• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 1,310 Views, 43 Comments

The Power of the Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

An entity begins to transport MLP characters to the world of Gravity Falls

  • ...

16) The Little Dipper

In Gideon's room, Gideon began planning revenge on Stan, Dipper, and the Mane 6.

"Gideon, although I understand that you want to take revenge, we don't have anything similar to seal your magic, only small vials to contain magical artifacts, you better not be too impulsive", said Cozy Glow and after saying that she left the room to continue doing her activities. .

Cozy had spent the days looking for something to contain the magic and was also looking for the other Journal that in Journal 2 there was a map where the possible hiding places for that Journal were, but when compared to most of the city it didn't fit with any part of the take care

Gideon began to see how he could get back at them, having a model of the Mystery Shack nearby and began to read the Journal 2 that he had.

Zombie attack? Never works, they don't take orders. Blood rain? Ew, mess up my suit, no thank you. Demon Caterpillars? DRAT!", Gideon said angrily closing Journal 2 after continuing to speak. ”There must be a perfect way exact vengeance on the Pines family and those ponies. It's not enough to harm 'em, I need to take something from them. Something that'll give me ultimate power. Wait, of course!”

Gideon takes the miniature replica of the Mystery Shack.


In the Mystery Shack, everyone was watching the TV show Duck-tective!.

"You've gone too far this time, Duck-tective!" says the Constable from the TV show.

"Quack quack, quack quack quack quack," the Duck-tective replies to the Constable.

The doorbell is heard ringing and Stan went to receive the visitor.

“Welcome to a world of mystery!” Stan says as he opens the door.

“Stan Pines?” says a man in a business suit.

“The tax collector! You found me!” Stan says fearfully.

And immediately after saying that he throws a smoke bomb to distract him and runs off with a bag full of money, then they arrive where Dipper, Twilight, Pinkie and Spike were watching TV.

“Aah…uh…which one of these is the trap door?” Stan said, touching the wall.

"Mr. Pines. I’m from the Winninghouse Coupon Savers contest, and YOU ARE OUR BIIIIIIG WINNER!” said the man in a business suit.

Immediately after saying that, a cameraman enters being accompanied by two women carrying a giant check for 10,000,000 Dollars.

"Huh? My one and only dream, which was to possess Money, has come true”, said Stan very happily.

“We're rich! I'm gonna get a buther!" Dipper said.

"I'm going to buy a lot of books!" Twilight said.

"I'll buy a lot of gems!" Spike said.

"And I'll buy myself a giant cake and make a cake shop!" Pinkie said.

“Just sign here for the money,” says the man in the business suit.

“You bet!” Stan says cheerfully.

When Stan signs that document, the check breaks, because Gideon appears from behind very happy.

"He has! Standford, you fool! You just signed over the Mystery Shack to lil' ol' me!” Gideon says happily and begins to dance with joy.

Dipper, Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike were shocked with fear at what had just happened.

“Uh, might wanna take another look there!” Stan said very calmly.

Gideon didn't understand what he meant by Stan, but he immediately decided to read the contract.

“The shack is hereby signed over to...”, Gideon was reading, but he was surprised to read what was written. “SUCK A LEMON LITTLE MAN?!”

“Ahahaha!” Stan laughed at Gideon.

“How dare you!” Gideon says as he tears up the contract.

Dipper, Twilight, Pinkie and Spike laugh at what was happening.

“I am not a threat to be taken lightly!” Gideon says angrily, then walks up to the man in a business suit and says. "Come here hon', I need you arms."

The man in the business suit lifts Gideon up.

"I'll get you, Stanford Pines! I’LL GET YOU ALL!” Gideon says as the man in the business suit backs up with Gideon in his hands and leaves the Mystery Shack.

Everyone in the Mystery Shack fell silent and Stan decided to break the silence.

“I wanna see what else is on TV,” Stan said.

"Yeah, OK," Dipper said.

“Yeah, alright,” Twilight said.

"Sure!" says Spike.

“Let's go back to seeing the Duck-tective again,” says Pinkie.


Later in the Mystery Shack, Twilight and Dipper were playing chess, meanwhile Pinkie and Spike were telling the others about Gideon's scam to get Stan's Mystery Shack, but Stan mocked him for the scam.

Later the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrive very despondent at not being able to get their Cutie Marks. Dipper realized that and decided to talk to them.

“Why do you three look so down?” Dipper asked the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“We can't get our cutie marks,” said Apple Bloom.

Dipper seeing the Cutie Mark Crusaders so depressed, decided to do something.

“How about you come along for a Journal 3 abnormality?” Dipper asked.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were excited by what Dipper said, but this worried Rarity and Applejack who happened to be listening.

"Dipper, you're not really thinking about doing that," Rarity said, very concerned.

"I won't let Apple Bloom go see a dangerous creature from that journal," Applejack said, like Rarity, it was also obvious that she was worried.

“I can't come with you because I have to help Stan and Soos at the Mystery Shack,” Pinkie said as she disguised herself.

"Obviously I'm not going to look for anything extremely dangerous and I promise we'll be back this very day," Dipper said.

"I'm going to accompany Dipper and the Cutie Mark Crusaders," Spike said, trying to calm Rarity and Applejack.

"How about you two join us," Dipper suggested to Applejack and Rarity to calm them down.

"Sorry me and Applejack are busy with our respective jobs and we don't know how long it will take either," Rarity said.

“I also wish Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Ember were here so they could accompany you,” Applejack said, remembering that the others were busy.

Rarity began to think about who could accompany Dipper and the Cutie Mark Crusaders on her adventure and suddenly she thought of someone who might be able to accompany them.

“How about asking Chrys to come with you?” Rarity asked.

“I heard that she left Gravity Falls to get things,” Pinkie said, remembering she saw Chrys when she was going to leave Gravity Falls.

Dipper while Pinkie said that opened Journal 3 to see what they were going to see today.

"Come on, she can be the Barf Fairy," Dipper said, reading aloud.

Afterwards, everyone present had disgusted faces.

"Dipper, you're not going to take me to see something so gross," Rarity said.

"Obviously not Rarity," Dipper said as she silently watched for them to search.

"There must be something interesting to go see," Spike said.

“How about this 'Legends of miniature buffalo and giant squirrels have led me to believe there are height altering properties hidden deep within the forest' this is perfect even if we don't find what causes this we will be able to see miniature animals and obviously we will stay away from the giant animals,” says Dipper as he reads aloud.

Rarity and Applejack had to go, but they didn't want to just go even though Dipper said that he wouldn't put them in danger, Dipper realized that and had an idea.

“Rarity and Applejack take these walkie-talkies so they can contact us if they're worried,” Dipper says as he hands Applejack and Rarity walkie-talkies.

Rarity and Applejack felt a little calmer since they could communicate and not look for giant animals, then they went to their respective jobs.


Meanwhile Twilight was returning to the Mystery Shack, she went out to see Fluttershy for tea and then tried to go shopping at a store she hadn't visited and ended up with Twilight quite upset.

"I can't believe that they didn't let me enter that store, because pets are prohibited in the establishment, outside of Gravity Falls I saw those signs but they never prohibited me from entering," Twilight said to herself, very annoyed, she calmed down a bit. little and said. "Although outside of Gravity Falls I was invisible, tomorrow I'm going to use the human form to go to the store"


In the Gravity Falls forest, Dipper, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were walking, Dipper read where they wanted to go.

Everyone wanted this adventure to be quiet, but Applejack kept calling to ask about Applebloom with the walkie-talkies, suddenly the walkie-talkies were heard again, Applebloom upon hearing decided to answer immediately.

"I'm fine sister", said Apple Bloom a little tired of Applejack not stop calling her to ask about her.

“I'm Rarity and I called to see how Sweetie Belle is doing,” Rarity said.

"Sweetie Belle is fine and I'm sorry I thought she was calling Applejack," said Apple Bloom.

They all went further into the forest and saw a family of miniature deer living near a mushroom, they also saw a miniature bald eagle fly near them.

Dipper, Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike were very amazed to see all these miniature animals, suddenly Spike beckons in fear and they all realize that there is a mountain lion nearby.

Everyone was a bit scared, but they calmed down a bit when they realized that the mountain lion had not noticed them and they tried to be silent, but suddenly walkie-talkies sound and the mountain lion notices them and jumps to them.

Everyone can only scream upon realizing this, but as the mountain lion jumped towards them he touched a pink light coming out of a crystal causing the mountain lion to become miniaturized. The mountain lion tries to attack Dipper, but it only tickles him and then bites a finger on Dipper's hand.

“It still hurts, but less!” Dipper says, looking at the mountain lion that was still biting his finger, but it didn't hurt Dipper, the mountain lion, realizing this, leaves the place.

Apple Bloom answers the walkie-talkies, who call was Applejack and Apple Bloom tells her that everyone is fine.

They all approach the crystals and see a butterfly go through a pink ray that makes the butterfly smaller and then go through a blue ray and the butterfly becomes so big to knock down a tree without problems.

They all approach the crystals and Dipper uses a swiss army knife to remove one of those crystals, then they all go to the Mystery Shack.


Later in the Mystery Shack, Dipper tied the crystal to a lantern and decided to test the crystal changers before showing it to the others, while they were watching Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Dipper decided to try it on a white cheess pawn, first he used the shrink beam.

“Samller,” Dipper said as the chess pawn shrank and decided to use lightning to make it bigger. "Bigger".

But everyone present was surprised that the chess pawn became giant too quickly.

“TOO BIG!” Said Dipper.

“Dipper, you need to be more careful with that beam,” Spike said.

“Sorry everyone, but the lightning made the chess pawn grow faster than I thought, but now let's show the others this lantern,” Dipper said.

“Okay Dipper, but I think you need to return the chess pawn to its original size first,” Spike said.

"Thanks, I almost forgot," said Dipper, immediately returning the chess pawn to its original size.

Dipper then went to find the others to show them the flashlight and its ability to change size.


Meanwhile, at the entrance to the Mystery Shack, Stan opened the door to see who was ringing the bell and saw that it was Gideon carrying a jar full of red bugs in one hand and a baseball bat in the other.

“Oy, you,” Stan says with an obvious dislike for Gideon.

“Oh howdy Stanford! Listen closely. Inside this jar I have 1000 Cursed Egyptian super termites. Hand over the deed to your property or I'll smash this jar with a bat, and they'll devour this shack with you inside!” Gideon said seriously to Stan.

“Hey, what's that?” Stan asks Gideon as he waved his hand behind Gideon.

“Huh?” Gideon says as he turns to face where he was pointing at Stan.

While Gideon was distracted, Stan breaks the jar and those termites immediately devour the baseball bat that Gideon brought and then begin to attack Gideon.

"Oh no! Aaah! Get it off! Awww!” Gideon yells as he tries to run away from the termites.

“Ha ha ha! Hey Soos, get in here! I wanna take pictures of this!” Stan says as he laughs at what is happening to Gideon.

“Y'all may have won this battle, but mark my words, Stanford! Your family has a weak spot, and I'm gonna find it!” Gideon says angrily, but he realizes that the termites are still attacking and as he runs away he yells “Ah! My hair!”


While that was going on in the Mystery Shack, Dipper, Spike, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to show the lantern to Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie.

“Look at this,” Dipper said, showing them the flashlight.

Twilight and Pinkie wondered what that crystal was that was tied to the lantern Dipper was showing them, but Applejack and Rarity had a feeling it was making that crystal.

"Now you'll see what he does," says Dipper.

Dipper uses the flashlight on a cupcake making it much smaller, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie are shocked to see this.

“That was amazing,” Twilight said.

“Twilight's right, but I didn't really like that the cupcake got smaller,” Pinkie said.

"It's okay it can enlarge things too," said Dipper and turned the cupcake into a giant.

"Thank you Dipper," Pinkie says and starts to eat the cupcake.

"That crystal is amazing, but I think we should try it outside the Mystery Shack, because we could hit something in here by accident," Twilight said with some concern.

Everyone except Pinkie who was still eating the cupcake left the Mystery Shack to test the power of the lantern.


After testing the flashlight for a bit, Twilight realized that this flashlight is too dangerous, so she decided to take it before something bad happened.

"Even though that lantern is amazing, I think we should put it away before something bad happens," Twilight said while she used her magic to take the lantern.

Unfortunately, a few seconds after Twilight took the lantern with her magic, the light from Twilight's magic destabilized the crystal somewhat and it created a shock wave that pushed everyone back and Applejack was the only one who didn't stay close to the others, too. He sent the lantern into the sky and then while the lantern was in the sky it began to shoot rays that shrink and enlarge.

One of the rays fell on a caterpillar making it giant, the caterpillar passed over two cars and with the weight of the caterpillar destroyed them and another of those rays fell on Applejack shrinking her, everyone realized this, but they better waited for it The flashlight stopped throwing rays and when it stopped throwing rays it began to fall.

Dipper and Twilight when they saw the lantern fall, realizing that it fell at a very low speed and the glass would not break, so Dipper and Twilight wait for the lantern to fall and then restore Applejak's height, but suddenly Gideon appears very angry after of having escaped from the Cursed Egyptian super termites.

“Curse the Pines family! Cursed Stan! Curse Dipper! Curse Twilight! Curse – ”, Gideon was saying, but he was interrupted as the flashlight fell into his hands.

Gideon stared thoughtfully at the lantern and wondered why someone had tied a crystal to a lantern.

“My, my, what delightful manner of a dohickery is this?” Gideon wonders.

Suddenly Pinkie appeared and stood in front of her friends, but she didn't notice that behind her was Gideon with the flashlight.

“Dipper, can you let me use the magic flashlight that can grow and shrink things to make some candy bigger?” Pinkie asks, not realizing that Gideon was behind her.

“Really?” Dipper says, quite annoyed that someone would just talk about the lantern's abilities when it was in Gideon's hands.

Gideon, before any of them could try to protect themselves, used the flashlight to shrink them all into the glass jar.

Inside the glass jar Twilight tried to teleport, but she was surprised to realize that she couldn't and then she tried to shoot a beam at the glass and the glass did nothing to her.

“Your magic is useless against this glass jar, how do you think I brought 1000 Cursed Egyptian super termites,” Gideon said with a laugh.

“What do you mean termites?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight is right, what the hell are you talking about Gideon?” Dipper asked.

"That doesn't matter," Gideon said angrily.

Gideon decided not to tell them anything else about those termites, so they wouldn't know that he had just been humiliated by Stan and seeing that the jar would be too much that he was carrying because there were too many ponies he decided to cover the jar with a handkerchief.

Before Gideon could cover the vial with his handkerchief Dipper and Twilight saw that Applejack was in miniature, they realized that Gideon hadn't noticed Applejack and Applejack was going to go head-to-head with Gideon.

But before Applejack could talk to Gideon and try to attack him, Dipper and Twilight manage to call Applejack thanks to the walkie-talkies, Applejack stops to answer.

"Applejack if you can hear me calm down and try not to talk loud, if you face Gideon now you're going to get caught, he too try not to talk so loud or he'll find out," Dipper said through the walkie-talkies.

"But Apple Bloom and the others are trapped in that jar. How do you want me to calm down!" Applejack replied with a yell.

Applejack, after saying that, realizes that he screamed and immediately saw if Gideon had noticed that she was there, but saw that Gideon was so happy for his apparent victory that he did not pay attention to what they were saying around him.

"Applejack, did Gideon know you were there from your yelling?" Dipper asked worriedly through the walkie-talkies.

"He so happy I doubt he's listening to anyone," Applejack replied.

"Listen Applejack while you follow Gideon try not to get caught, he's also looking for something that can help you try to stop Gideon," Dipper said over the walkie-talkies.


In the glass jar Twilight wanted to ask Dipper a question.

“Dipper, why didn't you tell him to go get Applejack help?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, do you really think Applejack would decide to leave knowing that Apple Bloom is stuck here with us?” Dipper replied.

They all looked at each other and then sighed.

"You're right, I'm sure my sister doesn't see an option in not following me to rescue me," said Apple Bloom.

"Why don't we just see our way out of this jar," Rarity suggested.

"From what I checked and from what Gideon said, this flask is immune to magic," Twilight said.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it," Spike said confidently.

Right after saying that she started to shoot fire towards the glass, but she didn't do anything to it.

“How strong were those termites that Gideon would have to use a jar that won't do anything to Twilight's magic or Spike's fire?” Rarity wondered aloud.

“He had to be a dangerous creature, but that makes me wonder why not use those termites against the entire Mystery Shack?” Twilight asked.

"I'm sure Grunkle Stan took care of that and humiliated Gideon, that would explain why he doesn't want to talk about it anymore," Dipper said.

Everyone upon hearing Dipper's theory agreed with what he said.


Later outside Gideon's house, Gideon's father named Bud Gleeful blows an airhorn to get the attention of his clients to sell his used cars.

“Friends, I wish I was a highway so I could have the honor of being rode upon by automobiles as fine as these ones right here,” Bud tells his potential customers.

Buds touches the car he was referring to to prove he's safe, but in doing so a hubcap falls off and the hood pops open revealing a possum.

“Engine possum at not extra charge,” Bud says to try to justify the possum.

Old Man McGucket appears carrying a lot of money.

“I want that there car!” says Old Man McGucket very cheerfully.

All those people start fighting to be able to buy the car. Suddenly Gideon carrying the bottle covered with the handkerchief passes by to get to his house and is noticed by his father.

“Say there are, what's in the jar?” Bud asks his son.

"That's my widdle secret!" Gideon replies as he tried to look as adorable as possible.

“Awww!” Bud replies along with the others.

“Mouth-breathin’ fools…”, Gideon whispers to people.


After Gideon enters his room, Gideon takes out the handkerchief that covered the jar and then shakes the jar causing everyone to be a little stunned, which he takes advantage of to only take Dipper, Pinkie and Apple Bloom out of the jar, they are inside the Twilight jar, Rarity, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo also squeezed the jar very tight so they wouldn't open it.

“All of you,” Gideon said.

“What do you want to do with us?” Pinkie asked.

“That's right, the first thing I have to do is take care of making you shut up,” Gideon said, then grabs Pinkie.

“What are you going to do with me?” Pinkie asks.

"You'll see," Gideon said.

Pinkie realizes that Gideon was going to leave it in a bag full of Gummy Koalas.

“Gummy Koalas!” Pinkie says happily.

Leaving Pinkie inside the Gummy Koalas bag he immediately began to eat.

"That will keep her quiet while I question you two," Gideon said looking at Dipper and Twilight who was still inside the jar.

Gideon moves the lamp on the table so that the light hits Dipper and Twilight's faces.

“As for you two. Tell me. How exactly did you come upon this magic item? hmm? Did somebody tell you about it? Did you... READ about it somewhere?” Gideon asks.

"Why do you think that Gideon, maybe one of us brought it from Equestria," Twilight said to try to divert Gideon's attention to make him believe that this crystal was made in Equestria and they didn't get it in Gravity Falls.

“I'm really going to believe that you guys brought that crystal from Equestria,” Gideon said, because he was sure they got that crystal from somewhere in Gravity Falls and not from Equestria.

Dipper looks at Journal 3 in his jacket and while Gideon was keeping an eye on Dipper, Rarity managed to contact Applejack via walkie-talkies and she told him that she would be hiding near the entrance to Gideon's room.

"Lean closer and I'll tell you!" says Dipper.

"Well don't mind if I", Gideon was answering as he approaches Dipper, but before Gideon finished speaking he is interrupted by Dipper blowing the airhorn that was on the table.

Gideon yells at hearing the airhorn so close to him, everyone laughs and Gideon looks at Dipper very angry.

“Grrrrr! I COULD SQUASH YOU RIGHT NOW! Stell yourself, Gideon”, says Gideon but tries to calm down and says. “You can use them. You can use them...”


At the Mystery Shack Soos was installing mirrors to make the new ride for the Mystery Shack.

“Whoa! This maze of mirrors is your best idea that I'm taken credit for yet. We're gonna make a fortune! ”, Stan says then removes his fez as he looks in the mirror and says. “Have my hears always been this big?”

Suddenly Stan hears the phone ring.

"I'm comin'," Stan says as he walks over to answer the phone and his face is forgotten.

Soos takes off his hat and puts on Stan's fez, while she looks at herself in the mirror.

“One day!” says Soos.


Elsewhere in the Mystery Shack, Stan answers the phone and hears Gideon's voice.

“Stanford Pines, listen to me very closely. I have your nephew, to the unicorns, to the pony of pink color, the fillies and the dragon. Hand over the deep to the Mystery Shack right now, or great harm will befall them!” Gideon says, pausing and continuing. “This is Gideon, by the way.”

“He ha ha ha! Oh yeah, this is gonna be your worst plot yet. They're fine. I saw them playing in the yard minutes ago and besides, it's literally impossible for you to have captured Twilight, do you really believe someone like you has accomplished that," Stan said.

Dipper and Twilight managed to hear that and they didn't blame Stan for believing that.

“I have them in my possession! You don't believe me? I will text you a photo!” Gideon said, quite annoyed because Stan didn't believe him.

“‘Text me a photo’? Now you're not even speakin' Spanish!” Stan says, confused.

“But –”, Gideon says, but Stan just hangs up. "Hello? Hello? Arrgh!”

Gideon, realizing that Stan hung up, throws the phone towards the wall and destroys it, then he was going to attack Dipper to get it off his chest, but he calms down when he realizes something.

“What am I doing? I don't need ransom! I have THIS!” Gideon says then holds up the flashlight and says. "I'll shrink Stan and take the Shack for myself!"

Then Gideon takes the model dolls he had and looks at everyone.

“You'll be helpless to stop me. And if you step out of line, SMASH!” Gideon says and rips the heads off the dolls.

“Gideon! The ice cream truck is here!” says the Bud Gleeful.

"Oh! Coming!” Gideon says as he laughs and places a hamster. “Guard them, Cheekums. I'm coming!”

After Gideon leaves, Dipper fearfully touches the hamster named Cheekums with a swab to see if Cheekums was dangerous, but Cheekums didn't do anything by touching him so everyone would know he wasn't dangerous.

"We've gotta get out of here you know Stan!" Dipper said to the others.

"You don't have to say it, we all know that Dipper," says Rarity.

"The first thing we have to do is open the jar where Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Spike are," says Dipper.

They were all trying to open the jar, but Gideon had squeezed it too tight and it was having a hard time opening it, but suddenly the walkie-talkies Dipper was holding starts beeping and it's Applejack.

“Gideon is coming to see if everyone is still trapped,” Applajack said.

Upon hearing that, everyone decided to pretend that they were not trying to escape, because they had just opened a little the jar and they did not want to escape knowing that they were leaving them. Dipper, Apple Bloom pretended that they hadn't tried to open the jar and Pinkie went back to the Gummy Koalas bag to pretend that she was in there the whole time, she was also to eat and save some Gummy Koalas.

Then they heard the door open, they saw Gideon and he looked at everyone, Gideon laughs at them.

“These jerks haven't even tried to escape, but I still have to take those precautions,” Gideon said, then made a slightly annoyed face.

First he takes the jar where Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Spike were and put it in the right pocket, Gideon doesn't check that it was closed properly because he thought they hadn't tried to escape and had left the jar tightly closed. Gideon then took Dipper, Pinkie, and Apple Bloom and placed them inside another jar in his left pocket.

Dipper and Twilight were surprised to see Gideon taking those precautions, they were completely sure that someone had advised him, because for them it was impossible for Gideon to have taken those precautions.


Shortly before Gideon decided to go check if everyone was still there, while Gideon was going to start eating ice cream, Applejack was getting a little closer to Gideon to try to take the flashlight, but Bud Gleeful appeared and spoke to Gideon.

“Gideon, you have a call,” Bud Gleeful said.

“Can't you see I'm eating!” Gideon yells at his father.

“It's a call from her,” Bud Gleeful told his son with great fear.

“Why didn't you tell me before?!” Gideon asks and goes into an empty room to talk.

Applejack mutters to herself "This is hands down the worst family relationship I've ever seen."

After Applejack went to the door of the room where Gideon had entered, she began to think about how to open the door, but she overheard Gideon's conversation with another person.

"Hi Gideon, I'm going to take longer than I imagined," says a female voice. “I also wanted to know how your foolproof revenge plan to get the Mystery Shack through fear fared and if you released those bugs, they left something from that cabin.”

“It didn't work, but this new plan is completely perfect,” Gideon said confidently.

"How come it didn't work? You weren't going to just talk to Stan so Twilight and the others wouldn't interfere. Wait a minute, that means Stan single-handedly humiliated you," the voice said on the phone.

“That doesn't matter,” Gideon said.

Applejack who was listening and it seemed that Stan had humiliated Gideon with his plan.

Gideon began to tell him in a very arrogant way that he had stolen a lantern that enlarges and shrinks things from Dipper along with his friends that according to Gideon he stole it while they were distracted, then he shrunk everyone present and he caught them as he had planned.

Applejack listened to his whole story and thought that Gideon was a liar so he tweaked the story to make it sound like he was smarter than he really was and the only reason he had the lantern was that he was very lucky.

Later Gideon told that he had them trapped in his room, he had the unicorns, the pegasus filly and the dragon were in the jar, while Dipper and the two earth ponies were being watched by Cheekums, now he was going to use the lantern against Stan and seize the Mystery Shack.

"Are you an idiot? You really think they're not going to escape to have a hamster to watch them, go make sure they're still trapped there!” the voice on the phone said angrily.

Gideon immediately cut short to check if they were still trapped, if they were there he would leave them in a jar and take them with him to make sure they didn't escape, Applejack realizing this hid and called the others through the walkie-talkies.


Then when Gideon left his room with the jars where they were all and with the flashlight in his hand, towards where his father was.

“Father, could you give widdle old me a ride to the Mystery Shack?” Gideon said.

“Oh, I ’d love to, sugarpot, but I have a heck of a lot of cars to sell, I do!” Bud Gleeful replies to his son and then begins to tickle Gideon.

"No no no; DON'T TICKLE MEEEE! NO!” Gideon yells angrily then throws down the ice cream Bud Gleeful had and says. “NEVER! Never tickle me! What have I told you? What have I told – look at me – what have I told you?!”

"Ticklin' is no laughing matter," replies Bud Gleeful.

“There we go,” Gideon says as he hands his father pats him.

“Do you still need a ride?” asks Bud Gleeful.

“I'll just take the BUS!” Gideon replies, still very angry, then knocks over the table and kicks the door to leave.

Gideon went to wait for the bus to go to the Mystery Shack, while Applejack was following, suddenly the walkie-talkies were heard.

"Before you ask, Apple Bloom and everyone else are fine, we are opening the jars, we are going to try to escape and take the lantern when we have managed to open the two jars, please don't Applejack act before we have escaped", said Dipper through walkie-talkies.

Applejack decided to just follow Gideon to the Mystery Shack, she sneaked on the bus that Gideon had just gotten on.


Later, when Gideon arrived at the Mystery Shack, Twilight was going to tell Dipper through Rarity's walkie-talkies that they had already opened the jar and were going to get where they are.

"Dipper we already opened the jar now I'm going to try to teleport everyone in the pocket where you are," says Twilight.

"Twilight a moment, don't do it yet, we already opened the jar, but thanks to we are much smaller, it created that your magic is weaker and that would draw Gideon's attention, try to see if you can get here without using your magic", said Dipper .

Twilight though she didn't want to admit it, but she already knew by miniaturizing herself she had made her magic weaker and she couldn't use her telekinesis to take the lantern from Gideon.

“We're all going to look out of pocket,” Twilight said.

They had all listened to Dipper's opinion and decided to peek out of the pocket to see how to get to the other pocket. Twilight and the others noticed that Gideon was so happy with his sure victory that he didn't pay much attention to his pockets where his hostages were, but Twilight realized that if he teleported away Gideon would realize in other words he couldn't have the flashlight. and if they teleported where the lantern could put Dipper, Pinkie and Apple Bloom in danger.

"We have to find a way to get through without using magic, since we don't have a rope we're going to have to climb up Gideon's jacket, then go through his neck and finally go down to the other pocket where Dipper is and then use teleportation to get there." everyone together at the lantern,” said Twilight.

She suddenly saw Dipper ready to try to do the same as they had planned, Twilight was going to call Dipper, but Scootaloo spoke.

“How about we use my grappling hook to get to where Apple Bloom, Dipper and Pinkie are?” Scootaloo asked.

"Good idea Scootaloo," Twilight said.

Twilight immediately calls Dipper through the walkie-talkies to stay there and they were going to try to get everyone there using the grappling hook once, she and Rarity would use telekinesis to have less, while Scootaloo would use his wings to make them more Quick.

Meanwhile Applejack was following Gideon suddenly she started looking everywhere if there was anything outside the Mystery Shack that she could help her to stop to Gideon, she suddenly realized something and had a plan.

Twilight, Rarity, Spike, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle managed to get to Dipper, Pinkie and Apple Bloom using the grappling hook, although Gideon almost discovered them by the sound of Scootaloo's wings, but fortunately Gideon looked up and to his sides believing that it was a termite, then he stopped and shook himself off.

Twilight and Dipper hugged when they reunited, then they looked at where it was in the flashlight and thought this would be the hardest part, because Gideon would realize that they escaped and try to attack them immediately without thinking about the consequences, but before he teleports away Applejack called through the walkie-talkies.

“I have a plan, but first, have you guys come out of the jar and met up yet?” Applejack asked.

"Uh, yeah?" Dipper replied doubtfully.

"Great, now listen when I yell 'NOW!', you guys will teleport as far away from Gideon, just trust me and do that," Applejack said.

"Uh yeah," Twilight replied doubtfully.

They all heard what Applejack said, they decided to trust her, suddenly they heard Gideon kick open the door and they peeked out of the pocket to see that Gideon had already entered the Mystery Shack.

Gideon sees someone wearing the fez, he immediately uses the flashlight to shrink them under the fez.

"Well, well, Stanford, it appears I've finally got the beat of–", Gideon was there but himself when he saw that Soos was under the fez. "Que?!"

“Alright, something ’s definitely different here…” Soos says as she puts her hat back on.

Dipper, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders realized that Gideon was now going to catch Soos and if that happened Gideon would realize that they escaped from the jar, they all decided that they were going to teleport to the lantern, but first Before they managed to teleport, they heard a scream.

“NOW!” Applejack yelled.

Hearing that Twilight teleported with the others away from Gideon, before Gideon could begin to think who screamed he felt someone pull hard on the back of his jacket, this made Gideon drop the flashlight to see who was throwing away his jacket and forgetting the reason he came to the Mystery Shack.

Dipper, Twilight, Pinkie, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders from the place where they had all teleported could see who was throwing away Gideon's jacket, they saw that Applejack had made a bridle with her rope to control Gompers and now Gompers was eating the jacket of Gideon.

Gideon takes off his jacket without letting go, for see who was pulling on his jacket and seeing that Gompers was eating his jacket, he started to throw his jacket to prevent Gompers from eating his jacket, but he didn't realize that Applejack was on head of Gompers.

“DAMN GOAT, STOP EATING MY JACKET AT ONCE!” Gideon yells as he yanks the jacket.

Applejack managed to see his friends that they were fine and also seeing that Gideon had dropped the lantern he decided to get off Gompers.

Suddenly Stan appears to see that he was passing because he heard a lot of noise.

“What's all that noise?” Stan asked as he had come by all the noise in this room.

Stan realizing that Gideon was throwing away his jacket to prevent Gompers from eating it, Stan began to laugh at the situation and then realized that Gideon's jacket was going to break due to the struggle that Gideon had against Gompers, Stan simply opened the door behind Gideon, when the jacket ripped this caused Gideon to keep backing up forcefully past the Mystery Shack door and ended up falling out of the Mystery Shack.

When Gideon was on the ground he just realized that he had left the discarded flashlight inside the Mystery Shack.

“My light!” Gideon says, referring to the flashlight.

"You're the light of my life too, pal," Stan replies sarcastically without understanding what Gideon was referring to.

Although Gideon believed that he still had the advantage, because in his jacket were still the two jars and he believed that they were all still inside the jars.

“Now you will hand me the Mystery Shack and you will do it for this,” Gideon said as he took the two jars from his jacket pockets and showed them to Stan.

“Do you really think I'm going to give you the Mystery Shack a couple of empty jars?” Stan asks.

Saying this Stan, Gideon just check the jars and realizes that they had escaped.

"It can't be that these jars are empty," Gideon said, very surprised that they had escaped.

“Look um, kid. I think this rivalry thing is getting to you. Maybe you know, run your evil plan by some friends next time, huh? ”, Stan says to Gideon, because he thought he started to freak out more than he already was.

Stan decided to close the door before Gideon could answer.


Inside the Mystery Shack, Twilight was using the flashlight to return everyone to their original size.

“Applejack it was a very good idea to use Gompers to distract Gideon”, Dipper said that he had returned to his original size.

"I was sure Gompers would distract Gideon long enough for him to drop the lantern on the ground," Applejack said proudly and had also returned to his original size.

Twilight overheard Dipper's conversation and Applejack approaches them to talk about it.

“It was pretty obvious that this was going to work, because Gideon would be immediately distracted if something happened to his clothes, although it would have worked if we had thrown something in his hair as well,” Twilight said.

"Twilight, don't forget to turn Soos back to his original size, he's the last one left," said Apple Bloom.

Twilight was going to use the flashlight on Soos, but before she could, Gompers grabbed the flashlight and started trying to eat it.

"NO GOMPERS!" Everyone shouts when they see what Gompers was going to do.

Shortly after they managed to take the lantern from Gompers, who luckily had not taken the glass from the lamp and immediately after returned to Soos to the original size of it.


Later at the Gleeful residence, there were Bud Gleeful, Mrs. Gleeful and Gideon sitting on the sofa, Gideon was very angry and that's why his father tries to calm him down.

“Ah, they are: don't you mind that Stanford Pines. You'll get your revenge one of these days," Bud said to Gideon to calm him down.

Gideon angrily turns a chair over and decides to answer his father.

"Nooo! It's not just about revenge. I want that shack, the physical. Buildin',” Gideon replied.

“But why?” Bud asked.

"Because it holds a secret you couldn't possibly imagine," Gideon replies and then starts laughing maniacally.

“She's waiting for you in your room, she got here a little before you got home,” Bud said.

“Why didn't you tell me before?!” Gideon asked angrily.

"Because she said that if you were very upset she would only announce her arrival when you had calmed down a bit", Bud said a little scared.

Gideon goes to his room to talk to Cozy about what he had discovered because Gideon thought she was the only one in her house with some intelligence.


In Gideon's room, Cozy was waiting for Gideon to arrive and she saw that she walked into the room.

“I'm assuming you were defeated, your prisoners escaped, and you don't have the lantern anymore, right?” Cozy said.

"Yes," Gideon said somewhat angrily.

“I must think that you ended up losing, because your prisoners escaped from the jar that I'm sure you didn't check, a suggestion that I gave you that you didn't listen to me,” said Cozy sulkily.

"I didn't lose because of that, it was because of a goat that started to eat my jacket," Gideon said, showing him his jacket that had been bitten.

“I don't know if knowing that you were defeated by a goat sounds better than having been defeated by your miniature enemies,” Cozy said.

Gideon upon hearing that realized that it didn't sound much better, but this made him realize that his prisoners escaped and then used the goat to drop the lantern.

“I was busy today when I found out that there is a magic black market in the city where they sell all kinds of magical things and I was looking for an entrance but I couldn't find it,” said Cozy.

Cozy was exploring the Hand Witch Mountain that day because she was looking for information about magic and that's where she met the Hand Witch, but she gave almost no useful information until she happened to mention that she sometimes sold hands in the paranormal black marquet Called the Crawlspace, the Hand Witch would not tell Cozy how to get in or where the place was because any human or adorable being that gets in is trapped and sold to the highest bidder there.

"Maybe stealing the Mystery Shack is a good way to get revenge, I don't think you should focus so much on that because it doesn't benefit us to have a business as bad as that and I'm sure if you managed to steal it the ponies wouldn't stop until they got that cabin back", said Cozy .

"You're wrong in that Cozy, when I was leaving the Mystery Shack I realized that it's the same place that the Journal 2 map points to where the other Journal is, very close to the Mystery Shack," said Gideon.

"That information changes things, you keep taking revenge on them and I'll keep looking for more magic items and an entrance to the place called Crawlspace," said Cozy.


The next day at Twilight and Fluttershy had gone out to town using human forms and now they were returning to the Mystery Shack, meanwhile someone rang the Mystery Shack doorbell and Stan went to see who it was.

Stan saw that he was a blond man with a mustache who was wearing a business suit.

"Mr. Pines. I’m from the Winninghouse Coupon Savers contest, and YOU ARE OUR BIIIIIIG WINNER!” says the man in the business suit.

Stan just closes the door and seeing this the man in the business suit was going to see who was in second place, but was interrupted by Twilight who was arriving at the Mystery Shack in her human form, who upon seeing also thought he was an actor hired by Gideon, but when he saw that he began to act differently than the man Gideon had hired when he was ignored by Stan, he began to feel doubts.

"Wait a minute, before you do anything I can read the contract," Twilight said.

“I think it's fine as long as you don't do anything to the contract,” said the contest man.

Twilight started to read the contents of the contract and realized that it wasn't a scam, while the contest man was a bit surprised to see that this girl could read so fast.

Twilight called to Stan and told him that it was not a scam and told the contest man that they tried to scam him yesterday with the façade that they had won a prize, the contest man understood why he ignored him and decided to give Stan the prize of 10,000,000 dollars to Stan.


Meanwhile the Entity saw that Stan had won that award and his victory was broadcast on television.

The Entity simply laughed when it saw what happened, because that same day he was going to be visited by the tax collector who saw that he won the contest on television and had not looked for him because he knew he did not have much money, but now that he saw that Stan immediately won a contest to collect from him and other other people who owed you money were also going to visit them.

Comments ( 1 )

Well, ANY 'little Dipper' episode that no longer has the horrible 'Mable being an ungrateful jerk and that whole being idiots over who's taller' bits will only ever be an improvement! So thank you for that!

Also liked that bit in the end where Twilight made sure they got the money...but the tax collector got it? Do I understand that right?

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