you play chess? Are you good at it?" - Princess Luna was curious when Cozy Glow mentioned she plays chess, because she, just like Cozy, often played it during her free time.

"I'm more than just good. I've played it in professional matches a lot. My cutie mark is even a chess piece - rook to be specific."

"Really, may I have a look?" - Princess Luna said, her curiosity only increased

Cozy Glow stood up from the chair and turned a bit, so her cutie mark was visible for the princess. Luna's eyes moved to her flank and there she saw an orange rook.

"Well, this is something new. You are the first pony I have ever met to have chess-related cutie mark. Just tell me - how good are you? Did you win any professional match?"

"I'm very good at it. I got my cutie mark when I defeated chess grandmaster - Bishopic Pawner* during a casual game in the park. Some ponies were shocked that an experienced chess player lost to a filly, but it seems no one remembers it anymore. And for your second question - yes, I've won a lot of professional matches, always in Coltsville, because most of the chess events are hosted right there."

Princess Luna was glad she met a pony like Cozy Glow. She wanted to make her an offer

"You are a remarkable pony...and I would love to play chess with you in Canterlot Castle someday if you want to"

Cozy was completely surprised. She couldn't believe that one of Equestria's rulers and ruler of the dream realm would want to play chess with her. She has never felt so special.

"R-really, you would?" - Cozy asked. Luna simply nodded.

"But sadly, not soon. You have school and I have my royal duties. But in the summer, when you have your break and I'm not that busy - it would be a great time for it. So what do you say?" - she replied

"I'm more than glad to accept your offer" - Cozy said.

"Great! Now you shall go to headmare Twilight. I will go with you"

With that being said, both Cozy and Luna left the classroom and headed straight to Headmare's office. When they were trotting there, Cozy occasionally glanced at the princess with a smile - she was so excited.
When they got to the office, Cozy was asked once again by Starlight, because she needed her help with some paperwork. Now Twilight and Princess Luna were the only ones in the office.

Twilight spoke first

"So, how was your talk with Cozy?"

"It went very well. She got all her worries and sadness off her chest and she seems to be in a good mood now. Especially when she said she's good at chess and I made her an offer to come to my castle in Canterlot to play it with me one day."

"Thank you, Luna. I appreciate your help with calming down Cozy" - Twilight said

"My pleasure, just keep an eye on her."

"I will. We are all here for her" - Twilight said, wrapping her foreleg around the princess in a half-hug.
Princess luna returned the half-hug by wrapping her left foreleg around Twilight.

Author's Note:

Explanations (or excuses - call it however you please)

So my exams are finally over and I could finish this story with revealing (alternate) Cozy's story
It took me that long, because I've just begun online course, learning another programming language - Python.

This chapter seemed way better in my mind, until I started writing it...
At least I put all things I wanted (maybe that's why this chapter is so chaotic...?)

* - Yeah, that's right - I made a name related to chess and I just couldn't fail it more miserably xD

Comments ( 11 )

Not really
But I read a story where Twilight adopts Cozy after she freed her from stone (it's named "A family for Cozy Glow" or something)

Of course that would be okay

"And about your nightmares" - she started - "I want to say, that there is a law that makes imprisoning underage criminals in Tartarus absolutely forbidden. Also, if Discord did the thing I have seen in your another nightmare, he would be the one turned into stone. I and Celestia are not hypocrites to let villains be punished by someone who brought them together."

This is what the canon show should have done!!!!

"I want to say, that there is a law that makes imprisoning underage criminals in Tartarus absolutely forbidden. Also, if Discord did the thing I have seen in your another nightmare, he would be the one turned into stone. I and Celestia are not hypocrites to let villains be punished by someone who brought them together."

If only...

Are you going to make another story going into detail about this alternate School Raze?

This would reveal in detail what happened in the school that day

But not soon

Now see, why couldn't we have had something like this for Seasons 8 and 9? Did they seriously think we would accept that a child could be some horrible monster worse than anything else?

there are psychotic children like that I've read a story where a ten-year-old child killed his entire family but I don't think cozy glow would be like that

Yeah, me neither - especially when she regretted failing her test on purpose in the "Marks for effort" episode and putting her first friends - CMCs to trouble.
I still think she just had some serious problems that were ignored.

EDIT: I've just noticed that this reply isn't to me, but I answered anyway :/

I would have liked to see something that explores her Insanity after she's been freed from Stone because that's the logical thing that will occur if you've been sealed away in stone for who-knows-how-long also I would like to see what the consequences that would occur to the Mane 6 Luna Celestia and Discord for letting it happen

Not going to lie, going into this story, I expected some kind of twist where the events that were supposedly just Cozy's nightmare actually did happen, and this was just a fantasy of what could have been while she's imprisoned in stone or that Twilight or someone decided to try release Cozy and pretending like everything was a nightmare was an elaborate attempt to help reform her.

But this is good. I like that little call out of how the show actually handled punishing and how easily Discord was let off the hook by Luna.

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