• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 608 Views, 2 Comments

Long Live Princess Twilight Sparkle - TalB

Twilight Sparkle finally becomes the ruler of Equestria

  • ...

Grogar Returns

While Megan was having her walk, she then noticed something strange about the sky as if something was going on. At first, she thought it was just some weird weather pattern, but then she started to notice something as she walked further on. Then she noticed a familiar creature that happened to be a huge, big goat that she once encountered before.

"I see you have found your way out of your embodiment in space." stated Megan.

"It's been a long time since I have seen you." said Grogar.

"What do you want Grogar?" asked Megan.

Grorgar then stated, "It's too bad that you weren't here the last time I attacked what was originally Ponyland, because I was really expected you to be there, and was surprised that you were nowhere to be found."

Megan mentioned, "It had more to do with the battle not being winnable in that me being there would only be placing me into harm's way, and I do feel bad for those who were lost that day even right now."

Grogar then responded in sarcasm, "It must be so sad that you had to miss out on the destruction of Ponyland."

"This time, I won't miss out on this one if you're planning to conquer and destroy Equestria." replied Megan.

Grogar mentioned, "You probably couldn't even beat my second-in-command."

Megan then thought and started to laugh, "Are you trying to make me fight Bray, who later on turned against you?"

Groger then stated, "I never said it was it was the useless donkey."

Megan then asked, "Then who is this new second-in-command you speak of?"

A blonde girl dressed in black with wings then showed up and answered, "My name is Princess Dark Matter, and my existence comes from the very material used in space to create me thanks to his dark magic."

Megan then claimed, "I can beat you, Dark Matter."

Dark Matter then replied, "I doubt that you can."

She then fired the Rainbow of Light at Dark Matter, which got her down at first, but even with it, she was unable to beat her.

Megan then thought to herself in desperation, "If only this rainbow didn't have limited powers, I could probably beat both her and Grogar by myself."

After realizing how the rainbow worked, Dark Matter used what was going to her advantage knowing that Megan had to return it to the locket as it was losing energy and needed to be recharged.

Dark Matter then stated, "It seems that all I really have to do is run out the clock here, because I know that your precious rainbow won't last forever, and when you can't fight with it, this will put you into a huge disadvantage."

Megan then replied, "Even without the Rainbow of Light, I can still beat you!"

Dark Matter mentioned, "Without it you are nothing but a regular human, while my magic has no limits, and I can even trap you in this special box I made around you to which no magic can penetrate from either in or out."

Grogar stated, "Now that Megan is captured, we can take her to Tambelon as we plot our next move."

Dark Matter then noted, "Even if we plan another attack on Equestria, we can't leave Megan by herself, because I feel that we shouldn't underestimate her not to mention that she could escape."

"Then we will need some creatures to watch her and seeing that statue in the gardens with those three just might do." replied Grogar.

Dark Matter then lifted the statue that had Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow when nobody was looking and took with them to Tambelon. As they got there, Grogar chanted a magic spell that freed them from their statue prison. Knowing who they were, he even gave another spell that brought back King Sombra from his last defeat from the Mane 6. As each of them got revived, they then started to notice the giant blue goat in front of them.

"I can't believe that we are back again." said Tirek.

"At least we no longer have to stay as statues." mentioned Chrysalis.

"Where is this place, because it feels pretty new to me?" asked Cozy Glow.

"I can feel that I'm back as well for some reason." stated Sombra.

Grogar stated, "Where are my manners? First of all, I have brought you all here to Tambelon to serve me. Also, I would like to introduce to my new second-in-command."

Tirek then thought, "This is probably Discord playing another trick on us."

Grogar then replied back angrily, "Do you really think Discord would have released you from being statues?"

Chrysalis realized, "Now that I think of it, you do sound like the real thing."


Cozy Glow feeling excited stated, "I'm so excited to actually meet the real and not someone pretending to be you."

Sombra claimed, "Knowing that you are the real Grogar, you will probably introduce us to Bray, who I have already known about the last time we met."

Dark Matter then showed up in front of them and asked, "Do I look like Bray to any of you?"

Grogar then mentioned, "I would like to introduce all of you to Princess Dark Matter, who I personally created while was trapped in space with my own magic, plus she has done something that none of you could ever do."

Sombra asked, "What exactly is that, because you probably haven't taken over Equestria yet?"

Grogar answered, "At least she managed to do the next best thing, and she will show that to all of you right now."

Dark Matter then brought in the magic energy box with Megan inside to show them what Grogar meant by that.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" shouted Megan as she was still trapped inside.

"Is that who I think it is in that box?" asked Sombra.

"I was hoping never to see you again." mentioned Chrysalis.

"You will pay for killing my ancestor!" said the angry Tirek who was also pounding the box.

"So, you must be this Megan Williams I have been hearing about." mentioned Cozy Glow as she flew up to see her.

After hearing their statements, Grogar said, "Now that you know what she was able to accomplish, you will see why she is my new second-in-command."

Sombra then asked, "If you have her, then what's the purpose of us being here?"

Grogar answered, "The reason I brought you all here to was to keep watch of Megan while Dark Matter and myself will go and conquer Equestria."

Chrysalis then interrupted Grogar and stated, "With Megan gone for a while, it might make the ponies feel suspicious, and I feel that we need something or someone to distract them so that they won't be able to realize what happened to her and possibly thwart your plan."

"What do you suggest?" asked Grogar.

"Being that I'm a changeling, I can take her form so that they won't know that she is gone." answered Chrysalis.

Sombra stated, "I can see that you have decided to take one for the team by volunteering for this."

Chrysalis mentioned, "I really did this so that I don't have to look at Megan!"

Megan then stated, "How could you even be doing this? I know back when you were Rosdust, who was the queen of the Flutter Ponies. At first you didn't want to help us stop the witches when they had the Smooze, but then seeing us with Morning Glory, that changed your mind. More importantly, I can't believe that you are helping Grogar when you originally despised him not to mention trapped you here originally."

Chrysalis stated back in response, "For the last time, I don't go by that name anymore, and I'm no longer a Flutter Pony."

Megan then thought, "Maybe you are just like Luna when she was Nightmare Moon, and maybe there is a way to change you back to yourself again just like her."

"When did I ever state I wanted to be changed back to being Rosedust again?" shouted Chrysalis in response.

Sombra then overheard Megan's statement and said, "Hearing that Luna was Nightmare Moon is a first for me, because I always thought that they were different ponies to start with."

After getting through those conversations, Chrysalis took Megan's form to head over to Canterlot Castle so that she can distract the ponies to help Grogar prepare to conquer Equestria.

Author's Note:

Princess Dark Matter was originally created by mit-boy on Deviantart.