• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 5,182 Views, 233 Comments

How A Realist Saved The Show - Mare Of Mystery

One mysterious slip of paper offering a job that could set James Alvera for the rest of his college life. But the contract and job in question may make quite a bizzare adventure as he was then sent into his favorite TV show with unique abilities.

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Prologue: Signing the contract

"Getting out of high school has to be the best and worst time of my life.." murmured a young man in his striped pajamas. lazily sitting on the couch of his crummy apartment.

What looked to be a dejected loner that lost fate in the world was once the most popular kid in all of schooling. James remembered all the good times he had with his friends, dates, and studies. Everything was easy for him... too easy. Such a person would kill for a life like his, but loving a life where everything was planned for you wasn't true freedom. This was mostly what his parents did; controlling his schedule most of the time. But as he was given a chance to be free, he didn't know that what he wished for would be his downfall. He wanted a challenge, something to keep the heart beating.

And you know what he got after graduating high school?

Exactly that...

"Son, sorry to break this to you. But our company moved management over at New York, so we have to move over their" James' father gave out an apologetic sigh, "Since you've already received an acceptance letter here, we're going to have to make you live on your own,"

"No way... you're leaving me? Just as soon as I graduate?" cried James.

"Of course not, we'll visit during holidays and maybe even surprise days," His mom attempted to lighten the mood, "You already got a letter close to this place, It would be a hassle to register to a university in the Big Apple."

"But what am I going to do with the tuition payment?"

His dad answered with a more firm tone, "Oh suck it up and be a man. You're 18! You should be getting a job for the summer. That should cover at least a semester."

"Honey doesn't make it hard for him, he's just getting into our news. We can cover you for a whole year term, but you should insist on finding a job. Someplace simple and easy,"

"No job is ever easy. Yeah, they might be not as hard as some, but they're all the same!" Dad reminded her, "You're an accomplished student, you should be able to find something in all the spectrums."

"Getting a job is the least of my problem here, it's the fact you're gonna just abandon me straight up?"

"Don't worry, we've made arrangements with the landlord. We've made advanced payments for the landlord until the month after the semester starts? After that is up to you. If you can't manage with money, then you need to "

"Come on sweetheart! We're giving you a chance to be free from our choices. We gave you a sturdy path to success, and now it's time for you to take the helm and carve your path..."

It was three weeks after their departure, leaving James all alone in the apartment with his control. Left clean due to a maid hired by his parents to clean the place every weekend. At first, James enjoyed having to deal with a simple roadblock, but it was a bit more than he bargained for. Without guidance from his parents, he was just a little puppy trying to find his mother. Job hunting was a desperate struggle; Checking in-store postings, online, and asking around in person.

"...And the award for the most crummy parents goes to mine!" pouted James to himself, containing his anger at the moment. "So much for their star student, leaving me straight up as soon as I finish high school. Making me find a job! Why am I complaining? I asked for this!"

Opened the laptop he kept next to him, typing away to see his email with various job opportunities. Some messages were friendly declines from retailers, and a few did offer interviews, however, they were located very far. He was blaming himself for asking for a bit of challenge in his life, for once his life was riding a one-stop train to loserville. His first option was becoming a streamer; sounds easy enough. But realizing that it takes time to start getting popular online, had James shaking at the idea. He needed a stable income to last him for college.

"Where did I go wrong?!" he blamed himself, "And binging the entire My Little Pony Friendship is Magic series isn't going to help me!"

He grabbed the remote and paused the show playing on Netflix. It was just after the season 7 finale when Twilight brought back the pillars and the beginning of season 8. To him, James thought that Student six was kinda underutilized. They would be better off getting their spin-off show. Season 9 is where he would believe it dropped quality significantly; not only having a rushed series finale but the wasted potential of three villains who were encased in stone. Anything besides that was simple nitpicks, nevertheless, it was an ok season for him. The season 10 comics showed more of the world with Zebrica, but it's too late for that as the televised show ended nearly a year ago. Imagine if he could somehow control time and stop his parent's job offer and change parts of the show. He chuckled at that.

"...Like that will ever happen,"

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Hearing a series of knocks coming from the door just behind him, James took action and answered the door; assuming it was the landlord about his situation. But he came to a sudden confusion when no one appeared in front of him, except an envelope on the cement ground with a fancy wax seal with an anonymous address.

"It's in the middle of the night on a Sunday. There's no way this could be a late delivery." Close inspecting the letter up close, he grabbed it by his hand to read any address, "Huh? No sender address..."

James broke open the seal of the envelope to see what appears to be a job application. He slowly skimmed through its contents:

Once in a lifetime!

Have money issues? No problem, I can hook you up with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! A chance to fix all your troubles that will be worth it in the long run! isn't that exciting?

What's this epic life-changing job I have for you? Well, I'd tried to do it myself, unfortunately, that didn't go as planned. So I think you'll be the best alternative to change things around. Although what I'm about to do breaks a dozen laws and natural taboos, It's just in my nature to wreck chaos.

I'll give you the chance to set things right and get dozens! All you have to do is sign your name below this letter to start the process immediately. Don't go and panic now, you should be able to realize what's going on with your current knowledge. And don't worry about anyone visiting your dwelling while you're gone, I can deal with that easily.

Alternatively, you can simply ignore this letter and just find work elsewhere. But in your current situation, do you have a choice?

Regards, a dear friend.

He almost chuckled throughout the whole reader as it must've been some prank, but that's the least of his worries. For starters, the writing style seems informal, like it was written by some old-time friend. IF his friends were to contact him for a job opportunity, it would have to be a simple text or email. "A shot at a 5 figure salary? What job is this?"

Does it mean that he can make enough money to prove to his parents that he can manage on his own and be able to live while they of the sea? James took the letter to the dining table as he was hesitant to sign the letter. Even had his pen at the ready position. He found it concerning that signing an untraceable letter will be his downfall of him, but after what he went through with his parents ditching him and forcing his future.

James tensed up his grip as he immediately roared, "—As if anyone would miss me!"

He gracefully signed his full name onto the dotted line with the black ink fountain pen. Seconds after dropping the pen onto the table felt like a total magic trick when the whole letter began to hover around in the air carrying a greenish flame around its borders of it. James was silent during the whole thing, but not so as a faint voice close resembling a familiar character he knew echoed inside the paper.

"You really signed it?! I never thought it would work on the first try! Anyways! sit back and enjoy the show!"

James shot his eyes up when the voice he heard was immediately recognized by him, "Hang on just a minute, is that Dis—"

Interrupted by the green flames engulfing the space James was just sitting at, leaving nothing but a green void of flames. The whole experience seemed like a huge acid trip, but he remembered that he didn't take some before bedtime. Just as it was getting worse, his head felt like it was spinning around getting dizzier and dizzier until he dropped to the ground.

What has he gotten himself into?

"Hello there, dear James..."


It felt like an entire fever dream, James felt groggy slowly waking up in a strange-looking room. It looked to be some house, but everything seems off about it. Staircases leading to nowhere, sentient furniture, uncanny valley objects just flying everywhere. He didn't know what to feel at first, but James certainly know where exactly where he is.

"Yup! This Discords doing..."

Then the draconequus himself poofed into existence as he was sitting on the opposite side of the kitchen table. Wearing what looks to be something you'd find in a matric movie; a black suit and pair of shades. Discard was also not acting his usual quirky self. He was a bit more serious when he snapped his fingers and out came a pot of hot tea and cup.

"It was kinda rude for me to pull you away from your world... so how about a cup of tea to cheer you up?" he showed a sense of nonhostility as he offered James a float cup.

After seeing every bit of isekai manga and animes, James also found a certain theme in them; an ignorant, clueless protagonist. Sick and tired of that stereotype, he went for a more realistic approach and decide to lay cool and not panic.

"Holy crap! I'm in My Little Pony! Calm down James, you've practiced this. Try to get on his good side."

He cleared his throat, "Sorry, I'm more of a coffee person. Now about that job offer..."

"Ah yes, the opportunity that will set you for a long time!" Discord materialized the tea set and out came the contract James signed not too long ago, "My-my, you are calm in your situation. Any old person would freak out being whisked away from their world."

"Well it's been a certain trope happening in the stuff I've watched," assured James.

"Now, let's get into the details!"

Discord removed all pieces of clothing from his body to show his real self, as he carefully laid out a scale model map of Equestria that bears similarity to the cutie map in Twilight's castle. James couldn't be so happy and curious about this.

"...Or perhaps, you already know what I'm going to make you do?" slowly turned his head at James, Discord was pointing at two particular targets on the map. Skimming all the details on the map and the photos of familiar faces, James already knows what's about to happen.

"Something to do with the main villians based on these images?" an educated guess popped out of him.

Discord nodded his head. "Right my friend. I want you to take my place as leader of the legion of doom!"

"The legion of doom? But why do your stupidest way of reforming 4 villains— which by the way ends up with killing off one of them and turning the rest into stone for the next generation to deal with!" he went on a little rant at Discord's proposal.

"My word! You are a fiesty one." Discord can already tell he likes this person, having his hands crossed over, "Then again, I've managed to break a natural taboo bring someone from a world that classifies us as fictional characters.

"Natural taboo?"

"You don't have to worry about that part, it's none of your concern," he gave James a nudging gesture from across the table,

Even if this isn't some fancy dream of his, James is inside his favorite cartoon show. He wanted a challenge in his life he was willing to partake in; No more boring average job for him.

"If you want those four to reform, you should consider going a more gentle approach." James educated him on social interactions, "Instead, you just gathered them in one spot and believe they would work together. How disappointing of you. And I'm mad that you got together with Fluttershy!"

"Leave Fluttershy out of this conversation!" Discord raged his attitude over James' usage of the F-word, "So Mr. Alvera, how would you want them to change their ways?"

Thinking hard, seeing many different movies and tv shows tried to see the different possibilities. What was the best way of getting into someone's head? Or better yet, what type of villain is best for the job? Several seconds later, a literal lightbulb with wings flew up above James; Inspiration struck.

"Maybe I can try—"

"—Hold that thought for one moment!" interrupted Discord, having his finger placed on James' lip to keep him shut, "I forgot to mention that I'm on a strict time limit here!"


"If you're certain about your version of the plan, good! Keep it to yourself, for now." he snapped his fingers and got up from the table, "We need to get this show going or else they will figure out."

"Who are they?"

"The sisters of course!" Discord answered a bit ticked off, "If they found out I broke a natural taboo, it could spell out D-O-O-M for both of us!"

Snapping his fingers, he teleported James just standing in the kitchen area, "So I'm going to send you directly at the beginning of Season 8. You know; The school of friendship arc?"

James couldn't be so excited, but he soon realized something he exclaimed. "Wait! I'm still in my PJs! At least give me some badass!—"

"—I'll deal with everything once you get there. Now, toodaloo~!"

Discord's snap of a finger created a pinkish-purple rift that ripped the fabric of reality just behind James. A gentle push later, he got sucked up like a speck of dust from a vacuum. The last thing James saw was Discord waving gesture as the glowing colors took over his eyesight.

This is going to be a long summer vacation for him