• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 5,182 Views, 233 Comments

How A Realist Saved The Show - Mare Of Mystery

One mysterious slip of paper offering a job that could set James Alvera for the rest of his college life. But the contract and job in question may make quite a bizzare adventure as he was then sent into his favorite TV show with unique abilities.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Hearts and Hooves Hullabaloo, Part 3

Around in the entrance to the Everfree forest, Mobius was in a heated engagement with Figure Eight, who slammed his back onto a trunk of a tree as he continually slapped him with his hoof dragging across the air and coming into contact with his cheeks. To the normal eye, it would just be two ponies who are playing rough. To James, he was doing this to himself technically speaking as he created a conscious double of Figure Eight and slapped himself on the face.


"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Shouted Figure Eight, still persistent on slapping the unicorn silly. "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY NO!?"

"I-I don't know! I just...panicked!" whimpered Mobius, as he had the back of his neck on the cold wet tree trunk as he prepared for another slap. "I just don't want to hurt her feeling-"

"Quit acting like a Mr.Niceguy! You had your chance to say no and you went ahead and mess that up."


"GAAH! Stop that already! It's hurting you too!" he pleaded himself not to slap him anymore, only to answer with another slap on the left side.

Figure Eight growled as he placed his forelegs onto his cheeks to make him look dead in the eyes. "Like I don't know that!? You know full aware that we're too old for her! And we're younger in this form!"

"After I made the stupidest mistake ever by accepting Checkmate's offer of dating his daughter, she of course pounced on me and gave me the biggest hug of my life. It wasn't that it was bad, it just never occurred to me that he would be okay with this. I never thought I would go this far! I have no fucking options left besides beat myself up in a shameful matter and accept my fate wither her."

Just when things were about to turn for the worse, the phone from the ground came alive, revealing the Tree of Harmony behind a white, crystalized background as she knocked on the glass from the inside of the screen. She wasn't so happy as to hear the noises the colts made as she tried to get their attention.

"Will you stop beating yourself up Mobius!? I think I know what to-"

She was heavily ignored by Mobius, catching Figure Eight's hoof with his horn as he teleported behind the pegasus and lifted him off of the ground. This in turn caused him to return the favor as Mobius slammed his back behind the same trunk.

"Oh yeah, me! Let's see how you fare when I return the favor!"


The unicorn proceeded to slap the pegasus cheek back and forth, causing him to groan back at the pain as Figure Eight and Mobius ignored Harmony's call out to them. She was ticked off over his complete mental breakdown of slapping himself in another conscious form as he laugh manically. It was so frustrating that Harmony had to go into the settings to dial the speaker volume to the max as she screamed


Covering their precious ears from the loud shriek, Figure Eight and Moibus overheard Harmony from the speakers of their phone as the two agreed to stop what they're doing and listen to what she had to say. Mobius was released from the clutches of the pegasus as he stood back up from the seat.

"Fine...what could it possibly be Harmony!?" asked Figure Eight, huffing out his muzzle.

"You know full aware of what you have to do; Go and talk to them about the mix-up!"

Mobius bit his bottom lip when Harmony mentioned her plan. "You're right! But there's no way I could tell her the truth without breaking her heart!"

"Stop acting like a stubborn baby and just speak to them! It's the best thing you could do right now. Look, I can't think of anything else besides time magic. But you told me Discord refuses to rewind the events that already happened! You're the cause of this mess and you should be the one to pay the price! "

Feeling like he reached a breaking point as if Mobius reached out to god to listen to his answers. He should listen to the tree's advice, but something was stopping him. Just when things were bleak, a strange sensation came back to haunt him when a familiar sharp pain arose from his head and began to cramp up from the ground. This also caused FIgure EIght to feel the same pain as his body started to dissipate out of existence leaving Mobius all alone.

"Nnnggh! Again with this?! What's going on n-n-now!"

Seconds taking in all the pain, Mobius's eyes drew tired, slowly closing in on themselves as he fell asleep to the ground.





"This feeling...it's like deja vu? This happened to me once before, but why?"

James quickly shot his eyes opened as he was on the couch back in his apartment building, in the same PJs he wore before entering Equestria, and once more was back into his reality. He remembered the same event that happened after he saved Cozy Glow, was he summoned back to his world for some reason? Something was a tad different, maybe it was the fact the T.V. was turned on? Or the fact that it was playing some gameplay of some visual novel he had once played through. Or it could be the fact that the pony sitting next to him was somepony he never thought he saw right in his living room.

"P-Princess Cadance?!" rubbing his eyes to adjust from the episode he just had, James was caught off guard when the alicorn was quite invested in the visual. "What are you doing here!?"

During her little play session, she was immodestly horrid by the gruesome display of the game's next screen as she shrieked. "What kind of sick visual novel is this!? She just hung herself!"

It soon clicked to James as to what game she was playing when she dropped the controller when he tried to calm the princess down. "Wait! That's not just a romance visual novel, by the way, it's more of a psychological horror mixed with romance. But that's the least of my problems, what are you doing in my house? And why am I back here!?"

"It's because we're going to talk about your little problem, James," Cadance paused the game and placed the controller down on the coffee table as she turned over to her right. "You've been hit with the classic 'letter mix-up', am I correct?"

"I guess DIscord ratted on me..." he sighed, "speaking of DIscord where is he?"

"He's currently not here at the moment, just you and me here," answered Cadance. "Anyways, what's gotten into you? You gave Twilight and Cozy Glow the wrong letters, no biggie. You could've easily diffused the situation, but you went ahead and accepted her father's blessing. More importantly, you deliberately accepted Twilight's decision not to be official and didn't explain the mix-up to her, why is that?"

The flushed expression that James gave off was visible to the naked eye, he answered while taking a deep breath, "I don't know, I just felt...bad for her..."

"Bad for who?"

"You're probably aware of my world's depiction of you being fantasy and Discord debriefed you on my mission?" James curiously asked Cadance, to which she replied with a slow nod. "Well, I believe it has to do with the season 9 finale."

"Oh? I haven't watched that far ahead, I'm still on season 7," reminded Cadance. "Yeah, I know, I'm watching past events I've already seen, but It's just so astonishing seeing everypony I know in the equivalent to some stage play! So tell me what happens to her?"

James started to explain. "After she attempted destroying Equestria's magic with the aid of Lord Tirek by trapping Twilight and her friends in Tarturus and manipulating the school, she was brought into the Legion of Doom with three other villainous faces with aid of Grogar."

"G-Grogar!?" she gasped when James mentioned that destructive creature. "Grogar's back?!"

"Actually no, it was Discord in disguise trying to make them work together as a team and teach them the magic of friendship." he finished off his explanation to ease the alicorn. "He never told you that part?"

"No! Discord never tells me the important things!" pouted Cadance, crossing her forelegs together before she went back to her professional mindset. "So, what happens next?"

"One battle with some magic enchanting bell later, Cozy, Chrysalis, and Tirek all got turned into a statuary and was placed on hold for probably a long time, or less if you count the comic books."

"Comic books?" she repeated to him.

"Nevermind, I prefer not to answer that right now," James utterly refused to give her more context. "I mean, I always thought Cozy Glow was some psychopathic filly with no real meaning behind her actions. When I saw her all sad and alone in that orphanage after her parents left her, I just...felt that she was going through what I felt when my parents left but at a way younger age. I just want to make her happy, but to make her my special somepony?"

Cadance can sense that James was speaking with his heart, as she tried to sniff off her emotions. "Well, while I'm happy for you for trying to make her the happiest filly on Equestria, your heart speaks differently."

"Differently how?"

"Your feelings for Twilight are very much strong, and your bedroom shows it..." she slowly crept over to him as she muttered the last part. "You've seen to have developed feelings for Cozy out of empathy for your issues, however"

"I already know what you're going to say, Princess," ashamed by himself, James looked away from her staring in the opposite direction, "she's only a filly, and even with my form being a few years younger than me, it's still wrong under the public's eye."

Cadance nodded, "You read me like a book. Love isn't bound by any rules, it's the unification between two creatures' feelings towards one another. While Cozy maybe just a filly now, she will one day spring up to a fine mare. But as in your case, your heart seems to harbor conflicting emotions. These feelings are normal for most ponies where they feel like they should belong to somepony else. Twilight is smart, quirky, and overly organized; and she's the Princess of Friendship as well. She may have some trouble with 'certain' love interests from another world that you probably are aware of, but are you certain you want to be with Twilight?"

James answered, "Yes..."

"Really? Are you sure?" she repeated the question to him, and he nodded vigorously again.

"I'm sure..."

"Well then, I guess it's time then,"

"Time for what?"

Their little conversation was immodestly cut off when three figures magical materialized in front of their eyes. It was already obvious that Discord and Luna were all accounted for in the room. Even surprised to see them carrying ambiguous containers and pizza boxes with their magic.

"Hello James, you prefer the younger crowd as well? My-my, what range you have..." Princess Luna greeted, then immediately teased him afterward placing all the stuff onto the dining table to their left.

"What's this? Are we having super bowl already?"

"Huh!?" James peeked over at the dining table, seeing the array of party food displayed as he stood up and took a good look. "What the hell are you doing here while I'm gone? I mean, what exactly is today's date?"

"We're just feasting on the delicacies this world has to offer!" answered Discord, coming up to him as he grabbed pieces of sushi from thin air and placed them onto a plate. "It's currently been 7 days since you departed on your mission. Time runs different between our worlds, so you're not missing much. Just a few phone calls from your parents and relatives, they were easy to speak to with a bit of mimicry."

While Discord went on explaining, James noticed there was one pony that was absent when he spoke about it. "Where's Celestia? I thought she came with you two?"

"She's busy with Princess stuff at Canterlot," answered Discord, laying out the rest of the stuff on the table with his magic, "we're here to talk about your little oopsie."

"Correct, can you do anything about it?" James went down on his knees and tried to ask again.

"That depends, did you have a little chat with Caddy over here?"

"Yes, we have, Discord..." Cadance, answered, proceeding onto the game she paused on the T.V. "I think you should give him a second chance."

Discord sighed when he used his paw to drag it across his face. "Very well James, you win."

"Really? But didn't you say altering the past now will cause branches in the timeline-"

"Oh please, Starlight already made multiple instances of the timeline in season 5! What's a few more that won't hurt? Besides, you're already doing it now!"

He prepared to cast a circular portal just behind the couch James and Cadance were sitting at, making him stand up as he sees the other side of the portal to be somewhere just near the Everfree forest. He noticed that the entire world was surrounded by a blue hue and was completely frozen in time. This was similar to when he cast Time Rush, but everything was completely frozen in time.

"Alright listen up James, I'll send you to the exact moment you wrote those letters. But to prevent anyone from seeing you, I'll be sending you there with your time stutter ability in play." Discord explained. "It's in the vein of time rush, but the entire world will be stopped to a complete halt; No one will see you, hear you, or notice your actions. This ability is the true essence of your time magic in its purest form, that's why I won't tell you how to activate it."

"But why?"

"Just be glad that I'm giving you this one-time solution. I'll send you close to the school's library, and will be keeping the portal open while I'm at it. Change whatever you need to resolve your problem.

"This is all that I needed, thank you Discord!" thanked James as he gave him a nice big hug.

"Yes, whatever! Just go!"

Discord shoved the fella through the blue portal while James fell flat on the ground near the school's entrance. Everything felt completely different, with no voices, ambiance, or motion at all. Every creature was completely frozen in time. The sky had a fracture reflection around it, just like in one of his time powers. James took a few seconds to notice that he was still in his PJs and slippers, meaning that he's still in a physical manifestation of his consciousness.

"This feeling, it's like the magic in me is non-existent. Could be that I'm still in my conscious form, but never mind that. I need to go to the library!"

It was strange to be roaming the streets of Ponyville without anypony noticing him, every creature felt minuscule to him. They don't call it 'My Little Pony' for nothing. Just the eerie silence gave him chills running down his spine as he jogged over to the school. Now he was approaching the school's entrance and made a right to the library. He saw Mobius himself in unicorn form, facing behind the two letters focusing his attention on Ocellus and Silverstream, all still frozen.

"This must be it!" he spoke to himself as he reached over to the table where he's at and grabbed the two envelopes, "Let me just..."

Inspecting the envelope with Cozy Glow's symbol on it, he noticed the letter was completely wrong and pulled it straight out. He wasn't taking chances, so he inspected the card inside Twilight's envelope and noticed it was the wrong one too. He made the final corrections of the note cards and placed them in the same placements as before. He did it, he finally fixed his stupid mistake and everything seemed fine to him. He quickly did a final glance before he ran off and back to the portal Discord kept open for him.

Running vigorously past the village and back to the location of the portal, he made a running start and lept over the portal to his house and stuck the landing by flipping over to the couch slammed his head over on the coffee table. He noticed that no pony was making clear attention to him, Cadance was playing through another visual novel on screen, and Discord and Luna feasted on the many assortments of food on display. James took his time the adjust from his fall as he rubbed the back of his head groaning and panting.

"H—Hey! I've d—done it Discord!" he announced. "I've managed to swap the letters back to their intended places!"

"Good for you," he nodded as he snapped his paw to close the portal and took some chopsticks on the other, and grabbed a piece of spicy tuna roll to chow down on. "So, after you come back to Equestria, you should be seeing minor changes to the timeline; since you've 'corrected' the events, everything you did up to this point never seems to happen."

"But wait, shouldn't I disappear as my timeline gets altered?" he took a glance over at Discord giving him a concerning look.

"You should be alright as long as you remain here." rest assured Discord. "Your physical body is still resting in the forest, and nothing should affect you here."

Taking a long sigh, James reached over at the table and grab a drumstick from the bucket of chicken as he indulged himself in a meat product after being on a vegetarian diet for so long, moaning as his teeth sunk into the tender fried flesh. "Thank goodness! That was a crazy day I had! First, I gave two ponies the wrong envelopes, trapped the Tree of Harmony inside my phone for some reason, and somehow got integrated into my phone's OS. Just another day in Equestria, am I right?"

But only Discord could only be curious about that last part James said. Discord tried to make him reiterate what he said, asking. "What's that you say? You've trapped the Tree of Harmony inside your phone?"

James nodded. "Yeah! But that shouldn't happen anymore because I never came to the cavern to speak to her in this new timeline, right?"

Discord slowly pointed straight to James' pocket that still held his phone, "Can you show me your phone for a quick moment?"

"Hmm?" he was curious as to why Discord wanted to see his phone as he opened up the homepage. "She shouldn't be on my phone now that I've changed the pas-"

Immediately taking a glance to see an unrecognizable icon on the home screen, Discord pointed it out to him. "What is that icon? I never put that there!"

"What the..." James seemingly tapped on the crystal door icon seeing the tree of harmony bopping her head to some music she was hearing music, "you're still here!?"

"Quiet! I'm listening to some sick tunes on Spotify! Oh? IS THAT DISCORD! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME!?"

"Impossible...it shouldn't be able to do that!" gasped Discord, "the tree of harmony inside your phone!?"

"Yes I am, and did you send him back to the past and change what can already be fixed in the present!?"

"Hang on just a minute!" Luna overhead the familiar voice coming outside of James' phone when she placed her plate on the table and see the pony on the screen, "Twilight!? How are you trapped in James' phone!? Don't worry, I'll get you out!"

"No, Stop! I'm not Twilight! I'm the tree of harmony you imbecile!"

While James tried to restrain Luna from attempting to smash his phone to pieces, Discord kept on rambling to himself while thinking aloud, "This is a rather fascinating discovery...the tree of harmony integrating into the digital realm? But now the event of Mobius, aka James, meeting her has been erased. This means that there are two instances of the tree of harmony's conscious in one concurrent timeline."

Overhearing what Discord has to think, James tapped him on the shoulders to give him a little jump, "Discord? So what happens now that the tree of harmony somehow got trapped in my phone? I never needed to see her in this new timeline,"

"So, Tree of Harmony, can you control different functions from inside the phone?" asked Discord peeking at the screen to see her nod, "I see, you realize that there are two versions of you in the altered timeline James created."

"Interesting, but since I don't have any connection to the outside world as of now, I guess it should be alright then?"

Princess Luna managed to calm herself down, realizing her mistake when she said. "It's not Twilight, but the tree of harmony? But the conscious manifestation of the tree is needed for the elements of harmony to work, right?"

James wanted to feel worried about the repercussions of the events, but he quickly took notice of one small detail as he smiled, "I guess...changing the past was a good thing since the elements of harmony can still be intact and I can have a personalized Twilight A.I. on my phone, SWEET!"

"NO! NOT SWEET! I didn't agree to anything yet!"

"Now that's been covered, let us dig into a fine feast shall we?" ignoring the tree's cry, Discord waltz over to the table and began to pick a few items with his magic.

"I'll come back to Equestria once I get a sampler of all the foods I miss," James replied, closing his phone screen and shoving it deep into his pockets to shut the tree up.

"Oh, dear niece!" Luna called out to Cadance from the couch, "after indulging in this vast feast we have, let us engage in Mortal Kombat!"

Cadance grinned. "You're on!"

In the forest where one particular unicorn was knocked out cold in the middle of the day, Mobius immediately shot awake with his eyes wide open and propped back himself up. He was all alone, and still intact after nearly eating 20 wings back in his homeworld. Getting his bearers up, he quickly brought out his phone seeing the tree of harmony app still on his home screen.

"I managed to swap the letters back to their intended spots using Discord's help, but everything seems to be fine. I know I won't like it, but I need to visit her just to make sure."

After trotting to Ponyville, it was still in the middle of the day in Hearts and Hooves with pairs of ponies coming together and strolling along the streets. Did he manage to change the past? What if Cozy Glow still declares him his special somepony? All of these questions needed to be answered with a little house visit. Mobius took a big gulp as he walked in front of the door and he rang the doorbell with his hoof pushing the button. Seconds later, Checkmate was the one that answered as he opened the door and peeked his head out.

"M-Mobius? How are you? Never seen you since the orphanage!" he greeted the young colt.

"'Since the orphanage?' That would've applied that he never approached me back near the school and gave me his blessing. Hold on, just for extra insurance."

"Say, did Cozy Glow receive anything for Hearts and Hooves Day? Just a curiosity..." he asked the older stallion, who seemed to shake his head as he chuckled. "What gives?"

"Nothing really, it's just that..." Checkmate started to speak up but then gulped to change the subject. "She's figuring out which pony gave one of her friends an extra special Hearts and Hooves present."

"Oh yeah, Sweetie Belle's little fiasco...I guess she went thereafter?"

"Alright then, see you later sir!"

Mobius ran off to check on the barn in the Sweet Apple Acres, trying to remember by muscle memory the location of it. He didn't take trips to the farm as often, but this was his excuse to see it up close. He remembered vividly that they should be in the stables as he pulled open the doors seeing four filly's looking appalled by Mobius' unexpected entrance.

"Cozy Glow..." he started to clear his throat spotting the filly carrying an envelope. "Look, I just wanted to say—"

The crusaders immediately zipped over to him to shut his mouth as Sweetie Belle started to vent out, "Shut it! You've hurt her feelings! How could you be this cruel?"


"She loved you! But you had to say that you love somepony else, did you!?" yelled Scootaloo, giving him the hardest hoof punch she could dish out. "Not even making her your special somepony for ONE day? Shameful!"

"Who is this mare that stole your heart?" Applebloom's fiery stare gave him a slight whimper as she clenched her teeth alongside her angry expression. "We'll teach her a lesson-"

"Girls! Stop it!" Cozy Glow came to diffuse the crusader's frustrated glares at Mobius and shoved them aside, "Give us some privacy will you!? I just want to talk to him!"

"According to the girls' expressions and context, I'm guessing that I did successfully change this event. Good riddance, but it seemed that Cozy Glow was handling this very well."

Cozy and Mobius stepped outside the stable and shut the doors when they were facing each other eye-to-eye. She had a quite saddened expression on her face, but it was soon transformed into a small smile as the filly gave him a big hug and said. "I've understood what you said in your letter, I'm just way out of your league. You deserve somepony much older than me."

"That's right, I deserve somepony much older than 'me'"

"Listen, Cozy." Mobius embraced her hug for a few seconds as he tried to comfort her. "I'm sorry that I've hurt your feelings..."

"It's alright, don't beat yourself up because of it. I'll be fine," She said timidly. "I guess my dad won't take the news slightly when he figures out you gave me a hearts and hooves day card."

"You don't say..."

"Say, I have something to give you for Hearts and Hooves day as well," Cozy quickly smiled as Mobius nodded back to her. "Close your eyes, 'kay?"

Whatever is her gift to him, Mobius had to accept it or else he would hurt her feelings even more. Expecting something like a box of chocolates, or a little note card she wrote, it couldn't be worse than what it was in the previous timeline. He slowly shut his eyes to wait for her to give him his gift.

"Alright, just tell me when you'll—"

He was quickly interrupted when he felt a small, moist sensation coming from his left cheek as it lasted for a whole second. This action immediately shot his eyes wide open when he saw the filly blushing profusely as she averted her eyes sight on him.

"Did you just?"

"Oh please," she hushed him, "I give my dad kisses on the cheek all the time! Just a little constellation prize for yours truly~"

"Well, I guess a peck on the cheeks isn't too bad, I guess no harm there..."

One last hug from her before Mobius went over to the school to check on Twilight and her notecard. That small gesture Cozy gave him made him a bit flustered, but he accepted it as it did solve his issues in the previous timeline. The school was still lively with students with their special someone alongside them. Everything seemed like the average day when suddenly, Mobius was stopped by an irritating sensation coming from his ear that was yanking him from behind his back.

"Ack! What is this!?" he groaned, trying to walk back to see who was pulling on his ear. "Miss Rarity?"

"Mister Mobius! You are in big trouble now, you brute!" Rarity ridicules him, forcibly yanking on his ears with her magic to make him follow her. "Your presence is needed in Headmare Twilight's office, NOW!"

"What's going on? Did I cause a chain reaction that ended with Twilight hating me? Crap! I knew there were going to be consequences for changing the past!"

Enduring the excruciating pain from Rarity's magic, she guided him to the office where Headmare Twilight resides and she carelessly dragged him inside and closed the doors behind him. He doesn't know what to expect, so he carefully crept forward to the backside of the chair that was concealing Twilight from him.

He reached in front of the desk to ask. "Um, H-Headmare?"

The chair slowly rotated a full 180 degrees, revealing Twilight displaying a heavy scowl look on her face. She answered. "Mobius...I've received your 'envelope' from you..."

Mobius took a big gulp as he stammered. "Y—Yeah?"

"I've carefully read its contents and I was appalled," she continued, lifting the opened notecard from the desk. "do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into?"


Her voice of authority made Mobius quiver in fear. "I can't believe you, writing a letter to confess your love to me, YOUR headmare! I don't condone this behavior to any of my students!"

"My god...what have I done!?"

He formally came down to his knees and pleaded like a peasant. "Look! I'm so sorry Headmare, I was just writing my feelings to you on Hearts and Hooves day! I didn't mean to"

"Enough!" Twilight raised her voice at him to stop. "I'm sorry as well Mobius, you're my top student in here. However, that will have to come to a stop..."

"A stop?"

"Yes, from here on out...you are no longer a student at the school of friendship!" with the final blow, Twilight slammed her forelegs on the desk for added effect. "Your grades in assignments and performance in class speak for themselves."

"No...I'm not a student at the school anymore!? This is too much to handle! I was doing amazing in school, and now I'm being expelled! This is worse than the last timeline! Everything's falling apart on me!"

Mobius continued his plead to remain in the school as he shredded tears. "Please Headmare! Don't take this away from me! I made a lot of friends here, I've excelled in all the classes! Was it because I wrote you that letter!?"

"You will no longer call me Headmare" she demanded him, "since you aren't my student anymore, you will call me...Twily"

"Huh?" Mobius tilted his head as he heard her last sentence. "What do you mean-"

It was like a blur, but Twilight prepared to pounce on the poor colt and tackle him to the ground, making him distraught over what's happening as the mare's mood turned from her restricted nature to a more playful side of her. Just when things were getting strange for Mobius, Twilight briskly placed her forelegs on the side of the colt's face, puckered her lips, and implanted them on his. It gave Mobius the most potent adrenaline rush he's ever gotten. Heartbeat was racing as his lips were fighting against hers in an intense lip wrestling. It was like instincts kicked in, but he wrapped his foreleg around her torso just covering her wingspan as they were making out right on the ground with Twilight pinned on top of Mobius. It felt like forever, but it only lasted a mere 10 seconds as Twilight retracted her lips onto his and wiped the dust off of her. For Mobius, he was still lying flat on the ground, panting vigorously from the aftermath of his intensive make-out session.

"Hehehe, I expect you to arrive here first thing tomorrow for your new job..." she cooed back to him, seeing him still paralyzed over the bliss Mobius just experienced.

All he could answer were sluggish words and incomprehensible sounds. "...y...y...y...yeah..."

On the other side...

Somewhere inside an inconspicuous, brick-walled room with only a singular lightbulb and a table, Princess Celestia was sitting across from a bipedal creature, who appeared to be a young woman carefully reading out from a manila folder containing a few papers when her long brown hair was peeking out from a black hood she had on.

"I think I understand what's the situation here," the figure spoke out, raising her right hand to inspect her outfit. "Don't know about this outfit though..."

"Forgive me of your atrocious black coat you're wearing," Celestia humbly apologized to her, "I'm not the one who picked the outfit for this mission."

The woman chuckled. "It's alright, as long as I can converse with my favorite Princess right in front of me!"

"Yes...favorite princess..." repeated Celestia, "I hope your little brother has that same sibling bond as me and my sister do..."

"Well, it's more of a hit or miss with us. I've left the house as soon as I graduated, he was still in elementary school I believe."

"Alright, now that you know what's the situation here, let's assign your identity in Equestria. My authority can place you in a vacant home in Sire's Hollow. That idiot Discord said he lived in Sire's Hollow without any hard evidence. For now, let's start with notarizing your identity as the older sister of Mobius, James' most used disguise. do you have any output on this?"

"Hmm...let me think..."

Discord magically appeared in front of the two ladies, giving them a small fright as he was steering his attention to Celestia. "Hello Celery! There's something you must know that my 'protege' has done...'

"Celery!? Don't you dare call me that!" hissed Celestia, pointing her foreleg at him. "Speaking of protege, I would like for you to meet mine! Zoey, I guess there's no need to introduce him to you..."

"Discord! I can't believe this is happening!" Zoey screeched on the top of her lungs. "You're the one that's been answering my calls, are you!?"

He couldn't be so shocked and distraught over the woman that Celestia had to summon. Discord cried. "What!? Celestia! What gives! You're trying to take away my thunder!? We don't need another human for this!"

"Oh please Discord, Zoey is James' older sister. Why shouldn't we reunite them to live out their dream in Equestria? Plus, you shouldn't be the only one with a 'protege'." Celestia chuckled back at his frustration. "I want to fix the future as much as you do, but he's going to need extra pairs of hands from now on. He needs to make sure he has the background, he'll be caught if Twilight or her friends discover that he doesn't live in Sire's Hollow."

"Ugh...fine! Whatever he can have help! Let's just not make this a friendly wager that will end up betting our life savings away..."
