• Published 19th Feb 2022
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Total War: Ponyhammer - Thule117

After the relatively unimportant and peaceful joining of the human and pony worlds, the princesses get down to the far more important buisness of playing their new favorite game. . . Total War Warhammer 2.

  • ...

Prodigy vs Warmaster

"Are you sure about this girls?" Twilight Sparkle asked, as she stared at the four other princesses on her computer screen.

"We are Twilight, we think he'll be a fine addition to the Chaosmares." Cadance replied. "Besides, he did manage to push Celestia out of the game altogether, and our big mega-game against team PowerLight is right around the corner. Last time, they came way too close to beating us, and they just announced getting a fifth team member." Twilight had to chew on that for a second. Team 'PowerLight' as their rival streaming group was called, consisted of Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulumoon, Sunburst, Maud Pie, and more recently, and seemingly from out of nowhere, Vinyl Scratch, or DJPON3 if you preferred her DJ handle. Twilight had to admit, while she didn't hate Trixie anymore, the thought of her crowing if team PowerLight ever won, sent a chill down her spine.

"Still, are you sure? I mean, not to diminish his accomplishment, but he won with Taurox, anypony can do that, he's a total powerhouse. What if he's not able to play as any other race?" She asked. Luna nodded slowly.

"Our sister in battle makes a good point. Perhaps he is only good if he has brute force on his side?" Celestia simply sighed in response.

"Well, what do you propose? I did make him a promise, I can't exactly take it back." Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully with a hoof.

"Why don't you let me take a crack at him? I'll challenge him to a game where we each pick our opponent's Lords. I'll tell him all he has to do is impress me, not win. If he can prove to me that he's adaptable and clever, then I'll let him play with us professionally right off the bat. If not, then I'll train him, and when he's ready we'll bring him onboard. That's fair right?" Celestia nodded.

"I think that would be an excellent compromise Twilight. What Lord are you going to have him play?" Twilight smirked.

"I think I have just the challenge in mind. . ."

Jack, AKA Warmaster1987, was panicking. He had just got a message from Princesss freaking Celestia! Even now he still couldn't believe it. One of the most powerful, beautiful, incredible, women, or rather mares, in two worlds, was now in his friends list on Steam and Dispony, along with her sister and niece, two of the other most powerful most beautiful mares in two worlds. Frankly, when he had gone to bed two nights ago, exhausted after spending five brutally hard fought hours driving Celestia from their game, he had all but convinced himself it was a hallucination brought on by sleep deprivation. This afternoon however, she had contacted him, with a challenge from none other than Twilight motherfucking Sparkle!

Twilight Sparkle was, in Jack's humble opinion, the most perfect creature to ever walk on four hooves or two feet. Not only was she a princess and a top tier gamer, but she was also a genius, a philanthropist, and the princess most directly responsible for creating the greatest age of peace and prosperity earth and the human race had ever known. Ever since unification, Twilight had worked to broker peace between formerly warring human governments, helped create the magi-fusion generators that gave free power for all, introduced magical farming techniques that ended world hunger! Heck, she was the one who eventually brought eighty percent of the countries on earth into the Equestrian fold, under combined human and pony rule! Only China, Russia, and Jack's country, the USA, were still holding out, and honestly, it was looking more and more like the United States would soon give in to public demand, and sign on.

Put simply, Twilight Sparkle was Jack's idol. And she had just challenged him to impress her at her favorite game! If there was anything more terrifying in this world, Jack didn't know what it was. He had spent most of the day pacing around his apartment in a cold sweat, thinking about what could go wrong. Obviously he was a huge fan, heck, half the posters in his room were of Twilight or one of the other princesses. What if he asked too many questions? Or gave the wrong compliment and came off as creepy? Or what if he got tongue tied and came off as rude? Or what if. . . Jack's train of thought cut off as he caught a look at himself in a mirror. What if she asked to see his face?

Jack shook his head, that might actually be a deal breaker, even if he somehow did manage to impress Twilight. Streamers were generally expected to show their faces. Granted it wasn't required but it was usually the norm these days. Twilight and the other princesses always streamed that way, what if they asked the same of him?! Jack hadn't shown his face to another living person in well. . . years. He had his food delivered, he worked from home, and even only exercised in his apartment, or in the dead of night. On the rare occasions he did go out during the day, he wore a mask and hoodie no matter the weather. If asked to show his face to the entire internet. . . Jack didn't think he could do it.

Turning on his computer and logging into Dispony, Discord having changed it's name not long after unification, due to it being copyrighted by somecreature you definitely didn't want to mess with. Jack fitted his headphones on his head and glanced nervously at the clock as the appointed hour approached. It didn't take long for an invite to come through, at the exact stroke of the designated time. Jack swallowed involuntarily as he accepted, and a voice that he'd only ever heard from recordings, and in a few of his dreams, addressed him directly.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Jack, struggling to get hold of his nerves, replied with a squeak to his voice.

"Hi!" Slapping his hand to his forehead, Jack cursed how lame he sounded, before clearing his throat and trying again. "I mean, yes! Hi! You're P-Princess Twilight Sparkle, right?" Twilight gave a slight giggle.

"Yup, that's me, but you can just call me Twilight." She said happily. "You must be Jack. I heard a lot about you from the other Chaosmares. Impressive work beating Celestia by the way." Jack felt his cheeks flush, dammit, why did he have to be such a pathetic fanboy?! All Twilight did was introduce herself and he was already feeling faint.

"I uh. . . well it really wasn't easy. I just knew Celestia's tactics and personality well enough to know I could trick her if I played carefully. I doubt it's something I'll ever be able to do twice, she's got my number now." Twilight sounded like she was smiling as she replied.

"Oh? I take it you're a Chaosmares fan then?" Jack felt his brain seize up.

"I uh-! That is-! . . . Yeah. . . kinda?" Twilight giggled again at his response.

"So who's your favorite?" She asked playfully. Jack blurted out his answer faster than he could stop himself.

"You are." He stated simply, before starting to panic an instant later. Twilight was quiet for a moment, that to Jack seemed to last for hours.

"Me? That's a surprise. I'm typically the least visible, what with all my work on Earth and in Equestria. Most ponies tend to like Celestia or Luna. Even Cadance has more fans than I do, and she's usually on even less than I am, what with being a mom on top of everything else. Why am I your favorite?" Jack knew he should keep his mouth shut, but he'd never been good at lying or misdirecting when it came to a direct question.

"Because you're amazing!" He declared. "You helped broker the Earth Equestria Alliance treaty that eventually turned most of earth into an Equestrian province! You invented most of the machines and spells that turned earth into a paradise! You're the hero who made wars, famine, and disease all but a thing of the past! You're kind and brilliant, and just. . . incredible!" A long silence filled the air, before Jack let out a groan. "Oh Celestia, I'm sorry Twilight! Ugh! That must have sounded so creepy! Look can we just forget me putting my hoof in my mouth and start over?" Unknown to Jack, on the other side of the line, Twilight was blushing up a storm.

This obviously wasn't the first time a fan had gushed about her to her face, but usually it was about her streaming and gaming, or just because she was royalty. Hardly anypony ever mentioned her actual work, and even when they did, it was mostly in passing. More to the point, despite what Jack seemed to think, he didn't sound at all creepy, just sincere, with a genuine tone of gratitude. He didn't sound like the typical obsessed fanpony, though there was clearly a bit of that in there, he sounded more like a true admirer of her work and accomplishments.

"N-no no! You're fine! I just. . . most fans don't seem all that interested in my real work." Twilight heard Jack let out a scoff.

"Their loss then. Don't get me wrong, I love the Chaosmares streams, but I mostly got into it because of how much I admire everything you did for Earth and humanity. We were in a bad way before all of you showed up. Honestly, you likely saved us from self annihilation." At that Twilight did a double take, even as her blush flared slightly.

"Wait, you're a human?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Yep, Earth born and raised. United States specifically. Sorry I didn't mention it before, but nopony asked and I. . . kinda had other things on my mind the other night." Twilight let out a giggle.

"I can imagine, Celestia is the number one player for a reason. By the way, you seem to have an excellent grasp of Equestrian vernacular. Have you ever visited Equestria?" Jack chuckled, though it was tinged with a faint degree of regret.

"No, just a hopeless fanboy. I don't travel much anymore." Twilight gave a smile, as she replied.

"Well, if you do end up as the fifth Chaosmare, we'll have to bring you through the gate sometime." Jack gave an involuntary start, that fortunately, Twilight couldn't see.

"Well, I'm not quite there yet." He stated with a nervous chuckle, before clearing his throat and putting on a faintly aristocratic accent. "Anyway your highness, shall we do battle?" He asked as they both logged onto the game.

"We shall indeed my good stallion." She replied, flawlessly emulating a Canterlot accent. "Now then, about your starting Lord. . ."

Jack had to admit, Twilight really knew how to test a guy. Count Noctilus was not an easy starting Lord, especially not in a Mortal Empires campaign. While the vampire coast could be very powerful, they were extremely finicky, requiring a great deal of overworld micromanagement to play well, and Noctilus especially had a hard time early game. Jack had managed though, mostly via the tactic of very carefully picking his battles, and strategically allying with any faction that could distract his more powerful enemies while he built himself up.

Moving swiftly, he seized a few minor settlements along the Lustrian coast before assaulting Teclis. Managing to take control of his stronghold and remove him from the game, Jack carefully spread out. Taking the territory of several minor skaven clans and indirectly supporting the efforts of Skrolk and Luther Harkon against the lizard men. He had a few lucky breaks and managed to get a second army up and running at the Maelstrom, and turned back a few tentative attempts at invasion by the high elves. By turn one hundred, he was preparing to seize what remained of Lustria and then turn his attention to making sure his defenses were strong enough that Ulthuan wouldn't be a problem. Having established several more armies of varying power, and set up a reasonably strong economy. However, he always kept in his head that Twilight was watching him, and more importantly, preparing an invasion against him across the sea. An invasion he fully intended to halt before it even began. . .

Twilight smiled as the battle against Numas concluded with her taking their final territory. With this victory she had finished acquiring near total control of the desert's of Nehekara from east to west, and a good chunk of the wastelands to the north. She had been mildly surprised when Jack had selected Settra the Imperishable as her starting lord. The Tomb Kings were a slow burn defensive faction, and demanded careful consideration for their every move, but that was why Twilight enjoyed them, they were a challenge. In battle, Settra's army was based largely around chariots and cycle charging. And Twilight dearly loved seeing the results of a perfect chariot charge right into an enemy's unprotected flank or back.

That said, the Tomb Kings in general required overwhelming numbers to function effectively early game, due to their starting unit's low power. Fortunately, owing to their units lack of upkeep or recruitment cost, multiple lords could swiftly be acquired and equipped with weak, but numerous, undead soldiers. Twilight already had four armies, but only Settra's was particularly powerful. Though, now that she was a bit more established, she was swiftly gearing up her other armies to offer proper battle. Normally after securing Settra's starting area and subjugating the surrounding Tomb King, Lizardmen, and Brettonian factions, she would turn her gaze north, seeking to destroy the Grimgore AI as swiftly as possible, lest his power turn into an unstoppable green tide of orks. However, this time, she had other priorities, and had signed a non-aggression pact with Grimgore some time ago.

Thus insulated from attack from the north, and firmly in control of everything to the south, west, and up to the mountains in the east, she began readying herself to invade Jack's territory across the sea. While she would take a bit of attrition damage, she was well equipped to replenish her troops, even in the hostile jungles of Lustria. Besides, as Twilight explained beforehoof, the condition for winning was simply to see which of them could kill the other's starting Lord first. Their war was effectively one big sudden death elimination match.

Jack had already begun testing Twilight's defenses by setting up pirate coves in several of her coastal cities. But Twilight had expected this, and had a few Tomb Princes patrolling the coast for any unwary Fleet Captains skulking around. She had already managed to assassinate one or two. Unfortunately, there was nothing Twilight could do about the coves that had already been established, short of deliberately reducing the settlements to ruins and then resettling them, which was most definitely not worth the trouble.

Twilight had also sent a Necrotect to evaluate Jack's progress, and was pleased to find he was doing quite well. Apparently he was well versed in asymmetrical warfare, and his strategies in fighting the AI, and her, on the occasions she took control, were exceptional. She also noticed something interesting about Jack's strategies. He was one of those rare players who fought with an eye not toward the current battle, but the next one. Preferring to minimize risk whenever possible, and avoid gambling if he didn't have to. In this way, his armies were rarely depleted, except when he chose to sacrifice a portion of his soldiers in service of a greater overall strategic goal. She did notice however, that Jack, much like Twilight herself, had a nasty habit of becoming hesitant when conditions were less than perfect. Causing him to occasionally miss opportunities that another player would have exploited, or opening himself up to attacks a less cautious general could have countered. However, that was a minor concern for the moment. Besides, what truly impressed Twilight more than anything, was that Jack won every battle without resorting to cheap exploits or doomstacks.

The Chaosmares had always played with a sort of 'gentlemares agreement' never to use game breaking exploits unless their enemies did so first. After all, what was the point of playing the game in a way that guaranteed victory? However, Twilight had never specifically forbid Jack from using such tactics, it seemed that he just preferred not to. And while one could argue he technically used a minotaur doomstack against Celestia, that was hardly out of bounds, given that the minotaur army was varied among different types, and that was the way Taurox was supposed to be played. Last Twilight had seen, Jack's primary army, not counting embedded heroes, was a mix of Depth Guard, Syreens, Deck Gunners, Necrofex Colossi, and a Queen Bess. It was a potent army, but undeniably balanced, and he managed it well.

And while most of Jack's efforts had been focused on taking control of Lustria, he had at least two armies causing havoc in Bretonnia. What those armies were doing up there, Twilight wasn't entirely sure. However, they had won several key victories over the various Bretonnian factions, and even wiped out Couronne and Bordeleaux. Using armies geared toward anti-large and with plenty of rotting prometheans. However, since then, they had been oddly quiet. Come to that, she hadn't seen Noctilus in a few turns now, not since a Mournghoul Haunter had slain her Necrotect. . .

"So. . . think you're ready to go hand to hoof with your favorite princess yet?" Twilight gently teased. Jack just chuckled.

"Now now, you of all ponies should know that true devastation takes time." He replied. "What about you? Ready to cross blades with the most infamous pirate in all the old world?" Twilight smirked as she answered.

"Nearly. . . just need to finish carving the cartouches and embalming the new recruits." She stated calmly. Jack let out a soft laugh.

"Fair enough. . ." He replied. For several more turns the pair played in companionable silence, then suddenly, Jack spoke up. "Say Twilight?"

"Mhmm?" Twilight answered, trying to decide if she wanted more Tomb Guards or more Sepulchral Stalkers in one of her support armies.

"If I actually manage to impress you here, and assuming you think I'm ready to stream with you girls. . . would it be a problem if I didn't use a face cam?" Twilight unconsciously arched her eyebrow at that.

"Well, I guess not. Mind if I ask why though?" Jack went quiet at that, before suddenly letting out a sigh.

"How much do you know about the United States before the first gate opened?" Twilight replaced a few units of Skeleton Warriors with Nehekeran Warriors as she replied.

"I remember reading that there was a lot of political turmoil, and it nearly became a civil war. Half the country wanted to tear down the government, and the other half wanted it to stay. Honestly, there's surprisingly little information on the US before the first Equestrian portal opened." Jack let out another sigh.

"Yeah well, frankly it's a time most of us would rather forget. Look, to make an incredibly long story short, I got caught up in the fighting and. . . well I ended up in the hospital. My face was messed up pretty bad, to the point I really don't like showing it if I can avoid it."

"Oh. . ." Twilight replied in surprise. "Well, I'll bring it up with the other Chaosmares, but I doubt it'll be a problem." Jack let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Thanks Twilight, I know it might sound a little vain but. . . well just, thanks." Twilight smiled as she replied.

"No problem Jack. Now, shall we continue?" She asked cheerfully. Jack chuckled.

"Definitely, I think I'm about ready to begin my offensive." Twilight blinked at that.

"Wait. . . offensive? Noctilus was nowhere close to me last time I saw him. He couldn't have covered that distance in just a few turns." There was a smile in Jack's voice as he replied.

"He can when properly upgraded to maximize movement. . ." Jack stated with an audible smirk. "Incidentally, did you happen to send any heroes up to Brettonia to scout?" Instantly Twilight let out a laugh.

"Well I knew you were fighting in that area, but I was a bit preoccupied with securing my kingdom to learn the specifics. Why? What were you doing up there?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I did always want a mansion in dark fantasy France. But I figured some time in the desert would be fun, so I sent a few armies south to see if a place was available." Jack replied with a chuckle. Twilight let out a laugh at that.

"You sure are confidant to give up your strategy before you're even in range to attack." She commented.

"Well, a true gentlecolt such as myself, would never dream of attacking a lady without properly announcing himself first." Twilight just grinned.

"Then 'I', as a true lady, shall be ready to receive you." Twilight declared, once more using her imitation Canterlot accent. Several more turns passed as Twilight repositioned her armies to the northern coast of Nehekara. And soon enough, a pair of ships, bearing Noctilus's colors appeared in the Tilean Sea. However, as Twilight scrolled her cursor over the ships, she frowned. "Wait. . . where is Noctilus?" She asked aloud.

"Hmm? Oh, he and his invasion force should be making landfall on the western coast of your kingdom in just under one turn. They'll be entering the Bay of Corsairs in just a moment." Twilight did a double take.

"Hold on, you said he was in the north?!" Jack's tone was chiding as he replied.

"Actually. . . technically, I never said that, I just said he could cover a large distance in only a few turns if properly upgraded, and that I wanted a house in Brettonia." Twilight felt her eye twitch slightly.

"I respect your cunning, but I also hate you for it." She deadpanned. realizing that she was about to lose several pieces of extremely valuable real estate. All because she got too comfortable and let her guard down. Briefly, Twilight considered that the Chaosmares may have become just a tad too used to easy victories of late. Making a mental note to talk to her teammates about it later, as Jack just chuckled.

"Would it help if I said those two ships in the north are trash armies? Just a stack of nineteen Deckhand Mobs each." Twilight felt her eyes widen.

"Did you just trick me into facing off against the wrong armies?! While simultaneously claiming to be a gentlecolt!" Jack's response was just a hair smug.

"Did I?" He asked calmly. Twilight grinned.

"You sir, are a scoundrel, a deceiver, and an evil mastermind. . . and I can't wait for you to help us crush team PowerLight!" Jack let out a laugh, as Twilight's tone became sly. "But don't think I'm going down without a fight! SETTRA YIELDS TO NOPONY!!" She cried out, in a reasonable approximation of a female Settra. Jack just grinned, as Noctilus and his two support fleets sailed toward the coast.

"Then it's a good thing that I. . . am no pony."

Jack had not lied, the two armies bearing down on her from Tilea were in fact, just stacks of deckhand mobs. Unfortunately, as she was repositioning herself to face Noctilus, she discovered the real reason he was so brazen in telling her about it. As the two armies that Jack had sent to humble Brettonia, came out of hiding in the Southern Badlands. Twilight was really impressed now. Jack had 'twice', tricked her into maneuvering her forces to reinforce the wrong areas. Giving him free shots at several critical minor and major settlements. She was already training up two more armies out of sight of him, but they wouldn't be ready in time to stop most of the devastation. The best she could do was activate the Incantation of Khasar, and prepare for the fight of Settra's un-life.

What had followed, was a savage series of settlement battles that, while they eventually succeeded in defeating the flanking invasion, also destroyed the settlements in the ash river province and most of the shifting sands province. This, coupled with the loss of the entire Bay of Assassins and the elimination of her patrolling Tomb Princes, had Twilight gunning straight for Noctilus's last known location with a vengeance. She had been surprised by an ambush that destroyed one of her support armies, and no sooner had she slaughtered the ambushers, than her second support army was attacked by another enemy force lying hidden nearby. While Twilight did manage to put that one down too, it mauled her second support army badly enough as to put it below combat effectiveness. When it was all over, only Settra and Noctilis remained, their armies advancing toward each other across the desert. . .

The desert heat beat down upon Settra's bandaged skull as his soldiers marched into position. Tomb Guard advanced in perfect lockstep, halberds and shields held at the ready, their every movement an expression of their master's will. Jackal headed Ushabti with great bows clenched before them, marched with mechanical precision beside the Tomb Guard. As a towering War Sphinx shook the sands with its tread behind them. Chariots ranged ahead in preparation for harassing the enemy flanks, while a pair of Caskets of Souls brought up the rear. And in the center of it all, Settra stood, barely swaying atop the howdah of his personal War Sphinx, as the burning motes of blue flame that now served as his eyes, fixed their gaze upon his distant foe. . .

Smug to the point of insufferability, Count Noctilus stood with arms folded atop the deck of his private Necrofex Colossus, gazing out across the dunes at Settra. The foul thing swaying as if still at sea, as it advanced across the scorching sands. Around Noctilis, was his trusty crew. 'Trusty' in the sense that they were a hoard of stitched together necromantic abominations enslaved to his will by dark magic. The best kind of crew to have if ye' wanted his personal opinion.

On either side of his unholy conveyance, were two more Necrofex Colossi, with a third, 'special specimen' equipped with a flame cannon, marching on the right flank. A bit much, Noctilus would admit, but then, this was the fabled King o' Kings he be up against, etiquette demanded he show prop'r respect. Noctilus grinned, his fangs flashing in the light of the sun. Nothing said 'respect' like enough cannon fire ta' sink an armada. Down in front of the war host, was a line of Deck Gunners, lugging their heavy ordinance across the dunes at a swift shuffle. While behind them, were units of the dreaded Depth Guard, as bloodthirsty, quite literally, a pack of scallywags as ev'r hoisted a sail. Nearly all wielding viciously sharp polearms. An o'course, who could forget his pride and joy? Good old Queen Bess! Ah, Noctilus loved that ol' girl, sure she was a lotta woman to manage, an' her roar could drown out a volcano, but when she went to war, her slap was somethin' ta behold.

"Brings a tear to me eye. . ." Noctilus chuckled to himself, as he offered a mocking salute to. . . "What the? Now where did ol' Settra go?" He muttered to himself as he stroked his barnacle encrusted beard. Settra's army was still there, just about to advance into range, but the king himself had seemingly disappeared. Suddenly, Noctilus's eyes widened, as a small dust devil ran across the dunes in front of him, the heat causing the air to shimmer. "AVAST YE DOGS! PROTECT THE GUNS! SETTRA BE-." Noctilus's warning came to late, as the shimmer of the desert seemed to warp, and a War Sphinx thundered across the dunes, far too close for comfort.

At roughly the same time, a veritable meteor shower of shrieking spears of energy, exploded into the ranks of the depth guard, specifically those wielding halberds. For an instant, Noctilus just stood there gaping, as Settra's War Sphinx slammed into the ranks of Deck Gunners, reducing a fair few to a discolored stain on the sand, as the remainder were sent flying, usually sans a limb or two. He never would have pegged so composed and careful a leader as the Imperishable to try a strategy as reckless as this. Hiding himself with magic and then barreling in alone? It was gutsy, and not at all what Noctilus was expecting. He also was vaguely curious how he had done it, before recalling some ritual the sand dogs were know to perform. Something about getting blessings of Kazer? Kasek? No Khsar that be it! Khsar! Allowing the bastards to raise sandstorms and conceal themselves in plain sight.

As he watched Settra rampage through his soldiers, Noctilus had to admit he was impressed. However, he hadn't gotten this far as the Terror of the Maelstrom, by being inflexible. Focusing his will, he sent his three Necrofex Colossi forward to ward off the rest of Settra's approaching army, as he pulled back his Deck Gunners and sent forth the still fairly healthy Depth Guard halberdiers. Digging deep, he recited the Invocation of Nehek, targeting the most injured of the vampiric soldiers with a revitalizing surge of necromantic magic. Corpses rose, and rent flesh stitched itself together, as the magic restored Noctilus's warriors. Swiftly surrounding Settra, they began to chip away at the animated stone of his mount with blades empowered by dark magic. . .

Settra swung the Blade of Ptra in a mighty arc, beheading and incinerating, an incautious trio of Depth Guard that had managed to scale the sides of his mount. With a contempt only the immortal ruler of Khemri could manage, he invoked the power of his divine patrons, a vortex of energy swirling around him and his War Sphinx before exploding out in a wave of destruction. Armored vampiric warriors shrieked as their bodies were blown in all directions, many reduced to mangled scraps of flesh encased within warped and broken armor.

To the rear of the wretched pirates formation, Settra could see their ranged units reforming ranks far quicker than he would like. Additionally, several of his chariots had been delayed by the Necrofex Colossi running interference, forcing them to move around them. Fortunately, two of said colossi were now bogged down by a unit of said chariots, as a War Sphinx charged into them. Delaying them long enough for the Ushabti to position themselves to focus their greatbow fire on the bogged down Colossi, as the chariots withdrew. Settra's gambit was paying off, the pirates had failed to consider that he might try a strategy as risky as putting himself directly into the firing line at the start of the battle. That said, the strategy still entailed significant drawbacks. . .

Noctilus had to admit, he was in a bit of trouble. Settra had taken a number of his best units out of the fight, and while Queen Bess had reduced more'n a few o' the advancing enemy Tomb Guard to shivers of bone, that didn't matter if the more important units continued to have free reign o' the field. Noctilus sighed, as he looked to a particularly high sand dune. He s'posed he best be showin o'l bandage head o'er there what he'd traded in his Syreens fer.

"Come t' that. . ." Noctilus muttered to himself, as he leaned over the side of his mount, and signaled the Fleet Captain below. Rainbow the Ruthless nodded, as she forced her Rotting Promethean mount into high gear, channeling the winds of magic as she called out to the depths.

As luck would have it, Settra had almost managed to disengage from the Depth Guard, as, in a blast of mystically summoned seawater, a team of Rotting Prometheans slammed into him. Meanwhile, two more units of Prometheans scuttled out from behind the sand dunes that had hidden them from Settra's view. Moving as fast as their decaying limbs would allow, they headed straight toward the Ushabti Greatbow's position, forcing them to pour all their fire into the new threat. Noctilus heard Settra's roar of fury as he tried to cut his way free of the hoard of giant undead hermit crabs assaulting him on all sides. . .

Settra struggled to contain his rage as he stabbed his sacred polearm through the head of a massive reanimated crustacean. With a gurgling wail, the monster fell back, its slimy shell and flesh burned instantly to steam and charcoal by the white hot spear tip. Calling once more on the power of the gods, Settra invoked Djaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades. A shimmering dark energy shone on the graven claws and fangs of Settra's mount, and on his own weapon, as the power of the god of death surged through them. Iron hard shells and exoskeletons parting more easily, as the animating magics of the monsters was disrupted.

Nevertheless, Settra was clearly in trouble. His mount was chipped and cracked, his own armor was rent in a few places, and the magics sustaining his body and keeping his soul tethered to it were starting to feel the strain. And it only got worse when he realized that the formerly scattered Deck Gunners had rallied, and were now aiming their formidable weaponry right at him. It was a bad position to be in, or. . . it would have been, had Settra not had a plan. . .

Just as the Deck Gunners were in position to fire, a terrible wind swirled in their midst. Amid cries of alarm and a violent oath from Count Noctilus, a whirling tornado of sand and ghostly screaming skulls manifested amid the Deck Gunner ranks. Soldiers were instantly thrown in all directions, or torn to shreds by the howling winds and gnashing teeth, as those who remained tried to get out of the way of the unpredictable whirlwind. Simultaneously, Settra's War Sphinx was bathed in an aura of blue light, as the cracks and chips on his mount began to vanish. Enchanted stone merging together again as if it were flesh, restoring the massive construct back to nearly full fighting form.

"Well. . . that be a development." Noctilus deadpanned, as he noted the appearance of two bandaged figures on the crest of a nearby dune. A lich Priest and a Necrotect, unless he missed his guess. As the Lich Priest began weaving its next spell, the Necrotect moved to support Settra. To make matters worse, Noctilus knew all too well that a properly trained Necrotect was no slouch in combat. "Guess it's about time I took control o' this er' situation. . ." He grumbled dangerously, as he ordered his Colossus to engage Settra. True he wasn't quite equipped for close range battle, but despite the Necrotect's best efforts, Settra was still hurting. If Noctilus was able to take him out, then it was only a matter of time before his army crumbled away to dust. . .

Settra sneered as his War Sphinx crushed the last of the summoned Prometheans. Battered but unbowed, he turned to see his ranks of Tomb Guard crest the dune that his Necrotect: Starmane the Righteous, and his Lich Priest: Spike, stood upon. Spike called out an incantation to Neru, and a shimmering field of nigh invisible energy covered Settra and his mount, reinforcing them against physical damage, as Starmane charged down the dune to do battle with the remaining Depth Guard. Victory was within Settra's grasp. All he needed to do was survive till the Tomb Guard arrived and the vampire lines would break. Raising the Blessed Blade of Ptra, he prepared to roar out the order to charge.


The outlandish shout preceded Settra's War Sphinx being bowled over, as a Necrofex Colossus flying the Jolly Roger, slammed into its side at a lumbering run. Noctilus himself jumping off the deck at the last minute to land nimbly next to the undignified, and now incomprehensibly pissed off, heap in the sand that was Settra the Imperishable. As Settra and his Sphinx got to their feet, Noctilus brought his vicious polearm 'Tidesplitter' up in a duelist's stance, a cocky smirk on his face.

"You dare strike the King of Kings in such a manner?!!" Settra snarled, rising to his feet. The sand around him whipping into a churning frenzy, as if the desert itself was reacting to his rage. Beside him, his War Sphinx shook itself, ponderously getting back to its feet before turning to face the Necrofex Colossus that had knocked it to the ground. Despite it's expression being a mere carving, its face seemed somehow to reflect its masters indignant fury, as it prepared to charge. Noctilus kept grinning as he spun his weapon around himself a few times.

"Aye!" He stated. "Figured it was about time someone took a bit o' that hot air out o' yer' sails. By the time we're done here, ye'll be bowing to me!"

To Noctilus's surprise, rather than charge at him in a reckless fury, Settra calmly raised his weapon into a 'ready' stance. Placing one bandaged foot forward and squaring off against Noctilus, the tip of his spear glowed with the white hot heat of the sun, as he pointed it at his foe. Beside the two warriors their mounts similarly got into position. Settra's War Sphinx crouching low in preparation for a pounce, while Noctilus's Necrofex Colossus thrust an arm ending in a trio of rotating cannons forward, while its other arm rose into a guard position.

Around the two mounts and the legendary champions whom commanded them, the battle raged. As two armies of undead, one of desiccated regal order and the other of waterlogged savage anarchy, clashed. The battle balanced on a knife edge, neither side gaining nor giving ground. In the end, it would be down to this duel between the King of Nehekara, and the Master of the Maelstrom. Settra's eyes flickered, as he spoke in an ethereal rumbling growl.

"Settra does not serve. . . SETTTRA RULES!"

Soundtrack: Santiana by Jonathan Young

The undead king's bellow all but shook the sands, as he charged the still smirking pirate lord in an impressive display of speed. Spinning the Blade of Ptra around his body in a shining blur, Settra swung it in a brutal overhead arc at his opponent. Caught off guard by the mummified warrior's swift movements, Noctilus only just had time to bring Tidesplitter up to block his strike. Bending his legs, Noctilus absorbed the impact of a blow that would have cleaved an ordinary man in twain. Spinning his body to one side, he redirected Settra's weapon into the sand, the blade instantly turning the silicate grains to glass, as Noctilus slashed at the King of King's unprotected back. Only for the bandaged warrior to twirl in place, catching Tidesplitter from beneath with his weapon and directing it in an arc overhead before pinning it against the sands. Settra finished his maneuver by elbowing Noctilus in the chest with enough force to send him sliding back, his feet digging deep furrows in the soft ground.

Noctilus however, simply grinned wider, as he raised a glowing hand over his head. Pointing it at the sky, he muttered a brief incantation under his breath, before leveling his finger at Settra. Instantly, a swirling mass of clouds began gathering overhead, amid a crackle of lightning and a roar of arcane energy. Settra, having heard reports of this ability from his advisors, threw himself to one side, as a barrage of cannon balls wreathed in swirling eldritch power, screamed down from the sky. However, Settra misjudged what Noctilus was aiming for, as the enchanted projectiles detonated across the body of his War Sphinx.

The construct was incapable of feeling pain or uttering sound, but Settra let out an involuntary bellow of rage, as his mount was hammered into the sand. Only to grow even more incensed as Noctilus's abominable Necrofex Colossus, used the opportunity to fire all three of its cannons into the War Sphinx's partially buried head. The momentary distraction almost cost Settra his unlife, as Noctilus rushed forward to swing Tidesplitter's cruelly bladed head at the King of Khemeri's neck. Settra only just managing to block the strike with an upraised arm, his ancient enchanted bracer only barely holding against Tidesplitter's own dark enchantments and wicked edge.

Invoking the Wrath of Ptra, Settra's body exploded in a blast of glowing golden flames, sending Noctilus hurtling away with his beard and coat badly singed. Meanwhile, in a brutal display of power, Settra's War Sphinx recovered from its pummeling. Launching itself into the spindly Necrofex Colossus and clamping its jaws onto its cannonless left arm, pulling it off balance. Covered in cracks, and with several large hunks of material gouged out of its side, the Sphinx still had plenty of fight left, as it sent its opponent toppling to the ground.

Meanwhile, Noctilus laughed as he rolled to his feet. He hadn't had a fight this exciting in ages. That said, it was clear that ol' bandage head outclassed him by a fair margin in terms of raw fighting skill. Fortunately, a good pirate was never at a loss for tricks. Reaching down to his belt, Noctilus brushed his hand against the ancient moondial hanging there, calling to the spirits of those sailors whom had died trying to posses it. Instantly, the sand between Settra and Noctilus exploded upward, as scores of zombified seamen clawed their way free of the great beyond. Settra's expression of wrathful indignation at the sight of such underhanded tactics, made Noctilus chuckle. Why in the name of the deeps was everyone always so surprised when the pirate lord didn't fight fair?

Settra, his blade blazing in time with his fury, sliced through the grasping and groaning chaff between him and his foe five or six at a time. That he, the fabled lord of the sands should have to endure such an indignity as fighting mere zombies was beyond the pale! As the Blade of Ptra turned another four of the shambling corpses into charred husks with a wide slash, he swore he would personally feed Noctilus's rotting soul to the scavenger god!

Noctilus meanwhile, used his free moment to cast the Invocation of Nehek on his currently struggling Necrofex Colossus. While simultaneously signaling his distant ship via magic to hammer Settra's War Sphinx with a bit of cannon fire. A moment later, the leonine construct was sent reeling by a blazing cannonball to the side, allowing the Necrofex Colossus an opening to get to its feet. Running forward, Noctilus was just in time to grab a trailing piece of rigging as the towering war engine rose up. Swinging upward, Noctilus summersaulted into a perfect landing on the cracked but still solid decking. Looking over the side, he gave Settra a cheeky salute, as he mentally directed his mount to stomp the Nehekaran king into paste.

Settra, seeing the incoming mass of driftwood and stitched together corpses streaking down at him, took a moment to center himself. Mystic senses slowing the world to a crawl, as he analyzed the situation. Within a fraction of a second the King of King's had a plan. Throwing away caution, he once more relied on skill and daring, as he rushed toward the towering pirate war engine. Just barely avoiding the descending limb, Settra almost lost his footing as the impact, cushioned though it was by the sand, made the dune shake.

Running between the rotting horror's legs, Settra uttered a brief prayer to the gods, asking for their blessing and power. Directly behind the now off balance Necrofex Colossus, waited the master of Nehekhara's War Sphinx. Raising a massive paw of carved and enchanted stone, the beast responded to its rider's will. Jumping into the waiting paw, Settra embedded his bony digits into the cracked stone appendage, as it swung upward. Waiting till the last moment, the lord of the sands launched himself into the air. His flawlessly preserved limbs combined with the assist provided by his mount, sent Settra soaring skyward, just as Noctilus's mount turned around.

Reaching the apex of his flight, Settra smiled internally, as he grasped the Blessed Blade of Ptra with both hands. Below him, Noctilus was glancing around in confusion, trying to figure out where his foe had gone. A moment later, Settra saw the pirate lord freeze for an instant, as understanding dawned and he looked up, simultaneously raising his blade to block. The haft of his weapon made it just in time as the king of the desert smashed into the master of the waves. The impact of Settra's swing enough to shatter the decking beneath Noctilus's feet and send the undead war engine it was part of, to its knees.

Noctilus's arms, inexplicable as it was given his undead state, felt numb. As he and Settra leapt apart and proceeded to turn the air between them into a veritable cloud of steel. A series of slashes from Settra were frantically parried, before Noctilus managed to catch the haft of his shining polearm with the hooked end of his own. Bringing up his left hand, Noctilus clenched it into a fist, displaying a golden ring, with a large glowing ruby set into it. Settra only just jerked his body aside before a blast of flaming power erupted from the ring. The ball of mystic fire destroying a chunk of deck railing, before vitrifying a chunk of a dune a good hundred feet away.

Off balance, Settra grit his yellowed teeth as he was put on the defensive. A series of lightning quick stabs propelled by vampiric musculature, were only barely redirected by the King of King's immense skill and mystically enhanced reflexes. Fury and focus combined, as Settra dodged a stab aimed for his eye socket, before grabbing the haft of his foe's weapon and sending a savage kick into Noctilus's gut.

Staggered, Noctilus made a sign in the air, channeling the winds of magic and shrouding Settra's senses with an illusory mist, just before he could wrench Tidesplitter from Noctilus's hands. Whirling his wicked polearm around, Noctilus stabbed Settra through the gut before ripping his weapon out through his side in a cloud of dust and shredded cloth.

"GOT YE'!" Noctilus crowed. As Settra staggered away, and he brought his weapon up in a two handed grip. "NOW TAKE A KNEE YE' POMPUS SAND DOG!!" He roared out, as he brought his weapon down.

Only for a bandaged, skeletal hand, to reach out once more and stop it mid swing. Noctilus's eyes bulged, as Settra rose up to his full height, revealing his reaction to the injury as mere theater. What would have been a crippling wound to any other man or vampire was as nothing to the King of Kings, as arcane power swirled around him, restoring his undead vitality. Noctilus struggled to pull his weapon back, but it was as if it was embedded in a block of iron, as Settra's eyes flared with a cold blue radiance. A creaking whine of strained metal carried through the air, as Settra tightened his grip, just before Tidesplitter, an ancient weapon of darkest magic, snapped like a matchstick.

"Did you not hear me, unworthy peasant?" Settra declared, his words terrifying in how dismissively calm they were. As if the King of Kings was simply clarifying a point of fact. Tossing aside the head of Noctilus's weapon, and sending it clattering across the deck. "Settra does not serve. . ." Noctilus, shocked, and not a little awed by the power and sheer presence Settra was exuding, took an involuntary step back. Letting his guard down for just an instant. It was all the King of King's needed. . . as in a blinding flash of gold and a blur of movement, he sent Ptra's blessed blade straight through Noctilus's heart. "Settra rules."

Staggering back, Noctilus felt his undead flesh disintegrating. The dark and terrible magics that had kept him in the realm of the living so long, coming undone in an instant. Rent asunder by the power of Settra's god blessed weapon. As he stared at the lord of Khemri, the undisputed ruler of Nehekhara, the almighty king of the desert standing there, Noctilus couldn't help but smile.

"Aye. . . so ye' do. . ." He declared, as his body turned to cinder before being blown away by the desert wind.

Jack leaned back in his chair, staring at the screen of his pc, as his army of vampire pirates, deprived of their leader, finally crumbled. The death of Noctilus finally pushing what had been a razor thin contest into decisive defeat. Twilight's army, battered but still strong, standing tall, as the battle between them officially ended. It had taken everything Jack had and more, but in the end he was forced to bow before the better player. After a momentary silence, he finally found his voice.

"Congratulations on your victory princess. It appears today, you were the better general."

Across the electronic sea of the internet and the boundary between dimensions, Twilight gave a slightly sad smile. Not that she was unhappy with her victory or disappointed at Jack's performance. Truth be told, Jack was every bit as marvelous a tactician as Celestia had insisted he was. He had pushed Twilight to the limits of her skill, ultimately forcing her to break out of her comfort zone and take a risk she never would have against another opponent. More than that however, he had kept the game fun for her, with a stream of easy back and forth conversation, banter, roleplay and jokes. Honestly, the only thing keeping her from enjoying it, was that it was over.

"Say. . . Jack?" Twilight asked as casually as possible.

"Yes Twilight?" Jack replied.

"Well, I know I technically won and all but. . . could we maybe. . . keep playing?" Jack felt his eyes widen slightly, forcing down a sudden feeling of anxiety, as he blushed, uncertain how to respond. Twilight must have somehow sensed his nervousness, as her next words had a distinct note of challenge along with something faintly flirtatious, that Jack was convinced he was imagining. "Unless of course, getting beat by your favorite princess knocked the fight out of you?" Instantly, Jack felt a competitive fire light within him.

"Not a chance." He declared playfully, before switching to a tone of theatrical confidence. "How about I show you why I'm called The Warmaster?" Twilight giggled.

"Considering that's your gamertag, didn't you technically name yourself that?" She asked with an audible smirk.

"Do you wanna nitpick, or do you wanna throw down pony girl?" Jack shot back good-naturedly. Twilight just chuckled, feeling a strange thrill at Jack's tone of confidence.

"Bring it on. . . Warmaster."