• Published 30th Aug 2022
  • 1,246 Views, 44 Comments

Return of the Core - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Core finds itself in a magical land of ponies where friendship is the only thing that matters. The Core seeks to change that.

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The Unity Crystals

The Berry Sisters and the Royal Guards continued their search for Feisty in the Everfree Forest. After looking left and right, they advanced forward to the area not far from the Treehouse of Harmony.

“Ugh, we’re never gonna find her! That blasted unicorn better be found sooner or else I’ll—!”

“Calm down, Blue! She’s fine! You know how she’s an expert at hide-n-seek, right?” Purple assured.

“Yeah, don’t be such a pessimist, sis. Once we find her, we’ll apologize for anything we might’ve done wrong to her, okay?”

Blue narrowed her eyes in hesitation.

“OKAY?” Red sternly repeated.

“Grrr, fine! Fine! Let’s just hurry it up. My hooves are getting tired.”

At that moment, they all heard distinct crying in a distance. Recognizing those cries, the mares led the guards to the source of the noise. Rushing past a few trees, they saw their friend lying on the ground with bruises on her body.

“FIESTY!” they all shouted in unison. The Berry Sisters gently held her up and wiped off the dirt from her face.

“You…you guys came for me…” Feisty weakly muttered.

“Feisty, what happened to you?!” Red shouted, concerned.

“We were worried sick!” Purple added.

“Were you trampled by a buffalo or something?” Blue asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Even worse…*cough*…th-the changelings attacked me…”

Both the mares and the guards gasped in shock. “What?! The changelings?!”

“It’s true. I tried to make friends with them, but…but they spat hateful things to me and then…then…*sniff*… they wounded me!” Feisty replied, crying out loud.

“Whoa…this is honestly worse than I thought…” Blue admitted.

“No kidding! Oh, we’re so sorry, Feisty! We’re sorry for everything!” Red cried, hugging the injured unicorn.

“We’ll take you to the hospital, okay? Don’t worry, you’re gonna be alright,” said Purple.

“I thought the changelings were supposed to be our friends?” one of the guards wondered.

“I think they’re returning to their primal ways; we must inform the Princess at once!” the captain noted. Thus, they led the mares out of the forest.

However, none of them noticed Feisty’s wicked grin.

“This is getting too easy,” she thought.

Back at Canterlot, all the ponies became a lot more uproarious than before. The royals guards were pushed back by the angry crowd, and the latter ran to the front doors of the castle.

Twilight and her friends stopped them. “Everypony, please! Clam down, and tell us what’s going on?”

“Get these disgusting creatures out of our land!” shouted one of them.

“They ruin everything we touch!”

“They scare our little ones!” a mare added, holding her children close.

“They put our lives in danger!”

“No, they don’t!” said a pegasus. “My boyfriend would never hurt anyone!”

“Ugh, of course you would say that! He’s a dragon! They’re all the same!” a unicorn shouted.

“Pegasi always have low standards. I’m not surprised,” an earth pony sneered.

“What did you say?! Why do you earth ponies always have to be condescending?!” a male pegasus angrily yelled.

Then all the ponies began to fight amongst each other. As they were throwing food and belongings at each other, Twilight and her friends regrouped back inside the throne room.

“This is getting out of hoof!” Rarity said.

“We really need to do something about this now! They’ll end up destroying each other before we know it!” Rainbow suggested.

As the Mane Five discussed some ideas, Twilight began to sweat and panic. She teleported to the washroom and looked at herself through a mirror.

“Why? Why is this happening again? I thought the Magic of Friendship permanently solved this. I…I…don’t understand what went wrong!”

She bowed her head and wept. “I failed. I-I failed you, Celestia.”

Then the Core opened its eye on Twilight’s crown. “Oh, sweet, little Twilight, what troubles you on this glorious day?”

Twilight opened her eyes and saw the hive mind stare back at her in the darkness. Sniffing, she came close to it. “Everything was going so well today. I don’t know why everypony has now turned against each other…again! First, they were complaining about the creatures, and now they’re suddenly turning on each other! What is wrong with everypony?!”

She dropped on the floor and cried in her hooves. Then the Core started to mutter some unintelligible whispers; Twilight looked confused at its strange reaction. “Do…*sniff*…you have any ideas how to fix this? I really need your help. You’re the only one who can help me right now.”

“Perhaps there is something we can do to help. In fact, there is only one way to end this once and for all.”

Twilight’s ears perked up with hope. “Really?”

“Of course. You must create three trinkets that will contain all the magic of Equestria. With them combined, it will keep the entire land strong and powerful as it is now,” the Core advised. “But if they are separated, then all of Equestria will be deprived of its magic.”

Twilight widened her eyes in amazement. “Why would I want to create that?” Then her pupils shrunk in fear. “Wait…are you suggesting—?”

“Exactly. You must force them to accept friendship; if they refuse and persist in their dissenting ways, then the crystals will be automatically separated……weakening Equestria in the process.”

Then Twilight got up on her hooves. “No! I can’t do that! It’s against everything I’ve ever stood for! If I—,”

“If you neglect to do what it takes to preserve your way of life, then everything you’ve stood for will be worth nothing!” The Core angrily retorted. “After all, Celestia would have done the same, wouldn’t she?”

Seeing she had little options, she sadly nodded in agreement. “I understand. It’s just that I can’t bear the thought of coercing any creature into doing what I say. That’s not friendship; that’s dictatorship.”

“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. What you call dictatorship, we call it…tough love. Desperate times require desperate measures, Sparkle. It will guarantee the safety of our kingdom. You trust our judgement, don’t you?”

“Y-yes, I do.”

“Then do it. Do it for us—for Celestia. For Equestria,” The Core whispered.

Twilight dropped tears from her eyes as she fully realized the weight of her new responsibility. Getting back to reality, she breathed in and out before she teleported back to the throne room.

Spike and the others gasped as they saw their friend sorrowful on the throne.

“Are you okay, Twilight?” worried Spike.

“I have a solution for our problem…but it’s something you may not like,” Twilight replied.

“What do ya mean by that, sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

“You’ll see.”

As everypony continued to argue and fight against the other, Princess Twilight walked toward the balcony with a look of fierce determination. Opening her wings wide, she shouted to the heavens.


The sound waves echoed across the land of Equestria. All the ponies and creatures instantly stopped fighting and looked at their ruler with surprise.

Discord also heard her voice in his chaos dimension. “My, my, did somepony step on a Lego?“

Twilight glared at everyone as they quickly stopped what they were doing and focused all their attention on her. “I am immensely disappointed in all of you! For twenty years, my friends and I worked hard in keeping Equestria safe from harm and disharmony. We saved you and your families countless times, and this is how you repay us?! After everything we have done for you, you still persist in your unfriendly ways?”

All the ponies and non-ponies looked down in shame.

“I have come to a point where I can no longer tolerate your uncivilized behavior. You forced my hoof…to take some unethical methods.”

Everyone raised their eyebrows.

Twilight ignited her horn and held three rocks in the air via telekinesis. She then transformed the rocks into three distinct crystals and shot them high in the sky. Thunderclouds were formed where lightning bolts were shot multiple times.

All the dragons and griffons saw the magical beam in the sky.

“What the hay?!” Gilda muttered.

“What is that?!” Ember shouted.

The Berry Sisters also saw the beam and felt frightened by the lightning. “Ahhh!! Thunderstorm! I knew we should have brought an umbrella!” Purple cried out.

Feisty however evilly grinned at the sight.

Once the beam vanished, the crystals slowly descended on top of the castle. They were firmly united together as the magical aurora radiated around them.

“These are the Unity Crystals. They now contain all the magic of Equestria; as long as all of you are true friends, the land will remain powerful. But if ever you again resort to division and strife, then the crystals will be separated…erasing all magic forever.”

Everyone, including Spike and the Mane Five, gasped in absolute shock.

“I didn’t want to come to this, but it had to be done. You are all free to go,” Twilight dismissed, walking back.

The ponies looked fearfully at each other. Even the creatures were likewise shaken by the new mandate.

“Twilight, are you crazy?! You can’t do this!” Rainbow objected.

“You can’t force everypony to accept friendship!” Fluttershy added.

“Yes….I can and I will,” Twilight coldly replied, her back turned.

“But shouldn’t it be out of the sweetness of their hearts and not out of fear?” Pinkie pointed out.

“Listen, none of you understand this. As the ruler of Equestria, it is my responsibility to make sure everyone is safe. The crystals will serve as a reminder to never forget about friendship,” Twilight argued.

“This isn’t like you, Twilight. You’re better than this!” Spike spoke up.

“Desperate times require desperate measures, Spike. If you were in my hooves, you would understand.”

“You think Celestia would be happy if she heard of what you did?” Spike asked, arching an eyebrow.

Twilight was silent for a moment before she replied, “Y-yes! She would! She made some hard choices, and so can I!”

“Look, darling, maybe we can find some other way to—,” said Rarity before Twilight opened her wings threateningly.

“ENOUGH! You all can get out if you don’t like it!!”

Her friends froze in fear from her outburst. Realizing what she said, she closed her wings and formed tears in her eyes. “I’m…I’m so sorry. I didn’t…mean it.”

“Sugar cube…it’s alright. Just calm down, okay?” Applejack comforted.

“No, just…just…leave me. I need *sniff* some time for myself,” sobbed Twilight, teleporting away.

All her friends looked at each other sadly.

Meanwhile, the Unity Crystals hovered above the castle while the storm remained in motion. The Core’s helmet crawled on the roof, mechanically chuckling.