• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 594 Views, 15 Comments

Spike Pie: Season 2 - Silver Butcher

Spike and Pinkie continue their adventures in Season 2, The two-party, fight bad guys, party some more, and have mis adventures with their friends and family

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Discord in Equestria

Spike and Pinkie were doing their daily walk down the street to see if anyone suddenly decided they wanted to throw a party. Spike apologized to Carrot top for when he had burnt down her sign when Pinkie stopped walking with him, It took Spike a moment to notice his sister was no longer by his side.

"What did I miss?" He demanded as she shot back and jumped onto her back, Pinkie took a hoof and pointed his face in the right direction, where the two stared in awe at the most majestic thing either of them had ever seen.

"Is that a cloud...made of Cotton candy?" Spike demanded in awe as he looked up at the floating pink confectionary.

"Yes," Pinkie whispered, licking her lips as she looked at it. "So much Cotton Candy," The Cloud began slowly drifting towards Sweet Apple acres, and the duo shot after it. "Come back marvel of nature," Pinkie cried out "We just want to eat you like nature intends we do!" Spike jumped off Pinkie's back and, not having his wing pack, swirled in the air, now aided with balloons he spun his tail and chased after the floating confectionary. using his wrist launchers to try and shoot it out of the air, resulting in him filling it up with mini cupcakes.

"I'm just making it more delicious," Spike cried out in despair before blinking "Wait, that's awesome!" Spike proceeded to unload every cupcake he had on him into the cloud when it suddenly stopped, Spike slammed into it and was stuck like a fly in a web.

"Help," He cried out before taking a bite out of it "No hurry though," Pinkie ran at full sprint and used her tail as a spring to send herself flying at the cloud, striking a superhero pose with one hoof out as she screamed in defiance, she ended up landing with a splat next to Spike.

"This isn't too bad," Pinkie decided as she took a bite of the cloud, only to hear the pitter pater of rain beneath them, the looked down and saw the cloud had begun spewing out Chocolate milk.

"No!" Pinkie and Spike screamed as they began struggling, being stuck on the top neither could get to the chocolate milk, "Somepony help!" Pinkie cried out.

"We're missing the best part!" Spike screamed in horror as he watched all the chocolate milk waste away below them with no one to drink it. "Somepony do something,"

"Coming through," Rainbow shouted as she shot through the cloud and the two fell into a corn crop.

"How long has this been here?" Spike demanded as he looked at Sweet Apple acres large Cornfield. Before Pinkie could try to answer a cotton candy cloud took root above them and began raining chocolate milk and they lost interest in their own questions as they enjoyed the milk, Spike was distracted by his milk drinking when he was buried in popcorn.

"Chocolate Milk Popcorn Party!," He cheered as he spun into a tornado and began ravenously eating the popcorn while Pinkie near drowned herself in the milk, As the Chaos filled Sweet Apple acres Twilight and Owlicious arrived on the scene, Owlicious holding a book while Twilight read though it, Animals were now running around with long hooved legs and the apple trees were buckling with large apples as Twilight blasted the spell to no avail.

"Welp we failed," Owlicious decided as he tossed the book away and partook of the Popcorn.

Twilight shook her head and began instructing her friends on how to clean up the mess, Pretty soon Pinkie stood in a huff as the large animals ate the Cotton Candy Clouds and turned to find Spike and Owlicious eating as much Popcorn as they could shove into their mouths, she was about to join them when Twilight's horn became alight with magic and a scroll materialized in front of them.

"Princess Celestia needs us," Twilight declared, Pinkie turned to Spike and found he and Owlicious were saluting her and she Saluted back before rushing to join her friends in their rush to Canterlot.

"Now what?" Owlicious asked?

"What do you mean now what?" Spike demanded, "Throw those clouds back in the sky and let's have a Chocolate Milk Popcorn Party!"

Spike walked down the road alone, having been asked to leave by Big Mac after half an hour of he, Owlicious, and the mutant animals, eating popcorn and Drinking Chocolate Milk, Owlisious had left with a belly ace and the Animals had been corraled by Big Mac.

Spike whistled as he walked down the street and waved as a laughing pony floated past him, after a moment he stopped in his tracks and looked back in shock.

"I should have put some of that Popcorn in a bag for the walk home," He realized as he continued walking, only to suddenly start slipping on the road, he spun to regain his balance and began skating on the now soap road.

"Man this is a cool day," He decided as he skated down the street merrily only for something to suddenly wrap around his waist and pluck him from the earth.

"What have we here?" Spike looked to the voice and looked at a creature made of multiple creatures "It's not often ponies enjoy my Chaos,"

"Well I'm a Dragon," Spike countered "So ha,"

"Oh, Ha hu?" He asked "Say what might that be?" the creature reached behind Spike and pulled something out of nothing the same way Spike always did, he pulled out a hand puppet shaped like a mare.

"Oh that's my Maud Puppet," Spike said as his tail slunk into it and he made it wave its hooves.

"Hello," Maud's voice greeted, causing the creature to laugh.

"How Bizar," He said as he looked at the puppet wave its hooves "There is no possible way for you to do that with your tail, and here you are doing it anyway,"

"Why thank you," Spike said "I'm Spike, Spike Bolder Pie, and whom might you be?"

"Who Me?" The Creature looked behind him before chuckling "I am Discord, The God of Chaos,"

"God of Chaos?" Spike mumbled for a second "Say did you make those Cotton Candy Clouds?"

"I did indeed," Discord said proudly "Now, I do hate to waste a solid chaotic dragon-like yourself, but I'll be needing your help in staling your friends, and I think I know just how to make you crazy enough to do it," Spike looked at him in confusion before being bopped on the nose, he dropped to the ground and Discord vanished.

"What?" Spike covered his mouth when the voice that came out wasn't his, "Wait," He repeated "No way," Spike attempted to get to his feet and quickly found that he no longer had feet or hands, only hooves. Discord laugh sounded behind him and Spike turned to find a large Mirror, reflected in it was a very familiar mare, But her Mane was now Green, her body Purple, and her dress was now had a red Hawaiian shirt pattern on it, Spike looked to his tail now made of strands of mane, and saw that the Maud Puppet was now a Spike Puppet.

"I'm Maud!" He cried out in glee "All of my dreams have come true," He wobbled around on his four legs, laughing with Maud's voice as he rose his hooves and hit the ground, leaving a crater in his wake with his newfound Pie family strength, the one thing he had never gotten from his family. The Maud-ified Spike began laughing like mad as he was slowly overfilled with Chaotic Energy and began smashing things without thought, laughing madly as he did so.

Discord made a throne in Ponyville's center and took a seat, sighing as he did so "Ah, always nice to meet a fan," He chuckled as Maud-ified Spike picked up a building and chucked it across the ponyville skyline, still laughing like mad. "Now then with that little rapscallion running about waiting for his sister to come home and play, along with little miss Dash off in 'Cloudsdale' I doubt they can touch me," Discord began laughing as only an evil villain could as his plan fell into place.