• Published 30th Aug 2022
  • 1,246 Views, 44 Comments

Return of the Core - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Core finds itself in a magical land of ponies where friendship is the only thing that matters. The Core seeks to change that.

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The Unfriendly Plague

Twilight’s friends were waiting in the hallway as all the royal guards were scrambled out of the palace. Puzzled, Rainbow Dash peeked through the window and saw multiple creatures arguing with the ponies. The guards tried to push each group back, but both sides continued to fight amongst themselves regardless.

Confusion and fear overcame them as they watched. “What in Celestia’s name is going on outside?!” Rarity shouted.

“These folks have gotten bent over nothin’ fer a while now,” Applejack said. “We gotta do somethin’ ‘bout this!”

“This reminds me of the time we had our last Summer Sun celebration when everypony was acting crazy,” Rainbow recalled. “This can’t be happening again!”

“After everything we taught them about friendship, they still act like uncivilized ruffians!” Rarity exclaimed.

“This could really stress out Twilight,” worried Fluttershy. “We have to help her.”

“And that, you shall,” replied Twilight, arriving through the front door. As the Mane Five looked back, they sighed in relief.

“Yippee! Twilight is back to save the day!” Pinkie cheered.

“I’m glad you all can make it here on time. As you can see, the citizens of Canterlot are in bit of a turmoil due to unexpected circumstances. And…*sigh*…I really need your help to calm them down as much as possible.”

“You can count on us, Princess!” Rainbow saluted.

“You got it!” Pinkie added.

However, Twilight sadly bowed her head and laid her own hoof on her forehead.

“Twilight, is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked, concerned. They all came closer to her with signs of worry.

“I’m sorry…it’s just—it’s just that I’m scared everyone will end up repeating history, y’know? We did so much for Equestria, and… I don’t want everything we built up to go to waste,” replied Twilight, wiping a tear off her eye.

“Listen, Twilight, there is nothing so big and challenging that we can’t handle. We’ve been through this before, and we can solve this together,” Fluttershy encouraged.

“Yeah, Twilight! This is something that can easily be handled! Just give them some nice, yummy pumpkin pies and they’ll be happy again! Hehe!” Pinkie said, swallowing the whole pie.

“Besides, this is only happening in Canterlot, so it’s not like it’s gonna be a nationwide problem,” Rarity added.

“It won’t get worse from here, sugar cube. We promise,” Applejack smiled, holding Twilight’s hoof.

Twilight calmly sighed in relief before embracing them in her wings. “Thank you all. I couldn’t have asked for better friends.”

“We’re right behind you, yer Highness,” Applejack bowed.

Having said that, they all followed Twilight outside the castle.

In Griffonstone, all the griffons were gathered together in the middle of the town; their new leaders, Gabby and Gilda, stood side-by-side on a cliff.

“Is there a reason why you called us at an inconvenient time?” one griffon asked, scratching his neck.

“Yeah, I gotta get some sleep today!” another shouted.

“QUIET! Gabby has some important things to share with you today, so listen up!” Gilda commanded.

“Hehe, thanks Gilda,” Gabby nervously smiled. “*ahem* Citizens of Griffonstone, we assembled you all to inform you that the hippogriffs have agreed to become our partners in every social affairs we carry out. From this day forth, we will no longer be solo! We are…co-friendship-ers!”

The crowd murmured for a moment before they eventually accepted the new mandate.

Gilda arched an eyebrow.

“It’s the best I can come up with,” Gabby shrugged.

“Eh, it’s passable. Still, I’m glad we’re taking this new approach. I’m sure Grandpa Gruff would be proud,” said Gilda, sadly smiling.

“Yeah, if only he were here to see us now.”

Suddenly, another griffon flew over the co-leaders while sweating profusely. “Guys! Guys! I discovered something…well, unusual!”

“What’s wrong?” Gabby asked, worried.

“I spotted a bunch of dragon eggs in my home! They were never there before!”

All the griffons were taken aback as they heard this. “WHAT?! You stole them?!” an elderly griffon accused.

“What? No! No! I didn’t, I was at home all day! They just came out of nowhere!” the griffon denied.

“Hey, that’s weird. Because I thought I smelled something strange in my home,” another griffon spoke up. “There were three dragon eggs on my couch, but since my mom hates eggs for some reason, she threw them out.”

“And…you didn’t bother to tell us about that?” Gilda wondered, glaring.

“Well, I’m telling you now,” he casually replied.

“Hey, guys, look! Look what I found!” said a teenage griffon. He emptied his bag full of dragon eggs on the ground before the crowd. “They were in my basement this morning! Are dragons preparing to live with us?”

Then the crowd looked puzzled and murmured with one another once again. “The dragons didn’t tell us they were gonna live with us. Something about this doesn’t make any sense at all,” Gabby thought.

“Unless…someone stole them…or worse,” Gilda reasoned.

Looking up, she widened her eyes in shock. “And it seems like I’m about to be dreadfully correct on this one.”

“What do you….*looks up*….mean?” Gabby muttered, her pupils shrinking.

All the dragons flew down and fiercely landed on the ground, surrounding the griffins with angry glare daggers. Ember remained in the air while glaring at Gabby and Gilda, blazes sizzling from her snouts.

“Is this supposed to be a prank, huh?! STEALING OUR EGGS FOR YOUR AMUSEMENT?!?” Ember raged.

“What the heck are you talking about? None of us were even in the Dragon Lands!” Gilda replied.

“Yeah, we were actually surprised we even found them in our town!” Gabby added.

“Do you really think I’m dumb? How do you then explain this note of yours?” Ember mentioned, throwing said note at Gilda.

Gilda opened the letter.

“Hey there, losers. Sorry we had to steal your precious eggs, but we’re kinda hungry at the moment. I bet they’ll be yummy for breakfast hahaha!

Yours truly, the superior griffons!”

“What?! We never wrote that! Someone’s gotta be setting us up!” Gabby denied.

“Oh, you think lying is gonna get you somewhere? Huh, you have another thing coming for ya, sister,” Ember growled, cracking her knuckles.

“Listen, if you’re not gonna hear us out, then we will have to take this on a whole other direction,” Gilda nonchalantly replied, cracking her neck.

“Is that a threat?”

“Think of it as a warning, buddy.”

“Uh, Gilda, we should deescalate the situation, not escalate.”

“Don’t worry, Gab. This won’t take long.”

With Ember still growling, Gilda instantly jumped on her and pinned her to the ground.

“Ha, finally! Something exciting today!” a griffon shouted, jumping on a dragon. The others followed suit and began battling the dragons as well.

Ember started swiping at Gilda while the latter dodged all the attacks. “Give. Us. Our. Eggs. Back!”

“I’m telling you we didn’t do it! Get that through your thick skull, you moron!!” Gilda yelled, grabbing her by the tail and throwing her off.

“I’ll show my fits to your thick skull! How about that?!” Ember retorted.

While the battle ensued, Gabby began panicking and tried to think of a solution. Thinking quickly, she took a letter from behind. “Oh, I hope this works! The hippogriffs will stop this!” she said, writing quickly. Once she finished, she twirled her finger around the letter twice before it magically disappeared.

“Please, please, please, please get the message…”

“Citizens of Mount Aris, it is with great pride that I announce the amazing future that lies ahead of us!” Sky Beak declared. “As for me, I am old and have served my time here. Therefore, I will officially retire and have my son—Terramar—to take my place as the new ruler.”

All the citizens looked on in surprise as Terramar stepped between the assembly and his father, nervously smiling in the process. “Henceforth, you shall address him as King Terramar! All our ways of life—yes, even the Magic of Friendship—shall be preserved through your new king.”

As the crowd cheered for him, Terramar blushed in embarrassment. “Come on, Dad, don’t you think it’s a little too early to announce your retirement? It…just feels—.”

“Too soon? Don’t worry, son, I’ll still be around to help you out here and there. But remember, once my time comes, every hippogriff and seapony will look up to you. You will have your sister to rule beside you, and you will have Princess Twilight to assist you too.”

“Huh, I guess you’re right. I’m just nervous about all this,” Terramar admitted, blushing.

“That’s perfectly alright. All you need is—huh?” Sky Beak noticed the letter appear next to him.

“A message from Twilight?” Terramar wondered.

“No, it’s from…it’s from Gabby?” Sky Beak replied. As he read the letter, his pupils shrunk.

“Oh, no, this is terrible! The dragons are attacking the griffons!”

“What?! Why?!”

“She didn’t say, but they need our help right now!” Sky Beak said, jumping off from the platform.

“Dad, wait!” Terramar called out, following him.

“Everyone, the griffons have called for our assistance! Terramar and I will lead you to—AHHH!!”

A huge chunk of land sunk beneath their feet, trapping all the hippogriffs down below. Once the dust settled, a massive stone was held via telekinesis and dropped right on top of the opening, burying them alive.

The hippogriffs cried out in terror. “What’s going on?!”

“Who’s behind this?!”

“Everyone, clam down! We’ll…we’ll find a way out of here!” Terramar spoke. His father embraced him before he cautiously looked up.

Feisty walked away with an evil grin on her face. “Checkmate.”