• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 608 Views, 2 Comments

Long Live Princess Twilight Sparkle - TalB

Twilight Sparkle finally becomes the ruler of Equestria

  • ...

The Final Battle

Things started to get more intense as everything started to come together.

Celestia levitated the tied-up changeling queen and hit her against the wall and stated, "I will ask you once again. Where is the real Megan and have you and the rest done with her? If you try to ignore me or even lie, I will make sure the next time I hit you against something will really hurt."

Chrysalis then mentioned, "Knowing where Megan will be the least of your worries as you should be more concerned about the attack Grogar has coming."

They then heard something outside the castle and took a look only to find out that it was Grogar and Dark Matter waiting for them with the Royal Sisters ready to fight them.

"I can see that you have a new assistant to help you now." said Celestia.

"I take it that Bray couldn't be here himself." added Luna.

"I don't need that useless donkey now that I have someone much better like Dark Matter to do my bidding." stated Grogar.

"Either way, you will give us back Megan right now!" shouted Celestia in anger.

"You will have to beat us if you want her back." claimed Dark Matter.

They both went after Dark Matter only to find out how quick she was in avoiding their attacks. Dark Matter even managed to anticipate their moves. To make matters worse, she then placed a spell on the two and had them transforms into their dark sides.

Rainbow Dash stated, "I know that Luna just became Nightmare Moon, but I have no idea of who Celestia just became."

Twilight mentioned, "She became the form I was hoping that she would never become and that is Daybreaker."

Applejack added, "It's bad enough that we have to fight Nightmare Moon, but now we have to fight Daybreaker as well."

Twilight replied, "I don't want to fight either of them, but it looks like we have to."

The fight wasn't so easy as Twilight tried everything, she could in order to avoid fighting Daybreaker mainly due to not wanting to fight Celestia herself.

"You can't keep avoiding me, Twilight." claimed Daybreaker.

"I don't want to fight you, Celestia, and you need to fight this along with Luna." replied Twilight.

"I'm no longer Celestia, I'm Daybreaker and you will have to fight me whether you like it or not!" shouted Daybreaker.

Dark Matter then started going after each of the Mane 6 by taking their cutie marks and getting much more powerful with each one she got especially due them representing the Elements of Harmony.

"All I need is yours and my powers will be complete." mentioned Dark Matter.

"What makes you think I will just give it to you?" asked Twilight.

"Perhaps a good deal will make you change your mind." said Dark Matter.

"What kind of deal are you talking about?" as Twilight continued to ask.

Dark Matter then held up the box with Megan and told Twilight, "If you agree to give me your cutie mark, I will give back your special friend Megan, and knowing all of you, she probably means a lot to you."

Twilight then asked, "What happens if I refuse to give you my cutie mark?"

Dark Matter demonstrated and answered, "I will crush the very box with your special friend in it!"

Megan then shouted, "Twilight, I'm not worth it! Giving Dark Matter your cutie mark will give her what she needs to take her final form. Also, it will make even more powerful than she already is. I'm sure you will make the right decision even if it will involve making a sacrifice."

Twilight stated, "Megan, I appreciate what you just said, but I don't want you to get killed. The only reason why you along with Danny and Molly got to keep coming back to Equestria after your father saw was that I promised him that you will all be alright. More importantly, if anyone should be making a sacrifice, it should be me and not you."

Dark Matter then asked out of impatience, "What's it going to be?"

Twilight answered, "I will only agree to give you my cutie mark on one condition. You and Grogar will return Megan to us alive and unharmed! In other words, you won't try to pull a fast one on us by either killing her anyway or keeping her captured even if I agree to this."

Dark Matter stated, "Fine, I will agree to this. To show that I am true to my word, Megan is now free, and she is both alive and unharmed as promised as she of no further use to us at this point. Now you have to keep your promise and give me your cutie mark."

As Megan got free, she then hugged Twilight and said, "You shouldn't have done this to help rescue me."

Twilight looked up to Megan and replied, "There was no other way to get you out of that box. You are important to us ponies now as you were then. Now, I will have to keep my end of the bargain and give Dark Matter my cutie mark especially since she kept hers."

Dark Matter then took Twilight's cutie mark as they all watched her take her final form, while Megan tried to stop her after knowing that the Rainbow of Light has been fully recharged only to see that it no effect on her.

"I'm sorry was that supposed to hurt me, because it felt more as if that just tickled me?" asked Dark Matter while laughing.

"This worked on you earlier!" claimed Megan.

"That's because I didn't have the cutie marks that represented the Elements of Harmony then." explained Dark Matter.

"I know that there has to be a way to beat you!" shouted Megan pounding her fist into the ground.

"Forget it, Megan! You and your pony friends lost. Grogar and I will be able to destroy Equestria and there is nothing any of you can do to stop us!" claimed Dark Matter.

Although everything seemed to be at a loss, the Tree of Harmony heard Megan's cries as the fragmented pieces of the Elements of Harmony started to surround Megan and zap the locket as it was giving the very rainbow an upgrade while in return had the very elements themselves restored as if they can be used again.

Megan then used the upgraded rainbow on Dark Matter and realized, "It looks like it's hurting you now, Dark Matter."

Dark Matter replied, "That might be the case, but it's not enough to beat me."

"It looks like we can use them again." stated Twilight as they all donned them as used them on both Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon to help change them both back to Celestia and Luna again.

After being changed back they both said, "We're glad to be back to ourselves again."

Twilight stated, "Now we need to help Megan fight both Dark Matter and Grogar."

Megan then thought, "Perhaps the Elements of Harmony have a connection to the Rainbow of Light, which could explain what just happened."

Twilight noted, "It's worth a try."

Both Megan and the Mane 6 combined their powers and were able to beat Dark Matter.

"Master, help me!" cried Dark Matter as she began to come apart.

"Your purpose was already served, and I was going to take you apart even if you were going to succeed." replied Grogar.

"How could you say this to her?" asked Megan.

"Dark Matter was created to do one thing and that was to do the dirty work for me and then get rid of her so that I can rule over Equestria without even having to share it with anyone." explained Grogar.

"In other words, you probably had no real use for all those other villains you brought back as if their only purpose was made to watch over me and not even take part in your master plan." replied Megan.

"It doesn't matter at this point as I'm now ready to destroy all of you as even your latest combined power won't be able to defeat me." stated Grogar.

While they were trying to fight Grogar, the remaining villains came to Canterlot and found their way into the castle to find Chrysalis only to find out that what they had planned next.

Chrysalis said, "Now that I'm free, let's get out of here and forever leave this place."

Sombra stated, "That's not the reason we freed you."

Chrysalis asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Tirek mentioned, "You are going with us to help Megan and her friends defeat Grogar once and for all."

Chrysalis claimed, "I take it Megan got to you when you were watching her."

Cozy Glow noted, "That might be true, but seeing what we were doing when being brought back for revealed his true nature towards us."

They all headed outside to the battle as they were ready to take on Grogar with Megan, the Mane 6, and the Royal Sisters.

"We're here to help you stop Grogar." claimed Sombra

"After what we had to do to you, we realize that wanting revenge on you and the ponies is no longer worth it." mentioned Tirek.

"Even I'm starting to see the error of my ways." stated Cozy Glow.

"I may not be who you originally remembered anymore, but now I see everything for what it really is, and I will help you stop Grogar as I did in the past." said Chrysalis.

After hearing that, the villains helped the rest fight Grogar as a blast of their combined powers were aimed at Grogar as they saw him come apart as they heard him say, "You may have beaten me, but I swear you will all face someone who is most likely more powerful than even myself."