• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 595 Views, 15 Comments

Spike Pie: Season 2 - Silver Butcher

Spike and Pinkie continue their adventures in Season 2, The two-party, fight bad guys, party some more, and have mis adventures with their friends and family

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Before the Chaos

The Sun was slowly peaking out from the horizon, ponies were waking up and beginning their daily routines as another typical day in Ponyvile began. Twilight and Owlicious were walking down the street, Owlicious flying overhead with a scroll in his claws. The two were talking about what lessons Twilight should tackle for the day when the sounds of scream laughing could be heard.

Twilight took one step to the left as Spike shot past her with Mrs.Cheerilee holding onto him for dear life.

"What the?" Owlicious muttered in confusion as the duo shot past "Why..."

"Focus," Twilight cut in "You can ask Spike what that was about later,"

Spike laughed as the skates on his feet began growing from the heat, Mrs.Cheerilee screaming as she held on to him for dear life.

The two slowed to a halt and came to rest at the front gate of Cheerilee's school, "See," Spike cheered "Told you I could get you here in time," Cheerilee crawled off Spike's back and began shaking as she walked to the gave.

"Your feet are on fire," She noted as the melted plastic that had been his skates turned into a flaming puddle. Spike yelped and jumped out of the puddle, in the same instant Pinkie popped out from the other side of the gate with a Fire Extinguisher and throw it on the ground, causing a chunk of dirt to cover the fire and snuff it out.

"There you are," Pinkie chuckled "And good morn' to you Mrs.Cheerilee,"

"Pinkie," Cheerilee nodded back after catching her breath.

"What are you and Spike up to?" Pinkie pondered.

"I accidentally broke her cart," Spike replied as he pulled the cart from seemingly nowhere, "So I'm just helping her prepare for her class field trip to the Canterlot gardens this afternoon,"

"Ah, fixing what you ruined 'eh?" Pinkie pondered "I'll cover your shift then, Good luck bruda," Pinkie sank out of sight and Spike tied up the broken cart.

"I already ordered you a new cart," Spike informed Cheerilee "Should be here an hour before you and your students are set to leave,"

"Well thank you, Spike," Cheerilee thanked, offering her hoof in thanks Spike shook it vigorously before looking over at the schoolhouse.

"Man I haven't been to a school since I was like six," He chuckled "I got expelled the first day for sneezing,"

"Do what?" Cheerilee demanded, looking insulted at the notion of expelling someone on their first day.

"Long story," Spike chuckled "But I think we might have time, lets grab a cuppa, and I'll tell you all about it," Spike put his hand around Cheerilee's neck and lead her towards the schoolhouse "You see it all started when I and Pinkie were going to our first day of school..."

Spike and Cheerilee were both laughing as students began gathering outside, "Oh man, I wish I could have seen it in person," Cheerilee chortled, "She really punched her?"

"Square in the face I'm told," Spike replied as he drank some of the tea he had brewed using his fire breath, after a few moments of chuckling Cheerilee noticed the sound of young laughter and looked out the window.

"Oh my, look at the time," Cheerilee realized with a guilty smile "School was supposed to start five minutes ago," Cheerilee set her tea down and made her way to the door.

"Alright everyone," She called out "Time to come inside, Class is about to start," Cheerilee sat back at her desk and then looked to Spike, who continued drinking from his cup of tea.

"I can dip out the window if you want," Spike said casually "I know some ponies still say things about us after that love poison incident,"

"No you can stay," Cheerilee replied "It's not like I know when the cart will arrive," Spike nodded and continued sipping his tea as the classroom began filling out.

There was very little reaction to Spike for the most part, until three young fillies walked in, one doing so backward to get a good look at her friend's faces.

"...and then," Scootaloo said excitedly "She did a triple Barrel roll around the cloud," She laughed before adding "And swirled it around as she did so, Can you believe that!?"

"Wow, never saw that ending coming," Applebloom said in a tone that was both polite and bored all at once. "She swirled the cloud,"

"I know," Scootaloo laughed, her backward walking causing her to bump into someone "Sorry," She said turning and stopping in her track as Spike waved her off.

"Naw, my bad I was enthralled in the story, but did you hear about the time she did a quadruple barrel roll and made the cloud look like a donut?" Spike laughed "Oh man that was a good one,"

Scootaloo turned red in the face as she laughed "Yeah, I heard about that one," Scootaloo backed away nervously and Spike waved her away before turning back to Cheerilee. "Why is Spike here?" Scootaloo demanded.

"Oh yeah," Sweetie realized "You haven't talked to him since he gave you that wing pack thing, still adamant you don't have a crush?" Sweetie wiggled her brows and Scootaloo turned away in a huff.

"She so does," Applebloom assured with a smile.

"You two hush up," Scootaloo demanded irritably as Cheerilee began informing them of the plan for the day.

"First we'll be taking a roll call to make sure everyone is present before we assign lunches, your lunch will be marked with your name and be placed in a cooler, the cooler will then be placed in the wagon..."

"That one outside?" Twist asked, pointing in the direction Spike had stashed the broken wagon.

"No Spike here jumped out a second-story window and body-slammed that one,"

"You know out of context that sounds kind of funny," Spike chuckled "But to be fair I got a replacement on its way, should be here soonish, and I managed to catch the eggs too so nothing bad really transpired from the event,"

"What egg?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Oh a bird nested by my window and I accidentally knocked it over, caught the bird eggs but totally body slammed the wagon," Spike laughed as he pulled three small eggs out of nowhere. "That reminds me I better go give these to Fluttershy so she can find their mother," Spike jumped to his feet "Cheerilee the Wagon just arrived, it's by the school gate, Have fun in canterlot gardens, try not to break anything, kay bye," Spike turned into a smoke cloud shaped like himself, then walked out of it waving as walked out the front door, the smoke Spike shrugged and dissipated.

"I wanna learn how to do that," Scootaloo muttered.

"It has no practical uses," Spike called back "It's not worth the effort for a cheap gag," Spike walked away and left Mrs.Cheerilee's class to enjoy their trip to the Canterlot Gardens.

Author's Note:

A bit of an odd start I know, but I wasn't gonna just start with Discord, figured a setup chapter or two was necessary