• Published 19th Feb 2022
  • 1,861 Views, 24 Comments

Total War: Ponyhammer - Thule117

After the relatively unimportant and peaceful joining of the human and pony worlds, the princesses get down to the far more important buisness of playing their new favorite game. . . Total War Warhammer 2.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Greetings everyone, Thule117 here with a few words before we get started. First, I'd like to apologize for how long the new chapter for Legion is taking, not to mention my slow writing speed in general. Chaos in the real world and my own flighty attention span, combined with a number of other side endeavors has been keeping me from writing as much as I'd like. The new chapter for Legion is mostly done, but I've been dragging my feet in the last quarter of it, at any rate it should be finished relatively soon.

In other news, I can now say that I have finally read pretty much all of the MLP comics and manga. It took me awhile to find them all, as some are out of print, but find them I did. Each one was a delight, and has given me tons of new ideas, particularly for Total War: Ponyhammer. Up until the last few months I had never read a single one of the Mane 6's comic book adventures despite knowing they existed, and I deeply regret waiting so long. If you haven't read them, I strongly recommend doing so.

At any rate, I hope you all are doing well and that you can forgive my lateness in publishing this chapter. And now, on with the story. . .

Thorgrim Grudgebearer swore feelingly as he saw the battle turn. From his position on a hill he watched as a unit of Hammerers was torn apart by a hail of warpstone bullets. Screams of agony sounded as the Dawi soldiers flesh was burned and twisted by the unnatural energies emitted by the projectiles, their finely forged armor of no concern to such unholy weaponry. However, it only grew worse from there. As a mass of green fog the size of a boulder, smashed into a unit of Thunderers.

Shrieks of unimaginable pain echoed across the battlefield, as the line of gun toting warriors were dissolved, armor and all, by the unspeakable mix of chemicals and magical diseases. Thorgrim clenched the armrests of his throne, his rage all but paralyzing him. Plagueclaw Catapults, only truly monstrous minds could ever countenance such an abhorrent weapon, let alone build and use it. Thorgrim would have ordered his own artillery to respond, but the enemy had already destroyed it. Several units of sorcerous machines, 'Doom-Flayers' he seemed to remember the enemy calling them, having outflanked Thorgrim's front line and charged their rear. Slaughtering the Grudge Thrower crews in scant moments before driving off.

"FALL BACK LADS! FALL BACK BY GRUNGNI!!" Thorgrim bellowed, the words like bile in his throat. Before him, the ancient Book of Grudges seemed almost to mock him. As well was his due he supposed, he had been meant to settle a grudge here, not shame his ancestors by adding another. Still, he might yet salvage this situation if he could simply save enough of his warriors. If they could make it back to friendly territory, regroup and rearm. . .

"Fool-fool says 'what'!" Cried a voice seemingly from out of nowhere.

"What?!" Thorgrim exclaimed, just as the palanquin his throne sat upon violently tilted, accompanied by a scream from one of the bearers. Fans of blood sprayed into the air, and Thorgrim just had time to grab his axe and jump, as a second bearer's throat was opened up. Hitting the ground hard, the Dawi king rolled to absorb the momentum before coming up with his axe in a guard position. Just in time to block a series of blindingly fast slashes, delivered by what seemed at first to be a living shadow. Sparks were struck from the haft of Thorgrim's rune engraved axe, as he only barely parried a series of glowing green strikes trailing ghostly afterimages. Then, as the shadow's parted, the Grudgebearer at last saw his enemy.

The creature stood about five feet tall, covered in jet black fur. In limbs that ended in a cross between paws and clawed hands, it clutched a pair of wicked daggers that glowed a poisonous green, with a third held in the worm-like tail behind it. Beady red eyes, and a long snout filled with razor sharp teeth, completed the image of a monstrously oversized rat that some cruel or insane deity had fused with a man. Thorgrim grit his teeth in anger, as he beheld a lord of one of the Dawi's most hated enemies, the Thaggoraki, or in the tongue of the manling's: the Skaven. . .

"Aye know you beast!" Thorgrim rumbled, clenching his axe hard enough to turn his knuckles white. The Skaven just gave a nasty tittering laugh.

"Death Master Snikch, at-at your service." The creature replied with a mocking bow. Thorgrim felt his blood boil, recalling all the good lads who had died to this monster in this most recent campaign. How many entries in the Dammaz Kron referred to this beast by name?! Rolling his shoulders, Thorgrim vowed that if nothing else, those grudges would be settled here and now! Sizing up his opponent, Thorgrim decided to keep the clearly overconfident rodent talking.

"So then, that wazzock in the trees was just the distraction while you moved into position." Thorgrim growled. "Aye'd of thought my reinforcements would have taken care of ye'." Snikch smirked, or at least Thorgrim was pretty sure he did, honestly it was hard to tell with Skaven faces.

"Still-still fight-killing them! Only me-me here!" Thorgrim didn't believe that for a second. Unfortunately at present he was in no position to reconnoiter the area. Worse however, was that he was currently isolated from most of his army. The closest backup currently consisting of a group of beleaguered Iron Breakers being harried by hundreds of feral looking ratmen that had exploded up from the ground beneath their feet. Thorgrim steeled himself, mustering up his near boundless reserves of Dawi pride and stubbornness. He'd killed monsters and assassins on his own before, killing something that was both at once shouldn't prove much of a challenge.

"Yer about ta' be real sorry ye' left your ugly friends back there." Thorgrim growled, as he charged forward.

Snikch's form seemed almost to blur as he met his foe's charge. With flawless acrobatics he effortlessly dodged the dwarven king's strikes. Using his superior speed and agility, the Deathmaster sought an opening in his foe's defenses. Unfortunately, what Thorgrim lacked in speed and maneuverability, he easily made up for in durability and skill. Rune enchanted armor, combined with a measured but relentless fighting style meant that finding a soft spot wouldn't be easy. Not to mention that Dawi stubbornness and hardy constitution, meant he could keep up his assault till doomsday if he had to. Still, that was assuming Snikch allowed him such a luxury.

Flipping out of the way of a swing that likely could have hacked down a good sized oak, the Deathmaster grabbed a pawful of loose dirt before flinging it at his opponent's face. As predicted, the Dawi king's instincts worked against him, as he jumped back, no doubt suspecting something far worse than a cloud of dust and a few loose pebbles. Suddenly off balance, Thorgrim struggled to get his guard back up as he registered the trick. Only to let out a grunt of pain, as one of the assassin's blades found a chink in his armor.

"That all you got?!" The Dawi king roared, ignoring the wound as he lashed out with his axe. Snikch let out a squeak of dismay as he dodged just a hair too late, and a line of red appeared on his arm. Hissing in anger, Snikch jumped back out of range. Thorgrim let out a laugh, trying to ignore the burning feeling of the poison in his veins that was making his head spin slightly. "Running already?! From that little paper cut?! Come here and I'll really give ya' somthin' to cry about!" Suddenly the King's eyes narrowed, as Snikch revealed his teeth. This time, there was no mistaking the grin.

"Better idea-thought. . ." He replied, his eyes gleaming with malevolent glee, as he twirled his daggers around his claws. A low whistling and a flash of green was the only warning Thorgrim got, as something struck him in the back with explosive force. Pain screamed through his body as he was hurled forward in a cloud of green and black smoke. Rolling to his feet despite the agony, Thorgrim was surprised when the Deathmaster didn't bother trying to exploit the opening. As if reading his thoughts, the Skaven assassin let out a high pitched laugh. "Warp Stars good-nice but-but we do better! Yes-yes?!"

Before Thorgrim could even think of demanding an explanation, he let out a bellow of pain. It felt like every bone in his body had just been hit by a Dawi smith's hammer. Spitting blood, he felt his body wracked by an uncontrollable shaking, as every muscle screamed. Falling to one knee, the Grudgebearer struggled to guard himself as Snikch shot toward him in a blur. Nearly blinded by pain, Thorgrim could barely put up a defense as a trio of glowing blades punched through his armor over and over. The burning of the poison became white hot torture as repeated doses overwhelmed the King's Dawi constitution. Blood oozed from dozens of wounds, Thorgrim only barely managing to redirect the onslaught of razor sharp steel away from his vital organs. Finally though, the bone deep pain relented, the dark magic running its course as the battered King regained his feet.

"Do. . . tha'. . . again. . ." He wheezed, forcing a sneering grin to his face. "Might. . . actually. . . feel it this time!" The smile never left Snikch's face.

"No need-reason too, associate-friend from Skryre finally got all Jezails into position." Instantly, Thorgrim's eyes widened in horror, his axe slipping from suddenly numb fingers. Just as dozens of distant popping sounds were heard over the din of battle.

"You. . . sorry WHORESON WAZZO-!" The King's final words were abruptly cut off, as countless bullets of purified warpstone blew his body apart in a shower of blood and glittering shards of armor.

"Always thought-knew he talked too much." Growled a voice from nearby.

Snikch's smile widened as he wiped his blades clean on the grass of the hill. Turning, he beheld a skaven half encased in ornate armor. At least, that's what appeared to be the case, until you noticed the mechanical arm attached to his armored half. Holding a weapon that was as much a spear as it was a staff, festooned in countless mechanical gimcracks and googaws that the assassin couldn't even begin to guess the function of, the half metal rat returned the Deathmaster's grin.

"Ikit Claw!" He cried out, as he moved to clasp paws with his old friend.

"Snikch!" The Skryre engineer squeaked, gripping his friend's offered paw firmly as they playfully arm wrestled in mid air. After a moment or two of being deadlocked, the Deathmaster grinned.

"What's the matter-problem Ikit? They got you pushing too many pencils?" However, before the warlock could reply, a voice rang out from the nearby corpse of Thorgrim Grudgebearer.

"Ugh! Thou do know that in the actual lore those two would despise each other, correct?"

Over Dispony, Luna's comment sounded ever so slightly petulant, as she watched the last of her Longbeards disappear under a hail of Ratling Gun fire. Celestia's grin was audible as she replied.

"Sounds a bit like sour grapes to me dear sister. And here I thought you wanted a challenge?" Luna's response was a bit on the testy side.

"Remind me sister, what were the first words out of your mouth after losing to our new teammate for the first time? Something about 'Monkeybucking' I believe?" As Celestia shot back with a mildly indignant reply, Jack ignored the two royal sisters back and forth, in favor of typing out a quick PM to Twilight.

Warmaster1987: "How concerned should I be that beings who hold the power to move stars and moons through space bicker with each other whenever we beat them? I'd rather the apocalypse not come about because I was stupid enough not to let the Wookie win." Twilight snorted into her mic as she struggled to contain her laughter before typing out a response.

BookhorsePrincess: "Not to worry, Cadence and I could stop them if things ever got that bad. . . probably."

Warmaster1987: "Wow, what a ringing endorsement. . . I am filled with confidence." Twilight just barely managed to suppress another giggle as Jack continued typing while Celestia and Luna continued to argue. "Well, seeing as there's a 50-50 chance we're all about to die. Twilight. . . there's something I've been meaning to ask you for a long, long time. . ." For just an instant, Twilight felt her heartbeat quicken. Only to feel faintly disappointed when he sent the rest of the message. "How do unicorns sleep without their horns poking holes in their pillows? I just cannot figure it out."

It had been a little over a month and a half since Jack had become one of the Chaosmares, and in that time he and Twilight had become fast friends. Little surprise given how much they turned out to have in common. Both were slightly introverted, and more than a little socially awkward. Both loved to read and shared a love of action adventure novels. They both struggled with various mental challenges, Twilight still wrestled with mild obsessive compulsive disorder, and Jack admitted to having a touch of Asperger Syndrome. They also were both were great believers in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, and each found being surrounded by books akin to a religious experience.

After that first test battle against each other, they played Total War and talked constantly. Even going so far as to exchange cell numbers. Anytime Twilight wasn't doing princess work or hanging out with her friends, she was talking to Jack. She desperately wanted to meet him in person, but every time she brought it up he dodged the question or claimed he was busy. She knew he mentioned being sensitive about how he looked, but surely he didn't think she'd judge him based on his appearance, did he? Honestly, it was beginning to get just a little frustrating.

"You two ok over there Twilight? You and Jack are awfully quiet." Cadence's words were neutral, but her tone was ever so slightly suggestive, and Twilight instantly felt her face go red. This was not at all helped by Jack's response.

"Oh, just chatting about how Twilight is thinking of quitting the princess business and running off with me to Aruba. Besides, I've played the God of War series, I know better than to get between two deities in the middle of a spat." For all their similarities, this was one of the key differences between Jack and Twilight. She tended to be calm and measured in conversation and usually didn't joke overtly, while Jack tended to make every conversation into a joke, and treated sarcasm as if it was a second language. Usually it made Twilight laugh, but right now for some reason, she really found herself wishing she was somewhere else.

"Oh don't mind my aunts, they love each other even if they do bicker from time to time. So, any big plans for the next few days?" Instantly, Twilight's ears pricked. To anycreature else, Cadence's question would have sounded entirely innocent, but to Twilight, whom had known Cadence for most of her life, the tone of the question sounded. . . wrong. There was an ever so subtle note of false innocence, one that instantly set Twilight on guard. Jack however, hadn't seemed to notice.

"Oh nothing big, probably just more one on one Total War practice with Twilight, and maybe getting some chores done around the house. Place is a mess." Instantly, Twilight's ears pricked up, her suspicion towards Cadence momentarily forgotten. Jack wasn't busy for the next few days! Maybe this was the moment to finally convince him to let her come for a visit! However before she could open her mouth, Cadence let out an exclamation of alarm.

"Oh my hoofness I just remembered! Twilight I'm paying a visit with Flurry Heart this weekend, and I was wondering if I could stay at your place? I know it's last minute, but if you could do it I'd be so grateful!" That definitely set off some alarm bells in Twilight's head. Cadence rarely if ever forgot to mention familial visits, and just 'dropping in' typically wasn't in character for her either. That settled it, Cadence was plotting something.

"I mean, I guess? But I wanted to ask Jack if-."

"GREAT!" Cadence interrupted. "Oh you need to call me right now we have soooo much planning to do!" Twilight arched an eyebrow as every instinct she had told her to call Cadence out on whatever form of horse-apples this was. In the end however, she just sighed.

"Fine, just let me say bye to Jack first." However, the instant Twilight turned back to the screen she saw that Jack had disconnected from the Dispony call.

Warmaster1987: "Dammit, looks like the connection fizzled out. Just as well, I have a few things I need to get too. Catch you later Twi, next time let's do that Tyrion vs Teclis match. Have fun with Cadence!" Twilight smiled, as she replied.

BookhorsePrincess: "Looking forward to it, and I will. Btw, any chance you're free next weekend? I was thinking I could pop through the gate in Mexico and teleport to your neighborhood?" Twilight waited with bated breath for a few seconds, before letting it out in a long frustrated sigh as the reply appeared.

Warmaster1987: "Uh, sorry Twilight, I have a previous obligation. Maybe some other time?"

BookhorsePrincess: "Yeah, no problem. Text you later. :)" As Jack signed off, Twilight let her feelings out the best she could.


"Let me guess, he turned you down again?" Cadence asked.

"I just don't get it!" Twilight wailed. "I'm the Princess of Bucking Friendship! I co-rule a kingdom! I've fought supervillains! I negotiated peace between Israel and Palestine! I got all but three human countries to give up nukes! WHY CAN"T I CONVINCE ONE STUBBORN HUMAN TO MEET ME FOR COFFEE?!!!" Cadence just let out a tittering laugh.

"Because he's a stallion Twilight. Stallions like Jack, especially human stallions, are insecure, prideful, and dense! If you want him to go out with you, you can't just ask him to go out with you on a date, you have to tell him to go out with you on a date!" Instantly Twilight's face flared red.

"I never said I wanted to DATE him! I just-."

"Nup-bup-bup-bup! Don't even try that 'we're just friends' garbage. You two are the most compatible matchup I've seen in ages! You two talk to each other constantly, you're different where it counts but similar where it matters. You make each other laugh, and when you two play co-op it's like you can read each other's thoughts! Back me up here aunties!"

"Blunt as our niece's description of things was, I quite agree." Celestia stated, having abandoned her argument with Luna in favor of listening in on Twilight and Cadence's conversation. "I feel like Jack's insecurities are holding him back. I know you want to respect his wishes Twilight, but I doubt it would hurt to be a bit more aggressive."

"Indeed!" Luna agreed enthusiastically. "Just like when Tia had her first crush and ordered the Royal Guard to kidnap him!"

"LUNA! That is not what happened!" Celestia declared imperiously.

"Did you or did you not tell the guards to go get him after he failed to respond to thy letters of affection?" Luna replied archly.

"To make sure he was alright!" Celestia replied defensively. "I didn't tell them to drag him to the throne room in chains! And another thin-wait. . . How did you even know about that? I thought you slept through the whole thing?" There was a long pause before Luna replied.

"In my defence, you were the one who started it when you switched out my shampoo for magical golden-blond high intensity mane dye. . . plus I already knew he was gay and thus would not be interested."

"YOU CHANGED MY ORDERS?!!!" Twilight briefly felt the earth shake with the force of Celestia's shout.

"YOU TURNED MY MANE GOLD TIA!! GOLD!!!" Luna shouted back.


"YOU SHALL HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!" This proclamation was swiftly followed by the sound of a mic being flung aside, indistinct shouting, and several explosions. Cadence just let out a sigh of exasperation.

"Yes well. . . the point is Twilight, that the real reason I'm coming to Ponyville tomorrow is to help you finally get a date with Jack." Twilight thought about trying to talk Cadence out of whatever plan she had concocted, but swiftly decided against it. Cadence could be insanely stubborn when she wanted to be, plus, much as Twilight hated to admit it, she wasn't getting anywhere with Jack on her own. And Cadence was the Princess of Love, matching up compatible ponies was about half her job, and she was very good at it.

"Ok Cadence, I'll try it your way. Just. . . nothing too crazy alright?" Twilight's request was met by the sound of a sizable explosion from Luna's mic, followed by the roar of Celestia's voice.


That Saturday, Twilight was burning with curiosity as she met Cadence at Ponyville train station. All week Cadence had utterly refused to tell Twilight the details of her plan to get Jack to meet her. And no amount of wheedling, begging, or pleading on Twilight's part had made her sister in law budge. All Cadence would tell her was a list of magical ingredients she'd need -something she refused to elaborate on-, and that she should prepare an overnight bag.

"So are you going to finally tell me the plan?" Twilight asked for what felt like the millionth time in the last two days as her sister in law stepped off the train. Cadence simply gave a mysterious smirk as she levitated her overnight bag behind her.

"Patience Twilight, you can't rush these things." Twilight felt like she wanted to scream.

"Cadence, no offence, but I'm seriously beginning to question if you even have a plan." Cadence just rolled her eyes as they started walking toward the castle.

"Of course I have a plan Twilight. I spent all week researching what I needed to make it work. I know I'm being a bit cryptic, but please trust me. I promise this will all be worth it." Twilight let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry, I do trust you it's just. . . I really want this to go well. Jack is. . . well he's not my first crush, but he's the first stallion I've met who I feel like he see's me for. . . me." Cadence gave a sympathetic smile.

"That actually reminds me, I never really asked you about Flash Sentry. Why didn't you ever ask him out?" Twilight's ears flattened against her head as she thought back to her actual first crush.

"Honestly? Flash was a nice stallion but. . . we really didn't have much in common. I liked him mostly because he was handsome and nice, and he reminded me a bit of my brother. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that 'like' is as far as I could ever go with him emotionally." Cadence nodded sagely.

"Ah, I think I understand now. The kind of stallion who you know cares for you, but doesn't understand you." She remarked. Twilight nodded.

"When I talk to Jack, I feel like I'm talking to someone who gets me. Even when I talk about things he doesn't understand, he knows why it's important to me. Just the other night I was rambling on to him about a spell I was working on. He didn't get the math, or all of the different thaumaturgic requirements and formulas, but he understood why I was so excited about it. He didn't jokingly roll his eyes at me being a 'nerd', or get bored and politely wait for me to stop talking. He asked questions, and engaged with me to understand what he could, he cared. Not just because it was important to me, but because he knew it was another step toward unlocking greater knowledge." Cadence smiled.

"That's kind of what I meant when I said you two were different where it counts but similar where it matters. You two have the same core values, but different personalities. Its why I think you two will make such an amazing couple. Or at least, you will once Jack stops getting in his own way." She declared, as they entered Twilight's castle. "Speaking of, I'm going to go freshen up from my trip and get everything ready. Get your overnight bag and meet me in my room in exactly one hour." Twilight wanted to argue, but ultimately decided that one more hour of waiting couldn't hurt.

"Fine, Spike and Starlight are out right now, but they said they'd put the things you asked for in your room." Cadence nodded as she levitated her bags upstairs.

"Perfect. See you in an hour Twilight, and don't worry, my plan is foolproof!" Twilight arched an eyebrow.

"Isn't that exactly what you said last week, just before Jack and Luna lured you into that trap? Your 'foolproof plan' cost us the game." Cadence let out an embarrassed little cough.

"Yes, well. . . this isn't Naggarond and he's not playing as Oxyotl." Twilight smirked as she replied.

"And he's not able to distract you by asking about Flurry Heart's baby pictures. Right?" Cadence let out an indignant snort at that.

"That just goes to show how much I love you, considering I'm willing to set you up with a supervillain. Seriously, using a mother's Instagram posts against her is just despicable!" Twilight just giggled.

"Well you know what they say: 'all's fair in love and war'." Cadence simply rolled her eyes.

"You and Jack are going to be unbearable once you start dating." She groaned. Hiding a smirk as she headed to her room.

An hour later, an antsy Twilight stood outside the door to the guestroom Cadence had chosen. Through the door, she heard the faint sound of Cadence humming to herself. Taking a deep breath to try and control the mix of anxiety and anticipation running through her, Twilight adjusted the saddlebags on her back and knocked on the door.

"Hold on Twilight, just making sure everything is ready. Did you bring your overnight bags?" Twilight let out an inaudible sigh and rolled her eyes as she replied.

"Yes." Twilight of course had her suspicions as to why Cadence would want her to pack to go somewhere. If she had to guess, she'd say her sister in law probably intended to take her through the gate to Earth. As to what she intended to do then, Twilight had no idea.

"Ok, good. Just a little more aaaand. . . done. Ok Twilight, come on in!" Steeling herself, Twilight opened the door and strode briskly inside. Only to react with shock, as a blast of turquoise magic struck her full on in the face. Stumbling and half blinded, Twilight just had time to notice the glowing circle of runes on the floor of Cadence's bedroom, as she felt the unmistakable tingling sensation of a powerful enchantment taking hold of her. As Twilight struggled to reorient herself, Cadence addressed her in a voice that was entirely too chipper for somepony who had just attacked a member of their own family. "Have fun!" Then the world exploded in a flash of turquois light.

Blinking spots from her eyes, Twilight ignited her horn and braced herself. As a mage of no small talent, and somepony who had made teleportation something of a signature spell, she was well acquainted with the feeling of being moved across vast distances via magic. A million panicked thoughts ran through her head as she tried to get her bearings. Had an enemy of Equestria or the Human Pony Alliance subverted Cadence somehow?! Who could have done so?! What was their objective?! How did they manage it?! Was she in an apartment?

Shaking off the last of her disorientation, Twilight saw that she was indeed in what appeared to be the living room of a slightly messy single bedroom apartment. One side of the room held a high end gaming PC on an old fashioned desk of weathered wood, a beaten up office chair perched in front of it. While on another side, she could see a TV with multiple gaming consoles strewn around it. In between and on the remaining walls were several bookshelves, stuffed with games, DVD's, and hundreds of books, as well as a seemingly random assortment of eclectic items. A small stone sculpture, a box made of polished brass, a hunk of rose quartz, an antique clock, and other equally bizarre items.

Pulling her gaze away from the bookshelves, Twilight noted the walls were decorated with posters of the Chaosmares, and framed newspaper clippings of important moments in the founding of the Human Pony Alliance, most featuring Twilight herself quite prominently. In addition, there were several framed duplicates of famous paintings, including one Twilight recognized as a Van Gogh, and a black and white photo done by Ansel Adams. In the center of the room, was a glass topped coffee table, covered in loose papers, game controllers, and a plate covered in crumbs. An upholstered couch was placed facing the TV from across the coffee table.

Turning around Twilight noted the kitchen, the sink filled with dirty dishes. The simple range stove was flanked by a counter on one side and an old refrigerator on the other. A short connecting hall lead away from the kitchen, and stepping into it, Twilight saw three doors. One was clearly the entrance to the apartment, given its orientation and the fact it was metal with a peephole through it. The second was ajar and looked in on a bedroom, the third, which was closed and from which the sound of running water emanated, was almost definitely a bathroom.

Twilight suddenly felt panic flood her mind, as it finally dawned on her just what Cadence had done, and where she had been sent. Frantically, Twilight began conjuring the magic for a dimensional teleport. While normally she would never have dreamed of attempting such a spell without constructing a magic circle as Cadence had done, her increasing panic, and the sound of the running water beyond the bathroom door cutting out, spurred her to desperation. Countless mental calculations and aetheric current adjustments were made in a flash, as Twilight prepared to recklessly hurl herself across the space between realities. . . only for the spell to fizzle like a match thrown into a lake.

Twilight froze in a combination of disbelief and slowly mounting rage, as she discovered the purpose of the enchantment Cadence had placed on her. An enchantment originally designed by the royal guard to prevent magical captives from escaping via teleport. One only the caster, or the passage of time, could remove. Just as the door to the bathroom flew open, Twilight, with no way to avoid her coming fate, took a deep breath, and with as much solemnity and dignity as she could conjure, made a sacred vow to herself.

"Cadence, I am going to bucking murder you."