• Published 20th Jul 2021
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The Power of the Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

An entity begins to transport MLP characters to the world of Gravity Falls

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14) The Discoveries

Chrysalis was happy, but also very irritated by what happened the other day, because when she saw Dipper, Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, Wendy, Pacifica and Soos would be busy at the Mystery Fair, Chrysalis did not miss the opportunity, she took Journal 3 from Dipper and photocopy it, as her photocopied Journal 3 her noticed that most of the pages had been torn off, some pages all stained with ink, or burned. After doing so she left Journal 3 where she was and kept the copy she made and returned to Mystery Fair a little before Stan fell into the water.

The next day Chrysalis began to look at the information from Journal 3 that could be useful to him in the future, but discovered as he looked at the things he found it was the most that could serve him at this time from Journal 3, it was the information about Bill Cipher .

From what Journal 3 said, Bill Cipher was too dangerous and could not be trusted.


Chrysalis kept reading the information in Journal 3 in case there was anything to help her against Bill Cipher, but suddenly, Chrysalis saw Bill Cipher in front of her.

"Hello Black Crown, I see that you are reading about me and you see if they wrote about if I have any weaknesses," said Bill.

"What do you want, Bill Cipher?" Chrysalis asked very irritated by the sudden appearance of Bill Cipher.

"Black Crown, did you know that Pine Tree, Big Star, Three Balloons and Lizard traveled back in time?" Bill Cipher asked with a mocking tone.

“Yes, I knew, because that pink pony gave me all the details yesterday when I wanted to go home to read the copy of Journal 3 and I even knew that they recorded it and from what I knew they saw when that orange pony arrived with his arrived with her young sister at Gravity Falls ”, said Chrysalis having deduced who the nicknames were.

"I see that your Black Crown is very informed," said Bill with a relaxed tone, then continued speaking with a mocking tone, "But I'm sure you knew that the trip where they saw Three Apples and Apple Shield was made by the same creature that brought you to Gravity Falls."

Chrysalis was surprised by what Bill had just said and wondered how they didn't realize it, but then she remembered that Pinkie had told her that the time machine was sending them to random times and that is why another time trip did not seem strange to them, although it seemed too convenient that they arrived just as Applejcak and Apple Bloom appeared in this world.

"Wait, if what you say is true because that being did that," said Chrysalis.

"For two reasons, the first and most important he found it very funny and the second because he used his powers so that that recording would have a clue of his existence," said Bill.

"I don't like being with you, so just explain everything at once," Chrysalis said.

"In summary, I leave a clue in the video in the part where Three Apples and Apple Shield just arrived at Gravity Falls and the Entity wants you to give them a clue to review the recording and discover what that creature is like," said Bill, then he continued speaking. "I would advise Black Crown that you just give the hint and leave so that you do not get traumatized, but I know you will not listen to me."

After saying that, Bill Cipher left and Chrysalis went to the Mystery Shack to see that clue that he said was in the video.


In Equestria, Princess Celestia had just shown the recording to the families and friends of the Mane 6, about the time travel they did, but Princess Celestia noticed something strange in the video, some part of the video gave her a very bad feeling.

Princess Celestia decided when she was left alone immediately after she decided to watch the video again, she believed that the bad feeling she had when everyone saw the video was when she appeared in the video.

When Princess Celestia saw the part where it appeared in the video, she was sure that they were in Equestria, as the Alicorn that controls the sun she knew that that sky and that sun belong to Equestria, but she did not recognize the forest and also that bad feeling that Had it not come from that part of the video, she decided that after finding the source of that bad feeling she would let Twilight know that she was right that that part was Equestria.

Princess Celestia realized that the bad feeling was in the part where Applejack and Apple Bloom had just arrived in Equestria and when she realized it she began to press several buttons to see if any of those buttons gave her a clue of the bad feeling of her.

She finally found in the video what gave her a very bad feeling, but instead of feeling satisfaction or happiness that she thought she would feel when finding what she was looking for, what she felt was fear and horror, when she found what she was looking.

Princess Celestia seeing what she found could not help but give a cry of fear and was paralyzed for a few seconds by fear, the Royals Guards upon hearing the cry of Princess Celestia immediately went to see how she was, the first pony in reaching where Princess Celestia was Shining Armor that was still in the castle.

"What just happened Princess Celestia?" Shining Armor asked.

"Nothing is happening," Princess Celestia said trying to sound as calm as possible.

Shining Armor felt many doubts upon hearing that, because Princess Celestia seemed very scared and was still shaking, but at first glance there was nothing in this room that was scary and Shining Armor decided the room more carefully and her gaze stopped when she looked at the television screen he began to shake and was paralyzed with fear by what he had just seen.

Princess Celestia realized what Shining Armor had just seen and turned off the television and cursed herself for not having done it immediately, seeing that the Royals Guards arrived, she ordered them to leave.


Shortly after when Princess Celestia and Shining Armor finally they reassured.

"Princess Celestia what the hell was that creature we saw?" Shining Armor asked.

"That creature must be the one that kidnapped the ponies and left them on Earth, including your sister Twilight Sparkle and I also ask Shining Armor not to tell anyone about this, because I'm sure they will be traumatized when they see this creature" Princess Celestia replied.

Shining Armor upon hearing this tried to get angry with that creature, but she could not because she was more afraid of him because of his appearance than she hated that being.

"It amazes me that by sheer luck, when they were traveling to random times they managed to get to that time and also record it," Shining Armor said.

"I do not think it was random, that creature did it on purpose because according to Twilight and Dipper it seems that it was not the time machine that took them to that time," said Princess Celestia.

Shining Armor was shocked to realize that this creature was more powerful than she believed.

"I wonder why everyone was so calm in Gravity Falls after seeing that creature," Shining Armor said.

"I don't think they realized that, because the letter and the video would have been very different," Princess Celestia said.

Princess Celestia was left thinking about what she had just said and suddenly her face changed to one of horror.

"I have to send a letter to Twilight Sparkle immediately and hope the letter arrives quickly," Princess Celestia said.


Meanwhile in Gravity Falls, more specifically in the Mystery Shack, everyone was fine and suddenly Chrysalis arrived.

Chrysalis managed to convince Dipper, Wendy, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to all review the part of the recording where Applejack and Apple Bloom had just appeared in Gravity Falls, because it was too convenient that they had arrived right at that moment in random time travel.

Chrysalis came up with something, she first set the recording a moment before Applejack and Apple Bloom appeared in front of Wendy and set the recording to minimum speed.

Suddenly they all saw something that none of them could describe, but it was completely horrible and repulsive and the only thing they were sure of was that he was alive. They saw that that thing made Applejack appear and then Apple Bloom and placed them in front of Wendy.

Dipper, Twilight and Chrysalis realized that what they recorded was only the hand of a creature, it was not its entire body, which they felt more fear when realizing that if his hand caused so much fear, then seeing its entire body would be worse .

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity were shocked to see that creature and happy that the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Pacifica, Pinkie and Spike weren't here to see that horrible creature. Everyone who saw that creature reacted differently, the first to calm down were Dipper, Twilight, Chrysalis and Wendy, Applejack would not stop shaking with fear, Fluttershy had passed out because of how horrible it was, Rainbow Dash was paralyzed with fear and Rarity was about to vomit of how disgusting it looked the creature.

Suddenly Stan appeared in the room.

"Hey, they already vacated the television," said Stan.

Stan after saying that, looked at what they were seeing and saw the creature on television, when Stan saw it, he decided to return silently from where he had entered.

The Entity had allowed himself to be recorded, because in the future he wanted to talk to them, he did a small test letting them see only his hand, but seeing that they were so scared to see his only hand, he decided to take another form in the future and not show their original form so they could speak.


Then when everyone calmed down, everyone decided to turn off the television and soon after Pinkie, Pacifica, Spike, Soos and the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived.

"Rainbow Dash we're here," Scootaloo said.

"We cook a lot, but we don't get our cutie mark," Apple Bloom said.

“We wanted to bring some things that we cooked, but Pacifica always gave them to Soos, so we only brought what Pinkie cooks,” Sweetie Belle said.

Everyone remembered Pinkie saying that she was going to bake a cake at Pacifica's house today, because the kitchen in the house where Pacifica, Rarity and Sweetie Belle live is full of cooking tools and ingredients. Hearing that the Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to go try cooking to get their Cutie Mark. Spike and Soos also went to eat some candy there.

Pacifica was a little worried because she knew that she so badly she cooked Sweetie Belle, but Soos liked the things that she cooked.

"What have you been doing while we were cooking?" Pinkie asked.

"We're going to tell you what we found out," Dipper said that he was still a little scared by what he saw.

Later Dipper and Twilight told those who had just arrived at the Mystery Shack that they had recorded the creature and that they also told them that its appearance is horrible and disgusting, but they could only see one hand of that creature.

They also all refused to show them the creature in the video.

"Spike tomorrow we have to go see Ember to inform them about the creature that was recorded on the video," said Dipper.

Suddenly a letter came from Princess Celestia that prohibited them from seeing the video they had made while traveling in time, upon reading this everyone realized that Princess Celestia had also seen the creature, they all decided to immediately send a letter telling her that they had already seen it and then they all went to their respective homes to rest.


Chrysalis was very upset as she returned home that she forgot that at night she had decided to carefully read the entire copy of Journal 3 that she had made, not because of the appearance of that creature, she was very upset because she was sure that the next time she she saw Bill Cipher would make fun of her for what happened now and the worst thing is that she had already proven that she could not do any harm to Bill Cipher, because she had already tried to attack Bill and all the attacks went through him.

There was little information from Journal 3 that talked about Bill Cipher and Chrysalis was sure that most of the pages that talked about Bill Cipher had been ripped or burned, she was also sure that Bill Cipher had to do with it.

But that little information from Bill Cipher gave her to understand that he was dangerous and that he could permanently damage the mind of the person she got into, which is why she would never make a deal with Bill Cipher.

Before Chrysalis went to sleep she came up with something.

She thought that if a person had her mind damaged by Bill Cipher, so she thought it might be possible that Old Man McGucket's mind had been damaged by Bill Cipher.

But he thought he had no way to find out what he had just theorized, for two reasons, the first was not going to ask Bill Cipher about that theory, because Chrysalis did not trust Bill and the second did not believe that the Old Man McGucket remember will how it ended his mind like that.


In the year 207̃012, shortly after the Time Baby sent Blendin to repair all the time anomalies made by Dipper, Twilight, Pinkie and Spike. Lolph decided to tell the Time Baby that the ponies and that dragon told Blendin that they were from another dimension and that with the time machine they had reached another dimension.

"That they are from another dimension is impossible, because I or the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron would have detected it immediately," said the Time Baby.

Everyone present upon hearing what the Time Baby said, agreed with what he said, because they were sure that there was no anomaly in the time that escaped them.

"And with respect to the other it is completely impossible, unless in the future something of that city has moved to the other dimension in a very sudden and abnormal way and they have been at the epicenter of that anomaly," said Time Baby.

"Regarding that something moving to another dimension, is it something like a person?" Dundgren asked.

"No, that something must be much larger or more, at least five houses and the larger or more things the more likely they will end up in that dimension using the time machine," said Time Baby.

"But something like that we would have detected immediately," Lolph said.

"That's why I said it was completely impossible," said the Time Baby.

They all agreed with what Time Baby said and they all went to do their respective jobs.

Time Baby thought that the only way they had not detected these anomalies is that someone can control time and this being has hidden the anomalies, but the Time Baby was sure that no one would be brave and powerful enough to challenge him and do it.


What the Time Baby did not know is that the Entity that brought the ponies to Earth had hidden the anomalies and did not do it because he was afraid of the Time Baby, if he did not do it because he did not want to talk to the Time Baby because he hated him so much and interfere with his plans if he managed to realize what he was making, although he could easily stop it.

One of the reasons why the Entity did not like the Time Baby, because he had the excuse that he did everything to protect the 'sacred time line' from the paradoxes, but more than 90% of the paradoxes were created by his own men without realizing it, among other things.